Ledded's Story Hour Miniatures thread- UPDATED Feb 25 Zeppelin Pictures

What kinds of pics from our table would you like to see more of?

  • More detailed miniature pics

    Votes: 12 57.1%
  • More detailed building/vehicle/terrain pics

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • More custom terrain big table 'builds' for a specific game scene

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • What are miniatures?

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Bah! Who cares, quit wasting server space with this drivel!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Okay guys, you know I'm your biggest fan. I'm the fat, old guy always first in line naked from the waist up painted in some crazy kind of camo but I have to ask this. Do you guys have lives, out side of gaming I mean? :D How, what and when do you guys find the time to put together all this neat stuff? Holy cow! Never in my wildest dreams would I ever hope to have a collection the likes of what you describe.

And I have to say, the idea of the PLAYERS building the scene is pure inspiration. I never would have thought to do that. I love the idea. I can imagine what must go through the GMs mind as the battle field unfolds before him. Genius guys, it's pure genius.

Ledded, Fludogg, Pierce, you guys are my inspiration. I WILL be introducing terrain in my next game. We're playing Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. Having the players set that terrain up might not work so well. I imagine you guys do run into problems with that from time to time. The GM has to have a specific map that only he knows about.

And Pierce you don't know how true that statement is. With three kids, my house's space is less that adequate.

So put your money where your collective mouths are and post some pics.
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Herder of monkies
Medallions d20 Modern and assorted pics

Here are a few pics from a recent Medallions d20 Modern game episode, plus a painted Hackmaster Beholder that I promised Pogre I was going to post up one day (BTW, high Pogre, and thanks for stopping by!). The beholder pic is pretty bad, I'm not much of a photographer, so the stuff in all my pics is actually *much* better looking in real life, trust me.

The house and church are all wonderfully hand crafted Hirst Arts work that Pierce and Fludogg (respectively) have done, and yes, that pic *does* a setup of an old Chevy on blocks in the front yard of the house. We are in Alabama after all. :)

On our usual scale, this is a fairly small/sparse layout. I'll post up some bigger, grander layouts in the future. We did a crowded multiple city block scene once that covered every inch of both tables, but I cant find the pics of it.


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First Post
Hey all...

Okay Ledded,

This is darn near the first time I've posted on these boards, although I've lurked for quite some time. I've read both Medallions (Boo-ya!) and the WWII (Sch-sweet!) story hour threads, and decided that I just HAD to check out your minis. WOW I think that covers it? But I do have one question. You have a pic posted (in the first post), detailing a long shot of your WWII battle scene (the one which shows your terrain/mini shelves and computer). In that pic, there is an Army truck just above some sort of printout (probably new rules!) towards the bottom of the picture...and it has a weird spider-like BUG in its bed! Tell me this is just "a joke", an item that Fludogg (or possibly a drunk Eyas?) tossed into the bed just for kicks - they aren't really going to encounter that , are they?

Just wondering,

Peterson (Yes, the same guy from WotC Homebrew's Castle Lionguard threads)
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First Post
caixa said:
But I do have one question. You have a pic posted (in the first post), detailing a long shot of your WWII battle scene (the one which shows your terrain/mini shelves and computer). In that pic, there is an Army truck just above some sort of printout (probably new rules!) towards the bottom of the picture...and it has a weird spider-like BUG in its bed! Tell me this is just "a joke", an item that Fludogg (or possibly a drunk Eyas?) tossed into the bed just for kicks - they aren't really going to encounter that , are they?

The spider was a joke. We also have a fleet of VW beetles that tend to show up as well. We like to do things like that while the DM is looking up stats, tracking mook's damage or otherwise distracted. DM: OK, so that's that guy's turn. Guyzell, you're up and - HEY! Where the hell did the SWAT team come from!??! Us: Oh, they're on our side.

That said, don't be too surprised in the coming months to see some extraordinary terrain and combat. Yep, we've just scratched the surface so far in the Story Hours. Drew Id (especially) is one mother of a RBDM.


Herder of monkies
I'm currently trying to catologue and organize a lot of the Medallions oriented table pics so I can post according to an episode, but a lot of the pics from the first few episodes are not very good at all and not anywhere indicitive of the quality of stuff we have. If I can clean them up and find the time to pick out a few choice ones, I'll start posting up to correspond with OldDrewId's posting on the Medallions Story Hour.

Thanks for the comment Pogre, like I said the picture was not very good because with everything I do, photography is not something I put much time into doing really well. The Beholder was a lot of fun to paint though, with the eyestalks all sticking out everywhere.

And like Pierce said, caixa/peterson, we do like to have fun with the GM and the layouts occasionally, and since the players often do most of the building it's not unusual for someone to be tinkering with the board the whole time. In the next big scene after that one, we had this huge city set up all over those tables and I had tanks, jeeps, and halftracks everywhere. I didnt notice, but Fludogg had calmly and subtley picked up his collection of VW beetles of various scales in homage to the huge amount of German machinery being laid down and stealthily plunked them down in various places. As I kept going through the initiative list, I'd go to pick one up to do something, realize what he'd done, and curse at him. Funny thing was, he did so many and the board was so crowded it was 3 rounds before I rooted all of them out and put them back where they went, much to his amusement :)

We do that to OldDrewId all the time, we'll build a nice big outdoor scene and have our guys and mooks all out, and someone with stick a beholder or dragon behind a bush or something. He'll be moving the mooks on their turn and suddenly go "what the hell is that?", and we'll reply nonchalantly: "oh, we summoned that 2 rounds ago. Sheesh, man, *do* try to keep up, you *are* the GM and all".

I actually found myself about to manuver a Tiger tank *around* a yellow 1:32 scale toy VW before I realized that it shouldn't have been there, after I had already picked up the first few and put them back on the shelf. Damn Fludogg :p

Next time they will become animated construct half-fiendish dire demon beatles from the future bent on the sole destruction of his character alone. A half dozen Herbies beeping, clanging, and coughing after his blood. Hmmm...
<Ledded's voice trails off as he starts muttering and taking notes in his game notebook>
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Herder of monkies
More mini madness

Here's a few more from our collection... a couple of these are portions of our Modern shelf, and a few from our Star Wars collection (my Trandoshan conversions)


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Herder of monkies
And a few more...

(and, as usual, the pictures are not very good... we have some lighting issues in the room where the minis are and I'm too lazy to take them outside or do a better lighting setup, so the minis really do look a lot better in person)


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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Thanks for the pics Ledded. However, seeing all those great minis just makes me remember how many of mine I still need to paint. Hell, I found a mini I'd purchased a year ago still unopened in my glovebox. That should give you a good idea of where I am minis-wise.

By the way, where are the group pics? Come on guys, the next time you're together take a little snap shot and post it. Would it kill ya?

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