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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 4- The Second Invasion)


First Post
Barok moves to support Cal Dorin, facing Kyle Radnal and Dartis.
"We can't just stand here waiting for them. This will be a massacre if we do, and it will be our people who'll get slaughtered. We have to get out there and kill their leader. If we do they'll have no choice but to run, because any subchief who gets his warriors slaughtered will have no chance to gain the leadership of the tribe, no matter how bravely the ugly bastards fight."

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"This doesn't look good. Even if the barricades in the middle of town hold the first force, the second one will be able to either strike them in the rear, or hit the people at the creek. And if they deal with the men at the barricades first, then both groups can attack the creek. Do you think the Dorinthian leaders know what's going on?"

Nikolos watched, his scholar's instinct being to simply observe what happened, and record it. He wondered where Caramip was, and if she was alright, then decided that the gnome was quite capable of seeing to her own safety.


Ventus shakes his head.

"The attack was too sudden, there will be no scouts to warn of enemy movements. If I had an army at my back, we could try to outflank them. But the three of us are just not enough. We must make our way to the barricade and warn the others, try and take up a position to defend all sides. We must hurry."

He scoops up the girl in his arms and hurries down to return to her family. Ushering the group to as much shelter as there is as he hurries himself towards the barricade.


Silas looks around and sees the crowd quickly descending into chaos. With little choice left to him, he jumps up on a log and waves his arms. "Peoples of Dorinthia, hear me! We have withstood the trials of war. And we will do the same today! Stand firm! Your neighbor is there beside you, together we will prevail!" Then he will begin giving out orders for everyone to move to the edge of the camp and for a barricade to be hastily constructed using whatever happens to be on hand (+10 Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering) and using the creek as one side of their defenses. He'll supervise the work, striding amongst the people, encouraging them and positioning the militia about the edge of their camp.


First Post
Catamip Ashhearth

The People don’t like to see their Leaders hurt.” Says the small Gnome as she hands the Magi a small curative from her bag. “Take it.” She insists.

The horns continue to blast and she can obviously tell that the villages only chance of survival is about to bolt. Adjusting her gear, she quickly grabs her favorite and only drum and sets it in front of her. Speaking softly with her eyes drifting on the shaken men, she leans over the Silas and mutters, “Silas, you remember the tale of when 300 Dorthians stood against an army of thousands?

Without waiting for a response she turns back to her drum. Letting her mind drift, she quickly recalls an old song taught to her by a retired Dorthian Knight. Using the mystical energies taught to her by her family before her, she begins to pound on her drum in a rhythmic Dorthian War Chant. Her only hope is that it is enough to help turn the tide if only for a little bit.

OOC: She’ll let Silas provide the speech, he is their leader after all. She’ll provide back up. Inspire Courage (+2) w/ Inspirational Boost (+1) w/ Master Work Drum (+1 damage, -1 saves) = (+3 Attack; +4 Damage; +2 Saves vs Charm & Fear) to everyone who can hear us.

Nikolos pauses in the midst of taking a book from his pack...and shakes his head, following after Ventus. "Right then, off to another bloodletting we go." The book gets put back in the pack, and he helps shivvy the family to such shelter as is available before following Ventus.


Nephtys said:
Barok moves to support Cal Dorin, facing Kyle Radnal and Dartis.
"We can't just stand here waiting for them. This will be a massacre if we do, and it will be our people who'll get slaughtered. We have to get out there and kill their leader. If we do they'll have no choice but to run, because any subchief who gets his warriors slaughtered will have no chance to gain the leadership of the tribe, no matter how bravely the ugly bastards fight."

As the horns sound, and Barok has his say, Dartis looks down from Swift at both Kyle and Cal.

"If any man here draws a sword on his fellow Dorinthian, they will answer to me and the gibbet. There is no time for discussions of history or family, if we do not act as one people, our people will not exist to remember whose family was noble and whose ignoble.

Now Radnal and Dorin you will both put your weapons down. I am the Captain of the Dorinthian forces, so you will both put aside your egos and pride and listen to orders.

Now there are some merits to both a stand and a charge. Barok's suggestion may work, but if we cannot find the chief, they may over run our defenses while some of our forces are off searching willy-nilly.

Additionally I do share Kyle's concern that in the streets our cavalry may be too easily picked off by snipers and shamans. Cal, I cannot bear the though of losing more of our cavalry. We shal lneed them to drive the orcs back out.

So here is what we shall do. We will man the barricades until we can determine where the greatest surge of orcs is coming from. Then we will send the calavry out after them to meet their charge where it will do the most good. In this way we can maintain the defens eof the square, which is vital, but can be best assured of finding the leader of the orcs and driving the remainder away.

Now, gentlemen am I understood?"

Afterwards Dartis addreses Barok "Handy work back there. My thanks again. Now, you are less a soldier than a scout, if you feel you can best be used here, then man the barricades. However, perhaps you would be more at home of the roof tops, scouting locations of orc movements and I have every confidence in your ability to quietly take out their scouts. It is your chioice though."

Deuce Traveler

Dartis and Barok
"You're the Captain of the army? What army? And by the Rider, sir, who made you king?" Cal sputters, his attention drawn to a new target.

