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Legacy of Death Part IX: The Ultimate Tomb


First Post
Come and get it on the two within range. 36 and 44 vs will. 12 damage and pulled to me if hit. Its a burst so hopefully no reduction in damage. If he drops one he gets a free attack.

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First Post
Buckthorn shoots at the two swarms closest to him using twin strike.(47) and (45) to hit.

23 damage 1st arrow. 20 damage second arrow.
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5ever, or until 2024
unclear if Forge healed.

Forge draws the swarms to him and Buckthorn shoots at one of them.

Proximity to the swarms yet still remains a bad thing (30 damage vs sim & Forge, 10 vs Leandre and Allowyn). Forge also takes some damage from the curse (he should save).

Forge is swarmed again and hit (40 dmg).

Keep going. EDIT: for forges post below.

Allowyn -52hp, -2 HS, prone/ AP, WL banner, slash and press, bolstering insight, heroic effort/ radiant orb x 2, acid orb x 2, helm

Buckthorn (total) 109 hp, -2 HS / thundertusk/ trick

Forge -72 HP -7HS, prone /come and get it, shld edg blck, bash&pummel, AP, arm mst chllnge, shld side, reactive surge, 2nd wind /cloak

Leandre (total) 86hp, -7HS, /roar

Simorai -30hp, -5 HS, /prms of strm, ins ript, dim. Vortex, bor conf., thnd vortex, AP
/ smoke bottle
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Allowyn strikes at the bloodied swarm in front on him and calls on all to do the same (Hail of Steel, everyone within 5 gets a free basic) 43 v AC, 22 damage. The cat takes a free claw swipe (melee reach 2) 35 v AC, 25 damage. Then Leandre attacks the swarm in front of him with a claw (29 v AC, 20 damage) and bite (43 v AC, 37 damage)

Everyone remember to take +2 attack for being adjacent to Allowyn.

Jin Abackis

With his free attack, Sim swings wildly at the swarm and misses.

After that embarrassing swing and miss, Sim tries to redeem himself by trying to stop new swarms from popping up (arcana – 41).

Sim then SwordBursts the 3 swarms around him (42, 44 and 35 vs. Ref – 42 damage (PoS is still on until the end of this turn). Despite the fact that Forge likes to keep the swarms close, Sim moves the 3 swarms away from everyone.

Sim is not sure if the swarm that split is still marked with his Aegis. If not, he will mark the one close to Forge and the Cat. Forge, don’t mark the swarm close to you and I may be able to reduce some damage if it attacks you or the cat.

(Sim has Natural origin on so he reduces the proximity damage by at least 5 depending on if it was one or multiple hits).


5ever, or until 2024
One way or another, it seems like the new swarms have stopped.

The warlord and great cat each hit once, and then the spellsword redeems himself and destroys one swarm while driving back the other two.


5ever, or until 2024
They destroy the rest of the swarms of animated weapons and armor and inspect the chamber. The symbol on the floor confirms the link to the ancient incarnate of war Tuern. The symbol actually sheds the “blood” of the old god, known for its healing properties. Among the fine arms and armor a Helm of Ghostly Defense and Javelin of Stinging are recovered.

The corpses are corpses…that where walking. Undead, whose allegiance to Vecna is revealed by a familiar eye in hand symbol.


And there is a conspicuous space where a mighty horn once rested. Allowyn immediately realizes this is the horn he came for, and still has to find it! Even with all that, Simorai is also concerned that they are missing something…something.

Buckthorn scouts ahead through another portal. Here lies more twice dead bodies. In the midst of the chamber is a glowing white pool. Strange music rises through the chamber. The pool, sacred to a god so ancient its name is forgotten, has also been corrupted, and it lashes out as they approach. Especially at Forge.

Simorai is able to make a convincing prayer to the forgotten god, approach the pool, and drag out the body of a vampire that had been leading Vecna’s forces. The body has two powerful gems on it. This may be what Sim was looking for. As Forge comes up to help the planar, he is cursed by the pool, and the curse lingers, and lingers (at least 6 failed saves) and just about ends the dwarves life. Fortunately, he is finally saved, and they leave with their gems.

Sim thinks the gems are key—they are extra large and have their own little curse for those not “attuned” to them—and they find two more. One floating over a pool that is the opposite of the white one, filled with nasty black slime. Allowyn and his great cat almost manage to leap over it, grabbing the gem. They actually land at the end of it, but the damage is not mortal.

The fourth floats over a great pile of frozen bone shards, surrounded by elaborate tapestries of knightly, and divine, triumph over evil. Then, as they come close, the tapestries transform to ones of demonic destruction. Two demonic forms are particularly notable…

Sim shrugs this off, and dashes for the gem. As he grabs it, the images of Demogorgon and Orcus come to life, and attack!


They failed to get the gem first

The intrepid party starts to head straight back to the exit. Slowing, pinning, imobalizing, dazing, and pretty much doing everything they can in the meantime to keep the demons back. Orcus, the less mobile of the two, gets stuck right on the bone pile, and is forced to unleash his Symbol of Pain, to great effect. Demogorgon, acting with each head, brings even greater harm. Buckthorn gets the first shots for the party, dazing Orcus, criting Demogorgon, while also getting dominated, then dropping, then be restored by Allowyn, then dropping, again.

They manage to get through the portal. As soon as they are through, Sim knows he needs to close it. Demogorgon wracks them with his tentacles through the mists as a reminder. Sim is able to seal it, with incredible (and lucky) speed.
They find themselves back in the chamber with the animated weapons and the bleeding symbol. At some point, they think to try to sanctify this dead gods tomb, and realize that their healing curse is lifted, well at least for 5 minutes or so.

The next chamber they find:

A seven-armed chamber of red and black stone is adorned by an image of a crowned skull etched into the floor. The space within its open mouth pulses with arcane power.

They realize seems to give them access to all the relevant places in the tomb—one portal per arm. It also has seeming places for the large gems. One per crown point. Which means they still need two more.

In their search, Buckthorn just about walks right back into Orcus. He somehow escapes.

The next gem is hidden on a shelf, in a vaguely familiar “chapel” like chamber. The dim and cold place feels strongly of the shadow aether, and its shelves are full of the odds and ends of the cosmos.


Around the time the gem is found, the necrotic sludge starts to seep through the walls. Fast. Then the three powerful wraiths arrive. An incredibly dangerous situation. Unless of course the spell-sword uses Ruinblade to unleash a massive turn undead (two crits, 258 points damage total) and Forge runs like he never has before. One more gem remains.

This time it’s the chapel again, but in some Fairy land. Green with life, albeit not exactly natural. And with a fey-lord, powerful enough to destroy the demi-lich’s henchbeings, that wants to play a game. A board game.

Allowyn and Forge give the lord, who may be a wee-bit intoxicated, a strong challenge. Maybe too strong. As its not clear that they get anything for winning, and the fey seems to be very upset by loosing. But apparently so are the warlord and fighter (which is to be expected). Sim, showing unusual insight, does try to warn of this…but as the number of pieces reduce and pressure builds, he finally flips the board and yells : “FORFEIT”. He makes his apology stick, convinces the lord that he has won, and with that the fey is off to celebrate, while they get the last gem.


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