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L'Aurel's Journal (A Kingdom of Ashes) -updated 3/23


First Post
Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Nineteen- Hywrl

Xath it seems is late today. With the help of my growling stomach, I wake an hour before dawnI almost over sleep the next morning. An easy ritual I told myself I would start today. I quickly rise and dress plainly. On my way out I grab a small piece of bread from the dusty kitchens and one of the scarce fruit from the vine for breakfast, jogging quickly down the now worn road between Hywrl and Link’s tree. It has become the beginning of a main road in the city we seem to be amassing. There are the still hot burning embers of fires, and pieces of hastily collapsed tents, but it was the beginnings of buildings set up all along the way that caught my eye the most. Only the steady pounding of the early forge work and chipping of the wall workers, sound in the pre-dawn air. I go straight to the steps of Link’s tree, and nodding to the guards walk past as they watch me pass. Not exactly the best of greetings, but then to some I am nothing more then a joke and a poser, but none seem to question it openly. They know I have full rights here and by the Duke’s own words. He was the one to proclaim me Countess of Hywrl and its surrounding area, so I know I will not be bothered. As I enter, I see that the Duke has taken up the upper right rooms for his domain. The first main room has been altered into a mini-throne room. Everything else on this level though seems to have been left as it was. I was told his personal guards that made it out of Oceanus reside in the room next to his not trusting anything or anyone these days.

I walk the empty rooms, touch the walls, furniture, and long forgotten items. These are his things, Link’s things, but they are just things. Why can I not just say good-bye and turn my back? Why do I feel a pull to this supposed blood relative I had meet but three times?

His daughter, it is her I can not and will not forget. She was filled with such beauty, but not compassion. How could she have killed Link, her own father? Could anyone have moved me to kill my father, Michael? Even if he is not my true father he raised me, cared for me… no, there is nothing. Perhaps that is why I keep coming back to see if there is anything I can use against her. If Link has any knowledge to pass on, any knowledge to grant me the revenge promised.

Pulling aside the dusty curtains, I see a great golden beast at the base of the tree. It great wings dance the light across the hundreds of feathers, while the fur on it’s body seems to capture and hold the light inside itself. Justice own golden hues seem to meld with the beast as she stands at it’s head, readying him for the days flight. Thane she calls the beast. From what we have seen since leaving Oceanus, he is a creature she can call at any time to any place, but only for a time. Her magic is what holds him here to do her bidding. Archonus had mentioned that she planned to scout Oceanus from a high distance. He must have seen the fear on my face for he

I heard the heavy rhythmic footfalls of guards, and eventually the disjointed footfalls of the duke. With a curt greeting, he motions to me to lead him back to Hwyrl where once again he will play the role of teacher. Later that day Justice and Xath would help to school me in some of the ways of the court. I have been trying my best, but I am still falling short of their expectations I know. Luckily Justice and Xath take it all with side humor. The Duke, however, seems delighted with being able to teach me, though from the sense of something to do or something more devious I do not know.

The day passed quickly, and I only had a brief moment to watch from the sidelines as the dwarf and half-orc taught hand to hand combat to the trainees. Archonus had agreed to show them all the basics of archery, and for those adept enough I would continue their training in a more focused manner.

That night I again walk the woods with Archonus and Greylocke. I was happy to hear through Xath that though he may not stay long he does use the room set aside for him in Hywrl occasionally. Arfin, Xath and Farathier seem to be enjoying their rooms in Hywrl much better. I can only guess at Justice and Kareth in Link’s tree. Xath made sure two rooms were kept by her and the others just in case either wanted to stay there instead. Each night, however, Kareth and Justice would make their way back to the tree’s left side rooms.

I sometimes see them in my early morning visits. Kareth on a tree limb or in a quiet patch of light meditating. Justice I hear normally in the practice room on the lower level, or repeating her creed as the light burns away the last of the nights darkness.
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Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Twenty- Hywrl
On the third day after the body of Edriss burned, I finally made my way into the large library in Link’s tree. Yesterday I had gone through the training room, and his last resting place. Today I wanted to see about finding answers. This is the library were Xath had found the strange prophesy.

Even now I can hear her voice reciting it to us, hauntingly, “Screams of the dying filled my ears, and though it shames me to say so, I ran as I have never run before. As I fled through the shattered halls of the palace, the palace of those I had come to serve, I came upon the great Green Man whom we had once worshipped as a God. Fools are we, to have failed to feel the Light upon us, and to have placed our faith in such meager Gods as these.

Nonetheless, he had been mighty, and it was he who brought the Word of the Light to Thane and Pendra (and then from they to us). Thane, who had once saved my life, was across the sea, now. I know not what had happened to Pendra, though her care (and the care of her child) had fallen to me, as her husband led another of the King’s armies north to guard the silvery halls of Albion . I was the most honored among the servants of true heroes, and yet I fled like a yellow dog from the terrors that fell from the sky upon us. Though I had once held one of the runed blades of the old kingdom in my hand, I had fled with nothing more than terror to accompany me. The screams, ever more screams, surrounded me as I approached the old Forest Lord, and it seemed then that he was dying, though he stood before me mighty and tall. The creatures that had come were no doubt the creation of the Traitor, and bodies lay, some still smoldering, at his feet. I regained some of my resolve—I, who had once stood almost alone against a screaming horde of Wolf-Orcs—and slowed, stopping in front of the Old Messenger. It was then that I saw his wounds, great and terrible. There were horrid rends in his flesh, the marks of mortality for one who had given up eternity to imprison the Lady of Shadow (even now, I cannot make myself write her name) once more. He fell to his knees, then, his hand reaching for something that I now believe that only he could see. At the time, I thought that he reached for me. I was wrong then, but he clasped my hand between his, dwarfing my sword-calloused fingers in his grasp. “It is you, Truthbearer!” he grunted, his weak voice betraying some surprise. At the time, in my shock, I failed to recognize it. I know no why he called be truthbearer that day, though I have carried that name as a brand ever since. He continued then, pain still blinding his once nearly omnipotent eyes. As his voice faded as he continued, I begged the Light to take me instead…but we are foolish to believe we can know more than what the Light wills, and it may be that it was simply time for the Light’s Messenger to return to the breast of the Unnamed God, to the Light. “Truthbearer,” he moaned, gritting his teeth through the pain that he had doubtless not felt until he gave up his power to end Her reign. “Truthbearer, there is little time! You must be away from here! The second child lives, and is in the Bishop’s care! The throneless king must be told! The second child lives!” He gasped, then, pain closing his great, emerald eyes. “I see not the world before me, Truthbearer, death comes even for we who tread closest to Light. But I have one more Message to carry for the Lord. I am scribe, now, and you are my parchment! Listen well, and then be off! More darkness comes here at the Betrayor’s will…” “I failed when I tried to destroy the old weapons…Aeres’ will has overstepped my own. I am steward no more, again only Messenger. Thirteen there were, and thirteen there are, near three hundred thousand tomorrows they shall come together to herald this age’s end.” “Thirteen what?” I prodded, knowing that this moment would be forever etched into my mind. He spoke again, then. It was the last words that I believe any heard him say. I write them now, waiting here for Thane or Link or Quarion to come, one who will outlive me. My cowardice has cursed me, and I know that my remaining days are few. Surely they will come here soon, to retrieve this message…they cannot have fallen to the Lichlord! Not when Oberon had foreseen what I now fear to write… But he spoke, and it is my lot to be his parchment. My fingers grow weak as I finish, here. There are tales that Thane has fallen, but I do not believe them. This message was for the blood of Sun and Shadow, and if ever there was a man that was both, it was Thane. He will come; I can feel it in my now-shaking bones. The Forest Lord raised his blinded eyes to the heavens then, and called out in a long, keening chant:

Spiritblades are come, again In age of Shadow, dark flames rise! Sundered by the hand of Wood Lord, To stem the rising blood tide, they live by Aeres’ will! Thirteen there were Thirteen there are Come again in age Of fallen blood! Rise they shall On wings of Flame and Shadow, Dragon and Phoenix shall war, Shaking the earth with Death and Glory. Aldersblade High in the hands of lost hero, Mansblade in the Lichlord’s keep, Dwarvenblade in the lost stone halls, Sendersblade in Lady Shadow’s tomb! Sendersblade at the builder’s pyre, Forestblade in my daughter’s crypt, Saintsblade at the priest’s secret rest, Drakesblade in the hands of Kings! Deathsblade ‘neath the ruined city,Earthsblade with the Lichlord’s blood, Moonblade in the builder’s glory, Aldersblade True in city of forsaken blood! Liegeblade at the side of rulers, Liegeblade stolen from the sea, Liegeblade as serpent’s salvation, Liegeblade’s capture is the key! Blood of Sun and Shadow,Blood of unthroned Elven Kings,Blood of Lichlord in the North, Blood of Smithlord’s people rise; Blood of northride in throne’s dark shadow, Blood of warlord, ruler’s pupil, Blood of last wardens in fair child’s body, Traveller’s salvation shall ye be!

