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L'Aurel's Journal (A Kingdom of Ashes) -updated 3/23


First Post
Chapter 3- “The Fall of the City of Forsaken Elves”

Day Fourteen- Oceanus

Tired and ragged at last we get the call from the nest that Oceanus is in site. Looking to port, I see only blackness, a sheer wall of blackness that as the light shines becomes barren yellow high cliffs. Hundreds of feet up a faint line of trees and plants can be seen. Some have even tried to grow on the sheer cliff face. Large boulders rest against the base, spelling death for any who wonder too close.

I had heard stories of Oceanus, once great in it’s architecture and riches it still stands many generations later. Though now it stands more as a haven for high alder, then for anything else. I wonder what they are like… To be ruled by that shame, yet in a city of their own are they as Xath’s Alder in Sylvanus? But even in Oceanus they are ruled by a True Alder… Lord Greyclaw, a duke I believe Xath mentioned. The Greyclaws were given the city by my ancestor Link Woodshadow, along with the double-edged sword Greyclaw for which only they can wield.

Then I finally see past the next cliff, and to a city truly unto it’s own. Great scaffolding rises from deep in the waters to well above the cliff top. A ship pulls into a narrow space as high alder plummet. They seem only as specs a black thin line of rope in hand. Their sleek bodies slide easily between the wooden pier and the great hulls sliding easily into the water. With hand signals and shouts a great metal disc is turned high above, slowly the masts stop swaying the barnacle encrusted hull is lifted a few feet into the air. Hundreds of ships sit in various stages along the cliff, some being overhauled, some painted, some simply sit, others just arriving, and still others just leaving. In the harbor itself a fleet of vessels wait. It looks much as Thainesport did once to my eyes, but as Anon rises so does the realization that at least this time I take the first step with more then I left with.

This is a city of stone and walls no place for my new friends, and hoping they will reach the trees not far off I raise my still weak arm and tell the eagles to go. They lift off slowly circling the center mast taking one last peck at Archonus’ rarely seen falcon. Finally I see them shoot for the treeline, a simple “Good-bye.”

I race below almost giddy with the rush of the new sites. I don the elvish chain letting it mould to my blocky figure, noticing slight changes the recent adventures have done. Spying a mirror on the desk, I pick it up… yes changes… The magic that helped heal the wound on my arm it seems has healed other wounds. The change of diet, but the same activity has also to alter my form. For the first time in the past few days I feel happiness intrude on the darker thoughts. Yes, giddy…

Everyone clusters on deck as with Anon raising in the horizon we enter one of the openings and are slowly hoisted up. A few High Elves stand about on deck making sure everything is going smoothly. No one seems to engage them in conversation staying away.

A bald man stands paces away from me, his clinging clothes drip salt water into a small pool on the deck. I approach him quietly, and seeing him make no move simply staring at the thin lines holding us. Asking in our tongue, I try to find out why a statue of the Amastatia is coming into view. His long pointed ears twitch and large pale brown eyes swivel towards me, surprise flashing across his white skin. Surprise by someone talking to him, someone talking to him in Sylvan, or just surprised by me I know not. Once over his surprise he responds that the statute is of the Amastatia and it’s thought that she watches over all entering the city from her perch on the docks. Though he quickly turns his gaze from me, his ease with the answer lends me to ask him some more about his city as it slowly comes into view with each halting pull. A larger statute in the center of town is the replication of the first Greyclaw in all his glory or so it is said. They got their name from the great gray iron throne that sits in the palace. I also find out that Xath was right, Lord Varis Greyclaw, Duke of Oceanus does sit upon the throne currently.

As the gears grind to a halt the ship shudders one last time then remains motionless in her new perch. As we are motioned below decks, Xath changes into the Captain of this vessel, the one we put ashore just two days ago. She is going to go to the Naval Talon Headquarters and check-in. Hopefully also sounding the alarm about the dragon ship that was fast approaching. The rest of us stay on board, waiting and trying to help McShippy fix what will soon be his new vessel. As the work orders are laid, we find that tomorrow morning is the earliest we can leave. If the alarm can be sounded before then, they can evacuate and bring the full force of this city to bear on the ship. They should have no problem destroying the single ship from the water.

And so the next few hours go, with only the sites from the wooden deck to entertain us. As we wait, I hear a small cry from above and look up to see the pair of eagles have returned. Another shape darts around them; it seems they picked up a friend on the way. I greet them quickly, learning the new one is much younger. With nothing better to do, but be bored by the lack of action I take them to the bow of the ship.

Three hours later Xath storms back aboard, the scowl on the human males face showing her displeasure. She tells us she can only hold this- motioning to her disguise- for a little bit longer, but we have to get to the Duke. He is the only one that can sound the alarm. Still mumbling angrily to herself, she gathers a small pack. Justice and I grab our stuff and trail after her, Arhconus’ long bow slung to my back. At the gangplank, Justice throws the bag of coins at Archonus, but Farathier’s nimble fingers easily reaches out and plucks the small bag from the air. Feeling still oddly playful I say over my shoulder, “Get the supplies we need, and something nice for us!” Justice looks over at me with a fleeting surprised look. I lift my arm letting one of the eagles land, telling the two older ones to stay with the boys, and keep them out of trouble.

The guards at the front door bar our entrance, but Xath’s Naval uniform and human appearance and quick words get us to see the high chancellor of the Duke. Justice using her womanly ways and figure quickly get us inside, but only to wait some more. There we sit and pace unsure what the next step actually is or when it may come. Justice has ideas of what to say, but Xath keeps subtly reminding her that she as the naval officer must speak first. If she fails then Justice can petition him.

The stately man in flowing robes re-enters the room gliding over to Justice and bowing deeply. He says how sorry he is that the Duke will need more time, but hints that there are other places more comfortable to spend the time if she, Justice, wishes. She brushes him off, but he only smiles wistfully and backs out of the room. Xath strangely still sounding and looking like the male captain scowls at Justice. Before long the door re-opens and this time we find a younger man with sandy colored hair, twinkling amber eyes, and well dressed in a bright velvet purple doublet. He speaks to the room, but looks at me, “Can I get you anything while you wait?” Having not found anything to occupy my mind, I ask for a book about Oceanus. Can’t hurt to find out more while I am here.

He bows gracefully, and as the chancellor did he slowly exits backwards. He returns twice more once to deliver the book, and once to ask me if I was enjoying the book. I finally caught on that he was asking not about the book, but about the note he placed inside the binding. “Your beauty is far different than any I have seen… rare in the powdered courtiers who seek the Duke. Call for me, and let us tryst while you await the Duke’s desire. Yours, S. Pythan” it read. I look at the others, knowing my cheeks are aflame. I nod in agreement that I would go with him. Knowing Justice will stay will Xath. This may give me a chance to tell someone else or possibly another way to get to the Duke.

As we walk down the hall I feel slightly lightheaded, but it has been a strange few days… strange few weeks… he’s asking me something. Through a cloud I struggle to discern his words. Oh my trip, I can tell him about that. My journey here, there is no problem with telling him that since he’s my friend. He just wants what’s best for everyone, so why not tell him of the impending doom. No danger from the evil ship…Yes, that’s right there is do danger from the evil ship, why would he lie, he is as close as those two standing in the other room. We got close to that horrid ship and it didn’t attack us, it just looked evil. Looks can be deceiving… it could have just been to scare people. Yes, that’s all. The Duke is really the one in trouble, he has been acting strange lately… oh, yes the duke is trouble. I should make sure he doesn’t learn about what’s been happening. Pythan will make sure he knows when only the right ears are listening.

As the cloud lifts I find myself back in the room that I had left, but… it’s empty. I spin around watching helplessly as the purple clothed page retreats a warm smile on his parted lips, “Your friends will be back soon.” I go to the doorway and turn the handle slowly. Finding it unlocked, I walk a few feet down the hallway. Trapped in a maze of walls, I rub the feathers of the eagle on my arm. I have to wait for the others, so unsure I return to one of the overstuffed chairs and continue to read my book.

In the midst of Chapter Three: Roads, the Pavement of a City, the door swings open to reveal the page again, he is breathing quickly and looking over his shoulder. The book drops to the floor as I quickly stand bracing myself automatically for a fight. Instead he urgently tells me that my friend has been betrayed. She is being followed by an agent of the Bluestar, a dark elf who hunts her. I look quickly around him, he tells me my friend doesn’t know of the others deceit but that he must die.

I hear wood splintering down the hall and moments later see Xath race through the doorway. Just paces behind her a True Alder follows. I yell at her to move, releasing an arrow over her now normally shortened form. Xath tries to grab the bow, but I easily weave the longbow out of her pudgy fingers grasp, getting off another shot. I know she is confused, but she has to trust me. It’s for her own good. Pythan told me the truth and he wouldn’t lie to me. The black almost ebony eyes pierce me as over his initial shock the True Alder slings a large ornate double edged sword and moves towards me. He wields it menacingly close to my face. As with Xath futile attempts, I manage to stay just out of range, as two opposing doors burst open. One to my Pythan and other to the place guards. The guards race towards me, curved blades waving. They don’t know either, poor soldiers, just following orders. I must warn Xath of the betrayal, “Die agent of the Bluestar!” Hoping to release some of the pent-up anger I feel. Pythan is helping me, as he attacks one of the palace guards, killing him quickly. Xath attacks him as he attacks her- No! I move a pace back, almost between Paython and Xath. I try for another step but am thrown forward as a guard comes from behind.

Xath deals with Pythan and one of the guards more slowly, as a familiar pale graceful arm grabs the dark elf around the torso. He lets the arm take him and is whipped around the corner out of sight. I turn knowing there is still some fight continuing, and hear a soft thud behind me. Pythan lays on the hard marble floor with Xath crumpling not far to his side. My vision wavers and stomach rolls as a veil of mist lifting disorients me. I see Justice run in casting me glances of promised retribution later. What had I…. She kneels at Xath’s side laying her hands on the dark round arm and still chest. Speaking the words of healing she had been taught through the academy. As Xath sputters to life, I look in horror at my bow… She could have died, I could have killed…. the true alder in question chose that moment to pokes his head around the door frame. Voice dripping with sarcasm he looks warily at me, “Next time you introduce me to your friends can they not try to kill me.” I hang my head, I can only ask bewildered, “I am truly sorry. But who are you?”

Xath still weak grumbles angrily from behind me, “He is the Duke of Oceanus. The one we came to see.” I look over to tell them what may have happened, but at Justice’s heated black glance I drop my eyes again staying in my seated position. She goes and bows elaborately to the Duke, “I am Justice Fairweather.” He nods, asking what he or us are supposed to do now. Xath walks to my side, offering she hand, “You will need this yet, friend.” I look across at her now familiar true form, knowing she at least knows there was some magic at work.

Trying to find the safest area we go into the throne room, seeing guard nor servant on the way. As Justice tells him of Pythan’s deceit as well, he shakes his head saying, “It seems I have been betrayed for many years from within.” Justice stands in front of the Duke telling him of what we must do, while he shoots most the options down. He has not the support nor means all of a sudden to do much of anything. “We must find the others,” I say. Xath and his lord nod in agreement.

I tie a note to the leg of the eagle on my shoulder- “Take this to the others.” His small wings struggle, but once in the open the currents he will quickly find them. We continue to talk about what has happened, what we know, and what to do. Glancing up through the high windows, we see Anon just reaching it’s peak. With a loud commotion the boys race in weapons draw. Now having more heads to think things through we start to truly plan.

After we three relay our story, Arfin quickly starts, “We ne’ te get word te the leaders o’ the city.” Justice, “I agree, but with all haste and we have no pull here.” The Duke then chimes in, “I can sign letters with my seal to give them weight, and you can go as my messengers.” He holds out some arm bands. The same ones the guard and servants wear, a white strip of cloth with a gray talon foot sewn on. I put one onto my arm as does Archonus, Arfin, Xath, Kareth, and Farathier.

The duke again addresses us, “Here are the letters you need there are five spots you must take them with all haste.” Farathier shouts that he will go to the Talon Barracks, while Xath grabs one yelling over her shoulder, “I will go to the Redmage tower.” Arfin takes one making no move to leave, while the Duke holds two of his own. He calls a small group of his guards in, and tells us he will meet us back here in the throne room. He is going to the Amastacian and Apectin temples.

I kneel in front of the Duke, “I would not leave you alone, not at this time. You are needed, and we have seen that we can not trust most about.” He tells me he will take guards with him, as soon as he rounds enough together. “I tried to kill you and almost succeeded, you are too valuable right now. We know they want you dead now. Let my bow work for you this time, please.” His face dour, as Justice urges me, “We must stick together. He has his guards and he trust them.” Without glancing at her I answer them, “Xath and Farathier have both gone their own way, please. Let me try-“ Justice interrupts again saying, “Though they ran off, it’s not what I would have allowed if given half a chance.” I concentrate on the Duke as it is for him to decide anyways, as I try once more to plead my case. Again I am cut off by Justice this time though Archonus lends his voice to her cause. The last straw, I can not fight hi... I push away from the stairs making a stiff bow, “Then let’s go.” I can only trust the Light to watch the duke now. The others rush past me dividing already on their missions, only Justice, Kareth, Arfin, Archonus and I are to remain together.

As I reach the door, Archonus hands me a masterfully carved bow. I weakly smile my thanks; my thought still consumed by the Duke I must leave inside. Reaching behind me he takes Long Arm, his longbow, back. It has been too long in my possession. Without word he had given it to me when he told me of the bow they could not find at the Dwarven Stronghold in Thainesport. The new bow was shorter, but Long Arm had just started to seem an extension of my arm… but this new one has a power and grace that I think will suit me more. Glancing back once more toward the throne room, I turn to follow them.

Outside we are herded along with the pushing crowd, oblivious to anything outside their daily routine. Hands raised Justice calls out, “Stop! Thief!” I see the very top of Justice blonde head and Kareth’s shoulders up running into a dark alley. I try to move towards them, but I am impeded by the still flowing carts and milling people.

I am the last to reach the alley it’s strange stillness compared to the bustle just feet away. I see an arrow fletch in the ground near a small boy, and one burrowed deep in Justice’s armored side. Kareth lies not far from the small child his arm reaching out as if to grab him. I race forward to the small huddled child and Kareth’s unprotected form. I hear a snap of a beloved sound, a bow string, and feel a warmth covering my back. Everything seems to be turning black… In the fading light I see Justice reaching the top the building to my left, Archonus and Arfin right behind her on the rope. As the light fades I see arrows rapidly going straight for Justice’s chest… but they disappear? Arfin is rushing by Archonus, why isn’t he fight-

I am startled to open my eyes to a large green figure huddled over me. I quickly move to the side, but hold my head as memory and pain shoot through my body and mind. I look up to see Kareth standing there with a hurt expression and holding a healing potion. I give him a weak smile and a muttered apology, as Justice, Arfin, and Archonus, all shimmy down the side of a building.

Justice clutches the dead woman’s body tears running down her cheeks, saying she must get her sister to the temple. Her sister? What is this… a sister of blood she never told us of, another secret? What?! Though Arfin is eyeing the weapons with a hunger in his eyes. I can not believe with the dangers that surround us, getting closer by the minute, they would fight and grieve over one body. With that shuttering thought I picture Michael laying dead in my arms, Link so close to death… she has a right to grieve, but hundreds may be at risk the ship is still coming for we know not what.

As I realize I have spoken aloud, Archonus turns to me slowly and says simply, “I have taken care of the ship, as I dealt with… the other things.” Then he turns back to the group at large plucking arrow shafts from his legs and one from his side. He was behind the others why would she have singled him out… how did he get hit the most, just noticing Justice remains only with one wound in her side, while even Arfin carries multiple gashes….. Kareth holds out the small vials of potion to everyone letting them drink the healing draught. He has to almost force Justice to drink hers, but eventually she does.

Kareth looks at us motioning, “Man get help, cleric come.” Sure enough a woman in a blue cape appears with a hobbling man next to her. They look around and exclaim, “What is going on!” Justice falls at the woman’s feet tears running down her face. She cries out that she must go to the temple with her dead friend immediately. Friend? Archonus moves between the two, as Arfin edges closer. I look at Arhconus, “The Duke… I must find the Duke. He is still handing out the warnings!” I cry, “I know you would stay with them, protect them. Let her say good-bye, as I was not allowed. But if you are going to the Apectin temple, then I must go to the Amastatian temple.”

As I head to the entrance Kareth steps to my side, I glance at him and nod my thanks. I figure and hope that the others will see the bigger picture and get moving soon. A horse is drawn to the entrance as Kareth and I reach it. We look up to find a disheveled Farathier. He also is carrying a dead body, a twin it seems of the one Justice holds. I can only go by the armor though since her head seems to have been left elsewhere. As he jumps down he throws the body down as well. “Where did you find her?” Justice nearly screams in hysterics as she rushes to the figure. She lays both bodies together, moving so she can hold both as best as possible. “In an ally… the head was attached, but it was marked by a bluestar. I thought to bring it, but it turned to ash as soon as my fingers touched it. I figured I would bring the body, and see if it meant anything.”

Justice struggles to get both bodies into her arms, and almost falling staggers to her knees. The cleric quickly rushes over to take one her burdens, and she ends up having to forcefully take the headless body when Justice pulls both away. They start their journey to the temple, Arfin and Archonus follow at a slower pace. There is nothing more I can do for them…

I turn to Farathier, “Have you seen Xath at all?” He frowns for a moment glancing into the street back the few short blocks to the palace doors, “No, but you guys definitely did not make it far.” Used to his sarcasm by this point, my gut clenches telling me to find the duke and fast, “I do not have time to explain, but watch for the duke or the duke’s men. Archonus…he did something- and the boat, the one we were to warn everyone about is now gone he says. I have to find the Duke. We will meet as arranged at the Duke’s throne room.” He briefly smiles cryptically at Kareth over my head, uttering “Fine then.” And so we part again, Farathier to find Xath, while Kareth and I go to the Amastatian temple.

As Kareth and I run, I ignore anything but the goal of finding the Duke as quickly as possible. At one point I have to grab Kareth’s arm and drag him along as some piece of shiny metal catches his eye. We soon arrive at the temple, and I skid to a halt inside the great stone walls realizing belatedly that I am just attracting attention to us. I look to the first priestess I can find, “Have you happened to see the Duke?” My breath is coming in short breaths after struggling to keep up with Kareth’s long easy gallop. The priestess answers our question with a slight smile touching her light brown eyes, “We have not seen the Duke in a while as he can receive our attentions… privately.” Kareth jumps in, “We find him. Any here now him?” Each breath is a breath wasted, each thought that is hidden could lead to answers, I look and try to take some of his patience as the woman slowly says, “If I see him I will tell him you are looking for him, but I have been here for the past hour and I have not seen him.”

The feeling in my stomach is worsening… time is running out. As we go back toward the door she calls out again, “Are you by chance Kareth.” Kareth stops, turns and with a simple smile nods yes. She says, “I have a message for you then, please follow me.” I tug on Kareth’s arm, “Hurry we must leave and can not be delayed.” Looking to the white robed woman, “I am sorry. Really we have to find the Duke immediately.” We start to walk wuickly toward the door again. Downt he long ailse way we spy two guards moving behind the columns. Her quick call for guards puts those two in our way. As if on queue we both pick up speed and charge. The guards stand for a few seconds then jump clear as we shoulder our way past. The one Kareth hit goes down hard, while the one on my side merely grunts reaching as we fly past. We make it out into the streets, and luckily with the still heavy traffic are easily lost to those chasing us. It is apparent they are trying to trap us, but who. It seems the lies of Oceanus run much further then the Duke’s palace.

As we weave our way back to the Palace, I catch my eye on a beggar with some silver shining from his clothing. I stop and point him out to Kareth. Kareth looks at me unhappily, “I saw first.” I realized instantly he mean that he saw this before, when I tugged him onward. Unabashedly I use Kareth’s build as a shield slowly cutting across the lanes of people. I look around seeing if we are still followed, and let Kareth lean over and poke the shabbily looking man. The simple burlap cloth falls to the side revealing one of the Duke’s guardsmen. My heart stops, and I know that instinct was right… ill has befall him now. I quickly pick up the body as voices ring out, “Stop them!” I rush ahead as Kareth searchs around casting his great shadow over me and the cargo. Hearing the shouts getting closer I flee further down the ally, hoping the light will guide us. Kareth easily lumbers ahead, stopping a few yards in to poke at a pile of refuse.

