• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Sorry I didn't warn/remind people of this, but maybe some of you guys caught it anyway.

Tivo cut off the end, cuz apparently Sat mornign kids tv isnt important enough to send Tivo the right information.

It was eh.
Nowhere near as bad as some reviews on the net are making it seem, but not good either.
And a million times better than the new GI Joe.

The character designs are fine, the softening up they received probably did them some good. Personality wise, the duck, coyote, roadrunner and devil are all fine, the girl bunny is a blank slate, and the boy bunny is awful. Which is a problem.

What I would have done:

First, don't invent a girl bunny, there's plenty of characters to choose from. How can you have a looney toons show without a pig? I also would've made the roadrunner a girl...and given a new twist to the coyote always chasing her. Seems like such an obvious and fun idea, I have no idea how they missed it.
I also don't know why they couldn't have just given Lexi's powers to Ace and ditched her, she seems like she was shoehorned in and they have no idea how to deal with her.

How I would fix it now:

1> Tone down the action, play up the comedy. Looney toons cartoons have always been funny, and theres no reason you can't have a funny action show.

2> Lose Ace Bunny temporarily. His entire character needs work. He isn't even half as cool as Buster Bunny, let alone Bugs. He really needs a complete overhaul in personality and voice. Make a storyline of it.

3> Pig. NOW. maybe a pig-droid? To make the stuttering a "glitch" in the program. Maybe Progammed Intelligence Gadget or something. That's about 2 minutes of thought.

4> Explain the origin of the heroes better and connect them to the originals on some level. Don't be afraid to be silly. Time travel and meeting their predecessors can be fun.

5> The heroes are based on classic characters, but the bad guys are generic anime-escapee robots? GAH. Give me baddies based on Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, and Marvin. And anyone else you can come up with from older shows.

6> On second thought, maybe Marvin should be a good guy. You need an "alien" on a well-rounded superhero team. Having a storyline where he starts out a threat and ends up with the team is probably too adult for the nimrods writing the show though.

I don't know why Hollywood insists on exploiting names of pre-existing properties but not actually connecting them to what made the property a sucess in the first place.

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