"What a predicament. I suppose I'll now have to keep two nobles from telling my boys what to do." Radnal's comment breaks the ice between the two men, and the other Dorinthians visibly relax. That's when you hear the commotion by a nearby upturned cart and other tall debris set against one another. A way is opened up, and Ventus, Nikolos, and Danica come through with a couple dozen refugees…


Ventus, Danica, and Nikolos
The first group of humanoids that are headed for the barricades is much larger than the flanking group, which is now visibly heading towards the southern mass of Dorinthian civilians and ragtag militia. Nikolos swears he sees a tall, robed human with a staff followed by a shorter figure. He takes these to be Silas and Caramip.

You quickly move down towards the central barricades, with the sounds of gathering orcs filling the various streets to the north of you. It seems as if they are readying for a massed strike and their target are the soldiers, knights, and militia in the center of the town. There is no longer any sign of the smaller flanking force, but they seem to have been moving towards the packed and separated refugees to the south.

The three adventurers lead the way to the main Dorinthian defenses and are let through the barricades by some of Radnal's town guard, and soon see Dartis, Barok, Cal, and Kyle Radnal leading the defenses. From the looks on their faces, you seem to have interrupted some kind of argument, most likely about their defenses.


Dartis, Barok, Ventus, Danica, and Nikolos
Ventus and Nikolos reach their comrades while Danica gets the families to the safety of the interior defensive ring. They report on seeing what appeared to be the enemy camp on a tall hill to the north of town. A large force of humanoids, perhaps numbering as many as a couple thousand appear to be driving directly towards the barricades. Cal's face is expressionless while he listens, but from his passivity it is clear he is glad he did not ride forth.

The men also say that a smaller flanking group seems to be headed towards the majority of the Dorinthian civilians and some pockets of ragtag militia. They had attempted to flee the incoming invaders, but found themselves at the bank of a deep creek. The creek forms a 'U' and unless the crowd disperses in all directions they will be trapped.

"We need to send our reinforcements to help," Radnal declares, his face breaking into worry.

Cal shakes his head. "It might be too late. I have a total of fifty horsed archers, and you have about five hundred guardsmen and militia. We'll need every bit of those and our defensive positions against two thousand orcs. And if we get overrun there's no one to save those people anyway."

"We can't just leave them defenseless. I have forty men in reserve. Add ten of your archers and we can stiffen their ability to fight."

"They aren't defenseless," Danica says as she returns to the group and checks her crossbow for the coming battle. "Nikolos saw Silas and Caramip there."

"This is a hard decision, so I think we can leave it to our self-declared captain," Cal says, though there is little mockery in his tone or his nod to Radnal as the orc war horns become louder and closer to your positions. "Silas may have an elven name, but he is a battle-seasoned Dorinthian veteran, although I know little of him. Can he hold or should I send vital reinforcements we may need to plug breaks in our line? What kind of man is this Silas?"


Silas and Caramip
Perhaps it is that Silas is a known hero and veteran, or perhaps it is because he is the only Dorinthian to show calmness in the face of danger at this critical moment. The spirited talents of Caramip are definitely a factor. Whatever the reasons, the Dorinthians circle around him and listen to his orders, courage igniting in their eyes as Silas' speech is rythmically added to by Caramip's drums.

Buildings are stripped of their furniture, tents are torn and piled on top of one another, and soon the 300 foot wide inlet is defended by one hundred newly determined militia men and a roughly constructed barricade. Behind this lie two thousand civilians awaiting their fate with stoic resolve.

As Silas surveys his thin line, Caramip continues to play and does a quick dash around the inventory that the civilians throw into piles. The militia men are wearing leather armor, but the gnome also counts about 60 spears, 20 halbers, 110 bows, countless arrows, 20 longswords, 50 short swords, and a couple hundred knives.

The two new commanders of the Dorinthian militia have just enough time to have their men outfit themselves with what they think is best before the howling horde of orcs appear from a narrow street. There are hundreds of them, but they come with thoughts of an easy kill as they use no kind of formation you can discern.
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Nikolos speaks quietly, as if musing to himself."Were I the orcs, just now, I'd use some of my numbers to simply surround this force, which I outnumber four to one, barricaded or not, and then throw five hundred or so at the creek, slaughtering everybody there. Then I could deal with the more dangerous force at my leisure. Which would make the flanking movement more of an attempt to keep the refugees pinned in place.." He clears his throat, and takes a drink from his wineskin. "But then, I know nothing of military matters."


First Post
Barok considers his options. Going out on his own against a force like this, without even the most basic potions, to harass them on the flanks and pick off their scouts (as if they'd even need scouts at this stage) would be suicide. So would staying and fighting on the barricades. No, his best option would be to get the hell out of here, and he'd probably have a decent chance of making it... But then what. Not much point in living to fight another day when there's nothing left to fight for. "No, I'll stay right here. Fighting to the last like the rest of you bloody heroes."

ooc: If the wind blows towards the approaching orc army:

"We don't even have the time to set a proper trap for them. If we had the houses along the front rigged with oil we could roast the first wave of attackers and let the rest of them choke on the smoke, giving us cover from their arrows. As it is I can perhaps arrange for a few diversions, or close a part of the front to allow us to concentrate our defenses.
If we set enough fires on this side of the town it might buy us enough time to retreat from this position and take out the flanking force before the main army can take us in the back, that is if the Lords are willing to burn the town to save the people."
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