He spoke no more then, and I did as I was bid—I ran, carrying his message as far from Caer Melyn as I could. I understood little then, and perhaps only a little more, now. I know not how long he lived after that, but the tales of Oberon’s last battle have reached me even here, in the bowels of the old libraries at the Citadel. I wait to carry my message to those who can decipher it, now…I simply pray that my fragile life will hold long enough. I wait, a parchment for the last Messenger. Raith Truthbearer, At Citadel Refuge Free Year 9.”

A Prophesy three hundred years old, but what of the other books that reside here. Xath may known elvish, but possibly she missed something. Link was too secretive to keep a personal journal, and most of the books look to be manuals on war and fighting. He was definitely determined. I flip through some various books, and stop to read some of the random passages. As I flip through the old pages of one book I stop on a page written in Elvish. For some unknown reason I feel compelled to read:

Tarna en i fanyare Heru- Na no heru en i fanyare na saira i ripa en dulin ar na orosta na sina vorondilenga lle. Keluarto lle lav-na saira sina winya kuile. Ne rinke heru en I fanyare, er yeeta ten i taurn aicale na sairakuile. Sina cala rkhalla voronwie ar harya latiten i vorondil na were. Tuuma dos n alaquel i nduunle ar laer e dos fea. “Shalafi en i sul, pen amin bru Rip ereb numa yonta o amin izil dos vorondil Amu o i sul undu dos quesse na amin” Anta wanya guesse ar anta i sul julu sen na dos verondil. “Nellon en i loomis tulya na amin O’kai wille na i Wili o i anas ullume dos raamas na amin” Anta wanya yonta quesse ea i naur en na i lhach na lle dos verondil. Gad izil e-kyerme ango anoron ar en na i oro anar ar tatya i quetta ar en i loo. Saira ta lle no I laa na dos verondil. Lle i gon ta talars ho faila ho i raamas ta anta lle rip. Lle ullume harya dos mel ten os winya verondil ho tuuma e lle. Er mine who turme i serey en i quendelie seere ar naia tare shalati.

‘Rites of the Wind Rider: To be lord of the sky is to know the flight of birds and to ascend to this group a faithful friend must admit you. An Animal that grants you worth to know this new life is your faithful friend. To become a lord of the sky, one must search for the highest peak to know their life. This being must show superior patience and must keep a clear mind for the faithful friend to bond. Turn your back on the sunset and sing from your soul.

I read aloud in common, “Master of the wind, hear my calling. Fly alone no more with me as your faithful friend. Soar with the wind under your feathers to me.” Let go some feathers and let the wind carry them to your faithful friend. “Friend of the clouds, come to me, Together we fly to the horizon, Glide with the sun on your wings to me.” Let go some more feathers into the fire. Look to the flames to show you your faithful friend. Stay as such in meditation till dawn, and look to the rising sun and repeat to words and deeds of the night before. Know that you must be the counter to your faithful friend. You are the rock that grounds him just as he is the wings that give you flight. You must always keep your respect for your new faithful friend lest he turn from you. Only one who has the blood of the elves can calm and command these masters.’

As I read the words aloud, I feel the wind stir and am overcome with a compulsion to try this strange ritual. As I leave the library carrying the book I think to myself, could it make a difference? Do I have the patience and understanding needed? The enemy we know has aerial Calvary, and we must be able to fight them on all levels. So I must try.

I warned Inelliron and the Duke of my plans, knowing from there word would spread if someone needed to know where I was. I also wanted the Duke’s permission, since the high point of Hywrl was Link’s tree and his domain now.

Archonus, Kareth, Farathier, Arfin, and I all gathered that day on the practice field of our slowly growing army. Today the 20 most advanced of the warriors would travel in two groups. One would head out with Arfin, the other with Kareth and Farathier. Each day a few more survivors had appeared from the woods. Some even with tails of being sent away from Crisoth, and with that we knew we had to send people out. Just as we were sending scouts we had to think our enemy would as well. Archonus and I would sweep another portion of the wood. We had already scouted much of the area the trainees would be going into, so could forewarn our co-leaders of the dangers in the area.

Hours into our quiet search, we came across something unexpected. From our hidden positions, I pointed it out to Archonus. In a language we used more then common to each other he motioned me to stay keeping greylocke with me as well. Slowly he edged closer to the pile of ruins. I raised my bow not sure why the small lump of stone and weeds feels wrong and unnatural, but this time it’s my turn to protect and I shall.

At Archonus’ signal Greylocke and I move forward. Greylocke’s panting breath sounding harshly in our silence. Archonus points to a small opening leading into the earth, and drawing his blades he nods the okay. I easily swing down into a crouch and bring my bow up again. Searching for anything not as it should be. My fingers move without lifing from the taught wood and Archonus drops down beside me. As he moves forward I notice his slightly hunched shoulders and realize the dirt tunnel is only 6 feet tall. Squaring my broad shoulders I stand looking around, and finally studying the debrie at my feet. “This is the same as what Mr.Miagi showed us,” Archonus’ voice startles me from my inspection. I move forward seeing that same multi tiered stone and the odd symbols worked into it. “Where we came in…It’s a long dead soldier. I don’t recognize the design, but the bones have been for hundreds of years. Xath may be able to tell if this still works. If it can as the other use of distort magic."

Quickly covering our tracks we make the short journey to Hywrl and let the others know of what we found.

We find Xath with a small group of peasants, and holding a stick draws in the ground a stage and arena. It seems these are to be our future performers. As she looks up and sees us, Arhconus nods solemnly in greeting. As she excuses herself from the group and walks towards us, I smile in greeting. Archonus and I relate the story of what we found as we go to find the others. By midday we are again by the strange stones, with the circle and Randall. Xath had suggested his talents may work better for our purposes. Even more then that however she had found some texts relating to the powers of these portal stones. It seems in there minimal use can simply expand the power of the one who taps into it. In that vein, we hope to simply see if Randall can help us look into Oceanus and what has happened there. From Justice’s report, she could only tell us the main temples had been raised, and a new outer barrier was being created. The palace still stood however, and much of the other buildings through out the city.

Through Randall we learn a little more such the palace is not only still standing, but closed from his magic sight. The statutes once grand are being restructured, but he can not yet tell the final product. The patrol the streets and gather any still inside the walls, but seem less concerned about this then he would have thought. Randall can also show us the docks, and the great work being done to repair the damaged section. He can also show us the many ships in dock and in the ocean. So many soldiers that they still have to unload.

With these grim sights we leave the stones Archonus and I again masking the trail. At least for now we need to keep this hidden, but soon I am sure they will come in value.

That night I climbed out the top window of the upper left rooms of Link’s tree. I continued to climb higher until I felt the wood bowing to my weight. I made sure to only bring my water skin, a small flint, and some of my now days gone by departed companions feathers. I shivered seeing the undead black eyes that had turned on me in Oceanus. If this works I will not let that happen again. I do not need the book since through the day I took care to memorize the words of the ritual. Thus as I find a comfortable secure perch facing out into the far distance, I start the ceremony not knowing if it actually holds any truth.
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First Post
Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Twenty-One- Hywrl

As the early morning rays break through the few thin branches above, doubt floods through me. I can say at least that I tried. I pack up the few items I had, and stretching my legs from their cramped position look for the best path down. A mass of white teeth incased in a block of green points upwards as I look down. He may not have brains, but Yoshi does have a surprising amount of loyalty. I smile unsure if Farathier let him out or if he broke loose again. The little man with his front tooth missing has not been able to perfect a saddle or harness or cage for the large beast. I slowly lower myself to the next branch, thinking what my failure means. It crosses my mind that maybe Xath or one of the others would have more luck. Archonus definitely has the patience, and the falcon he has is even more a solitary wonderer then he is. Even Inelliron, the regent, may have the key within them.

*SQWAK* The branches bend and move to accommodate a very large weight. I slowly look at the branch beside me. Seeing first large black talons, my gaze wanders upward. Gray dusted white feathers come into view, and finally I am left staring into great piercing gold eyes. They seem to be asking something of me… a smile spreads as slowly realization dawns what I am looking at. “Ohtar… yes, Ohtar is your name.” He swivels his eyes downward, and to the large green t-rex not happy with this new intruder. I laugh at Yoshi’s ferocious deep throated noise and to Ohtar, “That is Yoshi, he’s actually a friend.” I can feel Ohtar scoffing at such a lesser beast as if my own mind felt that way. The words from the book said we would be close and with time maybe we will understand the full extend of this bond.

I slowly start to work my way down the upper branches of the tree, as Ohtar gently reaches with each claw testing the branches before he steps down. And so we enter New Oceanus together. Luckily the people have gotten used to strange creatures, and a giant eagle though uncommon is easier to accept then Greylocke a dire wolf, Yoshi a large T-rex and Thane, a griffon.

I stay with Ohtar for a few hours as we test our bonds and limits. Like any new friendship time will be the biggest help. At his gesture, I find I can ride his back though a little unsteady. I watched from a tree top as he hunted his meal, and even some of his aerial tricks. As Anon grew higher in the sky I grew in my knowledge of Ohtar’s abilities, speed, and even speech.

