• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

L'Aurel's Journal (A Kingdom of Ashes) -updated 3/23


First Post
Chapter One- “Shadows of the Past”

Day Five- The Road West to the Ocean

I say good-bye this morning to the horse that had carried me without complaint for the past four days. Michael would no doubt criticize my easy and quick attachment to the horse and this group, but with nothing else I seem to be reaching… no time for that now for we are leaving the caravan. The extra horses will help Jaine move the equipment and people towards Thainsport. With so many wounded it will still be a slow trek, but Justice and Brad are both sure we will catch up to them shortly after we have dealt with these attackers. As Selura pointed out the night before, even if we travel with the caravan there is no guarantee that the attacks would stop or that they will not simply prey on someone else. Though Edriss seemed unconcerned with the thought of innocents harmed, he did like the idea of a good fight. Before we broke the meeting Arfin reminded us that we had only three days to report back, so we were already on borrowed time and had to hurry. So with midnight cloak flowing behind him Edriss takes the lead on foot. Slowly we leave the sounds of the caravan behind us taking a small trail leading west.

The prisoner still wrapped in his black armor from the night before has been bound tightly at the wrists constantly shadowed by Kareth’s presence at his side. Kareth’s six foot frame hunches slightly as he continues to speak with the shorter prisoner. I am surprised his thick gray lips and white tusks do not hindering the flow of speech as they exchange what sounds like amicable words down the path. The rest of us move as silently as we can through the brush, but the prisoner has no such thoughts or desires and so chats with Kareth as if this they sat round the dinning table.

Justice’s fingers twitch along her sword hilt while Brad beside her tightly grasps a small dagger hilt. They walk a few yard in front of the prisoner directly down the center of the path looking both directions for any signs of danger. Edriss holds his cross bow at the ready, sliding from shadow to shadow a few feet into the woods. Arfin behind us swings his axe in wide arcs little eyes constantly darting about, and Selura calmly walks behind him as if out for a morning walk.

I keep my hand near my side quiver, but choose not to knock an arrow as yet. From the corner of my eye I see a flash of brown and black meet. Edriss and his knife are again ready to slit a throat, but this time our prisoners. Rolling my weight to the front of my left foot I peer around Edriss’ dark cape to see he holds a blade to the man’s throat. In a steely soft whisper Edriss says, “Be quite.” Trying to not draw attention I quietly step around Edriss, to see beyond, and what I spot forces me to silently knock and draw my bow taught not lifting it. Justice and Brad have darted behind opposite trees arguing with their hands.

I look up spying two black clad short figures, friends of the prisoner no doubt, further up the road. They pass each other occasionally looking up and down the pathway. They seem not to have noticed us, yet. They seem to be scouts posted to watch the road. Kareth moves closer to the prisoner hand on his shoulder. Edriss smiles his sly smile and dropping the blade tip motions the rest of us to spread out. Kareth looks from the prisoner to his friends and back down. As Edriss moves off to the left I look toward the others. Selura who was quietly walking behind me, now moves off opposite Edriss in the trees. Kareth and I stay next to the prisoner on the path. The prisoner whole body tenses as Edriss figure moves away, he finally sees his companions. He shouts a single short word. I raise my bow pointed down the path hurriedly adjusting for wind and distance. The two figures down the path stop dead and swiftly turn to the call and race towards us drawing knifes and swords in each hand.

I hear a loud crack from above, and swing around thinking they could have laid an ambush, but see instead the small round legs of the dwarf draped precariously across a tree branch. He points a steel drake in his hard calloused hands toward the enemy; the tip smoking from the recent discharge.

Kareth moves forward shouting in common “Friends, Friends!” as the prisoners repeats his word again and again. Neither side seems to want to end this though. I glance between the oncoming foes, Kareth’s wise eyes, and the prisoners frantic movements. Not knowing or caring if what I do is for good or ill, I flip the arrow to lay against the bows curve in my left hand. Drawing my little Kukri from my belt with my right hand, I quickly cut the prisoners bonds. I watch to see what he will do, and hope Kareth told the truth. The prisoner pushes the rope from his hands as I flip the arrow back in place drawing the string taught but not raising the point. He does not even bother to glance at me, instead turning to his companions holding up his freed hands shouting what I hope is a command to stop.

In the scant few seconds that this took, Justice had clashed with one of the guards with Selura closing quickly behind them. Kareth quickly raced toward them the prisoners close at his heels both repeating their words of friendship. Justice spared one glance behind her as the other looked past her shoulder. Finally, the sword blades stilled and they moved apart. Justice re-sheathing her sword, but not relaxing her coiled fighting stance. I race by heading for the other two, bow pointed at the ground but at the ready.

Brad is standing hands moving slightly under his cloak, while Edriss and the other black clad warrior are locked together. Edriss’ blade denting the skin of his foe’s neck. It would seem Edriss has the upper hand, when a flash of metal glints below Edriss’s belt. The black clad figure holds his knife to Edriss, ready to sever the artery in the leg or something more tortuous. Both stand still eyes locked and it seems not even breathing. I ground to a halt raising my bow and taking aim on the black clad figure. If Edriss’s blood falls, I will make sure he dies. I barely notice that as Justice reaches Brad’s side he quickly pushes his hands into the folds of his cloak. Concentrating on the very macho show continuing, Edriss and his mirror both test the waters slowly drawing away just to flash back into position. As we surround them I see the prisoner and the other guard joining the circle commanding their guard to cease as well. After annoying us with their display for long enough, they agree to put the knives down together. Our prisoner and the one Justice faced converse quickly and then motion us to follow, they sprint ahead down the path. Kareth scratches his shaven skull with a large green finger, finally slowly saying that we should follow them.

The encampment is huge with small uniform tents lined systematically in orderly rows, except one very large and very elaborate looking tent on the opposite side of the camp. To top it’s size it seems to be one of the few tents that boasts color. Our guide points to the large tent and tells Kareth something, before Kareth can muddle out a translation he is jogging away. Kareth tells us “Go to big tent.” I am not sure how, but I am thankful Kareth knows their language. We may have a chance to solve this without bloodshed.

Our presence is noticed, but none stop our progress across the sandy ground. As we enter the tent a smell of sweet incense washes over me. The rich emerald, magenta, topaz and gold colors flash garishly against what we have seen of these simple people. Dominating the back of the tent is a large dais supporting hundreds of pillows of all shapes and sizes seemingly thrown about. In obvious comfort a large man reclines on his side looking down at us from his raised position. He appears to be like a living sculpture- the perfect warrior’s body. Muscles subtly flowing as he slowly rises to a sitting position. His face is set like marble, stern and unforgiving, dark eyes betraying no emotion. He wears the same black uniformed pants the other soldiers wear. But his chest is bare, showing where the perfection is marked with bandages that hold together severe wounds sure to leave scars. With a blush at the way my thoughts are turning I try to stare intently at the floor instead.

From the corner of my eye I see Justice bow gracefully, but I see Arfin, Selura and Brad are only bowing their heads. Edriss continues to look around the room ignoring the man at the front. His eyes lighting from the golden trinkets to the strands of white pearls heaped in dishes and bowls about the sparsely furnished tent instead. Kareth drops to his knees his bulky frame somehow flowing into a position expressing complete submission. The man on the dais clenches his fists, as emotion finally surfaces. Like lighting his features change releasing the carefully controlled hatred and anger that was buried. He issues forth a string of clipped words in his strange language, then in one powerful move rises. His movement is hampered by the wound at his side, but grim face set he slowly makes his way through the back tent flap. Confused we all look to Kareth who after a few moments of pondering questioningly says, “We fight for honor. Fight to death. One Fight. One hour fight.” Easily the shock is felt by all, fight- to the death- what is this. This was not the expected greeting, but Kareth seems adamant. As we exit the tent, Justice’s furrowed brow betrays her worry, “These people are not evil.” Yet what have we done to deserve a death match, my mind questions. My father taught me about honor, but nothing like this.

As the others discuss who should fight I stand back. A feeling of wrongness settles over me, but this seems unavoidable if we are to get the answers we need. Though we know them not to be evil, Justice her voice as steady and calm but a for a slight quiver declares, “I will fight. I am the lest injured and the best with a sword.” Looking pointedly at Brad and Arfin, “And I can nit trust you to not chop his head off.” Arfin continues to grumble, but still occasionally holding his side from where one of the disks skimmed his side last night he turns his back on us. Brad continues to argue, but soon even he must fall silent, from our group she is the best choice. We must trust her to not only win, but some how to win without killing the warrior.

After the hour is up the paladin enters the appointed clearing. Justice removes her cloak letting all get a good look at the worked mail beneath. It is easy to tell the armor has already been through a lot, as deep dents and scratches randomly cover the armor. Whether Justice shed her cloak to prove anything is unclear. She hands her blue clerical cloak to Selura who offers a shaky smile. “You will not be alone, I will sing for you,” a smiling Selura says cryptically. Brad overhearing this steps forward, “No, they said one combatant. They get no help; we get no help. She does this on her own.” Selura drops her head, and we all have to admit, at least to ourselves, that he is right.

The crowd is thick but silent around us, neither cheering nor booing just watching and waiting. Then the crowd parts to show a darkly armored figure. The figure takes position opposite Justice. They stand as opposites not just in this battle, but as if for light and darkness itself. Justice blonde hair glints in the sunlight, light hazel eyes intently watching his every move, lightly bronzed skin already showing a slight sheen of perspiration. The opponent encased in black from the top of the dragon helm to the tightly formed black boots is hard to read at all. The blond warrior mimics the bow her black masked opponent gives her. Both reach behind them and draw blades, Justice’s a long, thick unadorned straight steel blade, while the other draws a thin curved blade that sparkles in the bright light. Strange symbols dance across the blades surface much as those along my bow. These symbols are none that I know of though, not those of the alder nor those of the keeper of forests.