His sharp eyes once more spotted the spark of metal. Underneath we find another guards body, all killed, all murdered. Picking through the bodies none resemble the Duke’s clothing nor form. I gently lay the first body down, and as I hang my head I hear a whistle from above. Across from us high atop the building stands a figure. A light blue cloak whips in the wind showing hints of airy blue cloth beneath. The figure’s eyes are hidden in blackness, and the rest of the face hides behind a light piece of fabric again in the same blue coloring. A long delicate finger slowly motions to the right, then turns and cape flying races along the roof tops jumping from corner to corner with such ease.

I am up in a flash following it, my friend outpacing me. Soon I loose sight of the figure, but concentrate on the broad green back ahead. Racing full speed I crash into that very back around one corner. Stumbling backward I catch myself walking slowly around him.

I see blood… red drops raining on the walls and ground. It’s the remainder of the Duke’s guards… Viper! The chancellor who took Justice aside in the palace, but she said she killed him. She saw him die, she swore it!

Kareth moves to each guard waving his hand in front of their faces trying to get them to wake up. I walk to Viper’s corpse. His is different from the rest, his death was for him alone for it seems he has been severely burned through his entire body, and a blue star the only strange mark apparent on his face. As I lean closer, gently reaching out to trace the blue mark, the face crumbles to gray ash. This must be the same deed as what Farathier spoke of- “L’Aurel,” I look over to Kareth kneeling by one figure. He points down a look of hope on his face, “Alive!” As I take the first few steps I spot a little bit of red cape. Only the Duke was wearing one. I practically jump the last few feet flying down to check his pulse. He has a nasty gash across his throat, blood around his head… so much blood and no pulse. I slowly shake my head to Kareth as I pull the cape around the Duke’s body and stand up attempting to cradle him in my arms. I failed. I notice Kareth looking up and following his bald green head spy again the silent blue figure.

The figure has waited unmoving and silent on the rooftop, though I can not see it I can feel the unerring gaze as it looks down at us. I see a glint, but can do no more then futilely step in front of Kareth before a large broad sword raises, flashing in the light. The flat of the blade comes to rest gently at the figures bowed forehead, and then with a quick swipe the blade is brought around resting once more at his side. With that the figure moves rapidly away. I look to Kareth hoping he could give advise, the figure should not have- but the Duke- I straighten the muscles along my back drawing myself up to the half-orcs nose level, “We must get him to the Apectin temple and find the others.” He reaches out and takes the dukes body from me, cradling it carefully. Though slow at times no one can deny Kareth’s heart. As we reach the brick corner it hits me as odd that no where to be seen is his double bladed sword. The old ancient sword of his house, another loss I could have changed. Now to find the others…

Upon reaching the Apectin temple, I burst in, “Please you must help us.” The cleric female from in the ally still wearing specs of blood on her tunic comes forth and shortly on her heals is a healthier more rested looking Arfin and Archonus. As Arhconus stands off to the side, Arfin helps Kareth set the body down. My voice shakes as I tell the cleric who’s body we have brought. For now though, that is all we can say. As she crouches beside Arfin and across from Kareth. I go over to Arhconus keeping my eyes on my friends, “We went to the Amastian temple. They knew our names, or at least Kareth’s name. But we got out with little difficulty. We found… We spied a dead guard on the street hidden in plain sight. I almost didn’t see it, I didn’t the first time… and… we were-” My eyes shift to see Archonus’s masked face, “We were lead to the dukes body by a figure in blue… it knew where exactly to lead us. Once we had his body it did nothing. Just watched us, then silently put it’s sword to its forehead as if in salute.. and then left.” Archonus’s eyes changed in that instant and for the first time a peaceful joy radiated there when I mentioned the figure in light blue garments. I asked if he knew the stranger, but he shook his head already pulling away and behind his mask.

Archonus, Arfin and Kareth decide we must leave the duke, Arfin assuring me, “They will take care of him as he would wish it.” A baggy eyed Justice stumbles into the main room. Archonus asks her quietly, “Are you ready to go?” She looks back inside the temple tears forming again in her eyes, she croaks out, “Yes.” We move as quickly as we can trying to make sure we are not followed and we are not noticed.

Luckily we spy the boat safely where it should be. We run up the gangplank and ask for the captain- er, the second in command. Arfin forgot in that first moment Xath was pretending to be the captain which meant McShippy is only the second. We are told he is down in the captains quarters, the crew watching us carefully. As we head down we hear heated voices inside, and after a short pause it is opened to McShippy, Xath and Farathier.

Finally we are together again. Xath is still in a flurry, with McShippy upset over his boat and gold, while Farathier gets more tense with each word spoken. I nudge Archonus, “Tell them about the boat.” Never one for speeches he sets out in fewer words then he did for me that he took care of the ship, that is was no more. I look to Justice normally the one bulling people into action and ideas, but she simply sits slumped against the wall eyes clouded over. Farathier glares around the circle urgently saying we still have to leave, we still have to make it to the monastery in the South. Stepping up and speaking up more and more these days I recount, “I was one the one who made the agreement with Link he would wait on us. Please we must go back and get the Duke’s body. It was not his time, I know it was not!” I look around hoping this time they will listen, this time they will understand what I can’t explain. Xath slowly nods her head in agreement voicing her own reasons for us to stay and to get him back. Though the others seem neutral. I move towards the door, telling them to get the ship ready. It shouldn’t take me long. Archonus steps into my path, telling me he will not let me go alone. I bite my tongue knowing now is not the time to prove anything. Getting the Duke is the primary concern, finally seeing they will let me go as my gut says to.

I grab the reigns to Farathier’s horse quickly adjusting the saddle and bridal. Farathier holds the horses head and I can only promise him I will look after the horse as best I can. I leap up into the saddle holding my hand down to Archonus. As he swings up we take a precious moment to glance again at our friends, just in case. Xath back to her cheery squatty self, Arfin clear eyed and without drink for several days, Kareth a hopeful look in his eyes, Farathier a plea to keep his horse safe in his eyes, and Justice… Justice stands with a pain I don’t understand, and with how open she has been I may never… just another separation.

I nudge my heels into the horses side, causing him to bound forward and down the gangplank. I feel Arhconus behind me trying to grab purchase. I can’t help but smile even at a time like this. I must look to even the smallest of things in these strange times.

The alarm bells on the far right tower begins to toll, I tug the horse into a tight turn as the other towers one by one take up the cry. I can’t believe what I am seeing! I jump from the horse almost kicking Archonus as he slides down it’s side. Anon’s light flashes one last time then fades below the horizon, as dark shapes float closer to the docks. The ground itself shakes as a horrendous boom sounds to our left. Timbers splinter, boats crash into poles, and boat workers fall hundred of feet into a now ice encased port. A dark line of ships mass on the horizon coming ever closer. All seem smaller versions of the large ship we tried to warn the city of. As the ships get closer a deep resounding horn blast is heard from one of the ships. A sense of absolute horror and terror penetrates our minds, as I grasp the horse’s mane. I see workers and soldiers who where just standing in horror fall to the ground, some huddling feebly others emptying their stomachs where they sit.

A few figures pop up from the wall in front of us. They seem humanoid, but with blood and purple tentacles coming from their bellies. A few soldiers run forward shaking as they lift steeldrakes to the creatures. The creatures shutter once as the lead balls enter, but continue in the progress. As they grasp and hold the guards to their side, I slip the bow from the horses saddle, knocking two arrows. They drop their first kills ashen gray where once brilliant pale skin shone and move without thought or motivation to their next victim.

I slowly draw and fire at the closest one, seeing the arrows bury themselves deep. Justice stands on the deck yelling something about the light and the Apecto, I watch as thankfully the rest pour off the boat to stand before me. This is how we fight best as one team.

A bright flash of light blinds us for a few moments, as we open our eyes to Justice kneeling at our right sword driven into the ground. Finally! Something pulled her out of her state! I think as all the hideous creatures in the area quickly leave off their attack and run as fast as they can away. We even watch as some jump over the side of the cliff, and with that it seems just another new power Justice has found. At least she chose to use it to aid us…

Arfin yells at us as he runs up, “That will not keep them for long.” Looking to Arhconus, “so ye know the power I have. Should I use it to banish these evil things?” Archonus drops his head, “It may be the only way.” Arfin looking at us, "Shall I make speak then, friends?" Farathier quickly agrees. Xath looks to me worriedly, and I can only grimace back. Justice, still not herself silently almost in a whisper tells us she thinks it is a bad idea, but she will not stop us. Not knowing full what they are speaking of, but knowing what it may have already had the power to do the rest hesitate. Arfin looks at us and urgency empowering his words as he demands, “I ne’ ta know now. What say ye?” As each of us slowly nods in agreement, Justice simply says, “I abstain. I will not vote either way.” Shaking his head, “Well, then.” The red whiskers part to show his mouth as he begins to speak.

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First Post
Chapter 3- “The Fall of the City of Forsaken Elves”

Day Fourteen- Oceanus Continued

We raise our arms to shield our eyes from the sudden brilliant light that for seconds shone brighter then any light we had felt. As the light dims a figure now stands before us, each of us tenses waiting to see what the creature will do. The figure could easily fade into the night with his midnight black armor, but for the mark upon his chest- a pure white skull with two blazing blue eyes etched within. The eyes tell us all we need to know, this one was sent by the Bluestar. At his waist rest two swords, nimble fingers too comfortable with their weight rest upon the hilts. In the still air the royal purple cloak lays slack over his shoulders, but for the hood pulled round his head.

I hear a gasp and a snarl around me as we finally see his face. A scar over one eye shines with a blue power not normally seen upon our friends face. The face of Archonus Arendorr.

Still gaping at what is before us, he nods to my left a place I know holds… Archonus. The man who still now wears his crimson mask covering his mark. The same eyes, the same...

The man’s face cringes with sadness and regret before his normal unfeeling face wipes it away. Turning to Arfin, "I do not have much time." My heart clenches not understanding, it is his voice the same voice. His voice commands, "Arfin, do not speak! The world you would create is far more terrible than you can know." As he opens his mouth the go on, our Archonus steps forward pulling the mask down from his stunned face, "Who in the name of the Light are you?"

Remarkably the man’s face grimaces, "I am the Sword of the North, the last son of the True Line. My family's line is that which binds this red world of war and death to the blue star that ever hangs in the night sky. I am a servant of my blood, and no more. Though I was once you, I am now Archonus Bluestar, and you would do well to fear me."

With his normal grace he faces a confused Arfin swords drawn at the ready, "Arfin, promise me that you will utter no wishes, that you will not speak the desires as granted you by those infernal cards! Arfin, promise me, or I shall end your life to prevent you from bringing Hell itself to this world!"

Arfin can only jerkily nod.

The apparition begins to fade, but his words hit us with more power then before, "It will serve you well to fear me, friends, for this is the last time that my words carry anything less than death! The force before you is not from the hand of my father, but he shall slumber no longer! The wings of the dark serpent shall encompass the earth, and on that day you shall beg for the light of a blue star! Beware! The western darkness has come, and soon the north shall fall upon you, as well! Beware! Beware..." The last words was uttered with such pain.

They stand frozen gazing at the spot where he was. A soft feather brushes my ear startling me into motion. Still feeling a strange coldness inside, I swing into Farathier’s saddle. I send a belated prayer for the light to watch over my friends. I know they will do what needs to be done. They will alter the course of this city, what I do merely changes the course of one life. Leaving Archonus Arendorr to help them- they will need it more. With a single cry and nudge of my heels, the horse springs forward. Hopefully I will be in time!

As I round the first corner I hear hoof beats behind me, and with a glance I see Xath on a little gray pony charging after me. I hear screams and yelling in front of me in some harsh ancient language, it is the same as the creatures from the ship a few days ago. A draconic language then, but one I can not decipher. It takes no words however to take the meaning of the spears and stones the small lizard men point in my direction. The larger beast that issued the order opens his mouth and a vile air quickly envelops me. I quickly draw my bow, nock an arrow, and release it in one swift motion. As the tip enters his neck he seems stunned, I fear not by the arrow itself but by the fact that something was able to penetrate his scaly hide. He then turns his fury full towards me and charges. One of the small creatures manages to hit Farathier’s steed, a long mangled spear deeply imbedded in his side. I loose my seat, but rolling land in front of the beast on the balls of my feet. The large scaly creature continues to roar and race towards me. I see a flash as Xath not slowing down races up behind me. I knock two arrows trying to lay down cover fire against the smaller ones reaching for her. Hearing the heavy steps approach, I turn knocking more arrows and letting them fly seeing from the corner of my eye Xath charging down a side ally three of the small creatures following.

The creature continues to race towards me, but as I take a step back I hear the slithering of three more of his minions surrounding me. I rapidly shoot with two arrows knocked each time, watching as each penetrates the large beasts scales. He is the toughest, the leader. He must go down first. Before I can ready any more arrows I feel the first spear gash my leg from behind. I turn and fire. It is now simply who can last the longest, me with my arrows or them with their spears. As I turn the circle getting them systematically one at a time and trying to ignore the growing river of blood filling the street. It seems they keep coming, those were just the beginning as others came from around the alleyway. Three small bullet shapes dive in again and again digging sharp talons and beaks at the creatures, distracting them if nothing else.

Finally all but one lies dead. As my legs finally give out, I see my destroyer and his single remaining pike. It is already covered with my blood what is a little more, a strange smile tugs at my lips. He stands taunting me, knowing I can do little now. I try to hold on to a single arrow shaft, if he gets close enough… His mighty commander unable to stand crawls slowly on his one good side toward the alley Xath ran into.

Suddenly a warm spray of wetness hits my face, and turning I see Xath’s bloodied and weak form hack into the creature as it stands above me. The spear drops to the stone, and her sword quickly follows. She looks down at me with a concerned look, then helps me to stand. Quickly pulling out the spear in my leg, I take the potion from her large hand and drink till I can eventually stand on my own. I look down to see my once bright armor and cloth covered in the sticky blackness.

I barely notice Xath as she searches the bodies. Remembering the risen ship from Oceanus, I slowly walk to the closest one and draw my fathers Kurki. I slowly draw it across the first reptiles neck; oddly feeling nothing as I watch for a moment the blood start to poor from the new wound. I walk to each in turn, until I reach the large form of their commander. I can only carry one head and I will not see him reawaken as the undead, and can only hope that I can stop his return. So I take his own sword and with a scream of rage slice it through his neck to the ground below. I look to Xath and though she is just watching in understanding, I state simply "Thank you… for saving me. Let's push on."

We only get a few blocks when again the blast of the dread horn is heard, but this time an unnatural dark shadow descends on the city. Xath and I turn our heads to see a monstrous form towering above the buildings. It’s blood red leathery wings and scaly form stand barely moving as it issues death, “You have one hour. All that is left will belong to us.” A horrible laugh rumbles through the city. I grab Xath's arms saying, "We have our mission, and we will help defeat them later, with our friends at our side." Giving her a shaky smile, I push on listening with half an ear to the strange message the beast speaks. If I had gone to the port and stayed here those long months ago, I may have believed everything and simply fled as I see the towns people do, but I have lived and seen so much of life and debt that I know the words spoken are false. I know that these are just more lies and more betrayals added to this rising evil. Though they carry the Bluestar’s mark and banner, they do not come from him. Archonus told us so…

After a few more blocks of deserted streets, we finally can see the top of the Apectin temple around the next corner. I see two figures in the group outside. One seems to be the body of a small child and the other of an older adult. The black haired father slumps over his child, shoulders shaking in grief.

That is until Xath and I get closer. The adult looks up and we know it is not grief. We see the blankness in his eyes and the bloody entrails of the child mixing with the dirt of the street. The blood on his hands and around his mouth tell us all we need to know. As I order my eagles to attack, more seem to come from the piles of refuse laying about. I quickly fire, and see one of my eagles rake his talons down a woman’s back. With startling speed the hand of the undead raise and strike the bird. At contact the small form stiffens and falls to the ground. I quickly knock more arrows and let them fly in as fast a movement I can. I can hear the thwap of Xath's bow string next to me, but they keep pushing onward. If we can only get past them, we are but feet from the steps.

Too soon they are within reach and we are backed into a corner, I keep firing knowing that I would rather go down fighting then running. I smell the stench grow as they get closer and with the brush of a hand I feel my legs and body stiffen. With nothing else to do my body falls to a heap on the ground. I can only see the feet of the undead as they move around me and the grunts and pants of Xath as she fights them alone. Soon I can move my finger and as the tingling slowly proceeds through my body I think 'we can do this, we will make it, we must.' As I stand, strange words come unbidden into my head speaking them, I see my hand glow and feel a strange power rushing through me. I reach out and touch the back of the closest undead watching the fire reach out and quickly sear his flesh. Though I see Xath’s form lying unmoving on the ground, “She got touched. She is just paralyzed as I was.” Trapped with undead between us, I continue to fight. I will not leave a fallen behind. I feel the sting of tears in my eyes and with a scream fire arrows directly into the bellies of each undead standing. Only when they are all truly still do I cease firing and look upon Xath. My friend…

I quickly grab her bulky frame, and awkwardly race to the temple doors. I find them locked and barred, “No! Open up!” I yell banging my bloodied fists against the door not noticing the deep red in print they make. The door creaks opens to a thin white haired human male. He reaches out with surprising strength and yanks me inside the temple. I put Xath on the ground, watching her form grow colder and ashen. Looking up I plead to the old cleric, "Please is there anything you can do to save my friend?" His eyes are unfocused as he stares at us, his lips moving in a strange sing-song tone. I stand up going to the small group of others that have entered the room. All wear a blue tunic with a full gold sun emblazoned across the front.

They stand with swords and other weapons trying to look menacing, but as I lock my eyes on each they seem to tremble where they stand. A young boy, not more then nineteen approaches me, hand shaking as he lowers an ill-suited bastard sword warily, "Is she a warrior?" He points the blade in the direction of Xath. I use my bow tip to slap his blade away from her, "She is a warrior who gave her life for this city. What can you do to help her?" I feel the anger and frustration still riding high in my mind and body. The old man’s voice rises from behind me, "Something I saw... maybe .. the dead, the dead... yes it would.... long ago…. on the Isle of Mourning... but the dead, the dead." I turn just as the old man now kneeling reaches out and grabs Xath's bloodied head. He digs his fingers into her black hair hard while singing a nonsensical song. As I watch he seems to be pulling something from Xath’s body, and with his small muscles bulging from his arms he grapples the object pulling it from her. I take a step forward, “What is he doing? He must be crazy there is nothing there.” The young cleric holds my arm, "Wait and see" he warns. Pulling my arm from his gasp I slowly walk toward the two figures. The old man grapples the mirage from the body and seems to slam it down into another body close by. I see the body shake and then lay still. The old man looks around with his vacant eyes, standing with a smile a blade appears in his hand. The dagger rotates faster and faster in a strange and odd display of ability. I take a step forward and ask, "Xath?" He turns to me vacant eyes unseeing, “The dead don’t stay.” With a smirk he turns away continuing his fascinating twirling of the dagger blade. An elf maiden with soft brown hair and snow like skin begins to flutter her eyes. I slowly walk over, “Xath?” She looks up, a disturbingly familiar grimace etched on fine delicate lips, “Aye, whatcha doin’ there?” “Xath!” I can not help but smile and laugh, but Xath seems to be having trouble with basic movement and looks at me confused.

I hear the old cleric’s muttering behind me, my laughter dies as easily as it came. I whirl on the young man, "Where is the Duke's body?" He pauses unsure, but as I stand his eyes flash to my arm- the band. Luckily I still had it on. Looking at Xath as she turns her hands over and over just looking at them, I follow him to a dark corner lined with bodies. He points to a body wrapped in a fine red cloak and says shakily, "There he is." Dragging it from the pile, I quickly look it for other wounds, and seeing nothing bring him over to where Xath is still sitting. I ask her if she remembers what the mission was. Shaking her head, she says recognizes the Duke but seems unclear on pretty much anything else.