Around mid-day, we return to Link’s tree, since I know I can not leave for long. We only barely set down when a lanky high elf boy runs up to me thrusting out a shaky hand. I take the square folder piece of paper with it’s wax seal. I soon learn it is from Justice summoning me to her room at Hywrl. The boy takes a few more glances at Ohtar, not running away but hundreds of questions running through his eyes. With heated feelings, I think- well, apparently now we are too good to find each other we just send someone to find us.

It takes an extra few minutes for me to assure myself that Ohtar will not leave immediately. And as I point to where I am going he easily lifts off sending clouds of dust up. Adding that to the list of things we will need to talk on as I watch people scurry out of the way. I see his great white form land on the palace roof. I nod to the page and walk briskly toward the palace walls.

Continuing inside and up the stairs to the second floor I continue to feel Ohtar presence. As I enter Justice’s room, I see there is a tea service on the table. Without greeting, Justice remains sitting in one chair and waves me to the other. She pours me a cup and sits back, not sure if she is trying to give a lesson, I do not need, in how to drink tea, I sit and wait. She looks surprisingly nervous.

Taking a deep breath, she begins, "Raising an army is quite possibly the most important aspect of our quest... we cannot fight this war alone-- eight people, no matter how powerful, will never trump the forces we are fighting... You saw the vast numbers that assaulted Oceanus-- and that is only a small portion of what the Dragon Empire has to offer... It is for this reason that I make two requests... First, contrary to what I was taught to believe, wizards are not inherently evil. I believe that you, the Baroness of Hyrwl must extend her official pardon to any and all wizards." She sighs deeply, at least she can admit to her wrong doing more easily now. The lessons have been hard, but apparently she is learning also. "Wizards are powerful in battle and a resource that we can use with no limits! From weapons to combat, they will prove to be a crucial part of winning the battle against darkness. Second, you must make known Link's forgiveness of the High Elves. Send out your word that The Woodshadow has embraced their kind--relinquished all hatred and malice-- Let it be known that now is the time for them to fight. Fight to redeem their Past-- and fight to preserve their Future." With that, she castes her gaze to face me expectantly, "Will you fulfill my requests, L'Aurel Woodshadow?"

I can see the wisdom in the paladins words, but has she seen nothing... I set the tea cup down and try to calmly respond, “I am already helping to arm and train some of the people using all the means at my disposal. You may have seen Farthier and Arfin in the fields. As for the high elves and bluemages,” This is an area I should not have to explain to Justice, I gave my word to Link as he lay there dying. Justice was there… even after all this she would still doubt me, doubt my word.

In the short breath of silence Justice interrupts, “If we send out a pardon, they can be the key to a strong, successful army. As to the high elves, it isn't enough to make sure that they ‘get the word’ --that doesn't guarantee they will come to us. We must invite them to come to us-- to fight for us--and for their honor. Randall, head of the mages is a wizard... he is the key to sending out a pardon. Such an important person being able to hide that he is a wizard for so long means that he has connections... and we'll use those connections to reach each and every wizard we can... and from there, we have a very strong foundation for the army...” Justice pushes this, and seems to no longer be requesting my help, but demanding it. “The Army of the Phoenix cannot consist of seven people-- it simply isn't feasible... And, if we are to take back Oceanus and gather the Liege Blades, we cannot go it alone... we need an army... We are rebels and, as such, we must pull at marginalized and alienated peoples... ie, wizards and high elves. You have the power to bring them to us.”

“Xath send a call out to the areas around us with the proper signatures attached.” I have been trying to do my best, spreading the word and getting us aid. No one told me Randall was a bluemage… secrets still…instead it gets told to me along with a command. With measured movements I stand and go to the door, calling for a servant. The boy had first gave me the message appears quickly. I asks him to find Randall the mage and ask him to come here, but he should wait for him so he knows where to go.

Turning back into the room, I say to Justice, "The Army of the Phoenix is not just seven." Not knowing what else to do or say to get this across to her I go to the window and point to where Farathir and Arfin are hard at work. "Even now we train and gather more to our cause." Dropping my hand, I look into the distance where New Oceanus sits, "Though we will have much to explain first. If these people follow us they must know we not only fight these demons from the West, but also the king. We are known rebels, but we have told these people that I am here by the throne's grace.... the throne to them means Tain." I hang my head remembering all the half-lies. Pulling myself together and moving to pace the room, I continue "If we use Hwryl as a base to bring in outcaste people, I make these people here choose to be a target marked for death or force them from their homes again." Taking a deep breath and looking at Justice, "I will do all that I can to erase the shame of the High Alder as I gave my word to Link. If you know how to speed the word, tell me. I am trying to gather them to us. But we must start now to form the end lie for we will tell them all the same mission which ever it may be." I finally look back out the window and at the people I hopes I will not fail. The people they will save and Jaine will rule.

When the servant nocks to announce Randall, I turn to Justice, “Will you let me first ask him my questions and not interfere? My duty is to Jaine and this town, what I do and proclaim as Countess of Hywrl could save or condemn these people.”

Justice, lifts her head proudly, "Ask all you would like. I have spoken with Randall already... He is willing to send out the call-- and awaits my command. Lady Woodshadow, I feel the wizards may be our only hope." Another secret for Justice. This should be something for the circle to decide not for one person. I fear if I did not hold the title to sign to those paper that any of us would have known before the orders went out. She knows the fears of some, and she knows our oath. It seems secrets are not part of it.

When Randall enters, I look him straight in the eye and remain standing. Justice remains seated as she has not moved from her chair yet. I want this over with quickly. Turning to the man I ask, "I am sorry to take some of your time, master Randall, but I had to speak to you. Are you a wizard?"

He looks abashed, but meets my gaze. "What of it? Shall I be hounded, even here? I have performed no crime, save seeking knowledge that old, foolish laws would prevent us from gaining."

"I take that to be a yes," I pause to see if Randall will defend or condemn himself.

"So, there will be no persecution?" he asks, hope evident in his voice.

"Do you wish there to be one?" The anger from earlier still simmering below the surface flares for a second. It is not against him though, so with a quick release of breath I calmly reply, "No, enough blood has been spilled, and I must now atone for what I fear my ancestor did for lost love." Still looking in his eyes, "Would you forgive Link Woodshadow for condemning and slaughtering so many of your brethren?"

"The dead are beyond my power to forgive, or not. The Woodshadow did what he felt he had to, however misguided. Yet, while his actions were terrible, they are not the reason I have hid for so long. The very real fear of death, of persecution, nearly stopped my research a thousand times. Yet, I decided that knowledge cannot be evil in an of itself...and so I persevered. If you wish to make this a haven for Bluemages, I will aid you...but know that not all are as strong myself. Many are bitter opportunists, every bit as evil as the law would have you believe. They will come, as well...but it is a start. It is hope."

I feel my lips curve slightly, “I thank you for your honesty. Many would have tried to lie or flatter me… I would grant the bluemages amnesty, but not for anything done or said today. Instead I would grant it because no knowledge should be forbidden. But would you have me simply bare open the gates wide? There is still hostility and there are still those who wish evil.”

Apparently having thought on this a great deal Randall quickly suggests, “Instead of a general amnesty, you make it a conditional amnesty. Only those that fight for you for a period of say--one year?--will be granted total amnesty, and the right to continue their talent after the year is up. That way, some of the real bastards will stay away. I can offer some training for those who wish to learn, but they must also take the year's service in the Army of the Phoenix.”

I slowly nod my head thinking through his words. Justice rises for the first time and starts to move toward the door. Still keeping my focus in Randell, I ask, “That should hopefully alleviate some issues, and we can only hope to weed out the others. Hopefully decisions will be made soon. Until then, I am sorry, but must ask that this truth and good news remain a secret a little longer. I would wish the best transition and need everyone to be the best possibly prepared to protect you and others when the time comes.”

He nods slowly saying, "I shall keep my secret for a while longer, as I have throughout these long years. Simply say the world, and I shall bare the truth to the world."

"I can only thank you again, and hope you now understand why I greeted you as I did. I had to see you for you, since much more is stake here then any one life." As I say this Justice goes to the door leading the mage out. Quietly as they reach the door she utters, “I will talk with you more later.”

After the door is closed I do not turn around. We made an oath scant days ago and here in from of me she has said how she will have a private meeting to speak with the mage further. Apparently I was only needed to give the initial okay, and the rest of the circle was not to be involved at all. I just need everyone to have a say in it, and it effects all of us. They also may have other suggestions or ideas on what to do to make sure this is the best way. As Justice moves away from the door I move toward it saying, "One more hurdle down with many more to go. We will tell the others before the day is done of the door we opened here. There we must decide how much to tell the people, and that will decide if the gates can be opened to them or if we choose another spot for this anarchy."

Justice’s commanding voice came to me, "L'Aurel... I cannot stress how much I believe that the Wizards need to be included. At this point, I would go so far as to say that it is a necessity in order for the army to achieve anything... our numbers are so small... all of the training that Farathir and Arfin do will not suffice to form the kind of army we need to go forward with our quest. The conditional amnesty is a perfect idea... and a way to protect our backs as much as possible... any risk that the Wizards may pose, I am more than willing to take--for the sake of the army... and for the sake of the kingdom."