Justice reaches out first slicing her blade towards the others middle. It is easily parried away. Slowly crossing feet over feet they circle, testing. The black masked warrior springs forward slicing at Justice’s feet. With a small clank of her armor Justice’s feet easily clear the sharp edge. They return to their standing positions. Slowly placing their feet one over the other slowly turning like a wheel.

Then they both spring inward clashing and the circle is made again but only large enough for the two as the twist and turn blades flashing in the sun. I can barely follow the advancing offense and quick retreats and parries and feints. My hand falls to my small kukri as the knowledge that I surely would be dead already enters my mind.

A small cloud of dust and sand rise as their feet swirl and shuffle, till with a jolt they are motionless. One lays on the ground and the other crouched hunched over with blade point straight to their opponents breast. In silence, the dust settles around the two figures. Both are covered in a layer of sand and dirt, I look to the others unsure what should happen next. The warrior on the ground slightly tilts their head back pushing the thick blade closer to the exposed skin in an unspoken plea. Justice remains motionless, for as the dark warrior’s head fell back the mask falls away. Long straight dark hair flows out of the helm and slowly a delicate and female face is revealed. This is not the warrior we thought, we should have been fighting the leader. The leader who now stiffly strides through the crowd. His people bow in a wave as he passes as he slowly and unhurriedly walks up to the still hunched Justice and the prone woman.

He now wears the full armor of his high position carrying a heavy black helm in the crook of his arm. A similar dragon head to that on the woman’s helm decorates his, but his is seems larger and more ornate. As his shadow falls across Justice and the woman, Justice rises re-sheathing her sword in a the same movement. Then bowing to both the leader and the woman she fought, Justice measures her paces as she turns her back and strides toward us. The leader’s eyes never lave the woman, while still panting she rolls to her knees head bowed. She remains thus for a few seconds then slowly rises dragging her feet slowly, and without a word or glance up from the dirt she passes out of the circle. Once she clears the circle the spectators close the path off from our sights.

The leader speaks a few clipped words to Kareth, points to the tent and walks back inside. As a crooked smile dawns on his face, Kareth scratches his bald head stuttering out, “We have honor now.” Then he too moves inside the tent, and slowly we all follow pace. We need to get information and through Kareth’s small understanding of their language we try to find out why they are here, and why they are without food.

We find they are called the dragon blood, and Lord Miagi, as he is called, tells us that an enemy from the North attacked his people. The new emperor had no honor and fought with dragons and the undead. So to save his people, he fled through the portal and came here. However, only some of his people made it; there are still hundreds trapped on the other side. His daughter, Tahre, is the one we fought earlier in the evening.

Brad asks if we can study this portal. We are pointed toward the center of the encampment. It stands with gray white pillars surrounding a three tiered set of circles with runes and moss all around the surface. I have never seen the like and can feel some sort of unnatural power coming from it, so I keep my distance. Justice, Brad, and Selura walk up the stairs staring intently down and around. Mr. Miagi and some of his people gather close round the circle, watching us with hope in their eyes.

Justice places her hands on the top tier barely touching the surface. Her golden hair falls around her face as she bows her head and closes her eyes. Her hair moves slightly as she speaks a few soft words. As if a gate opened a flash of light and a wind storm shoots from the center high into the sky. Justice is pushed back a step with the force. I grab hold of the pillar next to me as the wind storm encompasses all of us inside the circle. My hair is torn easily from it’s leather strap whipping around my face and into my eyes. I struggle to grab the errant pieces holding them back, forced to simply watch, back pressed against one stone as ghost like creatures come screaming from center. Struggling with bow and hair, I look through the wind seeing faint images of more people. Short people showing the same features as Mr. Miagi’s group, and they seem to be fighting these creatures as well. As one circles closer to me, I shoot watching horrified as my arrows pass through them harmlessly. I try for another and though it passes through it screams in rage, so it must have done something.

Over the raging wind and screaming people, I faintly hear Justice shouting. I am pulled forward as with a loud clank, all is back as it was. The camp largely looks as it did before, except interspersed with the black clad fighters are about 600 new people, women, babies, children, and men, all about us. Everyone moves at once some hugging, some crying, most moving toward us. I force my back against the pillar again slowing my breath and heart, while taking what support it offers for my weakening legs. I look toward the others, and back to Mr. Miagi. Selura and Brad sit heavily on the steps, while Justice simply stands looking at her hands. Edriss, Arfin, and Kareth stand across leaning against other pillars. Everyone holds a look of relief, caution, and confusion.

There are now more wounded that need healing, and more mouths to feed. With Miagi re-united with his missing people, we feel a responsibility for these people. Selura offers that we can take them back to Thainsport, there they can petition the court to help them. No matter what they do we can not just leave them here. So I try to spend the rest of the day helping as I can and calming the soldiers with injuries. Even though they can not understand my elvish, they accept my help grudgingly and I even find some new herbs and polices through the others.

That night with unspoken agreement Selura stands facing the light of one fire, then Brad, Justice, Arfin, Edriss, and I all move to the same spot setting up camp much as we had every other night. For the most part we are silent, but as I look around it warms my heart to know each sought this same group out. We may be stuck together, but seems even now we are forming a need for each other. We lay out our rolls and packs forming the same circle. Justice takes a point protecting her back with a tree, while Kareth sprawls eyes closed next to her. Arfin’s thunderous clanking soon lowers to a low grumbling as he settles down, with Brad inching his plush pad as close the fire as he dares. Selura’s game has advanced I see as she lays her roll each night closer and closer to his. A spot lays empty waiting for Edriss next to her, but we all know it will be a while yet before he lays down. I sit legs curled under me sharing the same tree with Justice just watching and waiting. It has been a long day, but tomorrow we start the ride back to Thainsport. We start the beginning of the end of my time with these people. As Arfin and Brad’s snores increase in volume, I see Edriss laying down. His back faces me, but I can see the weapons he has even now at the ready. A cross bow has no match for the speed of a regular bow, but I have seen with his accuracy and the added power it is a deadly force. I shake my head trying to stay awake, though Justice seems to be taking first watch. Stating No place is truly safe and no one should be trusted completely with her body language. Edriss shifts his body in sleep resting now on his back. His hood has fallen back and in the flames of the fire I can finally see his features fully. His ears are slightly pointed like mine showing his half Alder side, but his dark skin proudly showing him to be of true alder decent. The true alder blood simply elevating him in status, they sided with King Tain in the last war and even now only they can serve as his elite guard. It is easy to see how Edriss can feel superior and can act as an elite of the aristocracy. His nose straight with a slightly upward curve even seems to say that he is better then others, and he looks of my age as sleep slowly peels the lies and lines from his face. This is the first and maybe the last time I will get to look at him, and I would wish to remember him thus looking young and honest. Showing me even briefly there is goodness in him, he just needs to learn how to show it.
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First Post
The_Universe said:
Good job, Kat. Thanks for the added inspiration!
You take much better notes than I do! :)
Thanks! And though I have good notes from the beginning, you tell a better story :D so everyone jump over to the story hour: Kingdom of Ashes!


First Post
Chapter One- “Shadows of the Past”

Day Six–The Road North

As has become my practice I was up before the sun started to light the sky. The few fires still crackle diminishing the light fog that blankets the others. As I stand, the paladins eyes flash open hand grabbing the hilt of her sword on the ground. I nod briefly to her, and then not trusting this area completely climb to the lower limbs of a near by tree. I know she has her own rituals to attend. I had witnessed Justice’s morning practice the first day on the road. She would draw her blade and pray to the light. The light her protector and the light her support. Each morning she seemed to swear an oath to protect those weaker or in need. That was her calling, that was what gave her that unique inner strength.

As I settle into the branches, automatically my breathing deepens and slows as I turn outward. Calling and feeling to that which surrounds me. Though we went about it differently I know we both got peace from our morning devotions, like with the two churches it seems the light approves of either method.

As the dawn light touches my face, I smile briefly. Surprised at the strange feeling it caused, there hasn’t been much to smile or laugh over recently and they were never things I did with ease. With a sigh of regret I jump down the short ten foot drop, the force leaving a shallow indention in the dirt.

The camp is being disassembled, but it seems each person has an assigned task or duty and they carry out like a well oiled machine. Before the sun can even fully rise, Mr. Miagi has them lined up and setting foot to path back to the roadway.

Our little group seems much as they did every morning. Arfin with a hang over, Kareth with his contemplative silence, Selura with her morning perkiness, and Justice… I study her walking along beside Mr. Miagi, Brad and Kareth. With surprise I see her large sword is hanging from her hip, and instead a long curved blade resides on her back. A sword who’s handle was once wielded against Justice’s very life. It is the sword of the defeated warrior woman. I can only shrug at my thoughts knowing I will get no answers from those in front of me. We just have to get back to Thainesport, as we all have expressed. The sword’s ownership is between Justice and these people.

My second surprise of the morning is Edriss. Normally he is content to avoid others like the plague, yet today he is scouting ahead with a new friend. Wielding knives and limbs as they show each other tricks of incapacitating a prey. It is the same warrior that stood toe-to-toe with Edriss knife to neck, but it seems their love of blades is letting them speak as words would not.

Mr. Miagi seems preoccupied through the walk and finally he tells Brad there are bigger things to worry about then these questions he is pestering him about. Of course I can only assume he said as much as from Kareth the long speech turned into, “No talk. Worry- Ask Later.” Brad and Justice fall back some quietly talking amongst themselves, I hang back going to where the healers I worked with yesterday are positioned. Selura moves with ease through the throng of people, surprisingly silent since hitting the trail.