Hearing movement behind me, I whirl still crouched and moving in front of Xath. As I look up at the old man his eyes have taken on the vacant look of no memory, his body suddenly sags as if all the years suddenly caught up with him. As I stand catching his arm, he suddenly straightens and with a clear lively light in his eye shakes off my arm and moves to the door. He struggles to push up the bar and open the door. I can hear the sounds of the flesh eaters outside getting closer, but I have also seen his power. I quickly rush over and help him raise the bar. I am surprised when instead of using the sword or the blade in his hand he pulls out a pendent of the Apectin order. He says some words and makes a movement, and something tugs at my memory. The symbol brightens and then it issues forth a large cone of light. As the light dies down, I see some of the undead running. I know then that this is the same new talent Justice has. Could she know him? She was here earlier…. After re-closing and barring the door, I ask the old man his name to thank him, and he simple responds, "Katie was here today, she ships off tomorrow for the west gate. We are so proud of her." “Katie? Is she on the King's ship?" The man looks at me puzzled, "Of course she sails for Hawkson. That no good Joshua isn’t here yet to see her off." Then his eyes cloud over again.. Joshua- Preston- Justice’s grandfather he was married to a Katie... Katie must be Justice grandmother. But she was in the navy? Her mom then, but I thought she was a pirate or so Justice had said but days ago. The man speaks as if Preston is here, but I know him to be in or on his way to Sylvanus. And the King has been long out of Oceanus.

Turning in a wide circle I see only the vacant old cleric, a confused Xath, a confused young cleric, and three in motion dragging bodies into the yard to be burned to help me know. Aloud I mutter, “The next step is to get Xath and the Duke back to the others.” Touching Xath’s now slender arm, “Xath, you will need to fight. Can you borrow that warrior’s things?” She nods and walks to her old body and picking up the longbow, “Odd I remember that being mine.” Walking towards the young man, I ask where the highest point to look out of the temple is. He tells me there is a watch and bell tower above. I tell the cleric to watch my friend and the Duke, as I run up the stairs.

Once up in the tower, I pull tightly around me the clock that has served me so well. Using the shadows around, I look carefully over the top of the rail and see desolate rooftops and the huge beast still casting it’s shadow cross the city. The minions that had penetrated the city scurry and move slowly back to the docks. The docks now severed huge wholes where it lays in broken bits on the water below. I see the Duke's fortress like a beacon in the shadow, but the light is from an evil fire. Four dragons now perched on each corner of the fortress, and raised in place of the falcon flag and greyclaw banner is a hastily drawn flag bearing the blue eye and blue star of the North. I look out at the once peaceful and thought to be well protected city of Oceanus, and can see, taste and feel the death and fear coursing through the city. I see no sign of the figure in blue, either. Hearing a familiar metal clank, shouts and yells below, I shift to see Justice, Arfin and Farathier running toward the temple. I wait for a few seconds hoping to glimpse two more figures coming into view, but as the knock sounds below know with a sense of dread they will not be showing up.

With one last look over the city I say a quick prayer under my breath "May the Light watch and protect you both, my friends, till we fight again." I turn and run back down to greet the others and with each step try to go through how to explain what has happened. As I grab the bell rope and swing down, I know the first battle for the Army of the Phoenix is at hand.

I hear Arfin’s disgruntled shout and Justice’s plea for us to open the doors. I look to the older Father and see that he is still lost in his own world, so I ask if he will help me open the door. He turns with a scowl, “Do they fight?” Drawing a sigh, “Yes, they fight and are trying to save the city.” As the old Father reaches around me to lift the heavy bar, I help and we open the door just enough to pull my friends through. I look with relief on Justice, Arfin, and Farathier. I ask where Archonus and Kareth are, but Justice brushes it aside only saying they slipped away to go searching for something. I can only hope that he will find it and know how to act when he does.

Arfin having looked around now, grabs my arm “Where be Xath, lass!?” I look over to the tall fair elf who seems to be drawing simple pictures on the wall in a daze. “She saved my life, and so I saved hers in the only way I could. They had taken her throat.” At my feet lay two forms, one cloaked in brown the other in red. I moved the brown cape aside to show them Xath’s broken and torn body, and as Arfin and Justice go for it I stop them with, “It is not her anymore. This is just the shell. The good Father here brought her back. I know not how, but he took her spirit and put it into… her.” I slowly raise my arm and point to the elf in the back of the room. As Afrin slowly goes to her, she turns swiftly standing with a sly grin, “Arfin, my you are getting shorter.” As if even that was too much for her, she again turns to the wall and her pictures. I turn back to Justice, “This Father knows Joshua, and I think you. He has that same power to move these undead creatures.” Seeing Justice make no move nor attempt any explanation, I continue, “but enough of that. Arfin now that I know we are able we must get the Duke back. I know you have the power.” Though Arfin seems still stunned by Xath he goes to the Duke’s body and mutters, “I wish the Duke were alive as he was.” The air seems to still, then gust slightly while with a fluttering of his eyes and the shake of a breath the Duke suddenly sits up. Farathier goes to help him stand, while Justice bowing low tells him of their plan to evacuate the city. At the end of her story I quietly tell him of the loss of Greyclaw. Xath pulls out a scroll and says, “This may lead us to it though. It was on the big one we killed.” I look to one of the priests, “You must quickly try to burn as many of these bodies as you can.” I throw the head I have been carry with the other bodies. As I turn back Xath is reading the scroll, at the end with eyes closed she pauses. Then utters, “It is toward the docks and moving quickly away.” “We can go there on Tain and get it back,” Justice says. I speak up, “We must get it back, I know it is imperative. I can not say why though.” The Duke’s dark eyes turn to me, “L’aurel, I will not have anyone die for it. If you can get it without death then go if not let’s leave.” Finishing the Duke looks for an answer only I can give. Sadly, “There is always risk, no I can not.” And so we leave the sword and its power to whatever may come.

Moments later we unbar the door and go into the church grounds. We gather what few stragglers we see tell them to head to Hywrl, shouting to others as they run by to head that way. We see a few more of the undead, but make quick work of them. Continuing we heading to the Barracks. At the walls we see men fighting from above, three large leathery skinned beast ram against the walls. Their massive muscled legs digging into the ground while their two tiny front claws merely claw at the air. As we approach, I yell to the others to leave the one at the gate. As they split and go after the other two, I stand within yards of the beast’s lined hide and raising my hand try order it to “Friend.” The blocky head swishes towards me, but otherwise stands still. “Attack!” I yell pointing at one of the other three. The one on my right goes down as it easily tares it’s teeth into the others back. The one on my left goes down as Justice begins ordering the guard to let us in. As the gate begins to open a few feet, we race inside. I climb to the top watching the new beast and keeping it safe, a strange balance. The others talk to the commander of the guard getting him to agree that the best course is to flee. Passing along to him as well, that all should go to Hywrl. Scant few more undead or scaly creatures are seen, but those few are quickly killed.

As we pass through the gates we hear the drums beat. An hour has passed, the march into the city has begun. Justice seems to have acquired a strange beast while she was off with the others, and now flies on it high above us. I run my hand along the large dry skin of the beast beside me and think of all those lost.

We race past scores of people trying to offer encouragement and help. We finally come across a strange group Archonus surrounded by children all varying in age from 6 to 16 and one adult male. “Randell is the head of the Red Mages of Oceanus,” Archonus offers as explanation. The more we got out the better, trudging onward the moonlight tries to filter through the dense canopy of the forest above. Archonus makes no move to ask about the beast at my side, the beast that Justice rides nor the missing dwarven Xath. But at one point I see Archonus stare at her slender back dazed, Arfin talking low beside him…. It will be hard for us all to adjust.

As Justice lands a few miles away out of Oceanus, she tells us, “We should reach Hywrl before the main group, but it will still not be much before dawn.”
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First Post
Chapter 4- “A Debt Repaid”

Day Fifteen- Hywrl

Eyes and bodies weary we all try to hold our heads and spirits high, maybe something for those who watch us to hold on to. A few hours ago, Justice rejoined us on the ground, Thane, her brown and gold flying beast gone from sight. The waning moon told us dawn would be approaching in a few hours a few of the smaller children slept on Yoshi’s rigged platform. Their parents concentrate on simply walking along behind us. We had taken a few moments over thirty miles ago outside the walls of Oceanus to hastily secure a small line and platform to Yoshi’s back. Yoshi, the name I have given the leathery beast. Kareth seems the only other one who has needed to be reassured about the beast. After this distance and his extra cargo even Kareth’s long strides falter occasionally. A young girl with a scraped knee and now badly burned face holds tightly round his barren thick neck. Her parents liked the look of Kareth’s smile full of tusks instead of Yoshi’s smile full of sharp meat tearing teeth. Eventually, as the hours dragged on, others realized they would not make it children in tow.

Through the night as we passed through, around and finally in front of the long line of refugees, people looked at us strangely, something each of us has gotten used to for our own reasons. But this time it was curiosity at obvious warriors who showed more battle sense then the king’s men of Oceanus. The tale of what we had accomplished spread through the line faster then our feet, but with easy words we could taper some of the outlandish tales. With such worries, our feet finally drag us to an end of the forest trees. Only not the end, rather an edge of the tree line that we stand on.

A layer of dead trees and decaying foliage surround the almost hundred feet of solid wall before us. A muddy trail leads from our position to the great mass of green, but only wide enough for a small cart, to a great gate with no visible handle or opening.

“Welcome to Hywrl,” Farathier mutters under his breath whipping a grimy hand across his brow sweeping the few stray dark sandy locks away.

I hesitate knowing I cannot let Yoshi get too close and scare our chances of bargaining the walls open. I look at him and try to command him to stay, knowing his small brain will not heed me this time. Farathier comes up beside Yoshi, puts a hand on the beasts great leathery hind leg, and smiles a humorous smirk tells me to go join the others. I smile my thanks, and taking one last look to make sure Yoshi is not following, I walk to join the others at the gate.

As I approach, I see that the walls are actually trees and vines intertwined into a seamless wall. The chest and heads of lightly leather armored sentries can be seen on a walkway high along the wall, yet they seem to pay us no mind as they stand bows at the ready on the horizon.

Xath and Justice are yelling up at them commanding them to let the refugees in and of our need for assistance. The guards stand mute, not shifting in body language to heed what they say. Seeing this is not helping at all, I walk past them to the gate. The vines along this wall are different; my eyes pick up a subtly differing of color. I slowly reach out and touch one vine, but with a silent cry snatch my hand back as a shock of pain shoots into my hand as if from a thorn. Magic. There is one inside who wears the green mage cloak. This is interesting indeed, since their green cloaks are scare.

Justice and Xath stop shouting as a tall regal high alder slowly stands on a parapet about a hundred feet up. He waves his hand in front of his face as he scornfully glares down his nose at us, “I am Irellion Greyclaw. Be gone from here. I have orders not to open the gates to any until Lord Hywrl arrives.” Justice steps forward scowling, “We have refugees, you must open your gates!” He looks over to the tree line and seeing the haggard scared faces of people filtering in wavers. This last but moments, for he turns back to us, “The gates of Aralack, Krosport and Crisoth are open. Go there!”

Xath steps to Justice side, shouting with venom, “We have injured and wounded, please let us in, will you turn all away!” The old man suddenly lowers his hand and with tears in his eyes looks at Xath, “Is it you my darling. I feared you lost, but it is you… isn’t it, my daughter?” I look to Xath not knowing what she will do. I forgot in that moment for Xath pretending to be someone else is familiar territory. Evasively Xath shouts back, “Then let us in.” With tears now rolling down his cheek, “Even for you my sweet daughter, I can not open the gates. In two days my lord Hywrl will be here though. And then… then I can hold you again.” Confused and hurt, but hold to his orders he rushes off.

Looking at Xath, I mutter, “We should not have let him believe his daughter still lives. He will be crushed a second time now.” Xath grunts, “L’Aurel, we do it for the benefit of these people. If we can use it to gain entrance then so be it. I did not ask for this body.” No, I did it to you. Xath turns away quickly and nearly falls over the Duke. His dark silver hand gently grabs her arms to make sure she is steady, and looks her over warmly for any harm, “Xath is correct, but if we can not get in then we must see to the people now.”

“Let us have them make camp here around the city,” Xath says as she jerks herself from the Dukes hold. He releases her, but smiling, “That is an excellent idea.” With that the Duke turns looking Kareth over. “You will do. Follow me.” Justice and Arfin quickly follow his red-cloaked back. Archonus stands slightly off to Xath’s side muttering something.

Catching this from the corner of my eye I quickly walk back over to the wall. I am no war planner; I can barely make it through the small battles we wage. This magic I know though. Wrapping one hand with an extra shirt I again touch the vines. This time watching, studying. I hear the squish of soft leather in mud, and :):):):) my head sideways to see Xath alone approaching me.

Her long deep brown hair has started to run free over her narrow shoulders as she uses slender delicate fingers to push it back out of her way. Her pale face looks up at me uncertainly for a moment then an unreadable look passes on her face as she tells me, “I know where Link Woodshadow’s place of birth is. It is not far at all from where we now stand. The only danger is a large wolf that guards it- protects it. It is said that those deemed worthy can pass, however.” I look at her confused, as she continues, “He is your past L’Aurel, and more importantly we need a place for these people.” Nodding slowly, “Yes. You are right, my friend. Let us go ask the others, for I think this is not a task for us alone.” As she races off to ask the others, I gaze over the slowly swelling crowd filling the area. Watching as some of my companions approach, I am starting to know true friendship and the love that can exist in a friendship. But if this is the love of friendship what is it that I feel towards him?

The three Xath reached first trudge up slowly and declare their agreement to go search the old home. Arfin lets me know that, Xath with an ill covered roll of the eyes had gone to the Duke explaining that we had to scout for another place for the people to rest till they can enter Hywrl. The short dwarf then went on to scratch his head not understanding how a Duke could like the look of anything that tall, thin, and hairless.

Once our small group forms, we head out in a Northeastward direction with Xath taking the lead. Archonus languidly walking behind her, only his hands near his blades and darting eyes betray his deeper watchfulness. Farathier stands beside me, a look of unease all through his posture. He holds his strange lance and looks at me with his golden amber eyes. His eyes convey a hope that I could somehow make a horse appear for him. Arfin’s armor clanks so loudly that Justice’s armor is almost mute next to him. Kareth follows behind silent next to the thumping feet of Yoshi. Not trusting Yoshi on his own, I had decided to bring him along. Kareth standing a head above any of us seems the best to handle him with strength if I failed with words, glancing back at them I notice even their green hides almost match in color.

I cannot help but look all around me with solid ground and the untamed colors of the forest around me revive a feeling of freedom and being alive. Each sense seemed heightened as I try to draw and gather every aspect together. Through this exploration of my senses I feel a presence to my right and stop in my tracks continuing to look ahead. Farathier only moves one pace before moving back amber eyes piercing my green with question. The others continue, though as Justice and Arfin travel by their arguing ceases, oddly watching us. When they have gone a few paces past, a low growl starts emanating from the bush beside me. I slowly turn my head to stare into two bright yellow globes. The brush parts to reveal the large hairy form of a mangy gray wolf. With shackles raised, it continues to growl deep in its throat while keeping its hunches bunched ready to pounce. The sharp noise of metal grazing metal tells me Arfin and Justice are drawing weapons, but holding my arm out I wave for them to stop. I smile and linking eyes with the wolf walk closer. I put out my barren hand, and walk toward the beast. I hear a masculine hiss from behind me, but keep my eyes looking into bright yellow ones. As my fingers get mere inches from its face the growling stops and tentatively she sniffs my hand. As my fingertips touch her cold wet black muzzle she slowly sits on her hunches looking now with curiosity at the group. I slowly let my hand follow her hairline to her ears, and slowly rubbing say over my shoulder, “There is naught to fear from her, it seems we have passed the test.” Yoshi, the T-rex, comes lumbering over to see the new creature. I keep my body between them, but let them sniff each other. I repeat ‘friend,’ both in alder and common. With a smile, I hear Justice’s sharp order behind me, “Let’s go.” As the others start back down the path, I stay to watch the wolf disappear with barely rustling a single leaf. “Good-bye silent sentinel, walk with light feet.” Then I turn to catch up to the others taking my place beside Farathier’s golden figure once more.

We soon break into a large open area under the shade of a huge oak tree. At its base wide stairs are cut out from the trunk, and hundreds of feet above us layers of wooden rooms. Each level connected with vines or stairs, but blending with a natural ease in with the surrounding branches and foliage.

Xath, Archonus, Justice, and Kareth quickly start to climb. I look at Yoshi, commanding, “Stay.” Farathier just puts his hand on Yoshi once more, as he then nods at me smiling his strange smile. For the second time now, I see how easily Farathier seems to be with Yoshi and looking at the beast I see he easily accepts Farathier. I know now what I must do for both of them, but later... Arfin strains his neck back to gaze into the tree looking a little pale, “What good could be up there? Why can’t ye people trust the ground ye come from?” I ignore the grumbling dwarf, for I have never felt a house so natural and welcoming.

My long legs let me jump a few stairs at a time, so I quickly catch up to the others. Archonus is the first to reach the top of the stairs, but he glances down once before pushing the small door overhead open. As I follow Archonus, Justice, Xath, and then Kareth, I am assailed by a smell of sickness and death as I enter the loft. Kareth stands plugging his nose, “Bad smell. Smell fight, death.” At the first doorway Justice opens the door looking in, while Xath and Kareth follow her. I follow Archonus’ back, tracking the worst of the smell into a single room. As I reach the doorway I see Archonus poking a rag with his short sword, “This is still fresh. A few days at the most.” The rag is stained with dried red blood and an unnatural gray white puss. The room is large and open, but filled with weapons both real metal and wooden practice. This is a training room, a place devoted to warfare and warriors.

Justice enters with blade drawn shifting around Archonus to an open doorway. She pushes the door open with the tip of her blade, and stops in her tracks to raise her other hand to her nose, choking. Her face looses all color as her blue eyes widen. Feeling a sense of dread, I cover my mouth and nose with the bottom of my ancestors cloak and race into the room. I push past Justice, knowing there is someone sick or dead inside, and I am the only one with knowledge of non-magic healing. The windows are covered with a heavy cloth, and though it is full day a single candle burns on a small rickety oak table, and the only other furniture a single narrow bed in the corner. The candlelight is reflected off an ashen wrinkled high alder face. A face, with one eye socket just a scarred empty hole, and in the other a red gem dead of color and light sits. The face and broken bleeding body before me belongs to Link Woodshadow, my ancestor. I run to his side and grab his hand. Trying to find life, I brush my other hand across his brow. His brow is wet, cold, and unmoving. I look down at his body and see open wounds hastily bandaged, wounds too severe to heal, and too diseased to cure. Blood still seeps from some, and as I lean close the faintest of air movement touches the back of my hand as it lies across his mouth. I frantically look at the others who have come silently into the room. Justice stands at the end of the bed, and simply shakes her head. Xath sadly looks down at her hands, while Archonus just moves further into the shadows away from sight. Kareth stays standing in the doorway unsure which way to go.

I feel tears come unbidden to my eyes as I look back at Link’s face, “If only…just to say good-bye.” Long bony fingers spasm with weak strength as from his bloodied lips he manages, “Who is there?”

Thank the light! “It is I, L’Aurel. Link, what? Who?” His head slides to one side a faint flicker in the red gem as he struggles, “L’Aurel?… found her, but she… was turned… heh… she finally out did her master.” His normal dark humor even now surfacing, and maybe even pride. Who could have done this to him, even at his age I saw him at the hanging he was still a force to be reckoned with. Then it hit me, “Your daughter? But why?” His voice getting weaker with every strained breath, “She knows the secrets… she knows all that I knew.” Then we are doomed, “but the others, the blades?” I ask uncertainly. He moves his head slightly from side to side, “They can fend for themselves… the tombs are now cages I fear.”

