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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Day 2 (Interlude)



Yelled at, shaken, given food... and yet the goblin seems wholly unprepared for an offer of help. A gulp, then a sideways look around as if worried about being seen talking to this wholly intimidating woman..

"Oh massive priestess of what surely is the biggest goddess of all. I don't KNOWWWWWWW anything about the man who came by. Our leader told us everything he'd heard from the man. And as I said, he was completely covered. Couldn't see face or anything! But.. Our village.. It's in the mountain, near the woods. We know you come closer each day. And some of our people went missing since it was last snowing. During day when we're usually asleep. Somehow they take people right from us! Man who came told us that evil man called Gregof was responsible. Magician who uses them for something... something horrible!"

Antares, Muzdim, Stellan

Carlog shrugs slightly, "He'll be weak for days at least, but may be awake tomorrow or the next day. You can check whenever you like as long as you don't mind if we send you away."

A guard does indeed stay with Gregof, and as the group walks away towards the barracks, Stellan shrugs again "Well, we only got there after things had escalated. Who knows what had happened before.. Did we find out who first saw the goblins?"

When the group comes near the barracks, one of the young men rushes up, "We heard you saw what happened. Will he be ok? Gregof I mean. And what should we do now? Should we go back to our patrols?"

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Carlog shrugs slightly, "He'll be weak for days at least, but may be awake tomorrow or the next day. You can check whenever you like as long as you don't mind if we send you away."
Antares nods his heartfelt thanks, relieved to see that a guard does indeed stay with Gregof, protecting him from further unpleasantness.

As the group walks away towards the barracks, Stellan shrugs again "Well, we only got there after things had escalated. Who knows what had happened before.. Did we find out who first saw the goblins?"
"Nooo," breathes out the apprentice mage, now going over his own memories of the events with a slight frown as he alternatively walks and then trots besides his companions -- the running, the shouting, bloodied Gregof pursued and harried... "I do not believe we did?"

OOC: Did Antares recognize any of the villagers running away, Gambler? Or, better, spotted anybody observing the events from some window or other?
When the group comes near the barracks, one of the young men rushes up, "We heard you saw what happened. Will he be ok? Gregof I mean. And what should we do now? Should we go back to our patrols?"
"He is fine, I am assured?" tries to reassure the mage, well understanding his concern. "Wounded but now recovering at Pelor's holy temple? I take it then that the other guards - and the lady servant of Malborka - have not quite yet returned with their goblin prisoners?" he asks, that being his prime concern at the moment.

(He does not quite know what to make of the other request, and so leaves it for other, perhaps cooler heads for now?)


First Post

Yelled at, shaken, given food... and yet the goblin seems wholly unprepared for an offer of help. A gulp, then a sideways look around as if worried about being seen talking to this wholly intimidating woman..

"Oh massive priestess of what surely is the biggest goddess of all. I don't KNOWWWWWWW anything about the man who came by. Our leader told us everything he'd heard from the man. And as I said, he was completely covered. Couldn't see face or anything! But.. Our village.. It's in the mountain, near the woods. We know you come closer each day. And some of our people went missing since it was last snowing. During day when we're usually asleep. Somehow they take people right from us! Man who came told us that evil man called Gregof was responsible. Magician who uses them for something... something horrible!"

"Gregof? Who is being this Gregof?" Beatrix asks. "What is he want with your kin?"

A wizard? Was he the one provoked this attack? But why? And who is this was this covered figure? There was more to this attack then a simple raid. Maybe it was time to ask the others what they knew, it was clear she wasn't going to get much else out of this terrified goblin..

But now she was left with a problem of what to do with him. She had sworn by her goddess, Malborka to protect all defensiveness communities and villages. If she let the goblin, she might put the town in danger. However if what this creature is saying is true, then he only attacked because his own kin were taken. Was she also oath bound to protect the goblin's town as well?

After a while, Beatrix's finally grip loosened. "By the mercy of Malborka, I have decided to let you go." The large warrior says sternly, letting the goblin go. "But do not let me catch you or your friends attacking this town again. You accepted a gift from the Divine Defender today, when you took one of Malborka's treats from me. If I discover you are hurting innocent people again, I will break you and whoever else you work for."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
After a pause Antares gives silent Muzdin a slightly questioning, almost surprised look: while a grumbly lack of words is far from uncharacteristic behavior here, granted, was he not almost... eager to direct the guards before?

OOC: You still with us, [MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION]?


The juxtaposition of the goblin's calling Gregof a wizard creates some confusion in Beatrix's mind for a moment before she remembers where she heard the name before. It's the name of the town's captain of the guard.

The goblin seems startled when he's released, rubbing parts of himself as if surprised there's no real damage from the shaking, and confused by the priestess's comments. But he nods vigorously. "The Divine Treat! Yes. It was very good. I won't attack the Defender or the town." And then he bolts towards the woods with one glance over his shoulder as he does.

"Gregof? Who is being this Gregof?" Beatrix asks. "What is he want with your kin?"

A wizard? Was he the one provoked this attack? But why? And who is this was this covered figure? There was more to this attack then a simple raid. Maybe it was time to ask the others what they knew, it was clear she wasn't going to get much else out of this terrified goblin..

