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D&D 5E Leif's First 5E Homebrew In-Character Thread 1A

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East of Stone Mill
Round 0

“Can’t see much from this distance,” Risia said. “I don’t see any movement toward the top of the tower. If they have sentries up there, they’ll see us, but if not, we could probably approach stealthily, using the brush and trees as cover. What do you think?”

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 10/10
AC: 13

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
L1 (1/1): Faerie Fire, Sleep

"One or two of us might be able approach that way. But the big man here is bigger than most of those bushes. And the priest's armor makes a jingling noise that while pleasing also can be heard at a distance." Lee speculates. "But if you want to try sneaking up, I'll go with you."

OOC: If Risia agrees stealth: [roll0]

"It's that or wait here till we sprout roots." He stretched his back and straightend his chain vest, it was difficult to hear wether the noise came from his Chain vest or his old bones cracking.
"Sneakin 'round ain't really me Forte though."


East of Stone Mill
Round 0

Risia nodded to Lee. “Let’s see what we can find out,” she said.

Following the elf, the minstrel started moving across the grass, darting between brush strand and tree as they approached the tower.

Stealth: 1D20+2 = [11]+2 = 13

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 10/10
AC: 13

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
L1 (1/1): Faerie Fire, Sleep


Watch Tower

The adventurers "slink" towards the tower as stealthily as they can, which they suspect is not really all that stealthily at all, judging from the snapping twigs and so forth, but they see no sign that anyone or anything hss been alerted to their presence. After a bit, you see, through the brush behind which you are hiding, the tower. Two goblins stand guard in front of the door. Because it is still daytime and the sun is out, the goblins look decidedly uncomfortable and ready to beat feet under the nearest big rock at the slightest provocation.


East of Stone Mill
Round 0

“Goblins,” Risia whispered. She pulled the slim icicle wand from its sheath at her side. “I can put them to sleep if we want to capture and interrogate them.”

She quickly whispered the spell and aimed her wand at the goblins.

Action: Cast Sleep
Sleep spell hit points: 5D8 = [7, 6, 2, 8, 6] = 29
Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 10/10
AC: 13

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
L1 (0/1): Faerie Fire, Sleep

"You do you Lass. Just Be prepared for additional of the little buggers." He then brandishes his shield and pulls out his Holy Tankerd.[D][/D]

OOC: equips his shield and Holy Symbol
And Prepares to cast Sacred Flame on the First enemy to Walk out of the tower
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