He tightens his hold on my hand, “Your paladin friend… I never told her, daughter of Thane she is.” His voice and his handhold get stronger and commanding, “Tell her.” It lasted a short moment, tears fill my eyes as I glance to Justice’s dark face, “Yes, I will tell her. I promise I will tell her. What of the wolf outside?”

“Hehe is she still around… my mothers.” An urgency again enters his voice, he knows he doesn’t have anymore time, “The high alder… tell them… tell them I forgive them” I manage, “I will, I promise you I will tell them.” I cannot stop the quiet flood of tears as with one last sigh he breathes his last, “Oberon was right about them.” The red eye dulls to a colorless almost blackness. I hear the quiet scuffling of the others leaving, but I can not move, “Be at last with your love.”

Why again… now this… the only family left. No, on that I am wrong, since there is another still very much alive. She beat her master, but soon we shall see how she fares against me. She knew everything Link knew, and so much more then we do. They now hold a very powerful weapon indeed. I slowly move Link’s hands over his chest and wrap the dirtied blanket around his still form. After I have covered his face, I move to the drapes and pull them open. I glance over my shoulder to the bed.

I cannot dwell on what I cannot change. He died as he lived, in the shadows with almost nary a person to weep for him. “You will not fade so easily, grandfather. There are many wrongs I will make right, and another vengeance that must be avenged. I promise to find her.” He will have the proper burial and funeral for the hero he was. I then notice Archonus leaning on the doorframe, quietly he whispers, “I will get the Duke and the others.” Almost as an after thought, he adds in, “This is the best place for a base camp.” Not sure if that is a question or command, I nod my head. The future, that is what he fought and lived for that is what will carry on. Archonus looks back to me and tosses me his white robe from back at the Amastatian temple. I grab it from the air. Not able to say anything and not knowing what to ask, I turn back to Links still form. For now I can only move the bloodied sheets and place the clean garb over him, but I know the whole place must be thoroughly cleansed. I eventually go into the other room, closing the door behind me and look around. I hear Justice and Arfin quibbling over what to do with the weapons. Arfin stands holding a master axe in his hand with Justice struggling to hold the middle. Though he only comes to her chest, his larger weight seems to perfectly offset it. It seems they are at a stand off, and now are resorting to only angry looks back and forth. Arfin not wanting to see such masterful weapons destroyed or lie to simply rust, while Justice wants to honor the fallen. Apparently for those of the Apectin order a warrior is to be burned with their weapons, for Justice keeps insisting it at every honored death.

As the door thumps into the frame, they both stop and turn to me. Just to stop the fighting, without emotion my voice echoes through the room, “These weapons are for teaching and fighting wars. That is what we intend to do- start an army and win back this land. I think he would have rather seen this go toward fighting the evil that sweeps this land then rusting here as a tomb.”

Without waiting for reaction or further comment, I go down to see about Yoshi. Only to find Farathier trying to teach him as he would a horse. I walk up quietly, yet Yoshi easy catches my scent and comes to push his great nose at my arm. Having to dance around him so I don’t get injured I think these are creatures I understand. There is no complexity to their loyalties or lives. I stay with Yoshi and Farathier helping them train as the first survivors arrive. Then as more and more refugees enter the clearing some run up giving praise or thanks to us and the guards of Oceanus. Needing heroes they have easily latched onto ours names. After the first man with child approaches me to give thanks I try to smile, but quickly retreat to the room with Link before more can ‘thank me’.

From the window high above, I witness Xath at ease with taking their thanks easily pushing them onto to some task to start. Archonus, Farathier, and Kareth take to the forest and road trying to bring in any stragglers or any searching for a safe place. Justice and Arfin stay mostly out of the windows view. I hear people moving about the upper rooms, in a hurry and still dealing with so much throwing and breaking things. I would be little help to them now; at least here I can do something. He didn’t need nor want my protection when he was alive, now he has no choice. Watching the people I get an odd feeling… Something not quite right… Looking back at Link, I admit not much is right within the kingdom these days.

An hour later Xath enters the room quietly telling me she has some women who will clean this room, I look at her nodding. Her hand on my arm and sympathy in her eyes, “There is another room upstairs that is already ready for him. Until... well, for as long as he needs it.” I nod my head and slowly wrapping him securely in the white robes. His long frail body was light in my arms as I carry him to another room. There are some women there as well, Xath tells me to clean him and his clothes. I can hear the bewilderment in their mummers of who this blinded old elf is. I even hear one whisper, “Why should he be given such treatment when my husband lies in the streets of Oceanus for those things?” I have no answers for them, not yet at least.

Once that task is completed I carry him to the last resting place he will know before going to the light. My shoulders give a slight crack as I move about the room stretching. Two days already gone by and no sleep to be seen on the horizon, there will be time later. I walk to the water basin to throw some cool water on my face and see a haunted face reflected back. Ghosts and fear and doubt, I go so far only to look them full in the face again. The water splashes to the white oak as my hand plunges into the cool water. Washing my face I feel the dry salt of tears and the weariness of dark thoughts start to dissipate.

Link rests with white cloth under him the black leather and metal of his armor hastily worked to cover the wholes and rips. His empty scabbards lie on a tabletop. They are empty because of me, and then I left him with only a staff. What a fool I was. I should have known better, and taken better care. I will not do so again. I let the anger flow through me, as it is easier then the sadness.

I walk from the room with measured steps to find the Duke. He is standing with a guard from his palace a tall dark skinned orc and Justice. As I walk up the Duke stops mid sentence and turns fully to look at me. “I must speak with you inside, now,” I know my voice reflects the empty cold I feel. He looks questioning at Justice and the guard, but then shrugs his shoulders and motions me to go in front saying, “As you wish.” I lead him to the new room holding Link with the window shutter parted and a candle lighted to keep any remaining stenches at bay. As the Duke follows me inside, I ask him to close the door. Then I gently lower the cloth from over Links face. “Link Woodshadow did not die all those years ago, but just hours ago in a room below.”

The Duke’s face turns to one of wonder; “It is rare that one gets to see his hero, and a great honor even if it is to see him in death.” Maybe I will only have to tell it once, “Another story you may have been told was that the Amastatian carried a second child before she was killed. It is said by some that the child died.” The Duke looks puzzled, “A second child?” Even I had heard the wild tales, most saw as ramblings or crazy theories. Keeping my voice steady, “Yes, the Amastatian had another child before she died. I am of that fated bloodline. Link and his daughter told me but weeks ago.”

He looks from me to Link’s face, “You should be wary who you tell this to as some will see it as only for personal gain.”

I sigh, “I know this, but in order to hear the rest you needed to hear that as well. My companions and one other are the only ones to know of this… but for now and possibly forever it will be a burden.”

Almost as if to comfort me, he states, “To be of such blood is not the burden, L’Aurel.” Not wanting his sympathy, I change the subject “That is not the only reason I asked you to come here. Before he died Link wanted it known that he forgave his people, he forgave the high alder. I would ask that you speak at his funeral and that you would relay this to others. It will have more meaning and power from you.” He looks surprised, “Of course I will see that it is attended to, but if you could also ask your paladin friend to speak.” Looking out the window, I remain cold inside, “Yes, she will want to preside… and thank you.” With that the Duke sweeps out of the room. I wait a few more minutes then go in search of my companions, so they can make ready for at dawn the fire would be lit.

Hoping to use the shadows and low light after dusk, I find it easy to avoid the questions and praise of the people of Oceanus. Few mark my passing. I find myself looking over my shoulder frequently, but only see city dwellers valiantly trying to make life work again.

I can feel it again that same gut instinct that told me the Duke was in danger. I slip behind a tree and for the next hour watch and study all those I see. The same feeling that I got from the tree window… Something not quite right…Maybe I am just becoming paranoid jumping at shadows, but no! The hair on my neck rises as goose bumps stand on my flesh. Then it hits me, the lizard men. They are here in the camp, and no one is the wiser. I watch closely, and finally see one from my side vision. I walk from the shadows calling out, “Good-day, sir!” Though I stand taller then most females I am of a compatible height to him, as he turns responding, “Good day, my lady.” He stands hands on hips with his very plain face masked in unease. Realizing my error in singling him out, I try to make it a menial question, “What is it you do here about?” Gesturing to his simple clothes, he answers, “I was a cobbler.”

Dumbly I fumble for something to say, “Can you look at these new shoes I got?” I show him the worked fine leather boots I just got. Drat even to my eyes these look fine!

“Um, they are fine boots,” He stutters out, as he looks around distracted. Then he asks in a wary whisper, “If you wouldn’t mind, my lady, could we go somewhere else to have this talk?” Put on edge again, my eyes widen in mock surprise as I quietly ask, “Why is something bothering you?” I cannot keep the venom from my voice as the longer I stand here the more his simple presence grates on me. “Well, it is only that I need all the business I can get, and unless you have some thing to lay at my feet I would rather be questioned privately.” Not seeing an easy way out I nod slowly, “Very well, just give me a moment. I must inform the paladin of the arrangements to be made for a funeral tomorrow.”

“I shall wait here,” he says with a small bow.

I spot Justice’s blue cape a few meters away and hurry towards her. “Justice, I am going to try and question one the villagers. If you remember Asp and Vipern, then you know what we are dealing with. I do not trust this man, but I must do this alone to not raise more suspicion. I need you to send Archonus up to listen at the door. He’s quiet and may pick up something, anything that I may miss.” As her mouth opens in rebuttal, I cut her off, “Please, Justice.” Snapping her mouth shut. “Yes,” Comes the simple response, as with a flip of her long blond hair she stalks away to find Archonus, whom I can only hope is not far away in one of his alone spells.

I walk back to the creature, for I know now that he cannot be human. “Please follow me inside.” As I walk up the steps, I see Justice talking to a lean shadowy figure in the shadows of the woods, but make no move to actually look at them. I lead the creature into the room that was Link’s deathbed. As soon as he shuts the door, his face reddens rounding on me, “What do you accuse me of?” I need him to slip up, with this display of emotion maybe it will not be hard to get, and “I accuse you of nothing I simply wish to know more of the people we are sheltering here.” I sit in the single chair in the room, motioning him with a smile to the bed, “Have you always lived in Oceanus?”

“No, I am from across the sea,” Comes his short answer, as he ignores the offer to sit. Well, he gave me more then just a yes or no, so I continue, “What brought you here?” And so the questions went, him giving little information and persisting in being as vague as possible. From every movement and every sound of his voice he seemed to speak the truth minus his masters name. Maybe I should have brought one of the others with me. I have never questioned anyone, so I quickly end with just three questions. “Do you serve the king? Do you serve the Bluestar? Do you serve that monstrous beast that was over Oceanus?” He replied very cagily no to all of these, but with nothing else I had to let him go.

He shifts his feet and smiles smugly knowing he has won this round, but with no proof he also knows I can do nothing. In the hallway I see him jump slightly and look to his right saying, snarling out, “Do you wish to accuse me as well?” As I step forward, I hear the deep voice of Archonus’ saying with his deadly calm, “Do I need to?” The creature waves a hand in my direction, “Your friend thinks so.”

“Then that is enough for me,” Archonus states darkly as he takes another step from the shadows. He wears his silver talon mask only his piercing eyes looking out from beneath the brown hood. I quickly take the final step into the hallway and place my shoulder between Archonus and the cobbler. “I am sorry for my mistake, good sir, and I shall not hinder your business in the future.” We both follow him with our eyes, and Archonus quietly fades back into the shadows of the hallway telling me, “I do not trust him. I will watch and follow him.” Still looking toward the swiftly fleeting cobbler’s back, I utter, “Please do, but be careful they are tricky and deceitful beasts.”

Even though I do not hear him go I feel his presence recede and know he has gone from the hallway on his mission for the night. Standing in the doorway looking down I see Justice, Xath, and Arfin all in various stages of helping crafters and families settle in for the night. I see Farathier with a group of the Duke’s guards; Kareth behind Farathier smiling happily over the group. Not wanting to intrude, I climb the small ladder to the room that now holds Link’s body, and simply sit with him for a time looking out the window. Most of the people have grouped into small pockets. Families have adopted others to complete their numbers and make their tents seem like home again. A woman clutches her child, as Xath gently comforts her. She finally gains the release of the red flame haired child, but only to now have the woman crumple at her feet in tears. Xath seems so easy with all people, no matter what they are feeling or who they are. She comforts the woman on the ground, she tells a joke to a child who scrapped his knee, she sings our praises when thanked for her deeds, and she laughs to curb the bloodlust in the eyes of the warriors. She somehow does all this with ease flitting from group to group, changing as the wind changes season. I know in our group alone she will change again, weighed down by many things… some I cannot fathom.

I know that I cannot dwell on the past. What a disappointment my father or even Link would see me as currently. There is a battle to be fought and here I am thinking of personal revenge and petty sorrows. Xath lost all her family in one blaze; Justice has lost all but one of her family; Arfin lost his love and child and hold in one tunnel collapse; and Farathier has lost his faith. I will see them all happy if I can. Finally understanding mine were petty issues in these times. We have a mission; we have a war to fight. I will see that they do that to the best they are able…. The Light help us.
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First Post
Chapter 4- “A Debt Repaid”

Day Sixteen- Link’s Tree

I awake in a small corner nook and look to Link’s calm face. A strange image of a young Link with two eyes come to mind making my lips curve in a wistful smile… then almost laughing, “He reminds me of Archonus… slightly.” Reverently I pick him up taking him down the many steps circling the great tree trunk.

The survivors of Oceanus huddle quietly around to witness this event though even now they do not know what history they stand witness to. I walk the recently worn grass to the pile of twigs and logs piled high and place Link Woodshadow upon it. This close the smell of oil reaches me, the little freckly-faced man said he could find enough. Whatever Farathier said to him must have done it for he came through. Good- The wood is dry and the oil clean. Yes, the spark will set quickly. I lay my hand against Link’s chest once more saying good-bye to a legend, an ancestor, and a stranger. The Duke starts to speak.

His baritone voice commanding but reverent, and the crowd hangs on his every word. I slowly step back from the pyre and watch a few errant rays of light pierce the shelter above. Link’s face catches one ray fully and I surprise myself with the tug of a smile. I softly mutter, “See it’s not all that bad. At least I finally got to see you in the full blaze of light.” I take my short bow and single arrow from Farathier and move off to stand by the only torch still lit in the waking eve of morning.

The deep baritone rises, “He is Link Woodshadow!” The duke seems to play the crowd well. The Duke’s voice drops holding them enthralled to hear what more he can tell them. With this captivation he gives them the heroes final words of forgiveness. My pledge now partially fulfilled.

Before the Duke’s voice finishes ringing through the glade, I hear Justice’s proud voice counter his deeper tones as she starts her eulogy. Her voice shows that same strength of command as the Duke’s. He learned to cultivate it by ordering servants, while she learned it commanding fledgling warriors. The Duke knew his people, and knew they needed the words of an Apectin over the pyre. She had at least seen him twice, she had watched him die, and she was the only Apectin around. He had been right to suggest her.

Lost in my own world though I do not hear the specific words she speaks. As the rays brighten on the Woodshadow’s wrinkled face, I see the scars and lines left from his millennia long life. I see what life gave him and what it took away while always keeping its natural balance of existence. I slowly notice that all is silent around me; I must have missed my queue. Without looking around, I slowly raise the arrow tip and place it along side the burning torch. The oil soaked rag quickly ignites. I aim for the center of the pile, and shoot. I had no words to give, but at least I was allowed to do this much.

As the sun gets brighter so rise the flames as if to compete and I know when the sun sets the flames will have died to smoldering embers and ash. I remain standing there for hours holding my now empty bow at my side, just staring at the flames. Occasionally the wind changes and my eyes burn from smoke, but the silent tears running down my face wash it away. I feel more then see how quickly the crowd dissipates. When the fire looses its mad rage silently I utter, “Good-bye, respected elder.”

Thinking back to the decision I made last night, I go in search of Farathier. I find him and Yoshi near the great base of Link’s tree playing some sort of game. Yoshi stops midway through a tail swipe and sniffs the air. He turns his jade and ebony body and bounds towards me. As he skids to a halt and sniffs the top of my head some more, I look to Farathier slowly striding over. Taking a deep breath I start, “Farathier, I know you do not have the horses you love around you now, and due to me you are without even the chestnut you had. Know that I do not begrudge any bond you and Yoshi form, and in fact I encourage it.” With a smile I push against the heavy blockhead, “Though I think there is already one forming.” Farathier still standing a few feet away simply looks at me then at Yoshi as if trying to gauge what I am about. I push forward, “I will continue to look in on him, but I leave his training solely to you now…. If you wish?” He still has not moved a muscle. Farathier finally holds out his hand, “I would be honored to train such a creature.” I lightly let my hand rest in his. I smile thinking, one down!

We both turn as a light trumpet call and hoof beats are heard from the roadway. The refugees are thrown into chaos again with fear of the unknown, and the memory of the last horn blast they heard. But it is a human rider on a very stately but very normal warhorse that gallops into view. A scant few other rides decked out much the same follow the leader into view. Xath and Arfin stand at the entrance to the grove, as the rider pulls up. Farathier has already ushered Yoshi back into the woods and behind the tree. I see Justice on the opposite side of camp, moving as I do toward the cluster of new arrivals.

“I have orders from Lord Hywrl. You are to present yourselves at nightfall at the gates of Hwryl,” shouts on of the talons through cupped hands. I hear Xath’s voice ask at his horses nose, “Why?”

“So you may know your fate, and see the king’s might as treasonous people will be brought to justice,” he states smugly as he shifts to look at the entire group. As he moves, his shiny plate mail harshly reflects the morning sun into our eyes.

“Who be th’ Lor’ Howl?” Arfin insists. With pity and a small amount of contempt the man’s dark hazel eyes pierce Arfin, “He is Lord Edriss Kiva, Count of Hywrl, Son of Count Elliar Kiva. Lucky for you all he just arrived from Crisoth.” At the name Justice, Arfin and I pause.

“What have these traitors done and what is to be done to the traitors?” Xath goes back to the more important questions at hand. She had only seen Edriss at the hanging, but even then may not have been told who he was. “They are traitors to the crown, six all told. They will be brought to immediate trial.” He tries to keep his military gaze straight ahead, but his eyes seem drawn to Xath again and again. He then bows to the group in general, and though Xath seems not to notice he is definitely eyeing her with interest. Too many men have I seen look at Justice that way not to know what it means. In a voice meant to only include Xath ears, the guard leans down, “Will you do me the honor of going to lunch with me this afternoon?” Xath’s voice drops to match his, “Let me think on it… how about I meet you back here in a few hours?” With that he waves his small entourage back to Hywrl. As the dust settled, Xath turns cheeks bright red to tell us what had been said at the last. I smile as Xath stalks off, while Justice’s brows furrow in deep in thought. She then calls out to Xath to return, shaking my head I walk over to Yoshi.

Arfin walks over to Farathier, while the monk jumps down from a tree with surprising grace. “Edriss. I’d lov’ te get h’s blood;” snarls the dwarf. Kareth normally silent grunts his agreement, “You not only one.” The golden talon normally removed from such things, also adds with venom, “Yes, he should die.” I over hear Justice and Xath walking past us now deep in conversation about what Xath will say and do at lunch, while Archonus is nowhere in sight. Edriss was a friend who betrayed us.

I pipe into the group before me, “Well, should we go and greet him as he deserves?” Farathier gets a nasty grin on his face, “Yes, I think we should give him a warm welcome.” With Arfin’s dislike of Link’s tree, we set off for a quiet place to make our plan, knowing we will have to disguise ourselves and tell as few about the plan as possible, just in case it all goes wrong. If something happens it cannot be traced back to these people.

An hour later Arfin sweeps his wide stubby metal boot across the dirt. As Arfin, Kareth and Farathier go in search of the freckled face one toothed man and the other various supplies we need. Farathier hasn’t mentioned his name, but has been heard calling him Freckles.

I go in search of Yoshi needing to keep him out of the upcoming battle. “Oh, my friend, if life where as easy as it is with you. I know your loyalties just by looking in your eyes and I know your mind just by a simple movement.” I know Yoshi does not understand my words, but it helps to say them aloud.

