Leif's "Hold of the Sea Princes" Greyhawk Alpha Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]

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Seeing Cam move to engage another orc, Turthain turns his bow toward the last orc not currently engaged in melee.

OOC: Target Orc 3. And I spaced the ROF 2 for bows...sweet.


Orcs in the Temple of the Frog

OOC: Orc 3 was already very dead Keldryn, thanks to some elven archery by Turthain, so go ahead and do something else if you want.

Orc 4 attacks Cam with his mace, but misses. Orc 5, however, finds Shiyana more vulnerable to his broadsword, and the druid suffers 5 hp damage.

*Characters are up again*


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OOC: How did I miss that? Cam gets a shot at orc #4 and then orky gets a chance for a little futile revenge on Odo. :)


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Steeliest of the dragons
OOC: I thought Shiyana killed Orc #5? Post #59.

OOC: How did I miss that?

OOC: Whew. So did I! haha. Thanks Odo.

IC: Shiyana will move toward the dais/alter where the fight remains, but ill hold back, confident that her companions have it well in hand.

"Surrender, brutes or face the justice of the Balance and the Circle! Believe me, you will be found as guilty as your friends, here."
Shiyana calls to the still fighting orcs. She doesn't really expect them to stop fighting. But figures it good form to give them the chance, at least.

If the fighting is ended (by death or surrender) Shiyana will return to her "kill" and see what 'es got in 'is nasty lil' pocketses. :D


Unless he surrenders very, very quickly Cam finishes off the last Orc, bashing him in the face with his shield and driving his sword up through his sternum.


Steeliest of the dragons
Unless he surrenders very, very quickly Cam finishes off the last Orc, bashing him in the face with his shield and driving his sword up through his sternum.

OOC: WOOT! Another natural 20 from Camlin! ...or...well...the automated dice roller. :eek: Congrats, man!

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