The group moves quickly through the tall grass and scattered trees. Helping each other as needed, but making sure always to keep the pace going. Within a few hours we catch up to the struggling caravan. Mr. Miagi, immediately issues orders to his people and to Kareth. As I catch up to the group Kareth is telling us in common that Mr. Miagi wants the caravan leader brought to him. Arfin and Edriss hunker down near where Miagi’s people are setting up his tent, while Kareth follows Miagi like a student.

I on the other hand follow Justice and Brad as they go in search of Jaine. They find her pushing one of the heavy crates back onto the wagon with Joshua and another member of the caravan giving a hand or back as needed. As the situation is explained briefly to Jaine, Justice warns her, “They have a very strict and rigid sense of honor, so bow when you enter to greet him.” Jaine looks back at the wagon and then further to the line of weary and wounded people and animals. With a single glance to Joshua, she turns telling us to lead the way. Joshua’s face hardens, but he lets her walk off. Following with body tense ready to protect her should it be needed.

As we approach Mr. Miagi’s tent set up in all it’s hasted glory Arfin and Edriss come to stand beside us. As Justice and Brad follow Jaine inside Kareth grabs their shoulders, telling us only Jaine and Mr. Miagi are to be at this meeting. Brad shrugs off Kareth’s hand and pushes forward, while Justice leans close, “With his magic he can traslate better then you can.” Mr. Miagi appears at the door, motioning Justice to enter. Left standing there I wonder at what secrets… no, they are not for me. And I will get to see now how close our group has really come.

After the curtain falls shutting us out of whatever conversation is happening I rest my back against a tree next to Arfin. I see he already has a flask in his hand, and the slight smell of ale that will reach a stench before dark falls.

A long hour later, the tent flap re-opens to Mr. Miagi and Joshua walking out, both telling their respective groups to break camp and pack up. While the orders are still being called out Justice and Brad re-appear. Neither look our direction and simply pass us. So much for the idea of closeness, and I feel a strong desire to return to Thainesport to finish this all. I watch as Justice and Brad go to their horses mounting up and resolutely ignoring our looks of inquiry. I stand looking back to the tent opening seeing Jaine finally emerge. She also walks past lost to her own internal thoughts.

I try to quell the sudden hurt I feel at being left out, I have always hated secrets and Michael and I never kept anything from each other. Trudging behind the caravan group and in front of Miagi’s people, my mind unbidden starts to dwell on my path and the possible future. Selura’s soft foot steps drag me from my unhappy thoughts. I don’t know if she just felt simply like singing or if she saw my mood reflected in my face, but without even glancing at me she began to sing. This was a faster happier melody somehow matching the pace Jaine had set. I took what she offered, and once again let my self be swept away with the song.

I looked over once to see her eyes riveted on Brad’s back, and felt my lips part in a smile of happiness. I could see the song effecting the others around us as they started to listen. Though most didn’t know the words, the elvish melody of young love was universal. Smiles were born, feet where lighter, and hearts seemed to grow stronger. Seeing all but Edriss I wondered if he heard the song, and if he was moved by it at all. He did not seem like the romantic type, and I laughed aloud as an image of Edriss in regal deep red blousy shirt and close fitting pants kneeling at the feet of a lady love reading her poetry from a scroll. As with most of Selura’s songs I let the words take me to where they would, but this time I placed Edriss’ dark face on the wooing lover in the song. I hadn’t felt this happy in weeks.

I followed Selura as she worked her way towards the front, towards what looked to be her goal- the tall slender form of the high alder Brad. She stopped behind him continuing her song, patiently waiting. I saw again the change Selura’s music had on people as those around me seemed lifted. I looked in front of the column to the two dark figures walking along the roadway. Edriss and his new friend still flashing deadly blades, but I just smiled and went back to the daydream.

The ninja next to Edriss is suddenly whisked into the oak above. The line jolts to a holt, horses whiney, heads thrown back as reigns are yanked back. The harp sounds a horrible discordant note. A black ball of broken limbs is flung like a rag doll into the street with an empty spot where the head should have laid. A strange scaly beast drops from the air into the middle of the roadway. With serpent like eyes, and small fangs it issues forth a horrible deep growl. I have heard of such a beast, but my father spoke of it as a legend, a creature made up centuries ago to keep strangers out of the Druid’s Forest.

Whether it was this beast of legend or not though, it’s scaly tail and razor teeth did damage as any real monster could. As me and my companions rush forward between the caravan and the beast its claws scrap the air above my head, as it’s mouth opens and sends a scorching ray of fire toward Jaine, Preston, and Mr. Miagi. As Arfin and Justice ran closer slashing it with blades and hammers, Edriss and I attack from the rear. The caravan and it’s leaders try to push animals and people back out of the way. The beast faced the sky letting loose a small roar as blood started dripping from the slight wounds Arfin and Justice were inflicting. Kareth bare hands flashing raced around them snapping bones and scales to give them more openings. Edriss’ bolts found weaknesses on it’s great belly sinking deep between hard scales. Seeing he was having more luck firing there I focused my attack along side his. I faltered once as the great tail snapped at Edriss. He fired the crossbow wildly, turning to leap over the spiked weapon. The creature changed attacks using claws and teeth to draw blood from those within his grasp. I was knocked down briefly thinking the beast had enough targets, not seeing until too late the sharp bone tips on it’s strange wings. Though none even scratched me the sheer force of the wind pushed me to my knees. I steady myself to one knee and continued to fire at any opening I saw. It tried to advance on the others behind us, but we seemed to be keeping it at bay.

For some reason it seems a little uncoordinated on the ground, which helped us in quickly killing it. Finally it laid on the ground, we approached the carcass cautiously watching as the death twitching slowly stilled. I keep my bow ready as this is a strange creature. Selura motions me to its head and I spot a strange collar around its neck. “Someone thought they could tame this beast,” was all she said shaking her head. My only reply was a question of my own, “Why would someone keep such a pet as this?” “Where do ye think he came from?” asked the little dwarf busily prying off the jewel encrusted collar. I look to the sky and close my eyes as I let the wind tell me. “It was unsteady on the ground so it most likely came in on the west winds.If it left any tracks I should be able to follow it though.” Edriss immediately pips up that we should follow its tracks as best we can. In silent agreement, Justice quickly walks away to find Mr. Miagi. She tries to assure Mr. Miagi that we will meet up with them before they reach Thainsport; he nods gravely and later I learn gave his permission as a matter of honor. Brad goes over to look with wonder at the collar helping Arfin to chip the jewels away. I continue to walk around studying the carcass looking for weak points, for I think this is not the last we will see of these beasts.

Justice walks back telling us for speed we will take the horses, she must know this will slow them down even more. The road slowly takes us from the dense, lively color of fall into the death and decay of a swamp. The soft mud shfts covering the tracks and making them harder to decipher, so I jump from my horse and lead him by the reigns. It seems the beast was too young to fly far, so it continually had to return to fleeing over land. Luckily for us, this meant it left deep clawed imprints for me to see.

With each step the mud gets slicker and pulls at my boots no matter how I try to find a better path. My horse cries out from behind me. I look back to find him already up to his belly in mud. He kicks trying to free himself, but with a sickening squish more of his flanks are lost in the mud. I quickly grab the bridal and attempt to calm him. Surprisingly, Edriss tosses the end of his rope to me while he ties the other end off to the horn of his saddle. My lighter weight lets me go around the horse so I wrap the rope around the horses belly. And I push, while everyone else pulls till finally he pops free and is soon on solid ground again. “That was too close,” since we now see no choice we leave the horses in a spot with some food and what looks to be no danger. Then we double back quickly, and though the markings are getting fainter I can still see some small signs.

I feel Edriss grab my arm halting me, and the orc draws in his breath as we round a rotting tree twice the size his size. I look at Edriss, but he is staring ahead what I have begun to know as his death mask in place. Then I hear it, a faint rustling. We turn slowly toward the sound. A dark figure stands scant feet away errant lines of sunlight lighting his covered features. “Who are ye?” Asks the dwarf brandishing his axe. The figure moves forward lifting a mud covered hand in the sign of peace, “I am a talon for the king. My name is Arhconus.” At the last his hand pushes back his hood revealing a mud covered face. “I’m searching for a caravan.” Justice steps forward sword partially drawn, “And why are you searching for a caravan?” “I was sent to find it’s leader,” comes the calm voice. “Jaine,” comes the quite whisper from Selura. The mud man’s stark blue eyes quickly pierce Selura, “Where is the caravan?” “We can take you there, to them, but first we must do something. There is something plaguing these woods, we have seen it kill, but there may be more,” Justice interrupts. Brad looks to Justice worriedly. There is something more going on…something they know. He steps forward by Justice, “We can lead you straight to her, if you follow us now.” The figure stands silent for some moments and then finally simply states, “Yes.” Edriss motions me to start tracking again. I can hear in quiet whispers behind me Justice pelting Archonus with questions. He seems to give short answers concentrating in stead on the path we are leading him along. Talons are the King’s men, they follow a strict code of loyalty and law trained for combat and killing. I know with certainty that should his hand wash clean a strange tattoo would be found there. A tattoo all Talon’s are gifted with. Back home some whispered it give them special powers and binds them to their path, others just said it is simply to scare those into staying law abiding. I am just glad he is not focused on us, and perhaps he was sent to find Jaine when we did not return.

