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Living Supers/M&M - Proposals for the Origin

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Phoenix's Other Supers Proposal With A Longer Name Than Everybody Else's And Little To Do With Anything Previously Discussed​

Noted scientists have speculated for years that the current genetical revolution that is currently sweeping the world originated from this point in history, although other historians believe that the studies into the field of genetic manipulation is dated even further back into human history.

Dr Naberezhnyi was a top research scientist in the field of biological warfare at the end of WWII, funded to create new and deadly toxins, gases and diseases to unleash on the german forces that threatened Mother Russia. For several years he had been developing a strain of toxin that loosely translated means, 'The Beginning of the End'. The toxin was a last-ditch contingency plan for the country, a toxin that could be introduced into the water of a city to turn the entire area sterile.

It was also noted in some 'medical' journals that Dr Naberezhnyi studied much of the works of Rasputin, though such rumours were associated with the good doctor's eccenticities rather than any real basis in fact.

The toxin was stolen by the Germans on December 18, 1941. Several vials were unleashed upon the targets of London, Moscow and Paris as tests to determine the effectiveness. Unfortunately the slow-acting nature of the toxin did not allow detailed studies once the war turned against the Germans, and the cities themselves went on with their lives blissfully unaware of the poisons coursing through their system.

'The Millenium Toxin', a phrase recently coined in Liverpool, was the cause of thousands of birth deformities, cancer-related deaths, impotency and other horrible afflictions. For decades the toxin ruined families, destroyed countrysides, and created health epidemics across the world as it resurged with a new strain after several years of dormency.

December 1999 was the date when the Millenium Toxin showed its full power to the world. For it had travelled its 58 year journey across the world, mutated into strains that most scientists had never had the chance to study, and finally returned to Berlin to unleash its final attack on humanity.

Older people, especially ones that had suffered through minor effects of the toxin years before, were unaffected by the new plague. Younger men and women, especially ones going through pubity, seems prime targets of the toxin. It would alter their very form, reconsitituting junk DNA into a new genetic structure that allowed them to do things...inhuman.

The year 2000 saw over a thousand men and women demonstrating unearthly powers of flight, strength, seemingly magical powers and the ability to do that which had only previously been on the pages of children's comic books. The governments of the world tried to contain the outbreak in holding facilities, detaining the 'Supers' in the hope that the toxin would not mutate further into a potentially apocolyptical version of itself.

The year is now 2003, the facilities that contain the 'Supers' are becoming more and more incapable of holding the numbers of 'mutated' people. The numbers of innocents that are hidden away from the eyes of the public, and the media, are getting to a point where it cannot go undiscovered for much longer.

The time is coming for a reckoning.

It is time for the Age of Immortals.


The man with the probe
Kylara said:
Okie Doke, sounds great then.
Cool, good to hear.

FYI, while I like the other two proposals, Rybear's is a bit too historical for my tastes, which can lead to some oddities as history is now in flux. Velmont's is well done, but the trouble with the future is technology becomes an unknown, as does history. That's why I only went back 5 years, and the major divergances in history begin to happen in 2004.

BTW - I have your e-mail, and Keia's. Hopefully I'll hear from the other 2 judges shortly. If you don't want that e-mail to be listed publicly, drop me a line with one that you will. Judges need to be reachable to anyone, particularly so adventure ideas can be submitted.


First Post
Well, I choose 2018 just to have 0 divergence, but you could always choose to have 2006 to start with (still no divergence), 2004 (small divergence) or 2000 (a little bit more, if you wnt to start the game in 2006, it would leave a few years between the first two mutants and the appearance of more mutant, maybe adding a few entry to explain how the mutant situation has eveolve on earth.)


The man with the probe
Velmont said:
Well, I choose 2018 just to have 0 divergence, but you could always choose to have 2006 to start with (still no divergence), 2004 (small divergence) or 2000 (a little bit more, if you wnt to start the game in 2006, it would leave a few years between the first two mutants and the appearance of more mutant, maybe adding a few entry to explain how the mutant situation has eveolve on earth.)
I'd suggest reaiming it closer to 2005 (on either end)


First Post
choosing 2018 is very divergent, because we haven't gotten there yet. It creates 13 years of history that you have to create, including cultural, technological and a large amount of other changes that must be fleshed out. That was why the recent divergence was important, so we would not have to create such a huge chunk of time. If the event happens tomorrow, then, everyone can easily get into the world becuase it is entirely familiar. In your proposal, a 10+ year gap makes that very hard to do. Your going to need to write a 30 page primer so everyone can get into the flow of things and familiar with the world, that is a major barrier to entry.

It would work fine, in a regular campaign where you create all the plot, run all the games and only had a few players. In a world that has to be readily accessible and understandable to a large amount of people, simplicity is key. Taking the current world with only a slight divergence is much simpler then creating and getting everyone to understand a decades worth of changes. Your timeline shows events timewise, but doesn't explain how people reacted in major countries to each event, or how the culture has changed, what music is big, what electronics gear is cutting edge, etc. The disasters, wiping out of thousands of people, acid rain, is a major divergence that would alteer the social climate in large ways because it was caused by the meteor.


I aim to misbehave
Obviously, whatever point is decided is the point of convergence. From that point forward, the future changes (for us). We should consider whether or not current or future events will even play a part in our world.

For my opinion, I like Marvel's idea (and others) of using make believe countries, just to limit any stepping on toes or irritation that may result.

Yes this is the real world, for our base of ideas, but how real do we want to make it.



First Post
The impact would have change a lot of things in the world I think, which the Tsunami and the climatic problems... but I think it could easily placed in our timeline with a small change. Let's tell that the impact has been done in the Indian Ocean in december 2004, replacing the known Tsunami. Some climatic impact could have grown for a year (and we inlcude Katrina among them). With that, the game could start in year 2006 with the appearance of many more mutants.


The man with the probe
Sounds like a potential plan Velmont, edit your proposal.

I'm always open for feedback on my proposal.

We're holding our votes till at least Wensday, possibly Friday if the discussions pick up and we get an influx of more good ideas. So keep on posting inputs and proposals.

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