I hear the muffled crackle of dry leaves behind me. I turn my head to see Archonus standing there, “We must speak.” He moves back a few paces almost testing. Odd that I felt a presence and heard someone, yet didn’t know it was him. It must be about the cobbler, so giving Yoshi one last nudge away I say, “Lead on.” As we enter the main camp area, Archonus masked face looks straight ahead not veering from course at all. Not letting me catch up to him completely, I keep pace with him. Must be something really bad, normally he at least lets us walk with him. He mounts the steps two at a time to the Woodshadow’s tree, with an easy stretch of his lean legs.

Once up he continues striding toward the same room Link had passed away in. It was a good spot, easy to hear people approaching, and no way for someone to hide out. The very reasons I had wanted to see the cobbler here, thinking Archonus one of the few able to sneak in. Gentlemanly he holds the door to let me enter, and as I reach the edge of light from the window hear the door click closed. Knowing Archonus not to be one to talk first, I start to ask what he found out. Before I can utter another word beyond what; however, Archonus with his usual grace and speed uses his hand and deeply swipes my shoulder blade. “AH!” I cry out grabbing my stinging shoulder, turning to face him. As he lunges again, I yell, “What! What are you doing?” I feel the pain increasing where his nails raked –Nails? What has gotten in to him, I know he’s never seen me as more then a little sister type, but…“Archonus?” He does not say anything only continues to snarl, and advances drawing back his hands. The long fingers have fingernails rapidly growing like thin blades. This can’t be him… He opens his mouth; thin forked tongue flicking and shoots acid at my other shoulder. Earlier I had left my pack in the upper rooms, wearing only light clothes and cloak to Link’s funeral. Luckily I hadn’t had a chance to return to those rooms, so I still had my bow. I draw two arrows imbedding them through his raised hands. Then calmly knocking two more I shoot again into his other hand. Becoming more and more sure with every movement it makes that this not my Archonus. A thought flashes into my mind, I must keep it alive to question it and to study it.

In these close quarters he quickly advances, trying to hit me with my own arrows in his bleeding hands. I see his features flicker. With a snarl I stake an arrow into each leg, making sure I slow him down. The flickering solidifies, and I am looking at a mirror of me. Scorn and venom in my voice I almost spit at him “You have lost beast.” The image of me continues forward another stumble, so I fire two more directly into its chest. At such close range it is thrown backward landing in a crumpled heap of legs and outstretched arms. Looking down my harsh features fade to a scaly hide, large round white eyes and lanky body. I knock two more arrows and point them at his reptilian neck, and watch his lifeblood quickly leaking from his body.

The door bangs open to admit two figures, one short and round and the other tall. As the door swings back from being thrown open so violently, Arfin’s voice comes through, “I’ll kill ye if ye’ve harmed…”

“Who are you?” I yell pointing my bow at Archonus’ figure. They could be anyone, and anywhere. Knowing what I felt the past few days I know with certainty there is more then just the one at my feet. They know I can sense them, so I am now a threat- a target. It is always alone and in shadows. Both Arfin and Archonus see the dying reptilian creature at my feet, and stare at me in confusion. “Who are you?” I yell again at the figure of my friend.

At the same moment Arfin, pleads, “He is Archon;” the other states, “I am Archonus.” He removes his red cloth mask thinking his blue birthmark will satisfy my curiosity. I relax the tension on my bow, dropping it to point again at the slowly dying snake creature. The mark can easily be made and mimicked, but the movement itself is Archonus’ alone. No, this is the true Archonus.

Adrenaline still pumping through my veins I try to explain, “He is the one from earlier, the cobbler, or just one of his kind. He pretended to be- He attacked me as soon as we got here.”

Blonde hair billowing, Justice runs into the room and upon seeing the fallen creature places her body between my arrow and his throat; her hands splayed on the creature’s upper chest. His bleeding stops, and his eyes slowly open to slits. I move around Justice pushing the arrow tip further into his neck as it tries to lift it’s head, with cold venom I order, “Do not move.”

Though she looks at me unhappily that I will not budge, her voice harshly orders, “Archon, interrogate him.” For her own reason’s Justice has taken some vow as penance for helping to kill her sister-in-arms in Oceanus. Arfin tries to interrogate it, but I know it will be to no avail. “There are others out there,” I look at Archonus and can see the hate mirrored in his eyes. Whatever the cause for the hate, I will trust him to take care of things here. I turn and quickly leave the room. I hear Arfin clanking at my back, but do not stop as I bound down the steps to the forest floor. I go from group to group, tent to tent stalking my prey. Looking, studying, but with frustration see nothing, there is still too much I don’t know about them. I feel no tingles or stirs of something wrong.

“We know they are 'ere now. We can watch ‘em,” Arfin says to try and dispel my continued search. Michael taught me long ago the best way to hunt pry is to watch and learn. They always make a mistake eventually, and sometimes that can be turned to a better purpose.

As we head back toward Link’s tree, a body falls from the branches above. Archonus stands in the window above, but not trusting my eyes we run to the prone broken body. The bald emerald scales on the head tell me all I need to know. It is the lizard man, twisted to odd angles. There is a small nicely worked handle protruding from its chest. Arfin quickly grabs out the handle, Archonus’ small sword, and puts it on his belt. Farathier comes running over with Yoshi lopping by his side. Looking to Farathier I pose, “We can not let the villagers see him; they have suffered enough. Can Yoshi… Eat him?”

Farathier smiles rakishly and mimics to Yoshi a motion of swallowing whole. Yoshi leans over and makes quick work of the body. Though there is a crowd approaching, they only see the three of us surrounding the large T-rex still chomping on his latest meal. I swallow a few times looking at Farathier in question. Then my eyes stray upward to Yoshi’s mouth, and there I see a stray bone protrudes with some scales and muscle still attached. A grim faced Justice and masked Archonus approach hurriedly.

Using our bodies and cloaks Arfin hands the bloodied short sword to Archonus; so even with close looks the villagers would only see a very satiated look in Yoshi’s eyes. As our group disperses trying to appear as nothing happened, I look to Archonus. Shivering as the adrenaline runs off and the cold and pain finally registers. I turn away, slowly walking into the woods to search for some basic healing herbs. On the trek I ask myself, what if I did not recognize the creature in time, would I have been able to kill him before he killed me. What if it had taken the form of another of them? Would survival or love and friendship win out? I can only hope I never have to choose.

In just under two hours everything is set on the roadway for greeting Edriss. Arfin let us know that last he heard Justice, Archonus, and Xath were going to try and get information from the talon herald, Korianne. We figured it was best they not know of this little plan. Xath has no qualms with Edriss, and Justice would never let us even attempt it with her new oath. It is better that we leave Archonus to protect them.

Once everything is set we again look to each other, there are doubt each to their own, some about skill, some about tactic, some about the person, but we know we can’t let this by go by. If we can stop him before he gets into town. For once being proactive in our fates rather then simply reacting.

Near sunset, we hear approaching horses slowly walking from the North roadway. “Lets go,” Farathier commands. Kareth climbs to the second tier of branches; then Farathier and I pass a dark aged wooden barrel up. We then move as silently as possible to our opposing sides of the narrow roadway. Three arrows made especially for this task lay in wait for us. A small pile of steel drake powder and sharp stones lay beneath the arrow shafts. Arfin was hidden a short time ago by a boulder and some tree branches further North, and he may even now be spying them passing. As soon as the battle is on Arfin should be able to cover their retreat.

The hoof beats get increasingly louder. With aching slowness two horses come into sight flanked in front by two large dark skinned orc guards up front. The carriage is ornately painted in gold trim, so it seems along with coin, weapons, and land Edriss has gained other fine luxuries. The guards are obviously more then simply intimidating ornaments, for with prowling movements and weapons at the ready it is easy to see they know how to fight. They exchange black glances over the horses’ heads every few moments.

The coach has its pristine purple curtains drawn and even as it hits a stone only blackness can be seen inside. The small stately carriage is followed by two more orcs. Our dear friend Edriss must be inside, probably counting coins or sharpening his little dagger. A gold-jeweled dagger, perhaps one his friend Tain gave him. Dear Edriss who ran off and joined the king knowing of his evil deeds. This was Edriss who we accepted and Edriss who let innocents die. It was Edriss who wanted coin and jewels more then a heart or friends. Yes, it was time to say a final hello to dear Edriss.

Almost there… just a few more feet and then we would have them. A sharp crack* boom* erupts from the lead Orcs side arm. The tree, that moments before held Kareth, is now alight with fire. I see Kareth’s large green form jump swiftly to the ground about thirty paces away from me. He starts to head past me attempting to beat the fire out of his cloak and to safety. I raise my bow and fire the first arrow with a flaming head. Fire and coins fly out and imbed themselves on the orcs sides. Another boom is heard directly after mine; it seems Farathier had the same idea as another of our hidden barrels explodes. Arfin is heard shouting a challenge as he charges from his place of cover. Farathier and I quickly hit the two barrels at the rear of the now stopped carriage, which fling more copper and pointed splinters at the two guards in back. I shoot the front orc again with arrows in rapid session, but he keeps charging. There is no way for retreat now. Arfin finally reaches the two back orcs taking them on by himself. I can still hear Kareth to my left. Wondering why isn’t running to meet the charging orc as he normally would, I turn to look that way seeing a shadowy shape darting from nothing and stabbing Kareth deep in the leg. Kareth seems to be unable to hit it solidly and seems to be blindly swiping at it.

I quickly turn and shoot the guard charging Kareth’s position; at least I can slow him down. As the Orc finally reaches Kareth he find a half-orc bloodied from several slashes, burned and a lost dazed look entering his eyes. The shadow disappears completely; at the same time I sense something behind me and feel cold metal pierce my side. As I swing to face it, I suddenly see Edriss’s cold face in front of me. “Miss me?” he says with a smiling smirk. What could turn his heart so cold and black? I raise my bow and fire as quickly as I can, but he keeps swiping at me and shifting around jumping from shadow to shadow. I feel the wounds from his blade cutting deeper, and deeper. I can’t dodge, nor fire, nor move fast enough to hit him and know that I am weakening too fast.

Much too fast… figures he would stoop to use poison to slow an enemy down. Can’t face them on equal terms. The poison from his blade seeps into the deep wounds and through my system forcing me to concentrate. I finally register that I have heard four grunts, so I hit him at least that many times. Hoping I may have succeeded more.

So intent on the shadow dancer in front of me I do not see the orc come from behind who swipes at my bow. With emptiness the string goes lax and I am left with two arrows in one hand and my now useless bow handle in the other. I let the bow fall from my grip while turning with more agility then I feel. With one move, I raise my right arm high, flip the arrow point around, and with a yell of rage plunge the arrows in my tightly fisted hand down into the chest plate of the orc. I hear with satisfaction his yell of pain, as they hit a gap in his shoulder plating. I pull the arrows back out again and plunge it again into his other side. Then knowing I don’t have much time blindly sink them into whatever skin I see exposed.

My hands are soon slick with blood, but I do best if I focus on the solid arrow shafts in my hands and the green of his skin. If I use my energy to focus there, I can ignore that he is also drawing my blood luckily much slower then Edriss was able to. I can no longer feel the other wounds or the ones he is still inflicting on my weakening body.

I suddenly see movement behind him, and with relief hear Archonus’ shout as he charges in. Drawing the orc’s attention, he turns his black head to the new foe laying his neck exposed to me. Using the opening, I spring to his back plunging the arrowheads down. At the same instant, Archonus drives both his swords into the Orcs leg and stomach with his long and short sword respectively. Archonus quickly shifts his feet and plunges them again as the orc stops fighting and his arms drop to his sides. As the orc starts to topple to the ground I hold tight to my now deep red arrows, letting them slowly slide out from his neck once more. Archonus and I look quickly at each other, and I smile. Just one more for him saving me, I guess. We hear a crashing to our left and turn to see two Orcs coming toward us.

I know I will not last long, but I will go down fighting. I will not give Edriss the pleasure; so facing them I mutter coldly, “Come on!” I raise the arrows still clutched in my now blood soaked arm spreading my legs to pounce. Archonus says, “Here.” I reach out, catching Longarm, his longbow, from the air. Without thinking I knock the two bloodied arrows and let them fly at the fast charging orcs no pause to my movements. I quickly move to keep shooting, my quiver far from empty. Archonus seems okay to let me deal as much damage as I can before he attacks. Soon they are on top of us, and I am back to my ploys of retreat and feigning.

They luckily were already wounded from Arfin or the others, and go down fairly quickly. I hear Justice yelling to someone, and the return cry of her beast. I feel the slight stirring of the wind and look up to see Xath galloping away on the remaining horse as Justice lifts off with Thane. They must be after Edriss. They will need help once they catch up to him, but I only go one step before almost falling over. Seeing Archonus go toward Arfin’s position, I resolutely shake my head and move toward the first of the fallen Orcs that were of Edriss’ guard.

Suddenly a black smoke fills my eyes. The pain, something is burning them. The tree… the ground is so dry being past the rains and before the snowfall. I finally reach the first fallen guard and pick up his fallen Kega’rin, but as I lay my hands on it I am overcome with a sense of dirtiness. I can feel the power, evil power. It’s oily handle crying out to me for blood, destruction, and murder. It would be so easy to give in. No, I am in control and have no thirst for warm blood like this, though I feel repulsed and hate toward this very item it will serve my needs for now.

As I reach down grabbing the shoulder of one guard a great crack sounds the beginning of the end for the old tree as it splits under the weight of flames and death. Kareth! How could I forget? I lost sight of him- there! A huge branch was falling to the place where he last lay. Ignoring the pain shooting through my body, I hold the cloak over my mouth and blindly run for where I saw him fall. He was not moving, but he must still live. He must!

The shadowy figures of a six-foot man holding and supporting a much larger figure can be seen through the gray smoke. I stumble toward them as I hear Farathier’s choking voice, “Help me, he weighs more than a horse!” I quickly push my shoulder under Kareth’s much broader one. The monk seems to be mumbling, “I no feel good…Bad hurt…” He must have taken more of the poison into his blood then I did. Between coughs I say trying to be optimistic, “You’ll be fine my friend, just a little sickness.” His features are normally a light greenish tint, but now they seem to be a pale sickly gray. The monk seems to be making a valiant attempt to walk, and eventually with all three of us stumbling and supporting each other, we eventually clear the acrid smoke and collapse on a small pile of untouched leaves. As I struggle to sit up I feel the setting sun finally take all her light from us, as the orange light of the fire grows stronger.

“We are fine.” I tell Archonus and Arfin as they rush toward us. “The bodies…” There is no need to waste air though, as Archonus and Arfin are already steering toward the Edriss’s guards. They have piled all four dead bodies on a small cart and started to push it away as the fire crackles and catches more kindling to flame. I struggle to a kneeling position draw from the land and air and ask for water to quench the flames of this fire. A small trail of water appears and dampens the surrounding ground and outer branches of the flame. The large tree center is now the only part burning, but it could still spread at any moment. Suddenly there is more water from some else’s magic and the flames sizzle out. Thane’s wings stirs the smoke and ash as he sets down near Arfin and Archonus, while Xath rides through the smoke and back into view.

I look to Farathier and at his nod we both start to pull Kareth toward the cart and the others. By the time we drag ourselves to the refugee camp, the people are heading for Hywrl. Xath stops one of the few remaining townsfolk, and asks about the Duke. Unfortunately we find he was taken to Hywrl earlier that day. This is not a good sign. “We must get there quickly!” Xath rushes off, so keeping Kareth in the cart Farathier and I drag him to Hywrl.

The gates that were impenetrable just a few short days ago now stand parted and open to all. There is a sparse city with one large keep at the center. People can be seen everywhere as they crowd and push their way to the platform and the keep. “I will stay and look after the monk.” Farathier volunteers. Justice with barely a glance back replies, “Fine. Watch over him. We will meet you here later, and no more plans like that last stunt.” With that she heads off. “We did what we felt we needed to,” Arfin’s heated response fading into the dim of chaos around us. Xath tugs my arm looking at the others not exactly approvingly either, “Let’s catch up to her.”

As we get closer to the palace we see a healthy dark elf, Count Edriss, on a low balcony speaking to the crowd about traitors or some such. We also spy the Duke, Korienne, Irellion Greyclaw and a few other guards on the same platform. “There’s the Duke,” Xath points excitedly. Then her smile fades to a confused look, “but he look far from displeased or forced to be up there.” Justice trying to sound optimistic, “Maybe it is not as we feared or we heard incorrectly.”

There are two other balconies higher up, but as we edge closer only the top one holds anything. It has seven prisoners all hooded. At Edriss’ signal, the executioner pulls the hood from one. We see the face of Randal, one of the bluemages Archonus helped to free in Oceanus. “These traitors to the crown will be put to death for their crimes.” “No!” Shouts Xath gaining a few startled looks and Edriss face swivels to look at us. She adds quieter to us, “These innocents can not die in our place.” One stood with neck in noose for each of us. Six prisoners ready to dangle about our height and gender, though an extra short one for Xath as a dwarf. It seems they do not know everything.

Edriss looking entirely too pleased shouts at us, “Arfin Kegsplitter, is it you? Good friend come and take your place with me on this great day.” Arfin gives us a pained look, “Maybe I can do some good there.” We can only watch helplessly as he goes inside, but as he disappears inside the doors Xath hurriedly whispers from the side of her mouth plans, plans that may work. With everyone eyes shifting to Edriss greeting Arfin, I hide Xath behind my cloak and go toward a secluded wall. Eerily, she changes her form to that of the perfect likeness of Edriss Kiva. As I lower my cape I look into her eyes, “Are you ready?”

“There is no other way,” she concedes with a deep sigh. As I move aside to let her return to where Justice and Archonus are waiting I put my hand on her shoulder and closing my eyes whispering, “Mark my friend true for my eyes.” She turns a small smile at me, knowing if I have to spy the mark the entire plan is doomed anyways. She then walks to Justice’s side. Justice who can help her with magic and truth, and Archonus who says that he can help with any pain or wounds she may get.

I can do nothing for the prisoners or my friends from down here, but looking up to the roof I know that is where I should be. I’d have the best view and best advantages there. I maneuver my way back through the crowd till I reach the back entrance of the palace. There seems to be less activity here in the serene gardens of a long forgotten temple, as most seem intent on the hanging and spectacle in front. I take out my grappling hook and rope and use that to gain purchase to the second level back balcony. As I top the rail I see no guards and so quickly move to go up another level.

The prisoners were on the third level, so there I must go. As I top the second rail, I take the hook with me. I hear some footsteps and try to hide in the small amount of shadows by the wall. A guard saunters out, barely glancing around. Whistling a bar tune I hear from Selura, he goes to the edge and peers down. I automatically feel disgust at the lack of security Edriss seems to have put up, the guard is a lack wit for with how little he looked I could have been hanging from the wall as a dragon and he would not have noticed.

I edge forward not lifting my feet from the ground. Once he is within reach I try to use the rope and grappling hook to silence him before he can yell for help. Unfortunately he used that moment to pick his teeth clean, so I get his arm between his neck and the rope. With ridiculous easy he pries the rope away and turns to face me. I grab some herbs from my belt and throw it at his eyes. He screams as his eyes smolder and his vision blackens. I quickly retreat inside the closest doorway as he waves blindly punching and grabbing air. I use this to gain entrance inside, but his shouts have attracted a party of guards.

As I run into the hallway, I face two guards. This is not working as planned, and when I feel the edge of a blade at my back know there is no way out now. “Put your hands up and stand as you are,” issues the command from behind me. “Go check on him. Take her weapons.” I hear armor plating grate as two guards run to the balcony and their bellowing comrade. The other two start to search me for other weapons; I take note of each item they find.

The guard in command pushes his foot into my lower back, forcing me into the waiting hold of another guard. As the guard in front holds my arms tightly his commander makes easy work of binding my hands. I am held there as the commander goes to look at the now blinded guard. As they lead him into the hallway I see they have placed a bandage across his eyes. The commander takes the extra rope from my bound hands in his hand and giving it a sharp tug orders me to walk.

