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D&D 1E Leif's AD&D 1E Recruiting Thread

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Steeliest of the dragons
Oh! Ok. You said you had to figure out the generation rules...which I read as we had to generate all over...nevermind. :)

In that case:

Ellydd (middle/elf name, generally not used: Arswydion) Walker
Fighter/Cleric: 4/3
XP: 7535/7535

HP: [max 1st level] 9 + (1d10=5, 1d8=2 /2 =) 3.5 = 12hp
1d10=10, 1d8=6, 1d10=5, 1d8=7, 1d10=5, 1d8=6
16 /2 =8, 12 /2 =6, 6 /2 =3...total new HP: 29
AC: 4/5 (Chain & shield/without shield)

Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Elhonna (a.k.a. Ehlenestra to elves)

Age: 48. (looks to be in low 20's)
Hair: a rich blond, like goldenrod, worn long (to his shoulder blades) and generally kept up/back in a ponytail.
Eyes: Hazel-Green with golden flecks that sometimes sparkle in the right light.
Distinguishing Features: Slightly "more than human" intensity of his hair and eye color. Slight point to the tips of his ears, though these are generally hidden beneath his pulled-back hair.

Str: 17 (+1 to hit/+1 dmg; +500 cn. wt.; Open Doors 1-3; BB/LG 13%)
Dex: 12 (-/-)
Con: 12 (SS 80%; Res. 85%)
Int: 15 (no additional languages due to Int. because he's half-elf.)
Wis: 18 (+4 vs. magic attack; additional spells: 2 1st/2 2nd/1 3rd/1 4th)
Cha: 11 (Max. henchmen 4; Loyalty -; Reaction Adj. -)

Spells: 5 1st, 4 2nd.
Commonly prepared (subject to daily change): Cure Light Wounds (x2), Bless, Light, Resist Cold,
Hold Person, Resist Fire, Silence, Speak with Animals

Turning: Skeletons/Zombies/1HD T; Ghoul/2HD 7;Shadow/3-4HD 10; Wight/5HD 13; Ghast 16;
Wraith/6HD 19; Mummy/7HD 20

Half-elf Abilities: 60' infravision, 30% resistant to sleep/charm, Concealed doors: 1 in 6 within 10', 3 in 6 if searching, Secret Doors 2 in 6 if searching.
Languages: Common, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Gnoll

Weapon Proficiencies: 4: Scimitar (d8/d8), Longbow (d6/d6), Dagger (d4/d3), Staff (d6/d6, proficient but not currently carried)

Shield (emblazoned with the unicorn symbol of Ehlonna)
Quiver (score capacity)
20 normal arrows
4 silver-tipped arrows
Heavy cloak (dark green)
Silver holy symbol
Belt pouch, small x2
Belt pouch, large
iron rations (2weeks)
Rope, 50'
torches, 6
candles, 10
Scrollcases, bone x2
Treasure: t.b.d.

Magic Items: t.b. d.

History/Background: Ellydd was raised by his human father, a trapper who lived on the outskirts of the village near the woods at the edges of human society. Memories of his elvin mother are hazy as she "left" when he was quite small (3? 5?) and his father refused to speak of her other than to say how beautiful she was and how Ellydd reminded him, fondly, of her. He grew up with practically no association with elves as there were no known communities of them in their region. His travels, first to answer his calling at the closest temple of Ehlonna and, later, into the surrounding wooded regions has brought him into contact with a few of the elvin-folk, who he finds fascinating. He is at something of a loss why they seem to regard him at arm's length.

His limited adventures have brought him to his current location, in the service of Ehlonna's will [a.k.a. his superiors], to a meeting with one "Rosco." Ellydd finds the elvish warrior most amicable and informative.

What the local situation is, that he and Rosco are to undertake, Ellydd has yet to discover. Meeting with a team of human mages seems to be on the agenda.

Ellydd finds this curious as Elhonna's grace and teachings hold little to no concern in the dealings of wizards. Though the ways of the wood hold a magic all their own, of that Elydd holds no doubt. Either way, Ellydd is not one to question his temple's directives [viewed by Ellydd as, directly, Elhonna's will.]

General look: With a strong jawline and high cheekbones, he is notably handsome but still, somehow, gives off an air of "standoff-ish-ness." It seems he is constantly preoccupied by things other than those in front of him. His face is usually a stoic mask of serenity. Peaceful, yes, but not necessarily warm. He doesn't quite get why people don't like him more as he would like to get along with everyone...essentially, he's a bit naively/sheltered clueless, more at home among his beloved and sacred trees than around throngs of people.
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Steeliest of the dragons
I was gonna roll on those tables too, just for fun. But figured Leif has the final say on what we get/have anyway. Since I'm just waitin' on some bolognese, what the heck...

Hmm. Ok. Doesn't really say anything about what to do with multi-classes on this, so I'll just combine.

Shield: 20% (C) + 20% (F) = 40%
1d100=91 That's a negatory.
Chain: 16% (C) + 20% (F) = 36%
1d100=33 Hey! :D

How bout some Banded: 12(C) + 16(F)= 28%

Ring of Protection: 4%
1d100=4 :lol: No. Way. Wow.
Scroll: 16%
1d100=79 Nope.