I look up and see that I had led us to some sort of port. The shore line was a small bay with a small mountain across from us and tall wooden walls for surrounding defense on our side. Though the guards do not wear uniforms, they are definitely trained military. Archonus volunteers to investigate closer, but before he can even end his sentence Brad and Edriss stand beside him agreeing to join him. Though the new comers face remains blank, Edriss’ mouth curves into one of his smug smiles.

As they slip away I see more of the flying beasts like the one we killed, though these are much larger and carry riders atop them. They also seem to have organized aerial warriors, as they roam in patterns above the mountain. Justice taps me on the shoulder and points toward the bay; calm waters leading out to calm sea nothing- With a spark and shimmer a three mast ship suddenly appears in the bay. I can not believe it, but when another strange ship appears at the same spot I know it is not just a quick trick of the eyes. There must be some portal like the one in Mr.Miagi’s encampment under the waves.

Afrin grumbles, “Knew ‘e was no good” and points us to a ship docked at the port. Walking down the gang plank is the man from the tavern in Thainsport, John Darkson. He is still wearing the same clothing and the same naval commander’s sword. At the end of the ramp he stops and talks to a figure saluting him, so they must be an underling. They then walk off together, and as we study more of the camp from above the scout team returns. “There are too many, and no obvious way in,” was Archonus’s comments, while Edriss agreed he thought we should “get to Thanesport and report all we had seen.” I hang back for a few extra minutes to study this new enemy. I catch up to them quickly, my place in lead apparently easily taken over by Archonus. I spy something glinting far off to our left. I choose to remain silent watching it closely from the corner of my eye. It does not move and Arhconus seems to be leading us directly for it. Arfin exclaims suddenly, “What’s tha’?” Without a glance or a sound Archonus goes to investigate.

Following more slowly we gather round peering over his shoulder into some muddied water. As we stare looking at a dead body surrounded by shiny copper pieces under him, Edriss wades in to poke at the body. I feel something graze my foot, but when I look down I see only the normal underbrush. Then the vines at our feet start to rise up. One tendril quickly coils around Selura, trapping her arms and legs immobile. As I take a step forward I almost crash finding the vines have twisted around my ankles. I knock my bow and slowly pulling my feet from their grasp move toward Selura’s wiggling form. I see Arfin hammering something in the bog, and Selura is now completely covered by the vines. Not daring to shoot my bow and hit her inside, I take out my kukri and start to slice at the vines holding her. Furiously I hack away with my little knife knowing it will not be enough. I see the edge of Justice’s blade cut deep.

Then it explodes from the inside. Selura stands two blades in hand a strange murderous glint in her eye. Mean time Arfin kills the head of the vine plant. Looking around I try to stifle a laugh, we are covered in goobs of green goo and a sticky white paste. I know I look horrible, but watching everyone’s reaction is priceless. Justice furiously wipes the slosh off her cloak and armor while Kareth running a large green finger through the substance on his shoulder and bringing it to his nose. I see Selura, Arfin, and Brad start to grin as well. How strange the things I find humor in now a days…

Through the debris we find a bag of holding, more copper pieces and some horseshoes. Arfin after a quick scan can tell they have been empowered somehow, but not exactly with what. He can say they are not evil or bad, but not much else. The paladin knows her horse would love them, and so takes them without any of us protesting. We make our way back to our horses and then to the road as dusk settles. We know the caravan even at full march could not reach the city for another few days, and though it takes some convincing to get Archonus to not run off, we make a small camp and each sitting separately eat and sleep in peace. Justice again taking the first watch.
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First Post
Chapter One- “Shadows of the Past”

Day Seven– The Road East

The next day around mid-morning we see that the tracks have divided. Archonus moves through the open road studying the indentations and marks through the gravel and sand, but not saying a word. I know he is better then I and can probably read more, but I follow the marks and tracks as well reading them like a book. After a while, finding him still silent I tell the others, “It looks like there was a struggle they were not separated willingly.” I look closer at the tracks adding, “There are two groups one larger group is being herded east, while a small group is being taken to the city.” “With so many at risk to the east, and possibly at our fault taken, we must go east,” declares Selura. We each acknowledge this though Archonus stands poised for flight to Thainsport, but glancing again and again at the signs of struggle and the road east. As if noticing we are staring at him, without turning around he acknowledges our looks, “Jaine has been taken North. She is being taken under custody, by the talons.” “We must go get her to safety,” Justice orders looking to Brad. “We can go help her, however, later for now we should go east,” Edriss replies. Yes, there are more in danger to the east… we should go east… I think that is a first for Edriss, instead of choosing the comfort of the city and ending this job he instead wants to help those captured. Archonus seems to wage a quite war internally, but we can not wait. Edriss, Arfin, Selura and I head our horses to the east. Justice and Brad watch Arhconus slowly following us, but not trusting him alone. I glance back once, not knowing if I should hope, but can not help the happy feeling I get when Archonus’s form tops the first hill following us.

We ride hard through the day and as the trees start to fall away to rolling open grassy hills so does the light of day fade to the dark of night. The paladin pulls up her horse and jumps down telling us to dismount as well. Walking forward we see a massive stone walled fort in this unpopulated area. Somehow it is decided that we split-up, with Brad, Arfin, Kareth and myself staying back in case the plan goes awry. Selura and Justice will go to gather Mr. Miagi and his people and if necessary negotiate for their release. Arhconus recognizes his fellow Talons. For some reason trusts our opinion of these people, and so he goes to see what help he can lend for Justice and Selura. Edriss not being able to be kept out of things sets off after them trying to stay to the shadows. He intends to hide and climb the wall no doubt, and we can just hope he does not get himself or the other killed in the process.

We start a small fire, to keep the late fall chill away, and soon Brad can be heard snoring with steady rhythm. I take care wiping down the horses and re-moving their bridles so they can graze a little. The monk sits off to himself and has a look of peace surrounding him. Back by the fire, the dwarf pushes all our packs into a heap and then sitting on them opens his canteen, singing in common of a large hairy woman.

I feel the change first in the horse beneath my hands and then in the ground, a slight tremor. The horses all raise their heads, and unbridled I quickly try to easy them. Then I hear hoof beats in the distance and crouching down into the grass search to find which way they are coming from. I try to call softly to Arfin, but between the song and Brad’s snore he is hearing nothing. I don’t see the monk and can only assume he to has hidden. They may not be bad people, but to take from Michael’s book it never hurts to have the upper hand.

By the time I can tell their direction, the small group of horses is within sight of us. They ride at full gallop toward our small hill and toward the oblivious Arfin and the sleeping Brad. As the horses pull up, Arfin rolls off the packs to Brad’s side kicking him harshly awake, still smiling at some joke only he knows. The leader calls to Arfin, “Who goes there? What are you doing here?” Arfin waves his jug slurring out, “I am me, and I am tryin’ te get through the nigh’. Wha’ abou’ you?” The guard does not take kindly to this and kicks his horse around so he is closer to Brad and asks, “What of you, why are you here?” Brad flourishes his cape and gives a low mocking bow, “To stay the night, and tour this great land.”

Happy that we did not send these two to negotiate for Mr. Miagi, I glance once more around for the large green shape of the monk. The guard face turns red at Brad’s reply. Seeing his commander floundering, the second horseman pushes forward and draws his sword. The other guards quickly follow. I slowly crouch lower to the ground and move closer. One of the horses shies at the rising whiff of battle knocking into the commanders horse and causing the others to erupting into chaos. The leader’s horse goes wild, and while Brad and Arfin are disarming the closest guards I go around the side. I see Kareth’s silent hulking form quietly erupt from behind one guard and with a quick fist to the head, the guard goes down. The guard at the end of the line sees me, but not before I whisper to his horse “A’lthelti” which causes her to buck wildly unseating the guard. While he lays on the ground stunned, I use his horse as a shield get close to the next horse. I touch her and whisper “Ethialdras.” He kicks behind him, not only unseating his rider but hitting the commander in the head. Both fall to the ground, and I hear Arfin say “That’ll teach yea to go against a dwarf!” I grab the reigns of all the horses near me and go to collect the others, while Brad and Arfin tie up the captured men.

Once I have secured and calmed all the horses, I turn at the sound of more hoof beats to see Justice, Edriss, and Selura riding toward me. I lead them back to camp with the new horses to find that Brad has not just tied the prisoners but also de-clothed them. He claims it was to ensure they don’t escape, but with everything else going on I can only think that justice will be served to Brad when the time comes. I turn back to the riders waiting… hoping they will freely give us an update. Arfin does not wish to wait though and asks what happened. Justice tells us that they have secured the freedom of Mr. Miagi’s people but they have to go to the Monastery of the Sacred Rebirth. A monastery Selura knows well where she trained and received the guidance of the light.

We all quickly turned at Brad’s battle yell by the imprisoned guards. He has drawn his sword and in a great heavy chops the head off the tied and bound leader. Various yells of “stop” issue from us, but to no avail as the head plops to the ground and begins to roll down hill. A silvery bipedal shape appears from the corpse a great long sword in his own hands. Before we can blink Brad’s own head is chopped off. The headless body remains standing as an open hand reaches into Brad’s chest and pulls out his still beating heart. The figure then seems to materialize more completely into a humanoid figure saying, “The Bluestar will not accept your interference anymore!” With a small wisp of smoke it disappears into nothingness. We are too stunned to react for a few moments, Brad’s body finally taking the full impact of death falls to the ground. Selura first to spring into action, races towards it, cursing and praying at the same time. Ever so slowly the sounds around us penetrate my ears. Horses on the road and hundreds of feet wearily trudging on. The others seem to notice as well as we all spring into action trying to forget the horrifying sight.