But now she was left with a problem of what to do with him. She had sworn by her goddess, Malborka to protect all defensiveness communities and villages. If she let the goblin, she might put the town in danger. However if what this creature is saying is true, then he only attacked because his own kin were taken. Was she also oath bound to protect the goblin's town as well?

After a while, Beatrix's finally grip loosened. "By the mercy of Malborka, I have decided to let you go." The large warrior says sternly, letting the goblin go. "But do not let me catch you or your friends attacking this town again. You accepted a gift from the Divine Defender today, when you took one of Malborka's treats from me. If I discover you are hurting innocent people again, I will break you and whoever else you work for."


The guards bring the other bodies of the goblins back to their barracks, past the elf, dwarf and human. The guard talking to Antares nods, seeming slightly reassured, and then goes to assist the others. The town is still slightly abuzz, and now members of the town's council can be seen coming towards the commotion, pausing to ask various people what they saw most likely.

Antares didn't specifically recognize anyone who had been watching from the edge of town as anyone he had talked to much previously. On the edges, most of the townspeople are families which work in the woods rather than the shopkeepers or other craftsmen that Antares mostly interacted with.

Antares nods his heartfelt thanks, relieved to see that a guard does indeed stay with Gregof, protecting him from further unpleasantness.

"Nooo," breathes out the apprentice mage, now going over his own memories of the events with a slight frown as he alternatively walks and then trots besides his companions -- the running, the shouting, bloodied Gregof pursued and harried... "I do not believe we did?"

OOC: Did Antares recognize any of the villagers running away, Gambler? Or, better, spotted anybody observing the events from some window or other?

"He is fine, I am assured?" tries to reassure the mage, well understanding his concern. "Wounded but now recovering at Pelor's holy temple? I take it then that the other guards - and the lady servant of Malborka - have not quite yet returned with their goblin prisoners?" he asks, that being his prime concern at the moment.

(He does not quite know what to make of the other request, and so leaves it for other, perhaps cooler heads for now?)

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I don't know lad, but patrolling seems like a sound idea for the moment, keep the town borders safe." The dwarf says, absent minded.
"Meanwhile, why don't we check the corpses, and see what we can find, perhaps there's a clue, a secret in between their belongings." the dwarf suggests.

OOC: Sorry, vacation time in Argentina, scarce access to internet here, I'll be back fully on the 27th. Also, would you mind bolding your text Binder? It hurts my eyes! XD

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Antares didn't specifically recognize anyone who had been watching from the edge of town as anyone he had talked to much previously.

"Did you perchance recognize any that ran past us to safety - or perhaps some that hid and might have watched - that we may question them on the subject?" He himself did not, more used to interactions with shopkeepers, craftsmen and suppliers magical or otherwise than with the woodsmen and farmers who occupy the edge of town... "I did recognize old man Corl's chicken farm though, whose fence we hid behind... Perhaps- Perhaps that worthy was in residence at the time?"

His gaze includes both Stellan and Muzdin, should either wish to contribute...

"Meanwhile, why don't we check the corpses, and see what we can find, perhaps there's a clue, a secret in between their belongings." the dwarf suggests.

"Oh, they are but in the grips of Kizari's Merciful Slumber," corrects Antares, rather surprised the dwarf would think him ever so callous. "Though it is sometimes called Kizari's Sinister Slumber, granted, for they say few who suffer its effects at the hands of adventurers ever... truly... wake..." He casts a suddenly worried glance at the three limp forms being carried in... But they are still as they were before: sleeping unrestful magical dreams, one and all <correct me, Gambler?>.

"But you are quite right!" the tall elf suddenly remembers, pulling a scrunched scroll of parchment from his belt-pouch with newfound excitement. "They did have something of interest within their belongings, namely this!" He puts the scroll in between the three of them so that they can all see as he first looks at the exterior <any seal or the like?> and then unfurls it to examine its contents.

Parts of his attention remain on the approaching councilmen and women, though mostly he is glancing down the winding earthen street towards whence they came. For he cannot help but notice that the lady of the crenellated helm did not come with the guards...

OOC: Is that better, VV? I'm on black background myself so it looks fine to me.
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OOC: Ok.. Let's "break" mostly until Muzdin is back... That works well for me because my time is extremely limited this and early next week! I'll try to scrape up a post before the 27th though so that Muzdin has something when he gets back... I'm definitely enjoying still...


First Post
Beatrix silently watched the goblin before sighing to herself. "Holy Malborka, please let this be the right thing to do." She quietly prays, patting herself twice on the stomach and once of the chest, the standard sign of her goddess. When the goblin was finally out of sight, the fat priestess turned around and headed back to town. Why were the man who commanded the goblins after Gregof? Why did the goblin call him a mage? Say he attacked he attacked their village? Gregof may of been the captain of the guard, but as far she knew, he wasn't a wizard? What did this strange figure have against him then? Was he just after the town or was Gregof hiding something?

Beatrix decided she wasn't going to figure this one out on her own. The large warrior decided to seek out the others who help in the fight, the ones who carried the captain to safety. Maybe they could help.

Voidrunner's Codex

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