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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 3 - The Imperials)


Ventus stands a little behind Dartis and off to one side, watching the approaching travelers carefully. He nods his own greetings as they approach, but waits to hear their response to the question posed. However, part of him hopes that they are no more than they appear to be. The ogre and his allies have left far more injuries than a single night's rest could mend.

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Nikolos nods politely to the obvious soldier, then gives Caramip a truly arch look. "Allow me to introduce Mistress Caramip. She is a font of tales and information...though at times..." He leaves that statement unfinished, and opens his healing kit. "With your permission?"

(OOC: Heal +7 with the kit, on each wounded character, burn all four non-domain first level spells for Cure Light Wounds at 1d8+4 each, and burn Bull's Strength and the extended Shield of Faith for Cure Moderate Wounds at 2d8+4 each, to try and deal with the damage taken.)

Deuce Traveler

Nikolos spends much of his magic and healing abilities on the five wounded characters. The man is quite talented, and in no time at all the party is in much better condition. He then sees to some of the worst off of the soldiers, and you begin to become confident that you can get the group of them back on the way to the dwarven kingdom by the next morning. After that, it should be another couple of days of preparation before you are all on the way back to your town.

OOC: +6 hps to Danica, +6 hps to Silas, +14 hps to Ventus, +20 hps to Dartis, and +13 hps to Barok. After the spells, Nikolos uses his first aid kit to restore +2 hit points per character, although he spends much of the next eight hours checking up on you regularly while doing so. Night is coming, and should pass uneventfully with the dryads on watch.
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Caramip Ashhearth

Oh boo!” She responds. “I worked real hard on that. Any idea how hard it was for me to hide a hollow coconut from you?” She humps with her hands on her hips. “Gods forbid that you show a bit of humor.

She turns to face their new found friends and offers them a bright smile with a small wave. “Greetings! Seems like you all had a bit of fun here.”, she says as takes a better look at the disheveled camp site. As Nikolos begins to administer his care, she pulls out her trusty mandolin and begins to play a soothing hymn.

OOC: I know it doesn’t matter but what the hey, Bardic Song: Inspire Competence, +3 to Nickolos healing check.


Silas guffaws indecorously at the bard's shenanigans as the group approaches. Seeing that the Seeker or Witness or whatever his title is, tolerates the bard's antics puts him a little more at ease. "Welcome, Witness Nikolos, Mistress Caramip. I am Silas Eyrstan, a Caernite scholar and a Dorinthian." He hesitates to say more without an indication from Dartis that it's ok, especially knowing that he has a tendency to carry on a bit more than might be wise.

As Witness Nikolos tends the raking claw wounds on his shoulder and back, Silas asks, "Your aid is appreciated, Witness Nikolos. Seeker...Adeiros, is it? I don't recognize the name. Perhaps you could tell me more..." He winces as the priest puts some healing salve on his injury.

Later, Silas will find or make a moment when he can talk to Dartis alone.
[sblock=Dartis and DT]"Lord Kalnian, before we left the kingdom of King Bermax of the Dwarves you asked me to consider several things. Finding Cal Dorin with members of his cavalry is a great thing for our people. Though the flower of Dorinthian nobility has been greatly depleted, killed or taken by the Tallione, a noble wedding would do much to restore our people's hopes for the future." Silas coughs, seeming somewhat embarrassed but continuing nonetheless. "Baron Dorin has a daughter of marriagable age and you yourself are unwed... Perhaps you should speak to the Baron when we return. We will be returning home now, won't we?"[/sblock]

GlassEye said:
Silas guffaws indecorously at the bard's shenanigans as the group approaches. Seeing that the Seeker or Witness or whatever his title is, tolerates the bard's antics puts him a little more at ease. "Welcome, Witness Nikolos, Mistress Caramip. I am Silas Eyrstan, a Caernite scholar and a Dorinthian." He hesitates to say more without an indication from Dartis that it's ok, especially knowing that he has a tendency to carry on a bit more than might be wise.

As Witness Nikolos tends the raking claw wounds on his shoulder and back, Silas asks, "Your aid is appreciated, Witness Nikolos. Seeker...Adeiros, is it? I don't recognize the name. Perhaps you could tell me more..." He winces as the priest puts some healing salve on his injury.

Nikolos replies as he works over the wound, having used the power of Adeiros to close up the worst of it. "Adeiros is the Seeker of knowledge. His worship extends to all lands, though I suppose he's much more prominent in Craece then elsewhere. The Great Library of Adeiros there is an amazing place. An entire city dedicated to the pursuit and compilation of knowledge. I hope that my history of the Dorinthian War will someday reside on the shelves there."

He finishes bandaging the wound, grateful for Caramip's playing. He is not a complete stranger to fighting and bloodshed, but he's seen things done to the Dorinthians, in the name of the Empire, that turn the stomach. "Of course, I doubt that my writings will be completely acceptable in my own lifetime. But many of the greatest scholars' works have only come to light after they've gone to the glory of Adeiros, so I'll be in good company."


Tessan bows to the new arrivals in thanks for their efforts on behalf of the group. He rubs idly at his ribs, testing the newly healed wounds and considering the Seeker and his. . . ally.

"My thanks for your aid, your arrival is fortuitously timed. My name is Tessan Ventus, and I offer you my gratitude."

The Seeker's further comments produce a raised eyebrow as he looks over the man.

"You are writing a history of the Dorinthian War? An interesting choice of topic. I trust your research is going well?"

hafrogman said:
Tessan bows to the new arrivals in thanks for their efforts on behalf of the group. He rubs idly at his ribs, testing the newly healed wounds and considering the Seeker and his. . . ally.

"My thanks for your aid, your arrival is fortuitously timed. My name is Tessan Ventus, and I offer you my gratitude."

The Seeker's further comments produce a raised eyebrow as he looks over the man.

"You are writing a history of the Dorinthian War? An interesting choice of topic. I trust your research is going well?"

Nikolos returns Tessan's bow, at least so much as he can while working. At the man's question, he shrugs slightly. "It is going reasonably well. Wars are always difficult to fully understand, are they not? So much blood and suffering over what seems in afterthought to be small matters. As you might imagine, a lot of what I have, aside from my own observations, comes from various Imperial officers and functionaries, extolling their victories and courage in the face of the wicked and barbaric Dorinthians."


Silas unaccountably chokes and coughs loudly. He briefly looks over at Ventus but turns back to the Witness. Rolling his eyes a little he says, "And, of course, the Craeceans were vile degenerates until the Tallione showed them the proper way of life. Perhaps you should speak to some Dorinthians though I doubt you'll find we feel these are 'small matters'." Somewhat prickly, Silas begins bustling around the camp preparing a meal for the collected company and guests.

Nikolos smiles at Silas' comment. "Well, I'm afraid you'll find no shortage of vile and degenerate Craeceans. By all accounts, my ancestors were rather at a loss once it became apparent the Talliones weren't going to be stopped by scathing philosophical rhetoric or well-turned satiric verse. So far as talking to some Dorinthians, it would seem I've come to the right place, wouldn't you agree?"

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