Leif's "Hold of the Sea Princes" Greyhawk Alpha Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]

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Orc Battle

OOC: Still need an attack from steeldragons -- hmmm, this isn't like him, he must be thinking his last attack was this round, but it was last round.


Steeliest of the dragons
Just so. Exactly what I was thinking. Solly fer the hold up, everybody.

Shiyana, getting REALLY sick of this last orc, puts aside thoughts to demand his surrender [since it's obviously protected by some kind of force field of evil that no one can touch him!] and whirls her cudgel through the air with a primal cry of frustration...

1d20=1, 1d6=3

...aaaand, apparently, slices through the air, topples over her own feet (or one of her compatriots) and falls on the floor. DAMN the pig's vile sorcery!


A Reprieve for the Orc!

Turthain's sword slices deeply into the Orc's side. He recovers somewhat, however, and Turthain to swing his club ferociously at Shiyana Sadly, :( he only slices air with his rude club.

1d20=9, 1d6=5

OOC: PCs are up!
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Orc Battle

Turthain's ire sufficiently aroused, he carves up the hostile orc with a few deft chops of his longsword. Combat finally over.


pausing to catch his breath Cam nods to Turthain and says. "Damn, these are some tough SOB's arn't they? You ok? You took a nasty hit there.

Cam will cover the rest of the party while the others search the bodies.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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