As we start down the stair small arrow slits in the wall let me hear shouts, “The impostor is dead!” “Edriss killed him!” “It wasn’t a fair fight.” “Long live our new Count!” As I slow to try and hear more I am pulled forward again.

We have only gone down one flight of stairs when I hear, “Sir!” They snap to attention as Edriss’ form appears on the stairs. At the guard’s words, the chiseled aristocratic body of Edriss straightens. His clothes have seen some wear, but he seems to let a curtain of authority fall over his whole body.

I cannot help but smile knowingly at the Edriss standing before me though, for he bears my mark on his shoulder. This Edriss is really Xath, so she won that battle at least. “Release her.” Xath commands. “But- But, my lord, she was trying to take the palace, and she blinded one of the men.” The commander is now singing a cowering tune.

I look at the guard pointing with my bound hands at Edriss, “I am here to protect that one, so I felt it necessary to see to the current state of things. As for the guard, wash his eyes out with some water and he will be fine.” Xath troubled by more pressing things then getting me out of a scrape turns to continue up the stairs and impatiently motions me to follow her. The guard slits one of the ropes, and pulling my hands away quickly shed the rope cord. Hastily grabbing the few weapons they found on me, I move to the huge drapery housing the royal balcony.

The curtain sweeps aside by two bowing servants as we approach and I have to raise my hand at the sudden blinding sunlight. Xath dismisses the other guards and drawing the Duke to one corner asks, “What do we do now?” “Let me handle this,” the Duke reassures us a sly devious smile in place. Thus he proceeds to introduce Xath as the true Edriss as the light has shown, and the traitor defeated. The wrongs of those to be executed were based on falsehoods, and should be released. I am starting to become weary of his ability to play a crowd.

Looking over the crowd I see the old priest from Oceanus, Dorn, walking beside Farathier as he pushes Kareth along. Justice’s stand by a corner looking up at us her expression unreadable from this distance. Archonus’ huddled form allows Arfin to pass him some bottles of medicine. Whatever he did worked. As the Duke concludes his speech, I push back to the wall. The others will be up shortly, and we have to get a healer for Kareth.

Not trusting even death, that night we make plans over Edriss’ body. Plans where ‘Edriss’ dies in the night from wounds taken during the day. Plans to gain legitimate leadership here, and plans to get back Oceanus. We go in circles, but there seems to be only one answer. The lies and the truth, it is all getting distorted now, and buries us further in them. Someday maybe I can go back to a simpler life… one with no secrets needing to be kept or lies to be told. We leave with a plan in place, as best we could make and mostly at the Duke’s ideas and urging. Justice tells us, “Go and rest now we have a long day tomorrow. I will watch the body till the morning.” We file out somberly. Though spying Archonus and Farathiers retreating forms I know Justice may think she will watch alone, but it will actually be a group vigil.


First Post
Chapter 4- “A Debt Repaid”

Day Seventeen- Hywrl

It was shortly before sunrise, when my eyes peered out from beneath the scratchy cloth blanket. I recall only eating a sparse meal and then huddling in an empty room next to where Archonus threw his pack. The door and window remained wide open to my space, in my hopes of getting a cross breeze coming through and to easily hear any sound of alarm. I do not remember going to sleep with a blanket, but lots of things are fuzzy the later it got.

Justice remained in the room single candle lit. Archonus watched from the shadows somewhere. Arfin and Farathier could be seen in the streets below. I didn’t see Xath, Kareth, or the Duke after the plans had been set.

Edriss… no he is dead, and today we burn him. Today everything changes. I am still stiff from the wounds suffered yesterday, but remain unmoving as Xath passes by. It was her light footfalls that woke me. I know she will now go and check on the others. It has become her morning ritual. I look through the darkened window and see the morning has not yet arrived. She is sleeping less and less. Smiling I almost laugh, “but she is a steady wake-up alarm.” I then go in search of some clean water, and then to find the others. Justice is normally the next to rise with her own morning ritual just before sunrise.

As I pass the room with Edriss’s body laid out, a still waking Arfin informs me that Justice had reluctantly left the room moments ago. We have seen that even death is not irreversible. Arfin usually the steady old one of the group seems troubled by these events, and weakly I try to comfort him, “Today we burn him and scatter his ashes. He will not raise again.”

His rueful smile tells me I have misjudged his worry. At least he is forgiving, “Tis not that, but Xath. She has been out of sorts since yesterday. I have no way with her, but you and she are close so I would ask will you, could ye possibly speak ta her?” I truthfully assure him I shall try my best, and he assures me that he will not let her stray from sight. She is still technically a servant to the Thunderheart clan. A servant of Arfin’s technically, yet here he is treating her like the daughter he lost many years ago. No matter what form she takes, Arfin will remain true it seems and see her dwarven blood first.

The throne room is much less ornate than the one in Oceanus, but it seems to serve for this simpler palace. As we all gather in the throne room for the processional, I notice Archonus is still nowhere to be found. Xath with Arfin by her side are spied just inside the large carved doorway. Kareth and Farathier should be stand watch on the balcony outside. From there can watch everyone and everything. Only Justice and I will actively participate in this farce today. We will carry torches trying to school faces of somber sadness for Edriss who died of the mass wounds inflicted yesterday. As the sun was rising, the Duke made the announcement adding just the right touch of sadness to his tone. The townsfolk and refugees took his words easily believing them.

We remained firm on no music, no praise, and no chorus sending Edriss to the light. We would not judge, but neither would we give him what Link had deserved. He would have silence, and have to make the trip below alone. A row of priests from Oceanus walked in two’s lead by Duke Greyclaw and Irellion, the regent of Hywrl.

Justice and I followed at the back of the procession. We only had our fighting attire for such an occasion, and the Duke had thought that was best. The people didn’t know us well enough yet by our faces, but Justice’s red dragon chest plate was hard to forget. The night before it had been argued and finally decided that only Justice and I would link us to this directly. Justice could have been with the others, but she insisted on being up here as well. Their distance had to be maintained in case things didn’t go as planned.

The sun rose to shine it’s light on the pyre; it didn’t hold the soft joyful embrace of yesterday. As the light hit, Edriss’ cold face I relived so many events from our short friendship. Thoughts and feelings swirled. Finally we stood flanking the elaborate pile of stone and wood. Standing straight we waited for the signal. The large crowd tensed pushing forward as a single wave. There were a few mutters and comments, but they were quickly quieted by an elbow or heel.

Yesterday I laid my ancestor out in this same manner, I was the first to set the flame to his pyre and I was the last to leave it. Today, I cannot wait to get away. This is no hero we are burning today, but a liar, one with no honor or heart. He would sell you for some land and coins, yet those around us wanted to cry for him. He came from noble stock, and almost got even more lands through the murdering of innocents. My hatred was a brief storm, even now dissipating. Even now there where so many sides to him and so many possibilities. After today he will be no more.

After a moment more of silence, one of the priests steps forward, out of the semicircle. An ancient alder with dead white hair and cracking skin, “We are gathered here to guide Edriss Kiva, once Count, Lord of Hywrl, to the everlasting embrace of the Light. Though flesh is ash, the soul is Light. Through flame, we free the Light and return the flesh to ash.”

She lifts her hands calling, “Count Kiva has helped us from the shadow that overtook our homes, and through his actions, we have found new strength, and a new place to call home. For these things alone, the Light has guaranteed him a place at the side of His throne, at the right hand of heroes.” If only she knew what he really had planned.

As her hands came to rest at her side, the Apectin priests said a word and turned their hands to white flame. This was the signal, Justice, Irellion, Duke Greyclaw, and I solemnly carry our torches forward. I watched the flame from my torch leap toward the dry straw. I saw it link with the other flames from the other torches, slowly moving towards the wrapped body. The silence stretches as the flames catch the thin material. The stench of burning flesh clouds and moved through the crowd. I looked to each of my companions as the black smoke rises higher, watching to see their expressions, and trying to read what they thought.

The elder alder spoke once more, her voice quietly carrying, “As these flames reach toward heaven, so goes the soul of this hero!” As she finished, the tension that had been building seemed to break on the wail of a woman behind me. As a soft voice starts to comfort her, others begin to feel it. A baby towards the rear started to wail, and a child just within peripheral vision clutched his mothers’ hand while digging his red-cheeked face into her skirts. I wonder if Archonus is even around watching, he was the angriest with the decisions made last night. No, that would be too emotional a phrase for him. Looking back on it he never actually agreed to anything just could not voice any opposition. On a sigh I admit except the Duke no one actually said they liked or agreed, but with no other way it was assumed we agreed.

A large dark Alder hand is thrust into the air and the wails and mutterings taper down. Duke Greyclaw had quick work done on his clothes and cape. He now steps to the front of the stage re-splendid once more in court attire. His dark true alder skin mirrors the gold and red of the fire ablaze behind him, “The loss of Count Kiva will be keenly felt! Yet, before he died, he shared a great secret with me. Count Kiva came here to take the seat, but not to hold it! This region was held in trust for nearly a millennium, awaiting the return of the blood of the Woodshadow. That blood has returned, and stands among us even now! Though two heroes have fallen in as many days, there are many heroes that remain! One of your saviors has carried a secret, her grandfather’s trust, for all of her life… and now, in your time of need, she has returned to take her grandfather’s abandoned throne!” Not a moan or a wail, just whispers now as uncertainty grows.

Looking at the crowd I cannot help as many pairs of eyes are automatically drawn to Xath. Her high alder features and easy way with people seem to echo of the ways of the Amastatia, yet her sword fighting in Oceanus very distantly echo those of Link. Smiles light many faces hopefully, but I know those would be shattered soon. The Duke was the one who not two days ago told me my blood would not be a burden, yet it is about to become one.

“L’Aurel, one of our saviors, is the reason that Count Kiva hurried from Crisoth. L’Aurel Woodshadow, true Countess of Hywrl.” As I stepped to the Duke’s side, I stood seeing all eyes turn towards me and then back again to the duke. I could see some who readily wanted any spark of hope, and those were the ones that cheered, clapped and nodding in approval immediately. I could also see some who doubted. I could not blame them, but in a way I trusted them more. At least they were not ready to just accept anything or anyone. But there were also those that I feared. They were the ones that move like shadows through the crowd. Only an arm movement here and head twitch there would let me know they were still there. They seemed to be content to wait and bid their time for now, but so was I.

The Duke continued his prepared speech, “L’Aurel Woodshadow has come to take the empty seat, L’Aurel Wooshadow has come to lead us to victory, safety, with all the blessings of the true Throne of the Falcon Kingdom!” Well, it was a truth. Jaine who was the rightful Queen of the Falcon Kingdom had told us to do all we could. This day we just got her land and soldiers, so she would give her blessings to this. Jaine should be safely in Sylvanus by now, and soon she would know of this and advise us.

The crowd cheered loudly at this finale. As the flame dies to smoldering coals, he seemed already forgotten in the minds of the people who went on to rebuild thier future.
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First Post
Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Seventeen- Hywrl

Edriss’ funeral was simply one of a long list that kept seeming to grow by the thought. So I call my companions and the Duke of Oceanus to all gather in a small room by midday. As I wandered around gathering them up, I also asked Korienne, the commanding talon guard now stationed with his men in Hywrl, and Irellion Greyclaw, the high alder who acted as regent of Hywrl. Hopefully now we can all set the first wheels in motion for the future. Luckily the Duke was the first to arrive. Still unable to suppress the mixed feelings of guilt, dislike, but trust I ask him to teach me all he knows of power and ruling. He is the only tutor I can hope to gain, while still maintaining some small curtain that I know what I am doing. He agrees though not too happily it seems.

Finally we are all assembled in the small room. I spy two talon guards standing post in the open archway of the doors as everyone mills about waiting for the start. Archonus wearing simple clothes edges midway between the corner and the group while Justice, Arfin, Xath, and Korienne seem to have no problems chatting. Korienne it seems is still trying to edge his tusked smile closer to Xath, but Kareth made a quick move to stop it. Perfect timing even if he, Kareth, didn’t know it. Irellion and I have greeted and with a lot of effort try to put my best foot forward. I can only feel sorry for the way this was sprung on him, but he seems not to care much. He prepared for Edriss to take over, so being replaced by me instead he has just slid the mood, title, and all associations over to me.

With a simple raise of his slim ebony hand and a graceful few steps to the table, the Duke signals the start to this meeting. I walk slowly to the spot next to the duke hoping I can play out the part I have set. As he opens his mouth; however, I stand up. Time to remind him that we agreed he would help me, but that he gave me this rule, and that he shall live by it as well.

Before he can force my hand again, I quickly glance about the table and taking a deep breath to calm myself, begin “I have something that should be said first, and needs viable witnesses. To keep order and erase any confusion should anything happen to me, there should be a set second to rule here. A second to help me learn the ways of these people, and a second to ensure the safety and well being of all those within these walls.”

Looking at Irellion directly, “He has served them well to this point, so I can only hope he would continue to do so. Irellion Grayclaw, will you continue to serve as Regent of Hywrl?” He looks confused for a short second glancing quickly at Justice and the Duke, but then straightening his back nods solemnly in acceptance, “Of course, my Lady Countess.

It was hard enough to hear the ‘my lady’s’ throw after and at us, but now to add a title. Michael is probably laughing at me from above about my very ill suited new role. Later I would think on why Irellion looked at those two, and only come to suppose he must have thought them the more likely to lead. How close his thoughts are to the truth, for within our group there is no one absolute leader but one always steps forward as our voice and within politics the Duke is far the superior.

I quickly take my seat and allow the Duke to preside for the rest of this gathering knowing I need to watch and learn quickly. It is a very eloquent opening about calling us to order and thanking us for being there. He pointedly looks at me, chastising me as a tutor would with a single glance for not doing this before. Another list starts to form in my head of all the proper ways of court and leadership. Even as a simple general to the army we hope to amass, I will need better skills to command a large part of the force.

As the Duke continues with the formalities, I continue to look around the room. I smile at Korienne’s sleepy expression. If the Duke kept it shorter his audience would pay more attention, I think with satisfaction. Directly across from the Duke, Justice site countering Korienne. Her eyes bright and brow furrowed, she looks as if she is trying to memorize each word uttered. The duke’s hand clutches his side as he chokes the end of a sentence. Chairs are thrown back as a deep red liquid ebbs between his fingers. One of the talon guards leaps onto the table top and stabs the Duke in the shoulder.

We have been fighting for too long, and seen to much to truly let our guard down completely. So with a strange ease all of us move quickly to protect and attack. Xath pulls the injured Duke down and under the table in one pull of her hand. Archonus, Kareth and Justice stab at the man on the table. Arfin, Farathier and I go to the other guard as he raises his weapon poised for attack blocking the doorway. Adding in Korienne’s blade both are easy to overcome.

Both talons remain alive, though scratched, bleeding and currently unconscious. While I tie the door guard up I look around for my new regent. My eyes roam the room, then quickly turn again to Justice. Watching her clean the blade. Then it dawn on me… she fought. She must be over her grieving and that strange vow she took.

Farathier grabs the one at my feet twisting him to his feet, “I’ll take this one down a few doors. Archon, you take the other?” Archonus answers by reaching down to grab the other one and forcing him out the door. They are lead to two different rooms, as Justice and Arfin follow Farathier. Kareth and I follow Arhconus. Justice’s voice floats into the hallway, “Xath see to the Duke.” I smile knowing the Duke won’t mind the attention.

Archonus tries to intimidate and get the man to talk, but nothing seem to be working. He looks at Kareth and I, his eyes like stone. He lets the injured man drop to the floor, then leaves the room. We remain unmoving simply watching from opposite sides of the room. Kareth’s hands pulse open and closed as if imagining the man’s head between them.

I hear the approaching footsteps of Archonus and moving quickly open the door to his glaring face. His eyes however have changed, as they now hold a strange spark. With back turned to the prisoner, I smile knowing this will be a good show. Moving out of his way, I move back along the wall content to watch the hunter at work.

Though we get no sizable information, we do get a confession that they were sent to kill. Not just kill, but assassinate. As it was stated I felt cold eyes on me and the prisoners cracked lips part in a sly grin.

I let him think whatever he would for I had gained some knowledge this day. It seems the chameleon draconids were still out to find me. As their features changed back and forth, I also realized they couldn’t keep it indefinitely. I also watched its movements, each time Archonus forced it to shrink in fear or try to strike in hate. Later I even returned to the small room to play back every motion of the fight. My blood is of warriors, and I will fight whatever they throw at me.

At least one thing got accomplished at the meeting. As the group easily parts, I realize we had to stay as a group. For the first time we had a place, room to spread out, and soon our own smaller agenda’s again. I had learned that together we can do better by focusing those agenda’s, as we had done time and time again before. It was time to focus once more.

Through the day I quietly went to each one asking if they would meet on the morrow to break their fast with the group. Each replied that they would. All but two remained, Xath and Archonus, as Irellion came to find me.

He had way to make some food, and had seem me use some similar magic. Together we found a quite place out back of the palace. A place as good as any to start a garden, so past the falling of the sun from our view we raised plants, fruited trees, and vegetable vines. Looking at the small area we knew it would not be enough, but it would help. We agreed Irellion would let the kitchen’s know of it’s existence, and tomorrow we would add to the supply. Winter was midway through, but the worst of the snows and cold was just beginning.

I knew with Xath it would be a harder conversation then simply asking one question, but I had already put it off too long. It was time I was there for my friend as I should have been days ago. It took me a long while to track her down, finally I find her, sitting on the palace roof, watching the last bits of smoldering ash on the morning’s funeral pyre. I stop within sight of her, thinking, this has changed all of us, but her the most... How it must be to go through that change I can not know or understand. Was I wrong to let her slowly come into herself, does she still not know everything? She now holds such grace, poise, a soft light voice, and beauty. She has had to deal with all sorts of men following her and women finding it hard to hate her good looks when her spirit is so good.

Coming to her side I quietly ask, "Xath, may I have a moment?" Xath turns and nods, gesturing for me to sit next to her. "I am asking the others," I continue into the silence, "Will you break your fast with us on the morrow?" Xath slowly moves her head agreeing to join us, strangely silent for one who always has so much to say. "I thank you and will greatly appreciate your wisdom, my friend." As the silence continues the smile slowly fades from my face, "There was so much going on when we left Oceanus I never got to ask…What do you remember from before the temple in Oceanus?" Xath still staring at the glowing embers from the funeral pyre responds, "I remember everything, at least, as much as anyone remembers of their past." Again silence descends.

I follow her gaze to the charred bits of ash, "I know you could not be brought back against your will, but I still let him. He wrestled with it- your soul. Then after-” I look down at my scarred and calloused hands. “How was I to tell a friend thank you for saving my life, hope you like your new body. If I had waited, if I had trusted that Arfin and the others would get there in time. If only…"

Xath turns to face L'Aurel then, glancing up I see emotions sweep across her face. First a startled look, then pained, but it passes. She smiles slightly at me. "Do you blame yourself for what happened that day? It was my decision, you know. My choice, and mine alone. Had I not wanted to come back, I would not sit here with you now." The grin broadens across her face, but her eyes contrast the smile cruelly with a pained look. "And as for the body..." Xath says a few words in a strange tongue and brushes her hand across her face. Her fair alder complexion fades, and I find myself seated next to a rotund dwarf with dusky features. The same Xath with whom we had been traveling for almost a month now... so short a time. The round body was familiar, but now seemed at odds. Even with the magic she could not hide the look, a look of frailty. After a few seconds she lets the image fade, and I am sitting again next to the lithe elf I have come to see as friend.

Xath continues, "It hardly seems to matter what body I am in, as I never seem to stay in the same form for long, anyway." Another pained look towards the pyre. "I suppose it's fitting really, as I never really was much of a dwarf..." She trails off and begins to stare out again at the embers, which have finally faded so that there is not even the faintest glow coming from the pyre. Her family taken from her so early on and then to be raised by elves. She must have felt the outcast amongst her own people, but never apart of the other either.