Hand reaching out to the door knob, I still don’t turn around, responding, "I have already said that I will grant them amnesty and bring them to fight for us. I know we need them, though Farathier does a good job. I know we need more then those soldiers to fight all the forces before us. All this we have said before. So let us go and speak to the others.” With that I open the door and do not wait to see if she follows as I leave the room.

Ohtar it seems is feeding emotions in and around me, and I will have to work on controlling min better again. Maybe it is simply naivety, but I don’t remember ever being so easily angered. I would have though hurt would be my reaction to Justice’s actions. My thoughts continue on as we wait for the others to join us.

That night we as a group discuss the need to call the bluemages to us, and the need to let the Duke, Korienne, and Seaborn in on everything. We have to be ready for a revolt, which though not likely, is a possibility. Kareth wisely mentions that we should have proof before we proclaim everything to the people. Justice seems to think her words alone will carry enough weight to turn all in our favor.

Shortly we all agree proof would be the best thing to have before we went to the people with knowledge of the King being behind the destruction and occupation of Oceanus. It would lend a great weight to our story. Through these talks a plan starts to form, and as the night went on it became more solid. By the time we were all yawning, we had a plan and an action. In the morning we would make all the arrangements.
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Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Twenty-Five- Hywrl
Today the routine went on as before set once again. Except for two events, one being a council is called for the Circle of the Phoenix, as we have been dubbed, and Inelliron, Korienne, the Duke all in attendance. Here Xath presides and lays out what our final wishes are and who we serve. As with all the population, it is not an easy leap to turn on teh king and kingdom you have trusted you whole life. Each piece of evidence and each falsehood we can link to King Tain will wither away that much more of their long standing blind faith in Tain.

The other event is also presided over by Xath. Though I introduce her and the circle stands round, she is the one to give voice in a speech to the people of Hywrl and New Oceanus. But this is only the beginning, today also starts her small group speeches and songs and tales to the people throughout Hywrl and New Oceanus. Though she makes the official statements, some of her newly trained bards spread the stories as well. Our little circle also tries to lend our voice to those we feel it may add weight. Some are easy to change and easy to accept what we say, while others… time, time is needed.

At the end Justice proudly steps forward and with Kareth’s help unfurrel’s the banner of the Phoenix army. Great cheers go up from some, but as we expected some are more hesitant. Xath proudly looks on at the combined imagination and work they both put into it. Justice has already told us that tomorrow she will set others to work, so we may have more then one. The more the people see of them the more solidified they become in their minds.

Walking from Hywrl to New Oceanus I see the beginnings of our fortifications. They may not be much, but we need something and fast. The walls are to be earth and wood, made stronger then normal by magic, but stone we just can not get. If time permits we will build something stronger. I see my regent walking the north wall quietly tightening his spell of vines around the inner city. I cautiously approach him. There are many things I still do not know, but as I close and hear his mutterings know him to be a green mage. Rarely known about, I glance around, but not seeing anyone speak in our mutual secret language. He must have known for he merely nods his head. Later we would share our differing knowledge, but from this was to be the only time we spoke in the language of our magic.
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Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Thirty-five - Hywrl
The next day was filled with a strict task list for many around, but the final leg for most on the plan that has taken ten days to complete. We had to get supplies, and everything else in place for our absence that night and possibly for good. By early afternoon we were all ushered away by the Duke and the regent to get some much needed rest.

As full twilight darkened the world, we stood in a close circle, Xath, Justice, Archonus, Kareth and I next to the large gray tier stone with archaic symbols atop it. Arfin and Farathier stood a little outside the area. It had been agreed that they would wait for us here, and ready the second part of our plan.

Randall looked at us, “Are you ready?” Justice was quick to reply for us all, “We’re ready. You know what to do, and remember to wait for the signal.” Justice turned throwing her voice to the 20 sailors, 4 mages, and Inelliron who stood around us prepared for their time. “You know your part, if this fails the Duke has instructions.”

As Randall reaches out to touch the portal stones, I quietly pray. With that I close my eyes. When they blink open again, I am standing mere inches in front of a scaly draconic guard. I quickly raise my arrow point, draw, and fall to one knee. Silently two shafts embed themselves deep into his chest. Kareth, who teleported directly behind the guard, closes his hand around the guards mouth and pulls the quickly dying body softly down to the deck. I flatten myself to the deck and looking forward see Justice at the other end of the boat setting down the other guard. Archonus a line of black next to the iron railing calmly returns my look. His blade flashes once in our direction and I see the dark stain of blood drip onto the planks. Xath has already changed into the guard Justice holds waiting for it’s last breath to fade.

At Arhconus’ signal, Kareth and I crawl silently toward the hatch opening to the lower levels. Archonus and Justice go to the hatch way on their side of the ship. Xath stands at the mid point trying to look out at sea, but watching closely Archonus’ and Justice’s movements.

Kareth and I see nothing below, but when I look up Archonus is motioning furiously. I shake my head in confusion, since the hand signals we know are for closer quarters and simple phrases. Justice swipes at his hand stopping him from motioning again. Ignoring his look, she holds up both hands showing six fingers and then pointing into the hold. I nod my head, and look to Kareth for his agreed understanding. I hold my bow ready, but let Kareth enter first. In close quarters, he is definitely the superior warrior.

As he lands softly below barely making a thump as his big feet touch down, I hold bow and arrow in one hand and slide down. Swinging by one arm for a few seconds, I stretch my toes to touch the wooden planks. Slowly as Kareth creeps forward I place more weight on my feet moving the bow to the ready.

As Archonus dark form lands in the center three guards stumble back bleeding profusely. As the others stand and ready to fight Justice lands at Archonus’ back slicing through one guard. Kareth’s great hands make pudding out of another’s head before the reptile can even turn. Archonus focuses on one as Justice and Kareth mark their own as well. I fire at the one Kareth holds, his neck already snapped from his punches. At the same time Justice sweeps her blade through her foe, and Arhconus quietly leans over his victim whipping the blood from his blades.

I walk over each making sure they breath no more, while the others start a line to check the rest of the hold. I lay slanted across the stairway, letting only my eyes up go above the hatchway. I watch Xath’s easy movements across the deck. The night around us still and unsuspecting.

My bow moves to point at the floor as Archonus goes past me and up onto the deck. Kareth follows shortly after sliding each guard from the top deck down to Justice. They move them to a pile with the other six. As Kareth moves to the opposite hacthway and lays as I do, Justice then stands up and to an unseen eye motions the okay. For a few seconds there is only the lapping water on the hull, a distant bell tolling, and a bout of high pitched laughter far above us in a docked ship. With a strange shuffling the sailors, mages, and Inelliron appear in the hold. After five minutes, they finally stop coming and the small hull is cramped with allies. Seaborn who is taking the head count quietly look at me perched above him his normal anger lacing his words, “That is only twenty four, we are missing one.”

Inelliron sandwiched next to him turns around whispering, “We knew there may be trouble, let us hope he can survive wherever he is. When we are back in Hywrl we can search to find him, but there is nothing we can do now. Let us start then,” Inelliron states to the mages. Peering up from the steps I motion to Archonus and Xath the okay sign.

I feel the hair on my arm stand up when the strange words are spoken. Looking up the gray clouds move to cover what little light the stars and moon had provided. As the wind starts to pick up, a bell sounds close off the port side. I look to Xath, and watch her move to that side. From over the side of the rail comes a rope, Xath looks at us helplessly. Archonus nods at her to tie it off. As she stands from the deck she moves one hand behind her. Then pointing down holds up two fingers. Now either she has to send them away or she has to get the up here without too many questions.

I quickly duck down, motioning the others to silence. Kareth moves down a few steps glancing around at the full hull and those forced to stand on the lower steps. Justice looks over at him, and with one green finger points at me. Pushing her way closer, she slides her sword out of its sheath and takes position directly behind me. From here she is a scant few feet from where they will be coming up onto deck.

In the dead silence, I can hear the soft thud of the smaller boat hitting out hull, and the clank of armor as the two draconoids climb up to the deck. I lower my eyes seeing a group of mages has moved around Inelliron trying to sound proof him as he continues the spell.

It takes a moment for my mind to move the growles and hisses as a language. “If you want anything to eat you had best hurry,” the harsh draconic dialect issues form one of the guards below. “Let me go get the others,” Xath answers them in what we hope is a perfect copy of their dialect. “The flesh of the littlest ones will be cold if you wait any longer.” Bile rises in my throat, as I look over to Archonus’ hiding place and see movement. I motion to Kareth who with Justice just a step behind jumps out remaining low to the deck. Archonus quickly slices the throat on the closest one, just as Justice slides her blade into the stomach of the other one. I grab Archonus’ victim around the mouth and chest and pull him to the deck. While Kareth grabs the other one similarly, Xath continues to walk back and forth along the deck.

The winds have picked up enough now that the sails around us snap and twist. The white sheet of snow blinds us but to the closest of vessels. Now it is all about timing. We move quickly to get the sailors up on deck and us on our way. As the storm increases timing and stealth are no longer needed. The mast is raised. The anchor locked into place, and the mages hold one another while trying to concentrate.