I take my simple brown cloak and cover Brad’s corpse. Justice pulls Selura with her to get Mr. Miagi’s people on the move, “We can mourn later.” While Edriss and Arfin loot the two fallen bodies, and I move to gather the extra horses and watch for Mr. Miagi’s people to be on their way. Once they are completely out of the prison Archonus waves towards us. That’s the signal. The last of Miagi’s people can be seen fading into the horizon, as we release the prisoners handing them their clothing. We quickly jump on our horses and ride quickly to catch up with the group, and as I see the most injured, I help them gain a seat atop the extra horses.

The road to the monastery is long with so many, and so we are forced to stop for the night about 10 miles shy of the monastery. These people have been pushed too hard, and suffered much already. Though it would seem through sheer determination they would follow Mr. Miagi until they gave their very lives, and I wonder at that dedication could I have stood the test and trials they have.
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First Post
Chapter One- "Shadows of the Past"

Day Seven- Monastery of the Sacred Heart

I though the night was over as we set–up camp, everything was quieting down. Miagi’s people had clustered round small fires trying to comfort each other. Archonus had gone off into the woods, making it clear that we were to stay away. And so we sat as every other night… but not. As much as I disliked Brad his… death was felt by us all. Selura the most though. We had each tried to talk to her, but she had instead taken the jeweled dagger from her belt twisting and twirling it between her fingers and hand. She looked like stone, but for those fingers moving ever faster, till “The monastery is under attack! People are hurt and need assistance! Please come! Help!” In a flash Selura runs to her horse and without a word rides it toward the hobbling screaming monk on the road way. In a quick move of surprising strength for her small body, she reaches down and pulls the larger human up behind her. As we all race for our horses, I hear Justice yelling back to Mr. Miagi that we must follow, with an almost eerie patience he calmly states that he understands and it seems a worthy task. In the back of my mind it vaguely registers that Arhconus is not in the party, but with more horses behind us and Mr. Miagi knowing where we have gone he should catch up fast… if he chooses to come.

We come across Selura’s horse, rider less. The dead leaves soak the blood from the gaping wound in it’s throat. Though I slow to take a look it seems the horse lost its footing in a hole and completely broke its leg. Though the final cause of death would be the slit across it’s throat. There is no time to stop, as ahead is the resounding clank of metal on metal and Selura’s screams of anger and rage. As we clear the woods, I see all have slowed. We see a square building with few adornments. There are sweeping gardens surrounding it, and by the doorway two poles with large round red balls atop them. Selura and the monk stand to our left facing the tall grass not the building. I almost reach Edriss’ side, when I feel a stabbing pain in my back. I hear a scream and see the soft grass moving swiftly toward me. As I hit the ground, I know it was my scream.

I struggle to get my right arm under me, the muscles of my left shoulder useless. Before I can do more then shift my weight, I see a shadow dart around me. I struggle to turn, to protect myself, but only feel the cold of a blade severing the skin and muscles along my left side. My hand shoots downward trying to stop the pain, as I feebly try to stand. It seems my legs will not work. As I reach to try and at least get my Kukri out, I see bloods covers my hand and arm, my own blood. So this is the end of my path, I see the world graying, and strangely Archonus leaping from the woods. He came- blackness.

A slowly brightening light and a chanting voice seeming to be pull me, but to where? I feel the pain of the wounds slowly ebbing… is this the end of my mortality. If it is, one would think they would have someone with a better voice to greet you. The voice calling to me seems shaky with fear and way out of tune. I slowly open my eyes to see the human monk above me. Dirt and blood are streaked across his face, and fear glaring out from his eyes. His hands wave slowly around my head as his chanting continues...he’s a wizard. But all wizards are of the Bluestar. Evil Magic, no, Michael taught me better- This man has saved me, so not death for me yet it seems. I try to rise hearing the others speaking of more danger to come. I know I am not up to great feats, but with my bow I should be able to help from the back… thought that is were I was- another time. No time for regrets or futile what if’s now.

I am thrown two healing potions from the Paladin, told to drink one and then follow. I use my staff lying next to me to push myself up slowly and drink the potion. With screams still echoing from the monastery walls, everyone turns and readies for far worse.

Brad and Selura run into the monastery first; then Arfin and Justice follow them with Edriss at their back. Archonus hangs back, hopefully for his own reasons and not because he sees me as the weak link. He stays just in front of me, as I hurry to the doorway. We meet the others just inside the doorway, and I gag as an acrid odor defiles my nose. A large Minotaur sprawls bleeding on the ground with Arfin slowly working his axe out of the beasts gullet.

A bright blue star is crudely painted high above the alter wall, and slowly it registers that the acrid smell is pee that has de-sanctified the alter and tapestries. Justice motions for Selura to follow her down another hallway, as Arfin and Edriss head down the other hallway. I follow Arfin and Edriss trying to follow the way of the screams, but with the stone reflecting every sound, it is hard to place where they are coming from exactly. I pass two doors without hearing anything stirring inside, but after I pass hear Arfin and Edriss breaking those very doors in. At the third door, I turn as there is some unusual noise within. With bow ready and a dwarf at my back we kick in the door. There seems to be a large purple beast, with one eye and multiple tentacles on the table eating I know not what and a creature holding its leash looking through the pantry. As the dwarf runs at the tall figure, I shot the purple beast. It’s tentacles slash and wiggle around through the air occasionally snaking out like a whip. As I try to aim for the second shot, the beast shifts… I can’t focus and get a clear shot off.

Arfin falls hitting the floor hard, though his hand still tightly holds his hammer he remains unmoving. Archonus runs past me into the room. As the creature with the leash moves to strike Arfin’s form Arhconus’ long sword halts it’s advance. In a quick series, they start to spare with Arfin still lying between Arhconus feet with him weakening. Still near the door, I yell for help, not knowing where the rest of the party is. After a few moments, Edriss stands beside me quickly assessing the room. He skirts the wall dragging Arfin out of range from either beast. Then pouring one of those healing potions down his throat. Both join Archonus in attacking the troll.

I continue firing at where the displacer beast seems to be located. Seeing the thicker cross bow bolts following my arrows to it’s target. Finally the troll warbles then falls over the butter churn barrel, dead. The purple beast thumps to rest on the table filled with arrows and cross-bow bolts shortly thereafter. After taking a quick look around the room for anyone or anything else, we collectively run out and into a large foyer area with two staircase leading up to a balcony. “Up!” Archonus orders, and so Arhconus and I quickly mount the steps on the right, while we see Selura and Justice racing up the stairs on the left. I hear the dwarf behind and with a glance below see Edriss coming out from below the stairs headed our way.

Selura is running wildly toward the door to our right, also a point of tortured screams. Wanting to give aid, yet temper the recklessness of Selura we follow her in. As we enter we first spy a large table with a nicely embroidered table cloth and some candle sticks. But in the middle of the table lays an older woman wrapped in the robes declaring her abbess. She has blood covering her face, arms and legs secured to the table. A man in rich dark clothing stands over her. He has just placed another dagger into her body, upping the total to 8 blades. This last one goes directly inter her heart and with a fading scream she dies. At out entrance, he turns to us in surprise. The man says with a cold smile, “You should not interfere in what you don’t understand.” Jumping from the table he tips his hat running into a room in the back. The sound of a window breaking reaches us as Selura, Brad, and Edriss all give chase. As they run by two large creatures dragging their knuckles come out of the opposite back room. A tall blonde human orders the two trolls to stand down.

Justice goes to try and heal the Priestess on the table, but she is too far gone. The creatures continue to move forward not heading the strangers command. At the same moment the dwarf charges toward the creature near the fireplace, I fire an arrow over his short head. After seeing the horrible slaying of an innocent woman together we kill the two evil creatures fairly quickly. We turn to the stranger again as Kareth moves quickly to stop the new guy from running out the door.

For a very long moment no one says anything, then the man lifts his hand, “What are you doing here?” Archonus lifts his hand showing the tattoo that has become clean, “I am a talon for the king.” The stranger silently shows an exact mirror tattoo on his palm. “I am here under the king’s order’s, but this I never agreed to this. I was told we would be looking for something something hidden, but not this” he looks around disgusted. Kareth releases his hold on Farathier’s uniform, “Screams. Must help.”

Kareth again shows the way, we leave Farathier to his fate as he did try to help us. We step out the door hearing more movement in the room directly to our right. Arfin and Arhonus put shoulder to door ripping it from the hinges. Farathier runs to the next door hand reached out to turn the knob, as I see a man dart from the third and last door in the hallway. As he runs down the hallway I yell “Stop!”, and give chase. I hear one of my companions behind me moving much faster then me, and shortly the large green form of Kareth move swiftly past me. Before I can fire the monk has pinned and knocked the figure unconscious. Keeping my bow knocked and pointed at the trolls head I ask the monk if he has everything under control, and get a quick “yes” thrown over his shoulder.

Hearing whimpering to my right I reach out to open the door. Looking back I see Archonus headed straight towards me, he will be but steps behind me. I throw open the door with bow drawn, then stop horrified as I see a Minotaur blood splattered on the front of his great hairy chest and his huge axe. The walls look as if it had been raining blood for hours. In the midst of a pile of bloodied robes on the bed a slight movement catches my eye, and the whimpering gains in volume. A body wrapped only in her own blood lays trying to struggle beneath the great hand encasing her throat ever tighter. I raise my bow aiming at the smiling minators lower regions. The punishment will fit the crime.

I get only one arrow off before Archonus flashes by me along the wall. The paladin swinging her sword comes in close on his heels. I grab a sheet carelessly tossed aside and relatively clean, and move to the bed. Grabbing the woman’s arms and pulling her toward me. I throw the sheet over her, telling her to stay hidden. From the corner I continue to fire while Justice and Arhconus slash away at the evil monster.

