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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Final Chapter)

Deuce Traveler

"No you didn't, did you?" Sanmar asks with a chuckle, but leaves it at that.

When the woman comes into view and Dartis makes his comment, her eyes narrow and flash maliciously. "Oh, I wish there were a cure within my reach, son of Dorin. That I cannot give, but I can still twist the hearts of men, and your friend Silas is in a place where he should be most malleable." She grimaces for a moment and adds, "But your friend would not be mine, and would not therefore allow me to aid him. There was a time when men would shun my coercions."

"I will vouch for the woman, and that will be good enough for you." Erroll looks angry at you for your questions. As the woman seems more upset he declares, "Ulavree, it is time we stopped playing our games with them. We don't have much longer. Can we get to their friend easily enough?"

"No. Maybe Sanmar could come and go as easily as I did, but the city is tense and the man was easily captured outside the city limits. I perhaps could also try to sneak in, but he denied my help and I still follow the rules," she says looking at Erroll accusingly.

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Dartis stands there torn. Before him stands one of the nightmares of his youth, Ulavree, Queen of the Harpies. An evil woman by all accounts. And yet, Eroll vouched for her. And though Eroll too was of questionable allegiance, he stood by Dartis against Banbosel, and that had to count for something. And it seemed at least that Ulavree was trying to help, if only to preserve humanity so that they could continue to sin for her jewelry.

Dartis finally sighs, if he lived through this he wanted no more to do with the gods, of course he wouldn't live through this anyway.......

Dartis dismounts and approaches Ulavree, "Silas is a man of integrity, one of the many reasons I count him as my friend. But Eroll is right, the time for games is over. The Enemy is cheating, he is not playing by the rules. And yet the Enemy was defeated at the Game and Banbosel was defeated. Perhaps the time for following the rules is at an end. The rules will be worth very little if there are no humans to do your bidding, coerced or not."

"Now I would like to get Silas out if possible, but I would hear what council any of you may have. There were those I counted as allies once in the Silver Forest, but they may not have the power needed. An army marches towards the forest and the cure may be taken by force, but I would have Silas free first if possible."

Deuce Traveler

Ulavree looks angrily at both Erroll and Dartis, "I wouldn't advise anyone trying to patronize me right now."

After a moment of uncomfortable silence Sanmar speaks. "We might be able to try and get to your friend, but I don't like the odds of us marching into that elven city. Stealth might work, but most of this group of ours aren't stealthy. You could give yourselves over to them and hope for the best. If you do have allies, maybe we can wait and see what they do, join the army that you mentioned, or check on your fellow refugees. The question is not what is best for your friend at this point, but instead what may be best for humanity."


Dartis bows low to Ulavree. "My apologies Ulavree. I am a mortal still trying to learn the ways of the gods. I meant no offense and was not trying to patronize you."

Turning to Sanmar, Dartis continues sadly "I know that more than my friend is at stake here, and that we must find some way to succeed, but a world of humanity that is missing Silas, is a lesser world. Still if we can save his family he would be joyful. But I do still wish to save him if I can.

I am wracked with indecision, and I lack the time to wait and decide. Silas was always my counselor in these times, and I miss his wisdom. Is there as least some way to get a message to him?

I do not see how letting myself become captured as well will help Silas or the cure. The army marches on regardless of what I do, so they may succeed, even if I choose poorly or fail, though that may doom the Dorinthians. The Rider brought hope on the battlefield when times are dark, I pray that he could bring hope and guidance now. Send a message if we can to Silas or to Kel, and elven friend. Otherwise we shall wait a day and see what we can learn, then seek out the refugees of New Dorinthia."


First Post
Caramip Ashhearth

The fate of man and the realm depends on us sneaking into a hostile Elven City and then politely ask them to hand over one of their most deadliest and darkest secrets without a single drop of blood.” Chimes the small Gnome as she shifts her gaze from the surrounding forest to the bickering humans. “Sounds like fun. When do we start?

Deuce Traveler

You wait the day in frustration, and Sanmar takes most of the time infiltrating behind elven lines before entering the camp you have built near a cave as the sun descends. "Well, they are a jittery bunch right now, those elves. I got in and out, but I'm not sure the rest of you could do so."

With that report a frustrated Dartis decides upon leaving for New Dorinthia. The journey takes a number of days and the fighter has to down one of his potions to hold the disease at bay. When the welcome sight of the refugee town finally comes into view Caramip notices that the area is filled with a variety of tents. Has the town grown twice in size and gathered more refugees?

Dartis leads the others on horseback, while Caramip walks ahead to warn the sentries. The two humans welcome her warmly, althoug she notices that their skin is marked with the initial signs of Festios' disease. The party is led towards the administration building when Kyle Radnal rushes to meet them. Despite the signs of the disease on his worried face, he doesn't seem to have lost any of his energy. "Caramip! Dartis! We feared you were dead, although Barok gave us hope when he himself stumbled in some days ago. Silas is still missing however." He notices your sweeping glance across the tents and says, "We are going to battle, friends. Kel recently came sweeping through our settlement claiming that the elves of all people are the ones that have poisoned us. Not only has he rallied our own people, but he has been instrumental in bringing in a force of gnomes and dwarves to support us. He also believes that other elves may be willing to fight for us, and is even considering a trip to the few orcs that might still have survived. He claims that the Magi that now rule are unpopular, and that they have been committing genocide against the other races. Right now he is meeting with the Dorin siblings in final preparations of the march. I wouldn't mind taking you to see them, but I do not know the three travelling with you and can't risk letting them join this meeting."


OOC: DT, Neph left us pretty quickly and I never got to press him on this issue, but I don't recall him ever telling us about the sword or the journal he got from the Radnal estate. If he would have, Dartis would be very eager to return those (and the family honor) to Kyle. It is something that I have long wanted to do, but in-game events never had it come up. So your call, I'd like to have Dartis be able to do this, but if not I'll move on as Dartis wouldn't know.


Dartis dismounts and embraces Kyle. "It is good to be home Kyle. I am afraid that Silas is a prisoner of the elves and they are questioning him. I have much to tell. I am glad to hear the Kel has been active as well. I would speak with my cousins, I hope all has been well politcally here, I know times are tough but we must stick together. As for my companions, I would wish that they were present, they have been true and loyal allies. They are well known to the people of Dorinthia. I will speak for them, and that will be enough for anyone, including my cousins. You may ask them their names, though I will not give them. But I have not struggled with emperors and giants to stop now. Please Kyle, lead us on, we need all the help we can muster."

Deuce Traveler

Kyle looks to your companions, but Sanmar is the first to speak as he interrupts the others. "My name is Sam, and these are my friends Eric and Val. Pardon us, but we're off to find some moonshine in this fine establishment before setting up a tent for ourselves. Good day!" With that he nods to the guardsman and leads his companions away.

Kyle watches him go and says, "Odd. That character somehow reminds me of many a rogue I've put in stocks. Anyway, I'll keep an eye out on for that one. Follow me, you two. You're just in time to join the meeting."

So saying he takes the duo to Baron Dorin's old office where a weary and diseased Cal listens intently to your old elven friend, Kel. Several dwarven and gnomish representatives are seated in mismatched furniture, and sipping some ale that was most likely brought from a dwarven stock. Kel looks up and gives a worn smile. "Well, this is a sight. Caramip and Dartis! I began to wonder if I'd see either of you alive. You're just in time, as Cal and I were discussing the mobilization of our forces. We can't wait too much longer as I have gotten word that my comrades have begun an uprising against the vile Magi and the humans grow weaker the longer we wait. Tomorrow we march!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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