We pass within inches of some ships, but for the most part the storm is now waging so fiercely no one can see even their own hand before their face. We have a little cocoon of wind that blows steadily in our favor and keeps the storm at bay from our mages. Inelliron comes up on deck and nods at Seaborn. “Sail her straight for it,” he shouts pointing straight ahead. As we glide through the now open sand bar we see shiny red bobbles floating in the waves. Alarms, but they will be too late to tell anyone anything.

We soon sail out the harbor and the storm, but with little time for celebration. This was only the first step. The twenty sailors with the help of Xath and Archonus sail around the southern tip of Pyrdein and into a small cove on the eastern side of the island. Inelliron and another mage increase our sail wind, while Seaborn heads us straight for the shore. The iron sided ship shutters as it digs deep into the sand the mast breaking on the impact. Even prepared as we were many were thrown to the deck, into walls, and into each other. As we unload everyone we see Yoshi, Farathier, Arfin and some others waiting in the cover of the forest. They emerge with equipment ready to go and set to work.
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Chapter Five: “A Hidden Kingdom”

Day Twenty-Three- Hywrl
Dawn approaches and wearily our little band look for that last burst of adrenaline to get them home. A light song rings out in the softly dawning light. Xath, with a smile and encouraging nod leads us in a more rowdy ballad suited best for the cheap dock taverns. With the rising spirits and voices from each individual as the song made it’s way through the ranks, any objections died at the song’s context.

Though Arfin and Farathier made sure to bring fresh men to help, we were still hard pressed for speed. Farathier’s buddy Freckles had managed to rig up a special harness for Yoshi. With him pulling the middle and everyone grabbing one of the two side ropes we slowly inched our way inland. The mages walk behind covering in the deep trench the pulled ship is making. Once far enough inland, we drop the ropes and unload a few cannons onto a, again Freckles inspired, special pad built for Yoshi. The earth mage finishes covering the ship with dirt and rock, so now it looks simply like a small hill barely a mile from the rolling tide. A quick tired cheer goes up from those all around us. The circle looks to each other smiling through grit and grim. We have the proof, and though dirty and exhausted we are still alive. For the next few hours everyone makes the long march back to Hwyrl.

A cry from inside the city goes up and a small collection of people flood out. Starting even now the stories run faster through the city then we can walk to the gates of Hywrl. Those within the New Oceanus camp seemed to grasp at this new straw of hope. As we entered the palace trying to push off the exhaustion for just a little longer, we were immediately taken to the Duke to give our report.
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Chapter Six: “Homecomings”

Day Fourty-four- Hywrl
I went to see Father Dorn as I had before normally for no more then for a few moments, but for days like today I made more time. He deserved more then the meager life we were giving him. Each time I left I realized that I was coming to see the dry old face as a guarded friend. Today I caught him again practicing swords with Justice. It was strange to watch, but as a cool blade handle lay in his palm it seemed his body could not forget the duties of war and battle. Though his eyes normally stayed clouded and he often calling her Katie, he seemed more alive at those moments.

I hear Justice’s grunting voice over the clap of wooden swords, "Why were you and Preston exiled?"

Surprised by Dorn’s strong clear voice I pause outside the door, "Disagreements with the bishops. Thought we had found evidence of a cult, growing within the ranks of the church...worshipping some sort of serpent. We assumed it had something to do with the Bluestar, as the wall had been quiet for some time...but whatever it was was older than that, I think. Patient. And penetrated deep into the church. We were stationed elsewhere for our... curiosity."

The shadows dance on the floor as the sword dance continues, "Were you granted forgiveness, then?" I move to watch the two combantants, watching Dorn's back and Justice's face.

He seems more in control then Justice, oddly not winded and tense as if holding back. He makes a noise, "Not hardly. We learned that those that had exiled the three of us had died, or disappeared. We took a chance, and escaped that hellish place...but not before we had learned dangerous secrets, and some of the powers of the strange guardians, there. We made our way to Oceanus, and Joseph chose to act in secrecy. I...I was little good to anyone, and stayed here. Andara went back to her family, I think...all of us damaged by our secrets. But that was thirty years ago, now."

Justice is driven back by the easy flow of his blows, "I know that your time on the island must have been awful... tell me, Father Dorn-- you spoke of powers received on the island...
what kind of powers?" She must be thinking of their first meeting. Still something she will not discuss, though we know he taught her much of her new powers.

His dry reply comes quickly, "It was not so much powers received, as powers learned...we did what we had to to survive, and to make sure that the prophecies we learned of would continue. They sent us there as a death sentence, but the secrets we found there demanded that we live, whatever the cost...we each did our part...lines that had to continue. The price I paid for the strange magic of the guardians was high...but Joshua and Andara paid a high price, as well. I have some mastery over life and death, now...but it is fleeting, and undependable. A terrible power to be burdened with."

"Who are these guardians?" Justice questions on faint breath.

He pauses either in strategy or for words, "I suspect that they were much like us, once. Priests. Warriors. Magickers. They have been there so long that they have forgotten that there is a world outside of the accursed island. But they are guardians, no matter how they have been perverted. They are the barrier between the older evils and the last attempt to reclaim that place from darkness. They dominate the old mountain passes. They slay those creatures that have not been brought to their own purposes. They guard what they no longer understand, they watch from the shadows of great tombs, protecting them as best they can in the presence of the twisted creations of the island's last master."

Suddenly as he speaks I hear one of the swords drop to the floor, "Katie! It's so good to see you..." The second piece of wood drops as well. I move down the hallway wondering what other conversations they have had and what else justice may have gotten from the old priest.

I walk back to the open practice room for Dorn and pick up the two wooden swords. Justice leaving Dorn’s room passes by. We say a greeting, but leaves saying Father Dorn is as hard to talk to as he always was. I can only smile and nod for it is true in every word. She walks briskly away I can only guess back to Link’s… back to the Duke’s palace such as it is.

Entering Dorn’s room, I still couldn’t help but be cautious. There were spies and gossips and I didn’t want to explain or have anyone hear something third hand. If they asked or if they wished to know they would know I would keep no truths from someone especially the circle. Always alert to the noises in the hallway, or out the window. Ohtar had even begun to be my eyes from outside. I sat by him now and talked to him mostly of nothing, but occasionally get strange glimpses about Andara my mother and even some of who he says is my father, Joshua. From the small portions I hear and the even small portions I remember of Joshua Preston, it seems less and less real to me that he could be my father. Blood and spirit would say something wouldn’t they? Justice who is a granddaughter has a way about her that is like his. Andara I can look in the mirror and divide out what she gave me body and soul, yet the pieces left do not seem of Joshua. But it still could be true, and so far no matter how outlandish Father Dorn has never lied to us even when his vision is clouded over.

As I left Dorn’s chambers, I walked the slow way around the palace looking at the changes these few weeks have brought. I soon enter the small old temple that I had seen that first day, the day Edriss was slain.

The Amastatian Abbess had put together a good work force to rebuild the older temple. With the green that hide the long silent structures, I was not surprised when she had asked to place the new temple there. I walked to the place that one day would be the main sanctuary and sat cross legged by a wall. The abbess walks quietly around a corner and comes to sit on a broken column near me. She had marked on one of my other visits that my visits were becoming longer and times between growing shorter. I felt the heat in my cheeks, but merely told her it was a good place for me to think and collect my thoughts being so close to the palace. In truth I had always been drawn more to this side of the church’s teaching. I could never go for the Apectin ways, perhaps something’s are guided by the spirit. Andara and the Amastatia… no this is not the calling of blood, but their spirits passed something on.

The abbess stays no more then a few moments, seeming to make sure one of her children does not need anything. I remain there for a short while longer thinking more on my ancestry and the teachings of both saints.

I get a strange pang of hunger and look up to Ohtars screeches. It seems it is dinner time already. As Ohtar wings to an open area, I screech back that he should go hunt. As I stand to leave, I walk past the small statue at the entrance and without thinking drop a few coins within from my personal purse. I know the abbess has taken note of this, but again she seems to have guessed without words why I do it everytime. The yellow coins reflect onto the stone statue giving it the appearance of dancing on golden water. If anyone asked why, that is what, unfortunately, I think would pas my lips.

Xath has started to organize a short celebration for tonight in the main palace of Hywrl. To think of those lost, but also to show what we have accomplished and done since that fateful night. In her speeches and stories she hopes to also drive more daggers through the falling reputation and trust of the king and show him for the evil he is. Walking around through my routine of duties this day I can feel the change on the air.

With a quick thrust of his beak throwing back a few steps he pushes off. I walk toward the palace feeling the contented peace Ohtar is emitting now he is high in the air. I nod as red faced Arfin puffs to jog up beside me, “There be a messenger for ye. He won’ say nor sho’ what he carries cept te ye.” I look over at Michael, my self appointed friend and guard. Looking back to Arfin, “When did he arrive?” I know I will not like the answer as Arfin looks down at the ground, replying, “This morn’ we thought it best to see what he wanted first.” With my hand on the small dwarfs shoulder start walking toward the gate. “Well, thought I would have liked to see him sooner he will have to wait a few more minutes.”