The Minotaur hits the ground hard and as we turn to leave I hear the shouts of fire. Justice and Arhconus hearing the sounds of battle race that way, while I racing into a series of rooms. I round a doorway and see Arfin relieving himself a blanket and Kareth rummaging for I hope a water skin. Arfin uses his now wet blanket while Kareth and I use our water skins to put out the fire. As the flames die to charred remains and smoke Arfin hoarsely shouts, “Where be th’ others?” “I don’t know, but…” I am cut short by a yell, and a scream, and as one all three of us quickly turn and race toward the sounds.

Skidding around corners we find a door thick timbers splintered in a thousand places, and a demon surrounded by the new guy, Farathier, Justice, and Archonus. She glows with an unholy light and spewing curses and evil magic disappears into nothingness. “What?” Kareth looks around all of us expecting her to appear behind us. Instead we hear the garbled voice of the man who killed the priestess and the voice of a woman who just attacked Farathier arguing. Archonus and I remember the people that are still huddled in rooms around the monastery, so we all agree to split up and search for survivors and then meet back up in the basement. The one area we have not searched yet.

Most of the room are empty or only hold dead priests and priestesses… defenseless, these were people taught to love not fight. Why attack them, there was no challenge, no honor… nothing to gain… I enter the basement room and see everyone already there.

Archonus again takes the lead down the ladder into the cellar. It looks to be a small storage room, but Arhconus quickly moves a few boxes from against the wall finding a trap door under the floorboards. “There maybe others down there, and it may be another way out. We have to secure this whole area,” Justice reasons. So with Arhconus leading, then me, Justice, Kareth, Arfin and Farathier we slowly climb down the ladder and enter a dark hallway. The hallway leads us into a large open chamber.

Opposite where we stand there is a raised dais on which a large life-like statue stands. It is a masterfully crafted figure of a half-elven female draped with revealing cloth and with partially folded wings. “The Amastatia, this must be for her. The temple above is hers as well, so it would make sense, but why the secred door?” I ponder aloud. On the ground by the statue it is written in elfish “In the shadow I morn my loss, in the shadow I avenge.” As I move closer to the statue, I feel that there is some presence watching the statue of the Anastatia, yet Archonus is walking around the statue unharmed. Archonus sees nothing unordinary and then tells us of the other trap doors he saw on the way down. We all agree to investigate this temple further. Arfin and Archonus burst into the first room yelling back for us to stay out. Looking into the room we see two of both the human and the dwarf. I hear the crashing of glass, and can only assume they are trying to break the mirrors. The human says another message is on the wall and relayed it to us, “I descended into shadow but found only soulnessness there, and there I nearly became the monster I hunted.” We all decided to go into the door across the hall. It looked to be a hallway that went a few feet the turned. With Archonus reading aloud the passage on the wall, “I held those things left to me close, the weapons fate left in my hands. Two blades, a product of my enemy’s mind and my only living child.” There is a statue at the end of the hallway of what looks to be a dark gray hooded humanoid with only two specs of color, gold and silver, on the hilts of his sheathed sword.

As Archonus got to the end of the passage, two blades came out of the wall and cut Justices arm down to the bone. Given forewarning with her holler of pain, Arhconus leaps enough so it simply grazed his shoulder. We stop and look for a way around the trap, but Archonus is too eager to wait and so shouts, “There is a door at the end here.” Then without further concern for us, Archonus disappears inside the door. We stay on our side of the trap and look at the secret doors the paladin has pointed out to the rest of us. The dwarf rushes to the door closest the entrance, after the turn. Though as he charges the door open, he quickly reappears with a burst of flame singing his clothing.

I look around and just see the shadow of Justice running toward the entrance. The monk enters the flame room, while the dwarf hurtles the next door open. Chaos it seems has taken hold of them all. I simply move up and down the hallway looking in the open doorways gathering the messages in each room.

The first room has four pillars in each corner and an alter in the center. The torches cause something to shimmer on the alter top, as I get closer I see the elven script at the base of the alter. I saw aloud “Though the flame of magic burns hot within my blood, I sought its end.” I stand at its base and see the same hilts from the statue in the hallway one silver and one gold. They are laid out as drawn from their scabbards then laid down. Since we know the trigger, I must make it over the tile in the ground. Yet with the wounds I already have sustained, I must ask with a smile if Kareth would throw me over the tile. However, in the process of throwing me he hits the tile, and though it gives me a few more wounds to look at later it seems the flames do not faze him at all.

As the dwarf, Arfin, comes barreling down the hallway obviously trying to enter the other door, I grab his arm. His red face darts to look at my hand, and though I know he is upset I just say, “If you wait one second, I may be able to trigger the tile and then we have one less thing to worry about.” He grudgingly agrees, and waits as I push my staff on the tile. The blades come out and wiz over my head, and then come to a halt as they did before. The dwarf enters the room and yells, “Yet magic was her gift no less then love, and to extinguish it disgraced her memory.” That must be the message from this room. Suddenly the fire in the braises glows brighter and the dwarf falls back out onto the tile as two fire elementals rise from the flames and roam the room. The elementals rush the door, but their magic seems contained to the room alone. My arms start to shake with the strain of holding the tile, “We have to use something else here.” Arfin gets the good idea to push the statue over the tile in the hallway. Kareth and Arfin get it to lean on one wall so it lays across the tile and the doorway with the elementals.

Disappearing frantically into the doorway Arhconus was last seen entering, Arfin’s call can be heard. As Kareth and I reach the doorway Arhconus and Arfin reappear, though Archonus looks as if he had thrown his clothes in a shredder. His dark eyes flashing with excitement he rushes to tells us, “A platform that seemed to go nowhere and a message on the floor that read, “But one can see into the light from deepest darkness, and there, in my pain I finally saw the pain of others.” At the end he hit a wall suddenly and had something try to throw a spell of blindness at him. He then entered a room with a statue of an elf with two swords one short that seemed to be holding the roof up and one long in it’s scabbard. The statue had a red stone in its eye that seemed to be a ruby gem. As he entered he saw another message at the back and so went to read it “I gather you to watch and to punish.” With a grinding of stone against stone the statue then seemed to come alive, and though he made it out, was not sure what to do.

Looking around me, trying to put the pieces together, “It’s Link. Link Woodshadow, he suffered blindness, saw in a different- did you try to close your-“ but Archonus had already turned on his heels and was racing back toward the door at the end of the hall. We followed behind and heard his command to keep our eyes closed, so with that Kareth reached out. I grabbed hold of Arfin’s hand, while he reached up letting his hand be engulfed by Kareth’s large fist. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes trusting those before me.

There was the scratching of steel against steel and then a light breeze seemed to move around me. I knew it was the statue weaving the swords Archonus warned us of, but with a scary sense of accuracy the statue never quite touched us. Kareth must have found the next doorway for he told Arfin and I to duck. Still in darkness we slowly entered another secret room. I felt the door close behind me, and before we could ask anything more Archonus’ reassuring voice reached out to us. “You can open your eyes.”

Even with our eyes open, I seem to be encased in darkness. Then slowly a flickering light on the stone seems to get brighter, and on the wall was written, “The shadow must be your home but you must not loose yourself to it, or you shall become your enemy.” That was when I knew, this was a test and puzzle, but the reason for why still alluded us. We decided to go back to see if we could find the others and make sure we had all the pieces leading up to this point. So back we went to the first two doors we had passed over.

Archonus entered the first door on the right. He shouted from within the room “Only from beyond the light can you love its warmth.” As he exited he described the room as having four braises in the corners that spewed flame at the middle of the room when entered. As Arfin eagerly moved toward the door on the left, I moved to lean against the corner of the hallway, since they seemed to have placed me in charge of remembering all the pieces. Archonus exited another room and walking towards me told me the next part, “Half my sight was taken, but my blindness was complacency for me.” He also told me that this room had four columns with a statue of who we now knew to be the Woodshadow behind one column looking over a statue of his bride a young Pendara the Amastatia. Kareth and Arfin soon reappeared, and of all things the dwarf looked happy to be in this place. It must be the stone, the darkness, the adventure, the thrill… how strange since I longed for nothing more then to feel the night air again.

To complete the puzzle we agreed to re-enter the mirror room, and sure enough found a hidden door there. This lead into a room that held two statues facing each other. “The hero’s of the last war, Quarion and the Tain Apecto,” I said into the quietness of the room. Quarion the Great a friend of both Pendara and Link made the great wall to the north forever imprisoning the Evil Bluestar. The other the Apecto founded the church of the light and with his blade banished the Bluestar to his northern prison. These were legends all children were taught, but why here. Everything up to this point had been about the Woodshadow and the Amastia, those these two were friends of theirs it still doesn’t…..“Lost to the light I wondered and my former companions were blind to me” I slowly read the words scrolled in the stone floor. This is a story none had written of, a story forgotten.

I saw Kareth and Arfin’s backs huddled in the next doorway, but then pushed back as Arhconus leapt out slamming the door behind him. Looking again at me, “I aim you at the heart of evil. Fight, and die if you must, immolating evil in the flames of righteousness.” I remained where I was, slowly locking the story into place. Selura could have made a great song of this sad story, I shall have to tell her of it when we see her again. With that happier thought I advance as Arhconus quickly turns to the next set of doors instead of telling us what was in the room.

