Living 4th Edition Discussion Thread


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
just wanted to point out the existence of the DnD Compendium. Right now it's free and you can see ever power, every racial ability, every magic item.

If they ever manage to get it off the ground and start charging for it?
A player who wants to play non-core can be required to email their DM a copy of all powers, etc that aren't core. Pretty simple.
The DnD Compendium ain't going to be free forever, but it is a manner for folks to get the stuff... but every judge and DM for games that the PC is in w/o the source material will need access to the powers. Some of this may be on the sheet (though this runs into potential copyright issues). Emailing the stuff around is a way to get judges quicker access, but instant acceptance still does not address the "has it been kicked around for 'sploits" aspect of the time delay.
Add a blurb and links to this forum in your sig. I've already done so. I figure that we all are in PbP games, so this will expose other PbP'ers to L4E. Plus, we post elsewhere on the boards, of course, so we might get other folks not currently PbP'ing interested in L4E, too.
Bront did a post on LEW General; could do one on LEB general and a single post thread on Talking the Talk.

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I've overhauled (mostly) the Transitive Isles, trying to get the text length down and the comprehensibility up.

Also added a nearby PoL continent, home of the once great Kingdom of Allaria which the settlers of Daunton fled from a few hundred years ago for some undefined reason. (it's an absorption of some the Zheen flavor without the map)
It's currently linked by "weeks of treacherous sailing" but we could change that: have merchants of Bacarte, concerned about the Empire of Hzaka could reveal a shorter trade route or have a portal using the Shattered Spire.

Also added regional sections for PCs with optional regional benefits.

And a place for Drow to live; just so we can have something and point to drow being in the setting without stressing over how many of these brave but angxt ridden souls managed to escape from the underdark and live misunderstood-and-forever-aloof amongs the surface races.


First Post
I've put together a template for 4e, based on the one for LEB.

I like the one GK put together, but this might make it easier for people transitioning in from there. Let me know what you all think.
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The SRD does exist already and I'm not sure they are updating it. This news piece seems to indicate that they are addressing publisher's issues with the GSL. The SRD is simply a list of all content in the core books that can be referenced using the GSL.

GSL page


First Post
Oh... I misread it then. I assumed they were going to loosen up the SRD and make it more like the 3e SRD

*Sigh* Sorry for the mix-up.


About the character sheet: A good start, thanks for doing this. Some notes as I read through it:

I'd like to see the defenses split out on separate lines so that you can see the math. E.g.
AC 15 (+2 dex, +2 armor, +1 level)
Fort 12 (+1 level, +1 con)

In general I think that the easier we make it to show the math, the faster approvals will get done.

I think there should be at least brief descriptions of the powers in the sheet. Not the full text from the PHB or anything, but at least "str vs. AC, 2d8+4 and slowed until end of next turn" or whatever. In my 4e character sheets so far (all two of them) I've found it really helpful to have detailed math for each power listed separately, sometimes split out by which weapon I'm using. An example:

:melee: or :ranged: Easy Target (standard; daily, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+6 damage (shortsword) or +7 vs AC, 2d10+4 damage (longbow)
Hit: target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both)
Miss: half damage, and the target grants CA to you until the end of your next turn

And I'd really like to be able to squeeze in there the fact that the +9 comes from +4 dex, +3 proficiency, +1 level, and +1 enhancement. But I'm not sure how best to fit that.

One more thing: getting skill ranks and equipment lists to line up is much easier if the numbers are to the left of the names, rather than the right:

2g 15lb Amulet of Bling, awarded in Pimp My Dwarf post 322


Re: character sheet.

I think we should have a "basic" sheet that's just got the info you need AND a math section where you go into very very specific detail.

Completely agree on powers. That's what I do.

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