Michael stands by the great oaken door as I make my way down the now empty throne aisle. Only a few of the torches have been lit giving the high ceilings a feeling of never ending shadows. As I reach the large wooden chair on the tier dais, Xath and Justice enter. Nodding and giving a side smile to each they flank the chair in an imitation of courtly ways. Shortly the creak of the wooden door stops any words that would have been given in greeting.

A tall thin man enters the throne room, head held high not noticing the trail of mud and dirt he leaves behind. Who sent you, little man I wonder. I can’t help but feel like a made up doll as his eyes stare ahead. In fact, only his eyes seem to move as he reaches the raised dais. They went to such expense trying to make this room glow for what was to come tonight, yet here is this man walking as if he has entered a hovel. The stripes of cloth and the collection of winter greenery adds a touch of realness to the air and the forgotten ancient carved walls.

The messenger briefly drops to one knee, and lowers his head. Walking a tightrope of playing the correct motions for court. He raises and looking me in the eye, he waits, apparently needing my leave to speak.

Waving my hand as the Duke had taught, I try in my haughtiest voice to say, "Deliver your message. The Countess has other things to do, this day."

A small, almost mocking grin can be seen on the bowed head. "Of course." His bony hand moves to his side and slowly he draws out a scroll; luckily it at least has been kept safe from his journey. Opening it, he read, "The Lady Jaine Rhynn sends her greetings from Sylvanus."

His practiced voice reads the scroll with detached power, yet there is the slightest underlying wave of laughter. "Her Majesty, the rightful Queen of the Falcon Kingdom politely requests that her beloved generals explain--precisely--what the Hell they are doing bogged down on the island of Prydein?" Coughing into his fist as his mouth curves around and a chuckle is cut off he continues. "The Lady Rhynn also requests an explanation as to why one of her generals has claimed the long-empty region of Hyrwl as an agent of the throne? A throne which, she would like to remind the young Countess, you are known rebels against."

This time, an uneasy coughing fit. "As such, the Lady Rhynn is coming here to take control of the situation. Expect her within the week--and be prepared for the entrance of your Queen. Do make sure that the road is clear of brigands. With all of her Love, Jaine Rhynn."

He bows, just respectfully enough. "That is all. Should you require a message to be taken to Her Majesty, you may send it with me." He turns, replacing the scroll in his satchel. Over his shoulder, I hear the thrown, "Good day, Countess."

As soon as the doors to the receiving room close behind the messenger, Xath moves forward a step and lets out a loud snort followed by a severe case of the giggles. "Well," she says, "We must personally go out and greet her majesty on the road, and personally escort her to the foundations of her kingdom. She does seem to have a knack for getting into trouble after all."

Saved by Xath's easy remarks, I look over at my friend, "Yes, it seems our Queen Jaine needed no help at all. I just hope she remembers that those brigands are currently her only subjects." Jaine, it will do to see how she fares as leader. I whisper, "If Jaine is coming, is he coming too?" Joshua… would he follow her still… will he tell me lies or truth or has he even forgotten.. would he even want the memory?

I look up to see Xath’s intent gaze watching me, a furrow creasing her brow. "He who?" she asks. Who indeed… just a man… I have to remember that… a protector to Jaine, a cleric of the Apecto, and someone who has traveled into unknown parts with our dear old Father Dorn… Seeing no response she waves it away pushing on, “Also, for Jaine's protection, we might want to switch her while escorting her to Hyrule.” Justice nods to Xath, "Indeed, we need to meet up with her as soon as possible. She requires our protection."

Reminded of Justice’s presence and our need to focus on getting Jaine, I try to forget my worries, “Just Apectin Cleric Joshua Preston our friend and ally, and Jaine’s right hand man.” Chastising myself internally there are more important issues here then what may well turn out to be an untruth! Worry about these people and the acceptance of Jaine and the dark evil just miles away instead, L’Aurel Woodshadow. Then laying a hand on Xath’s shoulder, and looking to Justice, “But to our future Queen Jaine… yes, protection would be good. If she comes with a party it may be best to let her come with them in broad daylight with the protection of some of the militia. She can enter with the brigands waving and cheering her entrance, since she seems to not be traveling incognito anymore. What about sending word seeing which way is planning on entering our little city?”

Justice smiles wistfully, "It will be good to see Preston, again.” But quickly replaces the look with her normal stern gaze, “Bringing the queen into the city will take some major preparations... I suggest having Xath speak to the people... bring everyone to a place where they can hear her tell the tale of the Throneless Queen... THEIR Throneless Queen..."

Xath starts to move in place, “I don't know that that's such a good idea. Openly rebelling against the king is a sure way to land us in a deep load of crap. So far, we've got nothing on him. Even the light says he was made the legitimate heir by Maelwys Embries before he died. Openly announcing a new queen is dangerous to both Jaine and us. And besides, nothing about the messenger's manner suggested that Jaine was not being secretive still. He would speak to no one but the Countess. I wouldn't blow her cover right now. Before we go further let us ask the others to be here.” Then looking at me, “they need to know all this also.” I couldn’t agree more, and quickly leaving them standing on the dais, I take long strides to the door.

Directly outside the doors I find two of our phoenix guards in training by the doors along with Michael;s pale form leaning against one of the great columns.

“Michael.” “Yes, my lady.” His ever quick reply. “Can you find the others from… the circle and tell them to hurry here. I have great news for them.” He seems relieved that I am in happy spirits, so nodding mutters “I shall go right away.” As he turns to leave I feel the false smile falter from my lips. And enter the throne room again to voices heatedly discussing what should happen next. I stand watching them for a few moments unnoticed.

The top of Xath’s dark hair barely reaches the end of Justice’s now almost shoulder length hair. Yet Xath easily seems to work her smaller frame into the illusion of something more equal. Justice’s dress is more ornate and shows more flashes of color and lace then Xath’s simply cut and unadorned dress, but both fit the lean frames elegantly. Each could have worn a sack bag with grace and elegance though. Even their voices both strong and compelling are opposite. Xath’s being lighter and generally filled with mirth and hope, while Justice’s is more studied and controlled. Each wakes to greet the morning, yet both utter different words handed down to her. One for the power to kill and the mercy for justice and the other… what does Xath actual say or do.

Suddenly Xath’s heated hazel gaze finds me and forces me to move forward. I know I will not have long to wait, but still I choose to remain to the side as Justice and Xath’s exchange continues.

After the others have been filled in on the situation, Archonus speaks up with a sense of worry tracing his unmasked face, "That escort is not enough. I will find her and escort her to Hywrl. And once she gets here what are we telling the people? I vote for an all out rebellion. We focus on how a dark tide is coming and the current king is doing nothing to stop it. Focus on how WE intend to stop under our, legitimacy by blood, queen. Let us not worry about making this a nice and neat succession and let them decision on who you think can help you more."

The Duke nods in agreement with Archonus’ second statement. “There is no way to make this a neat succession, as Tain's was, for all appearances, legitimate. He's just a dirty rotten bastard. As for the first statement, somebody might want to go with him....”

My voice getting slightly more used to speaking up in such cases adds, “Would you take someone with you? Just in case."

Justice looks to Archonus, “Thane can carry us much quicker then we could travel by land, and this must be done as fast as possible. There is a chance something could happen from here to there. Archon?”

As with each of us, he thinks it through weighting that and the other possibilities, "Having Justice fly us in would call a lot of attention to the Queen and her escort. No. I know the terrain and it's a small enough group. I can track them down and escort them secretly to Hywrl.....unless you all want to go?" He looks around the room indifferently.

Xath by his side looks up, “I could go with you and double for Jaine, drawing attacks away from her if she's a target. We could disguise and cloak her for her protection.”

Archonus, “Hmmm...yes, and we could have Justice fly in and take the real Jaine back to Hyrwl. Sounds like it could work. Are you sure though? It's going to be a long walk over rough terrain and it's possible they could be being pursued...”

The high elf draws herself up glaring at Archonus, “Just because I'm not the most combat savvy, doesn't mean I can't walk over rough terrain.”

I look across from my place beside the Duke, “I will not let you go alone, Arhconus. I can help you track, but if not me then take someone at least, please. Also, if Justice is getting Jaine and flying her straight back to Hwyrl, while Xath does the switch, then it would be great for a guard to be set up here for her- preferably one of us specifically. We should also consider wearing the masks.“

The duke normally more vocal, only looks at me surprised and states simply, “Good idea. I approve.”

Justice on the Duke’s other side speaks up, “I am more than willing to go get her... Thane can fly really fast. But, dragons can fly much faster. If, indeed, this is our plan, I would suggest maybe some invisibility... I can cast quite a few protective spells... but, if something or someone does spot us, we could be in BIG trouble…any ideas?”

Xath, “I can cast invisibility on you, but my magic is still growing so it may only last for a short while.”

Justice, “That's helpful... depending on how far out of the city I'm going to get her, that is.”

Thus we continue for a few more hours, as always slowly getting closer to a final decision.