They advance slowly with me right behind into another statuary room. Again only two statues facing each other. The statue across the room is of a dwarf encased in ice, and so must be Gawyn Thunderheart. Ice? Across from it is a black stone statue of a true alder, but this one eludes my understanding. As I glance around looking for the message the stone crumbles and moves. I try to shoot the stone dwarf in front of me, while Arhconus and Kareth attack the elf statue quickly shattering it completely. The dwarf seems to not sustain damage, but with some trigger returns to its original position.

Kareth points to the wall behind him, and from beside him Arhconus reads, “Our vengeance must not be confined to the cause of our loss, but to that which endangers the people to which I once swore protection and allegiance.” The Bluestar. The dark lichlord in the North. I remain a few feet into the room, watching as the others search for another entrance or exit. This can not be the end. Arfin suddenly pipes up from behind the dwarven statue, “’Ere’s a door!” Kareth and Arhconus quickly go over and help him move the statue away. Light fills the dark chamber as they open the door.

I remain in the room to study the message. Vengeance for his wife and child no doubt, and his friends these other great legends… but what other dangers… there are so many, and why the riddle? But who would put it together and why?

I see the outline of Archonus’ figure in the doorway as he looks back into the room, “Here is another message ‘You are now the hidden warriors a secret force for my vengeance, for good, the Blades of the Woodshadow.” At Arfins laugh of delight, Arhconus leaves he doorway. “Look a’ all the weapons! Masterful!”

I start to take a step towards my friends a smile lighting my face, a simple puzzle. No big- the smile vanishes as I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning my head I am surprised to see the top of a finely crafted bow inches off my shoulder. A light female voice asks me, “Why are you here?” I turn my head further to face this new comer. I only see a slender tall hooded figure possibly female, an arrow tip gently nudges me in my back the finely crafted bow pulled tight. I raise my arms and at first can not say anything knowing my companions are too far away and engrossed in the weapons… I also feel no animosity from her, and since she easily could have killed me but has chosen to not. There is a chance she knows something, and I the others can still get out.

She asks me to turn around and to step into the light, as I do I drop my bow to hopefully get the attention of my companions. I know my bow is useless against her, and in my weakened state I would not last long. As I step into the light the door behind me swing shuts, and though still not scared I am unsure why she has me and who she is. She pulls back her hood and I see a very old stately beautiful elf, though not entirely a full elf. She reminds me significantly of the statue we saw in the first big room, but obviously not the same one…as she lowers the bow releasing the tension the folds of her cloak shift and I see she has feathery wings folded beneath. So she is a descendant, possibly even the daughter, of the Amastatia.

I tell her that we- that I am searching for survivors or injured people from the monastery above. She knows I am tell at least a partial truth and asks me again to answer her questions with the full truth. I tell her that we where coming to the aid of a priest who told us this monastery was under attack, and one of my companions was raised and schooled here. Once here we saw the people being killed and the monastery defiled, we knew we had to help them. We then looked for survivors…..” She cuts me off to say “That is still not an explanation as to why you are here and why you completed the task.” There seems no reason to keep the truth from her, and let her know that curiosity took hold once we made it to the corridor. Companions she knows they are there, are they injured? She asks if I learned anything and I can only say, “Yes, but I am too anxious with my companions on the other side of a door with no idea what is happening to them.” She tells me they will be alright and asks if I will come with her, that we must speak and that I am to see her father. Through this talk I have noticed that she not only looks like the statue of the Anastati, but she also looks very vaguely like….. Me.

I told her my name, and why I was there again. She was intent upon my words of the happenings in the monastery above, and asked as if fearing the answer if the abbess and abbot still lived. I knew the lady abbess had been slain but the king’s man and by Selura’s crying scream gathered the old man whose head we saw on the pike out front was the Abbots. She leaned wearily against the stone and uttered “At least our secret is still safe.” We both tense and turn toward a creaking noise coming around the corner, but she relaxes as a hunched over figure appears in the midst of a coughing fit. She seems unconcerned though the coughs seem to be racking his frail body. Though her face is full of concern and love, her words seem harsh, “I thought I told you to stay in the hall” “And stay I did” came the tart reply. It seems they know each other well, is this her father?

His skin weathered through the thousands of years he had lived, though his warrior training still evident in his gnarled hands. Hating to see one in pain, I asked if he has need of anything. This got his attention as he looks towards me a dull red flash from his left eye socket. “I need a chair and my sight, but neither of these I think can you provide,” he answers, a smile cracking his lips showing the devilishly good looks he once held. Hoping to give him some humor, “Though I may not be able to help, I have a dwarf companion that may fashion a chair for you, though it may not be grand it would be suitable for sitting. He smiles and chuckles, then as his daughter did, asks why I am here.

I shift uneasily feeling my strength slowly ebbing through the multiple small wounds I have sustained. I can feel even in their age they wield great power and seem at ease with the shadows and with the weapons each carries. They have fought battles and been through a lot in their long lives, and have knowledge that maybe we can use. The woman however is less at ease, and seems a little on edge with this new comer. As I finish the last story I had told the daughter, She walks away from me never turning her back. Grabbing his arm and steering him into the hallway behind them I am left alone.

I look around the room and back at the door behind me. I put my hand on the door and attempt to push it open. So muttering to the door, “I can only hope you are all well, but you are safer together I am sure.” I leave it alone. As the elves enter again, the female asks if I have time for a story, and I can only reply, “You have assured me that my friends will be safe and I can not leave without your permission. So I am up for a story.” She assures me again that my friends will be fine and then launches into her tale:

“Long ago a warrior alder and a half alder meet and feel dearly in love with each other. They fought side-by-side and eventually came to bear a child. The rejoiced at the childs birth and they taught her the ways of both parents, yet too soon the father and child where called to a far off mission. The mother carrying another child waited protected by powerful friends and allies. Later when the husband and child returned they found one of the friends entrusted to swearing the wife and unborn child had been slain.” She looks at me then and quietly says, “but maybe those friends lied.”

I look from one to the other, and ask if I could assume that she is speaking of them, that he is Link Woodshadow and she is his daughter and only heir? The woman glances to the man as he rises to full height and pushes back his cloak. I see for the first time not a frail old man, but an ancient elderly elf covered in armor only seen in old texts. Instead of eyes he has a vacant white ball in one side and in the other there is a red stone. It seems to glitter and flash with fire and life, yet within the blink of an eye become just a dead stone again. Even before he tells me I know I am right, he is the legendary Link Woodshadow. Friend and Hero himself of the last great war, husband of the Amastaia, Punisher of the Alder race, slayer of Blue Mages. Motioning proudly to the woman, “She is my daughter.”

She asks if I have family, and I answer again that there are none still alive. As my mother died giving me life, and my father just a scant year ago. She asks if I have anything from them, and I tell her from my father my kukri, and arm guards. My father had always told me to hide it, but that just because it would remind him of the wife he lost. I slowly pull it from my shirt, saying, “From my mother only this.” She stares at it then asks if she can see it closer. She sees my hesitation and tells me to trust her. I pull it from around my neck. As she takes it, she rips a cord from her throat and throws it to me. I catch it and as my fingers graze the surface I know without looking it is the same as the one I wore for the last thirty years. Not daring to believe, I open my hand rolling the claw and leave over and over.

From my surprised study of the amulet I hear her tell him that it is as they thought and looks to me saying ‘so the child must have lived.’ She turns to me and throws me my amulet and motions for hers. After the exchange, the Woodshadow turns his head toward me and says that they have been in shadow and must remain there to fight, as the hour of their arrival is not yet at hand. He has an offer for all of us, but wants to know what I would say first, and I think of the stranger who is presently apart of the party. I tell them of my fear, not knowing if I doom my companions, but he simply nods. Their lives are at stake, I will tell the others as soon as I can.

He then tells me of the single table full of treasure that they can have for completing the trial, and whatever else lies around that they give fair price for. In return they can not speak of this place. When he is done, she asks if I know where I will be heading. I can only tell her my destination is Thanesport so long as nothing else happens. Neither seem to want to just leave.

Link tells me of the others, the other temples such as this and the other warriors to their cause. They all have tattoos of the amulet on their neck or on the inside elbow of their arm. If they do not have these markings then they are not who they say they are. If I need to get a message to them I must find one of these temples. There I am to leave a message; the shadows will know me and will know where Link and his daughter may be found. He turns and leave no good-bye, she at least pauses turning to utter, “Now we must go. Good-bye….. Niece.” The stone closes behind them.

I feel the air move as the door behind me opens, and there stand my companions. They seem surprised to see me. Archonus stands in the doorway, as our eyes meet he gives me a quick questioning look handing me my bow. As I take it the dwarf says, “Where were ye?” “I was…” I can not lie to them, pointing to the table at the front, “Everything on that table is given freely to us as reward for completing the trial.”

Arfin pushes for more, but I tell him I gave a promise that should be enough. After they put the gifts into the bag of holding, I see the dwarf start to touch the other objects. I tell them they are free to take what they want if they will but give equal price for it in return. Noticing I had gone missing, they had gone searching apparently finding Justice on the way. Soon I hear their happy chatter from the various rooms. I see a compound shortbow in the main room and after giving my price; I walk to a plain chain shirt in a corner and put that on as well.

I then stand sentry at the doorway not knowing what do for the rest of the promise.

Justice and Archonus are the first that approach as if to leave. I stop and ask them to not speak of this place though I can not say why. Justice bows at the waist and flourishes her sword out and somehow it is laid at my feet she says “I give this my word of your secret safe and these memories shall remain locked in my mind forever.” Archonus looks askance at Justice and says simply, “I give you my word, but all haste is needed now.” Justice tells me that they are off to Thainesport to save Jane who is actually of the dragon blood and should be ruling this kingdom, so much for my thoughts of trust. She trusted this Talon, but not us. I will not stop them, and just hope when next we meet it will be under a good star. Maybe I made the right choice… too many secrets.