I was told by the others how the battle with Edriss was fought and won. Another choice thrown on Xath. "I am honored to call you friend in whatever form. It seems every time I turn around more and more has changed... becomes unclear... so many things forced on us." I lower my gaze to catch the flash of torch light on a silver plated dwarf standing on the ground across from us in an alleyway. Arfin true to his word continued to watching over her. Looking at Xath that first time after the battle it seemed her core has changed, maybe Arfin is right to worry. Finally turning to look at Xath, I quietly ask, "Do you regret it?"

Xath furrows her fair brow, and then leans back to look at the sky. "Regret...I do not regret any decisions I have made, rather I regret those I could not make." She brushes her hand out encompassing the pyre below. "Perhaps it is those decisions we fear to make that hurt us the most." She pauses, then speaks again. "It seems a trail of sorrow follows wherever we tread. It is...difficult to be happy when you seem to continually spread loss." Another pause, and then brusquely, as if chastising herself, "What am I saying? These people would be much worse off had we not come along." Less convincingly, "I regret nothing. Nothing at all." With that, Xath turns so that she faces away.

I can see the glint of wetness across her silken palms as tears drop, I have never had to comfort another. So I press my hand against Xath's shoulder, "Death and life... it is a circle that all things take. Evil has a way to block the path with all the thorns it can, and we have just started the battle. I can not say that there will not be more sorrow, but that is life. You have seen where those deserving go, and the happiness they will have there. We all choose a path, and though it may not lead where we thought, nor travel the path we wanted it to... we chose. We all played a part in forcing your hand yesterday, and I know if we could, anyone of us, we would take a chance and change it." Gently pulling on her shoulder I make her face the direction where Arfin stands, "All of us. We chose to battle the evil instead of each other. I can not understand your sacrifice. I can not take the pain away. Remember, instead, all the innocents we saved in Oceanus, remember the faces and souls you've brought happiness to by singing your songs, remember the hope you have given through your stories,… and remember the friend who you have shown love in the ultimate sacrifice." Dropping my hands, I am at a loss for words. The next step is hers and the internal battle is only one she can fight. We can be here for her, but only to help as the traveling is hers.

Xath wipes the tears from her face, and smiles, perhaps the first genuine smile of the evening. She turns to hug me whispering, " Al nifred, meldis. Efuin tural garo tuuur iire amruuun teli. Wen uuva ta kilana. " (Fear not friend. The night cannot triumph when dawn comes. Your friendship will see to that.) With that, she stands, turns, and walks off into the darkness.

I continue to sit on top of the roof. I watch Arfin slowly leave his shadowy post and follow her traveling shadow. I can not help but smile sadly. Yes, she will get more then enough help from us I fear. I stay up on the roof top for a few more hours, knowing the quite will not last, and the dangers will only increase.

One more to go find this night, but for him as well I must ask more then one simple question. Walking through the pitiful tents the refugees have thrown up, I tense. Thinking suddenly that I should return and take one of the guards of Hywrl with me. No, I can not ask one of them to play nursemaid to me, though they would if I commanded it.

They are needed here within the walls and outside them as well. And I can not show this weakness. A Weakness by letting fear rule me. A fear of the unknown, a fear of the beast that roam out there. A fear of myself. Michael and Link would no doubt have sharp words for such silliness.

So I go in search of a person who may understand in some small way this need to just leave it all. I know my friend has rarely visited the quarters given to him inside the palace, and he would not like me bringing a new recruit along. As I step past the last echoes of light from the tents, I stand for a moment letting my eyes adjust and muscles relax. He instead prefers this the untamed forest around the city. If I had a choice, this is where I too would hide. He has made no attempt to cover his track, I have to take that as a sign. I slowly pick my way through the undergrowth and dead limbs.

I finally see them in a small clearing ahead. He sits staring into the flames of a small fire and next to him my ancestor’s dire wolf, Greylocke, chewing happily on a massive bone. What a strange pair, the man who thinks he is doomed an outcast from all and a beast who thinks he should be loved as easily as s baby kitten. I feel almost wrong intruding on their space, in this moment I am the outcast, the stranger. I hesitate at the edge, I can see his face plainly in the orange glow for he is not wearing his normal red mask. Though he has not moved, I know he has sensed my approach, so on light footsteps I go to Greylocke’s side telling him in my ancestors tongue, "Thank you for watching and guarding." I then hold out a bone still full of raw meat. I can not help but grin as I see the look in Greylock’s eyes. A memory of seeing that same look in Yoshi’s eyes when I brought him the dead cow a farmer had given me flashes into my mind.

Still scratching Greylocks massive side, I do not have to wonder at Archonus’ continued silence. He is waiting for me to go first, I have intruded it is my duty to acknowledge or dismiss him. My father, Michael, was much the same, he would sit there and calculate what I would do or say. I still do not understand why they do it, just that they do. Luckily it has made it easier to deal with him, made it easier to at least on my side become his friend and trust him. There I stand just as comfortable in his silence as I am in the midst of never ending chatter with Xath.

I have put this off long enough, and what is the worst that he could say ‘no?’ I could handle that. I look over at my friend, Archonus; he has raised his head to look at me. He wears the mask of emotionless ness across his face not even his eyes betray anything. So I start, "I would ask to intrude on your solitude this night, that I may accompany you when next you go to... to hunt perhaps." I could almost cringe at my word choice, but hunt is the word that comes to mind. He is a hunter in the most basic sense of the word. I can see him as nothing else. I can not help as my words start to speed up feeling awkward in his continued silence, "I would not ask, but I know I have made myself a target. You can say no, but-” "Of course." Archonus interrupts with short gentle words. The beginnings of a rare smile can be seen on his unmasked face. "Greylocke and I could use some company." He stands up with a quick fluid motion. Greylocke not wanting to miss the action easily dismisses the bone and jumps up. As they dart into the trees I am pressed hard to keep up, but that is what I want, what I need. Looking back that was the start for me of something more.

As the near moon makes her travel across the sky, my mind and soul finally get the release it needs, and balance seems to be restored in me. As we start to return to the new limits of Hywrl, I slow to a walk wanting to ask Archonus two other questions before I leave this night. So I begin, “Archonus?” Looking over at him, “May I join you both again?” Rubbing my hand along Greylocke’s sweat slicked head and back. “Yes.” Such a short word to invoke such a strong sense of peace and happiness. I know now I have my sanctuary, and with that I can return to the city, the people, the duty, and the loss. "Before I leave tonight I must ask you something else." He may not accept, but I must try. From all that has gone on before I must try...

Letting my breath slow from the exertion of the run, I pause for a short moment before saying, "What I ask now may surprise you, but I would ask that you to lead us... You have the talon training and the knowledge of what we fight. You have the skill to kill, but the mercy to taper it. You do not rush into things or let your emotions get the better of a situation. You know best of all what the consequences of failure are, and I believe you could make the decisions needed now and in the future." I let my voice fade at this, staring hard in the dim light, trying to gauge his reaction.

A long silence stretched. I knew this was no easy question and I would receive no simple answer. At long last his gaze finally turned to me and said a little curiously, "Why not Lady Fairweather? Her words carry much more weight and she comes from a very noble bloodline. And many already listen to her." A very noble bloodline, that of Joshua Preston, the cleric with Jaine. It seems he is her grandfather, and yet noble in what he does now. There is still a long process before he would considered anything but a rebel excommunicated from the Apectin church.

Archonus wore such an expression of…of curiosity. I never was good at hiding emotions or thoughts, “Many would follow her, I know, and she is qualified from many fronts. But she is young and innocent. She is still learning so much as are the rest of us. She has the knowledge but no experience. She has the training, but from books alone. She reacts with emotion first."

I see his face take on that normal emotionless mask, so looking around to the trees and surrounding area, I continue, "Know that someday you will have to come out from the shadows. Either by your will or by another's. When that time comes know that we will be with you, in spirit or in body, to stand with you." Are they all feeling the same doubts… have the same questioning for each other. I try to jump back to the topic we were on, "I know whoever takes this charge now takes on so much more then we can even imagine." Looking back toward the walls of Hywrl with a sad look, "Decisions need to be made and consequences dealt with. We are falling apart, and some are.. some have lost the light within. I am trying to gather us together again, but failing. To last we need one." Taking a deep breath and looking back to him, "Justice would be a great leader. She has it in her, and maybe this is the push she needs to full-fill her potential..."

I knew this was not to be an easy task, and I knew it would be more then a simple yes or no… but as the minutes stretched, I became worried. Though we have fought beside each other, here is a man I have barely spoken to, a man who lives in the shadows, and a man who would give his life for us possibly even for Greylocke. But he is one who will not open up completely to anyone, will not walk in the sun, nor live life fully. Maybe I do not know this man at all, maybe it was just a wish to connect to these people I now see as close as any family I have had. He startled me as he spoke once again, "What of the others? Do they share your faith in me?"

As always I could not lie to him, even it would have given me what I wished. So answering him, “I honestly do not know what lies in their hearts or minds.” Archonus replied much as I expected, “Then I would ask that you give young Fairweather the chance to lead. I think if given the chance and enough support she can lead us all to a better tomorrow. But know you this, I will be there to catch her should she fall.”

I can not help but laugh, “I have no doubt of that, Archonus Arreandor!” A wistful smile tugs at my lips, “With all our help this shall be a true team with common purpose and direction.”

Archonus nods in agreement, then stands and walks out just beyond the fire light. A moment passes as he thinks, then he raises his head to the stars and speaks, as if answering them. "I will."

Slowly I pat Greylocke one more time, not sure what to think of Archonus’ last statement. Archonus- Archon. I say them both a few more times while studying him. I have disliked the others shortening his name to Archon. That is for angels, and though he is an angel of mercy and protection to some; he is not an angel in the fullest sense. As Archonus, he is one of us.

As I leave the tree line and approach the gates of Hywrl, I think back to the evening. We had discovered a game, a game Michael would have liked. A game of tracking and hunting each other. I tended to lose most of the time, but I guess then I gained the most knowledge learning. As the moon passes her zenith, I enter the gates of Hywrl. I look back once more, feeling Greylocke hidden in the shadows but not surprised I can not see them. I smile for they have finally found friends to accept them as they are truly. I know he does not know it, but this night he helped save me.

Entering the now quite halls of the palace, I search out and ask a servant for directions to my chambers, since in the excitement of the day I never asked where I was to stay. The petite woman cautiously keeps eyeing me. I realize I must look the worse for wear. Coming in at such a strange hour sticks and leaves twisted in my clock and mud plastering my boots. I try to push the dagger and arrows further into my cloak, so I do not seem on the war path. The more elderly maid goes to the corner a gently pushes around a pile of blankets. A young face soon peers out. The woman turns to me, “This is Sortia, my daughter, she will show you to your room.” The young girl wobbles out a curtsey, then takes my hand and leads the way through the various hallways and stairs. Finally we come to a closed door, without looking up she mumbles an almost inaudible, “This is yours.” She darts off after trying her curtsey again. I can not help but smile. Ah, was I ever that innocent… hmm…Even with all I have seen, I must admit to myself that I am still very innocent of many things. I rub my hand where just moments before her little fingers held mine. Shying from those thoughts for now, I wonder if I look as laughable as the little girl when I try to curtsey, and take note of one more thing Justice will have to show me about court life.

Turning the knob slowly, I enter the room to a small but cozy fire but otherwise sparsely furnished room. There is a large bed, a small desk with some writing implements and a single chest. I open the curtains knowing the changing light will wake me early tomorrow, and carefully fold my belongings onto the chair. My bare feet make no sound as I go to the door and place my own little alarm on the door Xath normally enters a few hours before dawn. Even here I think she will be my first wake-up call. Now maybe my mind can shut down, without thoughts or worries, and I can relax. Just dreams of him…


First Post
Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Eighteen- Hywrl
Dawn has not yet come to the small central island of Prydein, but inside my safe bed in the palace of Hywrl my alarm on the doorway awakens me. Slowly I see the faint dancing light of Xath’s candle on the wooden wall. Then the barest creak as the door closes shut. I wait for a few seconds then utter a short command silencing the echoing in my head from her activating my warning spell. One of these days I will have to ask if she knows what I do, but then again it is a nice routine.

I slowly stand, carefully pulling the heavy blanket with me and going to the open shutters. The sharp hits my face and whips my tangled hair into my eyes. I stand in the doorway with only the thick blanket protecting me and look out at the expanse of city, walls, and tents. What am I to do? Luckily before I can think to much on that a soft knock sounds at the door.

Thinking it to be Xath, I am met with surprise when the small girl from last night- Sortia enters the room at my call to enter. Her hair is in neat golden braids running down her back, her brown and rust colored clothes simple and sturdy but also clean and neat. She jumps a little as I speak a simple, “Good morning.” She looks toward the open windows stammering out that she was sent to gather my clothes. Without waiting for a response she bundles my outfit of yesterday and the last month into her small arms. I watch her leave then going to the door close it again.

Turning slowly in the middle of the room, I slowly drop down into a cross legged position. Letting the blanket puddle around me making a small nest on the floor, my skin becomes numb almost instantly with the morning chill. With that I slowly start my daily ritual. Michael had been a firm believer that these morning devotions were to connect the person to the light, and so should reflect that personal aspect. He disliked the religious leaders who taught only one thing to say, since he knew each sect spoke different prayers yet each was answered. Since leaving the cottage, my prayers had changed. I had gained knowledge and power, and it seemed Michael was right… the light answered each person’s call.

As the time passed, Anon begins to warm my skin to an almost bearable temperature when I once again pull the cloth around me and stand. The thoughts and concerns start rushing into my mind as I ready for the day. The group has all agreed to meet in a few short minutes to break their fast together. I hurriedly dress. Yesterday Inelliron had taken my elven chain and one set of clothes to be washed and mended and polished, as he had taken the others as well. This morning I don each piece taking comfort in each piece of armor. Not wanting to have to return to the hall each time I need my bow I carry it with me. It seems it has also become my symbol, just as Archonus has his mask and Arfin his hammer.

Wanting to be the first one there, I walk to the agreed upon room. Justice and Archon are already there. Archon is not dressed in his usually drab, concealing clothes. Surprisingly today he wears simply his elven boots, a sleeveless brown tunic, and short, well broken-in pants. His only other adornment seems to be the cord and ring around his neck. The mark normally stark over his eye is concealed by his recently acquired magic ring. Noticing my wandering mind, I quickly look at Justice. She wears a billowy dress suited for court life, but it seems out of place for the warrior we see her as.

“We have agreed and are prepared,” Justice says from Archonus’ side. I look for confirmation and see Archonus nod. Good… and so smiling turn to see who’s footsteps we hear approaching. Xath slowly comes through the door wearing a very simple blue dress; she first goes to give Justice a hug and greeting. As she does this I hear Kaereth lumber in. Directly behind Kareth is a little round upset dwarf. "Hello! Good Arfin," I greet him. The only response I gets is a grumbling, "Tis to early fer anythin' good." Afrin in a simple outfit made for the practicing field, walks directly to the closest chair and climbs in. Farathier is the last to arrive, his omnipresent silent scowl greeting us. It’s not a friendly look, but then, little about Farathir ever seems friendly. At the very least, it is comfortingly familiar.

A bowl of fruit and something that looks like cooked oats in another bowl. No more or less than what the people encamped outside the walls of Hyrwl are getting, this food is at least served on fancier plates. I was glad to see the fruit it meant it was holding since our work last night. Sighing I picked up both bowls taking them to the table, and telling myself firmly that for now it was a time for remembering our friendships and our connections.

I watch and listen as the group of friends make small talk, sharing tiny bits of the flurry of activity that has happened over the past 48 hours, interrupted only by the silence that accompanies shoving a bit of bread into one’s mouth. Glad to see things starting off so well, I wait until the plates and food are taken away. I stumble a little over his name, but thank the serving boy by name.

I rise to stand from the table motioning them to remain seated, "I thank you all for the wonderful meal, and for what you have already done for these people. I asked you here for more then to just eat a meal, though the jokes and time have been nice. I first want to share something with you, and only you... something I did not mention before. I think you all have seen this.” I slowly reach up and take the Woodshadow necklace from my neck. “It is all I have of my mother, and what will identify me to the Woodshadow's people.”

“I know only one other being that has this same necklace, Link's daughter. She must also now be assumed an enemy, though I know not for which side.” My mind’s eye flashes back and I hear my voice speaking an oath of forgiveness and revenge. “I tell you this now, so you know now my whole story and all that I have. If something happens to me take the pendant. Though it holds nothing but sentimental value, I would not see it end in the hands of the enemy even as a trinket. This pendant is a symbol of the Woodshadow line. The people he trained in secret, carry this mark as a tattoo in places I have already told you about. In light of this, and I hope you all will support me, I am going to commission a banner made that carries this symbol. It will be the banner for Hywrl and those within."

At this statement, Justice rises and interjects, “I am making a banner for the Phoenix Army. With the added blessing of the clerics here, we should have a banner that will raise the spirits of all.” Xath raises her voice as well, “I have been thinking on such an idea. May I help you?” Justice looks around and seems to think this over, “I do not see why not, it is to be our banner.”

Pulling a parchment from my pocket, I draw attention to the next matter, "I also would ask all of you to look at what Duke Greyclaw, Arin Inelliron, and I have prepared for the King. News is even now spreading of Oceanus and of me... Hopefully this will ensure the King that Hyrwl still is in the hands of the kingdom, but it will give him more then just a prick in his side."

Unrolling the parchment I slide it to the middle of the table... I had laid it pointing towards Xath, and as expected she reads aloud the words written, "To His Majesty, King Tain I, 23rd King of the Falcon Kingdom, I write you with the deepest sadness weighing down my heart. You proxy, Baron Edriss Kiva, Lord Hyrwl, was slain a few short days ago by traitors to The crown. Though swift justice was dealt to those who wronged the rightful Ruler of the Barony, here, Baron Kiva did not live through the night. But all was not lost, for true blood of the Woodshadow has been found! A granddaughter, long hidden from us, emerged from the shadows to guide the barony through this time of mourning for their Lord. Even now she takes her rightful seat, and has promised to serve the throne until the last strength has left her hands. Hyrwl finally has its rightful Baroness! L'Aurel Woodshadow has come! Business of the throne demands that Lady Hyrwl places herself in grave danger. She has pledged to see Oceanus free, with Duke Greyclaw back upon his throne within a year’s time. Yet, she understands your need to battle the Bluestar on faraway shores. She has contacted an army that shall help her free her people—the Army of the Phoenix. They have come to her aid! I am to assure you that Hyrwl, and the surrounding barony, will use all of its resources in the best interests of the Throne. Lastly, I am to tell you two words, spoken from my Lady's own lips: 'We Know.' Rule in truth, --Arin Inelliron (Greyclaw), Regent of the Barony of Hyrwl."

As Xath looks up she continues, “Here are also letters to the rulers surrounding us, and to the high alder calling them to our side,” Xath pulls from a pouch a few scrolls. I know she had been up late last night preparing these.

I look to Farathier, this is one part I did not ask about first. "We also spoke to Father Dorn. I kept going over what happened with Xath in the temple, and something he said finally clicked. I am only sorry it took me so long to remember, but he spoke of gaining some of his 'powers' on the Isle of Mourning. I went yesterday to make sure he was okay and to ask of words. He is sadly still more in the clouds then with us, but as I was speaking Farathier came in and mentioned Nightgrove’s name. Father Dorn it seems shares our hatred of the King’s Huntsman. There is much he is bound not to say, but he could tell us that the Isle of Morning is Mordred's Isle. This makes two blades here, one in Oceanus and one on the Isle of Mourning with my ancestors tomb." I look to Farathier to see if he wants to add anything. As answer he lets his azure gaze fall to the table, so I continue, "The book the King's men were looking for in the monastery.. it seems Farathier liberated it. He has also been studying it, and well... he has reason to believe that not all the blades are well, blades. The one of the Isle of Mourning he thinks is actually a bow."

Not wanting to stop the momentum I push forward, they will have time to digest all this during the next few days. "Farathier has done such a good job of training some men, that I think that he should be made head of the militia, if his oath to the Talon permits. Arfin will help to teach hand-to-hand combat, but we will have other needs of him, as well. I will help out as I can, and I ask all of you the same. These people need to be able to defend themselves and could use all of our talents to do so. Our loyalties have been disparate of late, but now must come difficult choices. Are our loyalties to each other? I, for one, will stand with you all, as an ally. My bow, friendship and life are yours."