Midway through our talks Arfin is summoned to the gates. There he is met with a small band of dwarves. They tell Arfin of the draconid army invasion of Arutha’s Forge. They had fled possibly the last and only survivors. We had to get word, find out how many other cities had been hit. They were moving too fast, but we had to stop them. The dwarves were to weak and injured to deny our help. Justice laying her hand on one used her magic to ease his way into our small city.

When we meet again in the room we add this new piece of information to our growing and shifting pile. Later that night before bed I think of Jaine… Long ago I said I would follow her, but never would I have thought to change that wish from acting as a simple guard on the road for one of her caravans to acting as a Countess and General with her as my Queen.
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First Post
Chapter Six: “Homecomings”

Day Fourty-Five- Hywrl

Daybreak comes much as it always had for most, but today is the appointed day to get our Queen Jaine safely back to us. The messenger stayed yesterday just long enough to rest his horse. In the early dawn hours, we offered him some of the fruits from our kitchens, but he seemed more trusting of the hard bread and water skin he had carried. At Kareth’s suggestion, we set Randall to scry the messenger through his journey north. Randall, the most powerful of our mages, has been invaluable, but we are draining him. The strange portal stones Archonus and I found have helped multiply his powers. They have even helped with training others in the magics, but it is still a high price. What if we need him later, but he is too weak to help. We have experienced the awesome power and the dire consequences of magic. Archonus would agree with any who spoke against trusting Randall. Something happened between the men back in Oceanus or perhaps even further back, but neither will speaking on it.

“There she is!” comes the excited shout from Xath drawing me back to the present. The lithe elf looks up with a slight smile, at least her spark of joy and happiness seems to be slowly returning. It is something that has been needed and missed. She has used her abilities to bring hope to everyone including us. “At the pace they are going we could intercept them just before dusk,” estimates Archonus standing at Xath’s shoulder. “Then we had better start out now,” comes Justice’s strong voice. Without looking up from the strange images swirling before us, I state, “I will tell the Duke we are setting out now. He knows what is expected.”

It took me mere moments to inform the Duke, everything had already been laid out. He knew it was coming. I quickly race out calling to Ohtar and saddling the dark gray horse I have been training with and meet the others by the stones again. I convince Ohtar to stay in Hywrl watching them for me. Later he could tell me what happened. He is more intelligent then most avians, but he still thinks as they do.

I approach to see Kareth’s large green frame holding the leather bridle of a squat horse. Atop the jittery steed sits Arfin’s stiff form. His mailed hands clutch the saddle while his metal tipped shoes strain to reach the already shortened stirrups. At least now he lets Kareth help him into the saddle and even sometimes seems to forget his dwarven dislike of horses. A bright shine of gold dims Arfin to a silhouette as Justice moves her horse forward in the lead position. As she continues forward, Archonus and Xath sit atop their black and brown horses pulling up behind Kareth’s back. After so long, it seems strange to see everyone ready for battle once more. Archonus wearing his shadowy blacks, grays and browns, and Justice decked out in her red and silver dragon breast plate, blade strapped to her back. Arfin glinting in shining plate from head to foot. Xath, Kareth and I seem the least changed, but for the armament of weapons and magic. The mail I got so long ago at the monastery clings to my upper body like a second thin skin. The plain green shirt hide’s it perfectly. While my leather leggings seem stiff from weeks of non-use, due to my new attempt of trying to fit in with Justice and Xath’s choice of dress.

"On the road again,” I smile at the thought. As we ride out, hands that see us wave and brows of those not knowing what spurs us into battle this time crease with uncertainty. How much we have accomplished, and how much we have done that none of us dreamed would be in our futures. How much else I have learned of my past, and with that sobering thought I pull on the red mask over my face. It is designed after the silver mask Archonus wears, only deep blood red for the color of our rebellion. Once I saw even Frarathier adapting to this practice, so I quickly got seven well made ones for the circle. Though Kareth needed some explanation on wear to wear his, we all now have one. As I don mine, I see the others follow suit.

As we reach the edge of the still dense woods we slowly nudge our horses faster. Kareth runs in the lead keeping us on a steady track with his paced footfalls. A few hours later, we come to a long stretch of wide road and see in the distance the tall slim shapes of humans and the rounded shape of a cart. As we reach the small group of travelers, we can make out four people. One an old man riding next to the cart steeldrake resting on his arm, but pointed at Justice in the lead. The old man quickly nudges his farm horse off to the side of the cart, in an attempt to flank us. The others are slower to move. A younger man grabs the cart horse’s bridle slowing it to a stop. His other hand grips the handle of a worn scabbard and an unimpressive looking sword hilt. A figure with similar features to his half rises from the seat on the wagon a hand swiftly motioning behind her. Two more small shapes half hide behind the rear of the cart with little flashes of light reflect from their deadly blades. All look better then when we last saw each other on our escape from Thanesport.

“Stop! Who ye be?” Shouts a dwarf standing next to the half raised woman in the cart. A cudgel swings from a stub were his left hand should be. His right fist is clothed in bandages which he quickly turns from our view. There is no mistaking this to be Gawyn Thunderheart. Once ambassador of the Thunderheart clan to the city of Thanesport.

Justice sits looking at the old man, her grandfather Joshua Preston. Archonus if his eyes could be seen I am sure is looking with self damnation at Gawyn’s new appendage and wounds. Kareth is looking at Justice almost waiting for her to make the first move. Xath and Arfin behind me make no move forward nor seem to be moved to speak. So kicking my horse forward, I ask in a clear voice, “What happened to contacting Darmac?” The woman in the wagon raises to a more queenly posture for this is our Queen Jaine. Darmac is the smith we were to contact should we not find Jaine or her companions in Sylvanus. She motions the okay to her companions, then lifting her head and voice with disdain, “What happened to the two weeks? I got tired of waiting.” Justice dismounts and taking the mask from her face pushes toward Preston. I move my horse backward knowing Justice and Xath will now take over. I grab the milling horses reigns letting my mask remain as it is.

Justice’s rare young giddy voice is heard across the small area, “Hello, grandfather. It is good to see you again.” Though it is easy to tell he was a good looking proud man in his youth, the now sixty year old man looks at Justice, “It is good to see you again as well.”

As the other remove their masks, Gawyn climbs down from the cart. “I know the rest, but who you be?” Gawyn hobbles over to Xath pointing with the clothed stump. Xath’s fair face turns to him sadly, “It is me, Xath.” I am startled to hear her deep accented Dwarven speech again. In a sudden change her words turn Gawyn’s eyes to mist, “What happen’ t’ ye?” She has had to explain so many times, it is starting to become easier “I… I died and when brought back it was in this form.” As we had seen with Arfin, Gawyn flipped the sadness to anger, “Poor shame! They mad’ ye ugly!!”

“We must be escorting you to Hywrl, my lady,” interrupts Justice with her arm linked with Preston’s.

“Then lets go quickly, I am sick of traveling. But there is still much I need answers about.” Jaine looks over at me, not seeming to care that I have not removed my mask, “So why have you claimed a title in the name of the king. We are starting a rebellion remember. Do you think this will help?” I continue to meet her gaze, as Xath speaks in our defense. “My lady,” she begins, “we claimed the title in the true thrones name, which is yours. The people of Hywrl and New Oceanus have been told of the deceptions of the king. They fight for you now.”

Jaine continues to look at me, “This will come back to haunt us I am sure.” Jaine resigns, “but there is nothing we can do now. Let’s get back to my people.” As with Justice when she regains her seat and relaxes for the continued journey I see the years wash from her face. Her eyes will always be far older then any her age, but she is still a young woman only about Justice’s age.

We start the slow ride back. While Justice and Joshua ride at the back of the company I ride in front keeping my mask on. Justice knows about Joshua’s time on the island, but there must also be other burning questions she has. I hope she has a chance to talk to him, more time then I got with Link. Later we will have questions for him from the circle, but for now hopefully they speak on better things.

As soon as we enter Hywrl, I see Justice slid from her horse quickly regaining Joshua’s arm. With a smile she pulls him toward Link’s tree. I follow for a few steps, but with a pleading look Justice begs me off. I stop for a second, remembering my hope for her to have time to talk with him. Almost touching my shoulder I hear Archonus, “Let them have some time.” Without taking my eyes from where they are going, I can only nod my head at Archonus’ words. I quietly throw over my shoulder, “I’ll be near the stones.” If they heard me, they can send someone should I be needed, if not there are always ways. I ride to a small glade area, to practice my aim and to think. Now Jaine is here, and now she is the claim of legitimacy.

I can feel the questioning probe of Ohtar through my mind. He is keeping his distance, but I can not shut him out completely. My arm finally shakes with the effort of holding the string taught, so I sit down under a tree and close my eyes. I once again try to delve into the shadows of the dream world as the regent had been teaching me. I can hear Ohtar as if from a far distance, he seems to know how easy it would be for myself to loose myself there. For now I just need to look in, to see the flowing of thoughts and magic. This is one of the mysteries of the green mages. Ohtar becomes more insistent in my mind, and slowly I come back into myself, my heart beating, my blood pulsing. Stretching my muscles, Ohtar lands feet away. With a strange short talk he tells me the tall golden one comes, Justice. I ask him to see to Joshua’s movements. It is hard to have him remember a person specifically as to him they are all simply things beneath him. Some though he has begun to name in his own way.