I do not have to wait long, since Arfin, Kareth, and Farathier come from differing directions into the entry room. I stand easily blocking the door. Looking to Kareth and Arfin I ask if they will agree to say not a word of this place nor of what they have seen here today to anyone. Arfin is hesitant, but gives his word, as does Kareth. Next I turn to Farathier, and ask if he will give me his oath not to speak of what he has seen or of the knowledge of this place. He tells me he will not say anything, and I can only hope that he will keep his word. He tossed in with us as an outcast above in the monastery, and he did explain some things to us. I move to the side and gesture them to leave. As I re-enter the hallway I look back into the shadows and say a small good-bye with a well wishing for what is now possibly my family. So many things, so much treachery, it could all come to mean nothing, or be a mistake. So many generations and blood to be told by an amulet alone…

Once up stairs, I push a barrel of wine and try to cover our tracks down there as best I can. I then go up the ladder and am almost pushed back down as a bucket is thrown towards me. I easily pluck the bucket from the air and look around to utter chaos as Mr. Miagi’s people seem to have infiltrated the monastery. Weaving my way around the chaos to the doors outside I see they are setting up what looks to be a small makeshift camp.

I stop some of the monastery priests and ask who would be in charge and trying not to wince ask about a healer. Upstairs, is the general agreement. Some seem to recognize us as helpers, warriors, but most are still too shocked to do more then busily work. Gradually I narrow down the new leader and which room he is in. It is a larger room forms laying about, the smell of blood, vomit, and medicine clouding the air. I ask if I can help, but looking me up and down says he has everything under control there and that I should go rest as he does not have the strength to heal me if I should keel over. I ask if my two companions, the paladin and the talon were able to get away okay. He says only the man went, the other is with the new people.

I leave the room asking as I go for Justice, since she tend to stick out in a crowd everyone remembers her. I slowly walk across the balcony, looking down stairs watching Arfin and Kareth help the people below. I cross to the abbesses room, slowly pushing open the door. The body has been removed, but the blood and the damage remains. Outside the back room I am stopped by a little man who imitates a sleeping motion. Not sure what is happening but understanding the need for sleep I simply curl on the floor in front of the door, and hope he will not bother me.
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Herder of monkies
Nice! I like the single perspective layered against the main Story Hour, makes for some very interesting, full-flavored reading. None of that carb-diet, low-fat, low-sugar story hour for me, thanks. :D

Keep up the good stuff.


First Post
ledded said:
Nice! I like the single perspective layered against the main Story Hour, makes for some very interesting, full-flavored reading. None of that carb-diet, low-fat, low-sugar story hour for me, thanks. :D

Keep up the good stuff.
Thanks!!!! i've been lacking in the update department having to much fun reading your story hour!!!! :)

Hopefully some of the other PC's will post thier 'journals' as well- I love the extra flavor :p


First Post
Chapter One- "Shadows of the Past"

Day Eight- Monastery of the Sacred Heart

I slowly open my eyes to find that dawn had broken some hours ago. The door at my back opened. I quickly look in and see the little man standing over Justice as she awakens. I look around the room, shattered furniture, torn wall hangings, even the ashes in the fireplace are spread across the floor. I go to the window looking out across the yard, slowly steadying my breathing. Too many emotions and thought swirl round my brain, and the peace eludes me. I slowly sink to the floor, shards of a broken mirror reflect a splintered picture. A young woman wearing torn clothes, dried blood and dirt mar her normally light skin. Long fingers reach up pushing tangled brown straw away. Thick muscles jump through the arm slowly working the kinks out of the mess. The image revealed as the strands part is not one easy on the eyes. Sharp angles and scars fracture the image more then the shattered glass. The calloused fingers move over a chiseled cheek drawing the wetness from tears through the grime. Michael had taught me a good brain and quick hand would mean longer survival then a pretty face, and he seemed to never mind my appearance. I look back toward Justice’s room. I had never thought about it, but now… I stared back at eyes flashing bright green with unshed tears. Michael it seems had never had to worry about catching someone… what was I thinking. He was gone…

I hear Justice dismiss the little man in common, and then as each morning her voice softly repeating the words of her code. For the first time I let myself hear the meaning of the words. Looking out the broken window, seeing the sun shine and the birds sing as if nothing had happened, I realized it didn’t matter what I thought or what I wanted.

Quiet. Silence. Then her footfalls on the on covered stone floor. I move toward the doorway meeting her as she exits the room. I can see dark circles under her eyes, but that is all that mars the face. Brushing a hand through her long tresses she quickly tells me of her new burden. It seems Mr. Miagi went away and left her in charge of all these people. She can not simply leave them now, so she sent Arhconus on his way to help Jaine. Determined to follow him once they were settled here. We go in search of the new Abbott and Abbess and after a debate knowing that they can not give protection to the strangers, we all agree that Mr. Miagi’s people can stay. Justice then goes and tells Mr. Miagi’s people about it. They seem to not understand but will not budge until ordered, and wait for Justice’s return.

The monastery has agreed to give us new horses hoping to speed us away. A larger blond form exits the monastery. He carries a large lance and a bag. He hesitates then with purposeful strides walks to where we have gathered. Seeing a fellow warrior he faces Justice. He now has a price on his head and will be marked for death. He wishes to join us. He can no longer serve a king who orders what Tain had done here, and he needs answers. Justice continuing to look him in the eyes tells him she knows the need for truth and that he may tag along. So with Kareth, Justice, Arfin, and Farathier, I track Archonus’ direction to Thainsport.

Even with the sun finally reaching its peak the wind bites through our clothes as we race along the underbrush. We find him calmly sitting by a small stream, mud and shadows back in place. It seems his body shut down at last needing to rest and to heal. A dark speck flies over head, and he whistles shortly holding out an arm as it dives for him. It seems he has made a friend in his journey.

As we all head for Thainesport we discuss Jaine and possible ways to get in to the city. Our best bet as we the outskirts of civilization start to encroach is to simply walk through the gates and hope to go un noticed. A large tavern overflowing with patrons stands in our way, and needing to keep a low profile we dismount. I take Arfin’s reigns as he jumps down and almost scurries into the tavern. Hopefully he will save some for us,” Justice says a surprising smile curving her normally stern features. As the rest of us approach we see three dwarves talking to Arfin. As we weave our way closer I hear a strange language. This must be dwarven. They seem to want him to sign a legal document, but even after Arfin asks about it the leader will only ask if he has clan loyalties and will see them to be the best they should be. Arfin caves and finally signs the document. The leader breathes a sigh of relief, and then orders drinks for all. He hands Arfin the document and tells him in common, “Congratulations you are now the ambassador for Clan Thunderheart, please report there as soon as you can.” Arfin in between gulps asks “How can I find this place?” “It is at the center of town and the only one that is empty!” Then the three dwarves down in one gulp their ale and depart. This could be the answer we needed. We have another way to enter the city.

Across the room I recognize Mr.Miagis daughter, Tara, taking money from a male customer and then leading him upstairs. I pat Justice on the shoulder and motion to the stairs. Arfin sees where I point, and both the paladin and dwarf charge after them. As Arfin tops the stairs he throws money down at Tara’s feet, and Justice yells her name and to stop. Tara acknowledges both people coming towards her, but only stops and looks pleadingly at Justice telling her, “I go later with you.” With checks reddening I yell to the man that I want her first. Though some of those nearest give me a quizzical look most couldn’t hear a steeldrake being fired. The man simply grabs Tara’s arm and pushes her forward. The paladin grabs the man and pushes him to the floor, as the dwarf hits him on the head with the leather pouch of coins. Arfin still down by the mans head gives a great heave to his shoulders and I watch stunned as the body rolls over the railing to the bar below. There are some quick cries and yells, but even that can’t keep them from their drink for long.

Justice quickly takes Tara into a private room, while I stand outside the door. This isn’t the place for privacy nor safety. I can hear them speaking quietly in Miagi’s own strange language, and know there is a problem but not what it is. Justice seems to be trying to give Tara her sword back, but she will not take it. I hear the floor creak beside me and see Kareth’s smiling face beside mine. He puts a finger to his mouth an then pushing the door open walks in. I see around his shoulder Justice on her knees forcing the blade at Tara. With wisdom beyond his intelligence Kareth walks up and places a hand on Justice shoulder. Using his not so elegant ways he tells Justice the problem, Justice ponders this and then turns to Tara crisply ordering her to do something. Tara’s hand reaches out and with head bowed she takes the sword.

Justice offers no explanation and I take the signal from Kareth to not ask. It seems just more tying Justice to those people. We all go downstairs and meet at a side table. “We now have a legitimate way to get past the guards,” Justice states looking pointedly at Arfin. A commotion at our backs causes all to turn as a very round dwarf barrels his way through the crowd. He seems to be as wide as the table but barely able to see above it, and a mass of dark hair braided down his back and over his face. He’s even more hairy then Arfin. “Any of you Arfin?” says a surprisingly higher voice for a male dwarf. It then dawns on me this is a lady. Arfins head pops up on the far side of the table, “I am he, and who are ye?” She rounds the table. Once directly in front of him, she tells him she was sent by Gawyn to collect him to the keep, as he should be there by now. Arfin looks at us and then quickly divulges that that’s all fine and good for him, but that we require a more secret way in. As the discussion goes back to slipping past the guards Kareth pipes up, “Sewers?” This starts a new debate, and opens more possibilities. At long last we have agreed on a course. Justice goes over the plan once more making sure we understand every part of it.
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