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D&D 5E Localized D&D coming from Gale Force 9


That's not what I understood from your last post. I though you suggested to convert 10 feet into 10 meters. That way you're altering the perception about the reality of the game world. For instance, I doesn't make sense to say a medium humanoid dominates 5 meters of space in combat. So, I can't stand behind this. If you want to do that, you can easily change the words on the fly and that won't mess with any rules, like encumbrance, movement, travel, jump, etc...

Now if you want more clarity, in order to help yours players envision the battlefield for instance, but still have some precision in the conversions, you can't say everything is just a unit after all! Here we come to my previous comment, you have to deal with weird broken numbers, rounded numbers, approximations, etc... And that's fine too. But in this way you have to face you're dealing with a balance between precision and easy of play. That balance is already built into the system and its imperial units. In order to convert this you may have to deal with some compromises in one aspect or the other.

Because there are other units in the game like ounces, gallons, pinch, miles, pounds, and the conversions are not straightforward game-wise. That said, I'm not against the translations including conversion tables or values as I said. I just like to have the original reference in front of me.

For that part I was just repeating what a different person had said for an easy way to convert things, without all of the math. I can agree that the best way to handle it would be to have both, but I assume that would increase page count somewhat, and possibly make things somewhat confusing. They would either need a single page full of conversions that all mentions of a measurement could point to, or follow every measurement with a parenthetical like "Your speed is 30 feet(9 meters)". It almost makes it understandable that they have not done such a conversion yet.

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I crit!
Press release! And we answer some questions which...we asked ourselves.

Why GF9?

Well kids, let's pretend we asked ourselves why would we outsource to TONS of other outlets? That'd be kuh-razee, that's why!

Oh, you wanted to know why outsource at all? Well, we don't know and we're not telling!

Me; 'hey thanks WOTC!'

Really? You don't know why a proprietor of somewhat complicated games would want to outsource a possibly tricky translation to folks who are experts at it rather than try it themselves? Really?


I crit!
Say what!? When did 5e release? What century are we living in? Is there a high-level management position vacant at WotC/Hasbro I could just walk into?

I apologize to the non-English speaking world on behalf of this bewildered English speaker.

Plans and CEO's change.

Of course we need the coversion to meters. That is 3m equal 10 ft. That is how it was done in 3e and I think before that in ADnD 2e.

10ft equal 10m would be terrible. 10ft equals 1m would beequally terrible. 5ft equals 1m would be tolerable actually... all things considered, since there is no 5ft step anymore you won't see 1.5m too much. Multiples of 10ft convert into multiples of 3.
For long ranges one could easily round to next multiple of 10. 100ft would be 30m and so on.

2 lbt equal 1 kg is a good approximation.


It would've been nice with a version without any bad translations (i.e. still in English) but with a conversion table early in the book for TotM ranges. It is impossible to fit more than one person on a 5 feet square. On a 1.5 m square however it would probably be easy. Knowing that the typical speed is 9 m per round, it takes a 3 m fall to take damage and many spells have ranges of 18 or 36 m says a lot about the scale of combat. It always surprises me when make these conversions and realise that the distances are not that large.

Such a table, giving travel distances in km as well as miles and making temperatures something intuitive would really help me visualise things in D&D. Add it is i leave my sense of scale when I play, but I don't need the game translated into Swedish.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using EN World mobile app

It would've been nice with a version without any bad translations (i.e. still in English) but with a conversion table early in the book for TotM ranges. It is impossible to fit more than one person on a 5 feet square. On a 1.5 m square however it would probably be easy. Knowing that the typical speed is 9 m per round, it takes a 3 m fall to take damage and many spells have ranges of 18 or 36 m says a lot about the scale of combat. It always surprises me when make these conversions and realise that the distances are not that large.

Such a table, giving travel distances in km as well as miles and making temperatures something intuitive would really help me visualise things in D&D. Add it is i leave my sense of scale when I play, but I don't need the game translated into Swedish.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using EN World mobile app

5ft square and 1.5m square is practically the same. And there can be more than 1 person in such a square, but not fight there... but I would be good with 1m squares. You had to squeeze a little bit more and you would need 3 square ob top if each other to stand upright and swing your slashing and impact weapons freely. 1m squares are quite small to fight in with bigger weapons but i could accept that for easier calculations.

I don't know about other countries, but it's still too early to say that's good news for Brazilian players. GF9 picked a local partner for the job, but they have never published a roleplaying game before.

Weird thing is: this is not what is actually raising concerns around here; they are also facing an accusation by a different publisher, which says they abused their position as negotiators with GF9 to keep the D&D contract to themselves, when they had previously agreed on a joint venture with two others (including one with actual know-how on RPG publishing). People are already calling it "D&D - The Backstab Edition". :D

I hope 5e in Brazilian Portuguese ends up fine, but I don't believe that's a good start. Bad omens, indeed.


When I was translating 5E books for my group in in Prague (Europe), I converted all distances to fathoms. Czech fathom from Middle Ages is pretty close to 1 fathom = 1 square on battlemat = 5 feet = 1.5 meters, and 1,000 fathoms = 1 mile.

It was very convenient. When you wanted to know, how many meeters is 16 fathoms, you can just add a half = 24 meters (easy); and 5 times in feets = 80 ft. (easy)
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