I hear the soft snap of a branch behind me and inhale the sharp sent of a floral soap, but keep my focus and shoot at the target one hundred and fifty feet away. Slowly lowering my bow I turn to face my niece, if all Dorn said was true. Her face normally a placid sea is cold with a strange mix of sorrow, confusion, and fury.

Seeing Justice is alone, I grip my bow in one hand and the red mask tied around my other. There is only one reason she would come to find me. I just want the truth, and it would tell me what I needed to know. Justice makes the first move, "L'Aurel... I have made astonishing discoveries in my conversation with Preston... he is a dear, dear man. It feels so good to finally have a relative... but, not just one... two. I know, L'Aurel... I know that you are Preston's daughter” At her pause, I can only stare. So he told her first… he couldn’t face me. She continues, “He does not know it is you. I do not know if he wants to know-- it shames him to no end. But, I will leave that decision up to you." If he didn’t tell her… I see that there is more on her mind then just this, so remain still as she gathers her thoughts. Tact has not been her thing, and when in high emotions I know it too much to ask for.

"I have not seen or heard from my mother for nearly six years. Preston and her have not spoken since she was pregnant with me... and, for a reason that makes me sick. This must stay secret... but, I must speak to someone, and... and, I feel I can trust you. L'Aurel... my father is John Darkson... a man that I have tried to kill."

I feel the tears of so many emotions in my eyes and turn to glance unseeing down the range, "I do not want to hurt him, but it is something we can not escape. Too many have already been hurt and had their lives destroyed... Blood destroying and linking blood... nice little cycle." With a sad chuckle, I turn back towards her, "Darkson, son of darkness..." I look up into Justice’s eyes, "Just as no one is truly all good, no one can be truly all evil. He... there is a possibility that he can be saved, that he can repent, that he can... change."

"If you must tell Preston, please do it gently, I will come with you, if you desire... but, I do know the value of being alone. L'Aurel, I do not know how you feel about the man that raised you-- the man you call Father... but, I do know that Preston will understand if you do not choose to call him Father. He knows, as well as I do, that the seed that creates a child holds little weight. At least, I hope that is the truth... for, if it is not, there is little hope for me."

Letting the bow rest against a nearby tree along with any other feelings, I gently put my hand on Justice shoulder, “I will go to Joshua later, after everything else is set. He will have a lot on his mind, and I want him to have some time with his happy memories of you, his granddaughter… as for the other, would you condemn Archonus for his blood, or mine for the way it was achieved? Blood may try to taint us, but it does not control us. There is a lot to be said for the spirit passed on and chosen, and remember Katie’s blood flows in you as well.”

She stand still as she responds, "Preston has few happy memories. The last 40 years have been noting but pain and torture for him... I can only pray that I can help to make his future bright. Katie's blood may flow in my veins... but, the Light only knows what has happened to her. Truth be told, I am not sure I want to know. Preston will be relieved to know that you are alright. He has thought of you, and Andara, frequently. But, was too ashamed to try to find you. What will you say to him? How will you tell him?"

Squeezing her shoulder I let my hands drop back to my side shrugging uncertainly,“I was hoping to find him tonight, after everything else is settled. Let him keep his mind on the goal and tasks at hand first.” Looking down at the mask again, “I can not go around in this forever trying to hide from him, but a few hours will not hurt anyone.” With an attempt at a smile, “Don’t worry. I do not want a confrontation, and I do not blame him for what they were all forced to do. They did make a choice though, but as for who and what to say from this point… that is something he and I need to decide.” Sounding defeated, I look away, “I fear destiny has already set our paths, and we are just trudging along it’s course. I would like only one death mark against me for now… that of being the blood of Link’s second child.” Looking back at Justice, “Katie, your mother, she sailed west with Tain and Darkson, and there is no telling what happened during there time there. But she did come back, and she did have you, and you were given into a better life with your brethren and sisters of the light at the academy.”

Once again, tears fill Justice's eyes, "No... no... she never returned. She has been gone for so long... Preston and I are so worried. She was a strong woman but, I don't know if she was strong enough to fight off the evils that surround Tain, Darkson, and their comrades... I hope she was." Her eyes clear, and she seems to smile, "But, finding Preston was like a gift from the Light. All those years of loneliness almost seem to have a purpose... the past has set my feet upon the path of the future... He validates my chosen course--I now KNOW I am doing the right thing. I am so glad to have him now."

Thinking back to other conversations, "I hope soon we will all have that certainty of purpose. Does Joshua hate Darkson as well? Does he know all that we know of him?"

"Preston hates Darkson with a passion that could rival my own. He knows all we know and more of that bastard. When Katie refused to leave Darkson... it was just too painful for him to watch her throwing her life away with that slime... and, when she became pregnant--she and Preston stopped talking altogether. As I said, if I do not kill him, Preston will."

“Will you or Joshua tell the others what you know of Darkson’s past? There could be knowledge we need. The fact that he is your… that he is directly related to you… can remain a secret, though why you wish it to be kept even from those that we pledged our friendship too I can not understand. I will hold your secret, but I warn you to think on what you are doing to them.”

"What he knows of Darkson is still something he and I have to talk about. There were more important things for he and I to discuss this day... tomorrow, maybe, he and I will talk more in-depth about him and his dark past." She sighs, "Some secrets are meant to be kept... I am simply not ready to tell mine to everyone, yet. I need to come to terms with it before I can announce it to the world... it is painful, shameful, and hurtful... not a thing I want to share. It will come with time, though--that you can be certain of."

"Time is running out, Justice.... for now, go and talk to Joshua as your grandfather. Do not take time for granted, for who knows when you will get a better chance. Please send someone to get me if there is need for the group, otherwise I shall stay out here. Tonight... after second watch sounds, then I shall go and talk with Joshua Preston."

Standing toe to toe, I reach out and take hold of Justice’s arm, “Know this, we have fought together and shed blood together, no matter our past or blood connection, you are an ally, a friend, a sister in arms. I will keep your secret as you wish, and nothing past nor present will change the bond of friendship we have." Justice nods crisply, whipping away the most recent tear tracks then turns straightens her back and leaves.

I told her what I could, but she must work through her demons, and I must finally face mine. I must remember magic, destiny, and prophesy are never sure from a mortals view. Darkson may be evil, but he could change. I must tell myself that he can be changed that there is hope for everyone. Some choose to not change, but it must be a choice first. May the light see her through this and guide her heart when the time comes.

As darkness falls, I pack up my bow and retrieve my most recent flight of arrows I just shot. Then finding the horse, Marry Weather, begin the slow walk to Hywrl. As I reach the edge of trees, I once again don the mask, “Only for this night, but I will not cause him undo pain too soon.”

I see Farathier sweaty and dirty walking from the practice area, apparently he had a late night test. “Farathier!” With annoyance he turns to me, “Yes.” I smirk at his typical tone, “Have you seen Justice?” “I saw her pass to the palace earlier, but never saw her leave.” He turns quickly apparently having enough of this conversation. Smiling I mutter, “Well, good night to you too” at his retreating back.

I enter the palace through the kitchen doors, to see if Justice is taking dinner to Father Dorn. Not seeing them, I pass Sorsha’s mom some herbs I picked up in the forest that may help spice up tomorrows banquet food.

After talking to one of the many pages still running around, I learn that he thinks ‘the old priest’ went to talk with Father Dorn, but that was some hours ago. I try to gather my emotions as I walk to were Joshua should be. I think back on our other brief meetings. It was back on the road so many months ago. The first when we saved the caravan from Mr. Miagi’s men. Then later when we saved Jaine and Joshua from the gallows. The next was shortly after that event as we were fleeing the Thainesport, and that was the night he told Justice of their connection. In all that time he had never once appeared to recognize me.

Maybe Father Dorn can see something in me that not many others can, and maybe he was mistaken... no, Link’s daughter saw it, also. I stop beside a hallway mirror, and take a look at myself. Who would have thought the ugly duckling from Greenwood would grow into such a… not a swan, I thinks as I pull the red mask down. Instead a countess, a relation to long ago heroes, one of seven generals for a rebel army, companion to a giant eagle, and friend to six people who look to be the great hero’s of this time. No not a swan, more like my companion like an eagle graceful and strong, but still lacking the common beauty. I left my little cottage in Greenwood to search for the truth and understanding, and I will not stop now.

As if finally coming to a definite decision I see the green harden in the eyes reflected back at me. Yes, now to see Justice’s grandfather, Joshua Preston. Justice who has the blood of the Apecto, special training and powers from Father Dorn, and a magical sword from one of Darkson, her father’s evil minions. She actually has a chance to get to know her family through Joshua, and not having had much time with Link I backed off earlier. But now I must intrude, and see if all that I have heard is true and what I should do with the knowledge.

With the mask back in place I go to where Joshua Preston should be, and knock……

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