Each of them stands, and each utters their own oath. As each speaks, I feel a wave of magic wash over me. Without saying a word, we know that we have agreed to an oath and a bond for surpassing the words alone. We are now a circle bound strongly together.

Knowing now what is at stake and that none can or would back out, I move things on to our plans. Kareth with few words outlines a very sensible plan, and added with Archonus’ and Justice’ military knowledge becomes a more formal plan. Now I have something to go to the people of Hywrl with. From what we piece together guerrilla warfare would be our best tactic. It would train the new militia and even out the odds. Archonus was placed in charge of recruiting and starting the training of the Shadows of the Phoenix. They would be our stealth and our healers.

"Xath has also expressed a concern over the daily routine of getting a city built that could accommodate the growing numbers of refugees, Hopefully keeping the people happy, and well defended." I look down the table and motion to Xath.

Xath rises with an express like the abbesses used when trying to explain a simple task to the children, “One Separation of useful specialties: Masons, Loggers, Carpenters, Food Preparation, etc. Those with skills not inherently useful to this situation should be put to manual labor or should be apprenticed to the useful skills. Then we set up a crèche. Those without a trade will work in shifts at the Creche, while others work on setting up the new city. Those children old enough can be used as messengers and put in charge of menial tasks. Only during post breakfast and pre-dinner hours.” Taking a deep breath she continues melodically, “In most situations such as this, the economy is reduced to a barter system and takes quite a while to recover. In order to prevent this, the duke and countess should use the funds allotted to keep the economy stimulated. Firstly, all laborers should be paid a standard wage for work done, as though the entire populace were working for the government. Therefore, technically the countess and the Duke “own” every resource produced until the trade market is stable enough to hand it back to the people.

“If a permanent settlement is to be made here, we must know more about the resources of the area. Send out cartographers and scouts to determine sources for food, water, resources, etc. We also need to determine key danger areas, locate them and prepare appropriate defenses. These can also be done through the scouting parties Farathier has spoken of.

A defensive barrier should be set up about the circumference of the expanded city, leaving some room for growth. It would be wise to use a combination of manual defenses and magic. Hopefully the remains of the mage tower will help as they are defending themselves through this. Around the wall, trees should be cleared out about 100 yards away from the wall, eliminating the chance of surprise on the city. If the army of Oceanus decides to move, the city should not be undefended. Afrin would you send word to our your dwarven brothers for help?”

Arfin silently nods still shuffling through the papers she had laid out earlier.

Xath continues with her list, “If we are missing skilled artisans from any crucial profession, word should be sent out to neighboring cities asking for aid.”

As her last statement dies there are murmurs of agreement. Farathier and Arfin take specific points and expand each, but soon quiet is settled again on the table. Glad to see this has already gone so well, I stand again for the last topic, "I know there is much on each of our plates now, but I would ask one to carry even more. What I ask may come as a surprise, but through all our experiences and choices it seems now is the time to decide who will be our voice. Someone must be the public face of our circle. We must have someone to listen to all our ideas, but then take them and make the last decision for us if there is a question. Someone to know the groups feelings individually, but focus us as one. If we are to be arrows, than we must also have a bow.”

Archonus, who stuck to his outside corner chair and has only changed the glint in his eyes to show his agreement and satisfaction at what was being said, rises finally to address the group. "I choose to stand by Lady Fairweather's side. I believe she is the most capable and most willing to lead us in the dark days ahead. I will do what I can to help her should her strength ever fail." Then solemnly to Justice, "Where you lead I will follow."

Justice smiles brightly and with rustling skirts stands, “I would lead you all as I have been trained and bred to against whatever foes we may encounter.”

Kareth and Xath think for a few moments; then each adds there agreement to this choice. Arfin I know will not be the happiest with this choice. Justice is a woman and she is not a dwarf, and is not a true warrior as he has seen. Her ways and her calling are not his, and he is a stubborn one. Finally he grumbles, “We need a leader’ no denyin’ it. I will no’ say nay.” Farathier is the only one left. As all eyes turn toward him, “I will take no orders, but from that who I swear as my lord. I will follow you all and fight by each of you, but do not ask to control me.”

Trying to emphasis that no one will control nor force any one and that we are still the group we have been I return to him, “We will all make the decisions of the group, but when one needs to stand forward as leader then it is the person we agree to now.”

With that I smile and push forward as only time will tell. Letting a pause linger, I then move on "Now, for the future. Though we have set leaders among ourselves, each of us must lead people of our own. Arfin will be our eyes and ears among the deep, dwarven citadels. Farathir will be our greatest general, should he wish it. Even Kaereth will have lives to lead into the great battle ahead. Xath is the glue that will hold the people together, here. But she will also be our spy. I? I will be our legitimacy, at least until Jaine Rhynn can be brought here. I am our shield against the false laws of the King, and I will do all that I can to keep our flight true." I reach out; grasping the arms of each one. Another pact, another seal to what we have said today.

I would leave the room shortly thereafter with a feeling of accomplishment. This is a good beginning. I walk down the hallway my leather boots barely making a sound on the stone flooring. In my hand I hold the circle approved letters that now the Duke needs to sign and witness and then send to the cities around us.

After we finish there, Inelliron comes searching for me, and it seems his eagerness to hand over the ruler ship includes handing over the increased bickering among the people. The Duke and I walk side by side to the palace throne room. During the long passage, he instructs me in the edict of holding court. As I talk to the petitioners the Duke remains close by making softly comments and orders without moving his lips.

By midday Inelliron calls a close to the petitioners at the Duke’s signal. I am not ready to try my hand at this alone and the duke has many other pressing matters to attend. So we agree Irellion will go through the lists and deal with the lesser issues as most of them seem to be. That night we would meet at the kitchen garden to increase the food stores and let me hear the issues my regent had to deal with.

For now though I am free. I made sure yesterday that one of our special guests was given a small room inside the palace walls, and a helper to see to his needs. He has done much for us, from bringing Xath back to teaching Justice about her new powers. There seems to be brief moments when Father Dorn’s eyes clear and he seem to truly understand his surroundings, and in those rare moments I hope we may glean some small bit of knowledge that he holds in abundance. Justice told me as we left the breakfast room that morning that she had some luck putting a practice sword in his hand, but even then it lasted only moments. For now I just need to know he is okay, and being taken care of.

Noticing the young Apectin cleric from Oceanus leaving Father Dorn’s rooms, I approach smiling and bow my head, “Good day Father. I trust he is doing well?” he warily looks me over, and I can almost see his mind remembering our last meeting. He looks back at Father Dorn’s door and then back at me, “As well as can be, thank you for all you have done.”

I smile trying to ease his thoughts, “All I have done is give him a room, with a window, and someone to help him. Not much in the big scheme, but now I will give him something more- a chance to chat.” As he starts to continue past me I reach out barely touching his arm. He looks at me quizzically as I finally continue, “I would ask for information to save these people and to save the whole of the kingdom. For I know there must be a way to stop this army that has attacked Oceanus. My companions and I have been given keys or clues, but most of it in riddles or old script. This may seem a little odd, but there is something I have been wondering. Please tell me, do you know where the last resting place of the Apecto is?"

The young priest looks puzzled, “I don't. I do know that his tomb is definitely hidden. If the mages have told you that they know where it is, then they are lying. After his death, imprisoning the Bluestar, a few of the early members of the Order of the Apecto gathered his remains, his great golden armor, and his weapons, and entrusted them to a few of the Apecto's companions. We know, from the records, that a shrine or a tomb of some sort was built. There are orders for stone, iron, and wood, as well as several large sums leaving the royal treasury. It is a subject of more than passing interest to all of us, in fact! There is great power hidden there, ancient knowledge--believe me, if I knew where it was, it would be there already. We have much the same problem with the tombs of both the Amastacia, and Quarion the Great. We know that they were built, but not where. The materials used would seem to suggest that they could not be easily hidden, were people near them...which means they are either magically concealed, hidden far from prying eyes, or both. Some have guessed that Quarion is interred somewhere inside the Wall, but that would not explain the expenditures apparently made for a tomb. I pray that it helps, Countess. Your hospitality has been a great boon to us. Our meager resources are yours to command.”

“I thank you for your time, and your information, sir.” As we turn away from each other, I swing back, “One other question, good Father: Does the tomb of the last Priest mean anything to you?”

“’The Tomb of the Last Priest’ means nothing to me, as a phrase. I suppose it's a matter if finding out what he or she was the last priest of? The Apecto was called the last priest of the Church of Aon...that was a common epithet for him. He was also the first priest of the Light....But there are a great many other sects that have lived and died than that. I can look into it further, but the vast majority of our libraries are back in Oceanus."

Giving a chuckle, I sign in resignation, “I feared that. You have given me some more to think on, and I thank you for that knowledge. I may have need to ask you more questions, if I may. Please let me know what help you need to set up a place here.” Then bowing my head again let him continue on his way.

From the ground entrance it is a short distance inside to his rooms, as I wanted him to have easy access to the outside, but without always have to hear the commotion from the main rooms. As I enter Father Dorn’s room he smiles up at me. Trying to hide the wave of sadness I smile back at him as I walk to the window. His eyes are cloudy, his expression seemingly a mask of friendliness to hide his always-present confusion. A little more light as a change of pace will be good for him. I fear that he will ask me to change his bed again, as he did on the first meeting, but it was dark and I was in plain attire. "Andara! It is good to see you! It has been too long. I see that you've lost your burden as of late. Tell me! Was it a boy or a girl? Joshua will want to know, as well. I wonder where he is, that old rogue?" I stop in the middle of pulling the curtain back further, will he ever be the man he once was? I continue to face the curtain knowing the smile wouldn’t stay on my face, "I remember our friend Joshua, but have not seen him recently. You have called me Andara before, but I have never heard that name before. Can you tell me who Andara was?"

He looks confused. "You mean that you aren't...? Oh dear. I am so sorry...I seem to be so muddled, these days. I had a dream the other day that I was fighting dragons! Dragons of all things! Such things haven't been seen here since my father's father's father's were but a twinkle in their own father's eye!" He takes a deep breath then, trying to steady himself. But he clouds again, blinking for a moment. "Andara! It is good to see you!"

I try again, "Andara, the one with the baby?" He peers up at my face intently, "You mean you are not Andara? Dear me! I must be so confused...if you are not her, then by the Light you look like her...but she was always smiling....you have a serious set to your face, child!"

"If she looks like me, I wonder if this Andara is family. Though Link Woodshadow. like my father never told me any names." His eyes cloud, he blinks, and once more greets me as Andara. NO! Not again… he has the knowledge. I just need the key. Farathier did it with a name, "Dragon's have come back to the land, and you did fight them just days ago. That was were we met, remember?"

He looks confused, "Terribly sorry my dear...I do not...I thought you were Andara...” He looks out through the window seeing only what images pass through his mind, “She was beautiful, like you. She had a child on the way...I didn't know the man, but he seemed willing to take care of her." A child and the mother looked like me. Could I have family still roaming out there some place? He blinks. Clouds. "Andara! What brings you to an old man's fair home?"

I look down at the floor, this is going nowhere, and I even tried throwing a name out there, then make the choice... it may work... Turning toward him I force a smile, "Father Dorn, how good to see you! It has been a long time since, since..?" Silently I plead, please light, this is the only way.

"Since you were carrying that burden in your belly, at least!" He says, smiling. He gently pats my hand as he moves toward the small cot. "Tell me, have you found a place to make a home, at long last? I know that Joshua's revelation has made that difficult for all of us! And how is that husband of yours? I know he'll make a fine father."

No turning back now... to see such happiness and life restored even if for a little while, and he may hold the answers we need. So I pull the small wood chair beside his bed and sitting down answer him, "Ah yes, so much has happened since that day. It was a girl, a beautiful baby girl." If he pushes it at least I know about girls. Smiling fondling and thinking could it actually be my mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, or some relation even far distant. I can only hope his mind will last, or give me more of a glimmer of what track to use. "We are living with Joshua's words, but I must know what were his exact words?"

"You know them as much as I, Andara! Your secret! The secret of the pendent you wear between your breasts! There are many who could not bear the truth be told...your bloodline could be as explosive as Joshua's! You must keep the child safe, for were the Deathlord to find you, there is no doubt in my mind that you would be dead. I wish we had never been sent to that accursed Isle! It taunts me! So close, and yet so dangerous....I cannot bear to imagine returning to that living hell."

I try to keep the smile in place, and I unconsciously rub where the pendant does indeed hang around my neck. Only two hold this charm, and only one had a child, "Yes, the secret. The Isle of Mourning." Why did they not pass it on... my blood.. Michael had to of known... maybe I was not ready.

"Aye! The Isle of Mourning. Will you tell him? Will you tell your husband everything that happened? There are things that happened there that...things that he may be uncomfortable with. Can he understand?"

If I was right then he was speaking of Michael, slowly almost not wanting to believe the pieces were falling into place, "He will love the child and protect her I know it, and should something happen to me..." What a choice it had to have been...to protect and lie, to trust and reveal... "It changed us all... without choice."

He looks downward, almost in shame. "Then he knows? That the child is not his? He knows that the child is Joshua's? Thank the Light! Truly, he is a far bigger man than I would be. I don't think Joshua told Katherine, either...pray that she never finds out through another. But you are right. We had no choice...no choice at all...it was survival, desperation...and prophecy."

I sit in chocked silence. “Joshua..." Quickly linking the name to Justice... I can not help but mutter, “she doesn't know... she would have said something… Prophecy, and survival?..." My mind was racing faster then the thought could come out of my mouth. Michael, my father... did he ever actually know...is that why he acted as he did, trained me, taught me. Secrets, but how closely where they held, “Who else knows?”

"Only those of us who were trapped on the island...no one else. As I said, Joshua refused to tell even his own daughter. Katherine is growing up, with all the fire her mother had. He didn't wish to tarnish Katie's mother's memory." Justice had told me her mother’s name was Katie short for Katherine, it must have been given for Justice’s grandmother also named Katherine. “What if something should happen to me and my child’s blood is known to the world, what would you tell my child? What of the blood.”

"Andara, though we know that Joshua's blood and yours are mixed in the child, there is little to fear, save in pride...we knew that the line had to continue, a demand of the old prophecy...we got you out, then. It was only the purest luck that allowed the two of us to escape, as well. You MUST have a child, and that child must live. These old lines...it was whispered that the powers of both were unlikely to survive in a single child. My wish that the child take after you was of a far smaller matter, though. I simply hoped that she carry your blood, your features, and your talents so that your husband will not suspect...what happened."

“Yes, let us hope… for all involved.” Even as I say this his eyes start to cloud over then slowly drift close. Tears form as I realize I can not thank him, nor pressure him more now. So with a glance that is all is in order for his chamber, and a small kiss to his forehead, I leave making sure to close the door behind me. I pause there in the hallway. Justice… Katie, her mother, my… sister…but to trust the words of the fading old man alone. Joshua, the cleric with Jaine, yes, he will know. But he said nothing of it the last time we spoke. At least he can claim Justice as family… legitimate family. This is something for me alone for awhile at least.

Now nothing can come of it, good nor bad. I must have proof first before I tell anyone. He mind is going, and it may simply be random events placed together. It may not be truth. I must make sure that when I visit Father Dorn there are no other people around. Only Farathier heard the name Andara spoken and even then it was but in passing. Hopefully no one will connect them with me until it gets sorted out or confirmed. But for now I need time. Michael.

Lost in thought I almost miss the hurried footsteps of a young elvin girl. I see her braids have been pushed back to show off her elven ears. It seems her pride is intact. She quickly slows her advance as she nears me, and then timidly, “My mother told me I was to check on Father Dorn.” Erasing the sadness from my face and pushing away from the wall, “I know Sortia. I asked her if you both could check on his comfort. I must say that you have done a very good job of watching over this great man so far.”

She smiles tentatively and takes a few steps closer, then whispers in confidence, “He does not seem so great to me. He is always looking around like he is looking for something. Something he lost. If I ask he just shakes his head and says it will come to him in time.”

“He has lost a great many things. If not for him, Xath would not be here now,” at Xath’s name the child perks up, and her mouth forms a little O of shock. “Yes, each time you enter the room you are in the presence of a man that saved our lives. He has seen and lived a truly amazing life. He has traveled the kingdom. He has wielded great magic and he has bested great odds. So you are actually helping a great man when you enter that room, and-“ I lean down to look at her face to face, “and you are helping myself and Xath care for a great friend.” I slowly straighten to my full height and ruffling her hair slightly on the way out re-enter the fading afternoon light. Sortia will no doubt now ask Xath about him, but better her tell the story then I. Sortia would miss much in the telling should I speak of it, and I saw the change in her little face when Xath’s name was mentioned. It seems Xath has found another devoted follower.

Trying to push the words of Father Dorn from my mind, I go in search of information. I need to know as much about what is happening and the people around as possible. I have given the Duke room and a command of sort in Link’s tree. It seems the enclave of tents and ropes has been dubbed New Oceanus. It seems only fitting that he continue to see to his people.

I am to stay in Hyrwl to establish my own legitimacy. There is still much for the Duke to teach me, but I must learn quickly. As the day starts to close, I realize the walls will go up even out here and the buildings will close me in slowly. We have discussed the possible need to stay here for weeks. Tonight I will see if I can go with Archonus and Greylocke again.

As I walk to the far side of the thorn walls away from the Link’s tree I pass by the fighting and training grounds. The few wooden planks and muddy ground don’t say much, but the makeshift targets are clear enough. It is more the individuals themselves in the area then anything else though that marks it a playground of war. Most stand around poised and on edge, sweaty and bloodied from practicing through the day. Farathier and Arfin seem to be doing a good job with the training.

As I slowly move closer I catch a glimpse of one fight close to the center. I catch glimpses of Farathiers short yellow hair and rigid face. With one sickening crack and a loud cheer the fight was marked at an end. The small crowd parts and the loser walks toward me. He is holding one hand to his side and trying to not hobble on a swollen ankle. As he approaches, I nod to a stool that has water and cloth already laid out. I remember the long training with Michael, and know this is not the first nor will it be that last time these medicines must be used.

Watching as he maneuvers his body into the wobbly stool, unsurely I say, “It’s a good thing Farathier will not let you all spare with true blades, yet.” He grunts happily through gritted teeth as I push on his shoulder bending him slightly sideways. As I push on his ribs feeling for the wound he looks back to his fighting companions, “Ah, but to fight. This time we will be ready for them, healer.” I chuckle at his enthusiasm quickly placing some herbs and roots on his wound and bandaging him up. Farathier had walked up in that time asking after his soldier. I could see a few bruises were someone had gotten some good swipes in on Farathier’s skin as well, but knew he would not like sympathy for such small wounds in front of these men.

When I am finished I wash my hands, and my patient stands bowing, “Thank you my lady.” Ah yes, Farathier had snidely used my title in greeting. Lucky for him, I have also seen him in battle and times of troubles, and for those times I know somewhere in side him lies a core of goodness.

Shaking off my hands I reply to the young man, “Do not thank me, thank Farathier for tripping you at the end instead of…. I have seen him fight and you young ones still have much to learn.” His grin takes on a cocky tilt, “I will eventually beat him.” I can only laugh and walk away saying over my shoulder, “Yes, you just may at that.”

As I leave Hywrl I look up at the darkening sky and breath deeply. I look over my shoulder and see my recent patient is still at my heels, “Is there something else you need?” Frustrated he walks up to me, “My lady, we have not had a ruler in a long while and I have heard… the Duke travels with guards and I am training to be a guard-” I can only shake my head, “I shall be fine. You need rest and the care of your wife if you are to be any good to this community. Farathier has the say on who he sees fit to be leaders and guards for this town.” He looks for a moment like he will argue, but then sighing, “I shall go, but… My name is Michael.” I smile and nod at his offer, not sure what else I can say or do. His name is Michael. Yes, I shall get to know him more, and see if maybe he is the son my father… the man who raised me, never had.

Now to search out Greylocke. He is the easier of the two to find.

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