Dagger: 20% (F) 1d100=42
Sword (which counts for Scimitars): 20% 1d100=77 Dang.
Bow: 2% (HA!) 1d100=69
15 Bolts +2: 20%....really?! That seems high. 1d100=23 Shoot. Close.

1 Potion: 16(C) + 12(F) = 28%
1d100=30 Grrrrr.:rant:

Yeah, I'd rather throw myself on Leif's tender mercies than take these. Not bad...in fact, bloody good for my AC! lol. But Leif's call.


Eeek, sorry! Added you to the list.

So what level are we? Suggestion - just assign a starting XP total, it makes it easier, especially for the people with multiclassed characters, who have to evenly split their XP between classes, and can easily have uneven levels.

Also, a brief description of Oban Isla:

Oban is a cynical romantic. In a break from the norm for this type, he's both at the same time, in almost equal measure. He adventures for money and power. Enough of each so he can marry the women of dreams. The fair Dram Buidhe, daughter of his mountain hold's chief. Unfortunately, Oban is low-born and his clan's chief is not without a cruel sense of humor. After Oban proposed to his daughter, and she accepted, Chief Buidhe gave not-quite-young Oban a decade to prove his worth, which is to be measured in gold and gemstones. And then promptly exiled him.

Oban is a cynic and Dram is wealthy (and considered comely despite hear near-blonde hair). The chances she won't be married off by the time he returns are slim-to-none. So Oban plans to return with a kingly sum, or a small army. Hopefully both (since there might be some Gamma World in this campaign, returning home with power armor or a laser cannon would be cool).

Nevertheless, Oban is a romantic. He'll do this out of love, risking his life in the most foolish of get-rich schemes he can off: adventuring. He's tried other professions; apprentice locksmith, soldier, brigand. None of which suited his temperament or ethics. Or paid enough. So now he's giving monster-haunted tomb-robbing ("a particularly vigorous kind of archaeology") and assorted questing a go.

Appearance-wise, Oban's not handsome, by Dwarven standards. Strong-looking, but too thin. And he's got a nasty habit of adopting... foreign fashions. Including a dandy-ish Elven scarf (which he thinks makes a nice counterpoint to all the weapons he wears). He's not daring enough to shave off his beard, but he does currently wear his in a human style, ie picture real-world hipster-farmer indie musician.

Personality-wise, Oban finds most things... funny. It's how he tries to stay grounded, which is difficult in his line of work.
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Ok, I like Mallus's idea: All characters begin with 13,700 experience points [number chosen almost totally arbitrarily], not counting any 10% bonus(es) that they may be entitled to receive. And I don't like entrusting the characters' magic equipment to the vagaries of the dice. That can and probably will result in a very uneven distribution across the party, which is not a good thing. So, I'll be passing out magic items at a later time, after I see how the party shapes up.


Steeliest of the dragons
Ok. So that's 13,700 + (10%) 1,370= 15,070 /2 = 7,535...

XP: 7,535/7,535


That makes Ellydd level 4 Cleric and 3 Fighter!

Right, ok. Well it's passed 12:30 am in my neck, so I'll do further revisions...which I guess really just amounts to re-rolling/calculating HP....well, and his spells will be 5 1st and 4 2nd! [Woohoo!]...but, yeah, tomorrow.



That's great, sd! Five first level and four second level spells will make for quite a potent spell-machine, too!
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First Post
So it looks that things are moving along. :)
Then with 13,700 XP my character starts at level 4 and he is now a Theurgist.
How do you want me to roll my hit dices? i know any new spells?

And by the way, i just get my hands in the 1983 Greyhawk boxed set. a shame that there is so little information in the 180 page book describing the scenario. i can't decide where my character grew up this way. :( any ideas where a MU could have been trained in the Flanaess?


Wolfattack's Theurgist

Bonus XP
Don't forget to add 10% to your XP, if you qualify for the bonus for having a prime requisite over 15.

You roll starting spells according to the chart on p 39 of the DM Guide, starting with Read Magic as the first spell in his book. Then you roll one additional spell of the highest level your PC can cast for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels, rolling 1-40 on the First Level spell list in the Players Handbook (1D10 AND 1D4), and 1-24 for his two second level spells at 3rd and 4th level (1d12, 1d6). So all together you will have Read Magic plus one offensive, one defensive, and one miscellaneous first level spells at the start, plus one more 1st level spell for 2nd character level, one 2nd level spell for 3rd character level, and one final 2nd level spell for 4th character level. That gives your character a total of 5 first and 2 second level spells. This could give you a pretty random and useless selection of spells, but do it this way and see what you get. It could also give you a fantastic selection of spells. I'll make any adjustments that need to be made, so don't worry too much if you get sorry rolls. You can also try to start out with some scrolls, following the probabilities given in Appendix P of the DM Guide. Any scrolls that you have at the start can be used to copy the spell into your spellbook, but if you do that you will use up the scroll, of course.

Hit Points
Max at first level + Con bonus, if any, then roll for levels 2, 3, and 4, again adding any Con bonus that you are entitled to receive.
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