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Lost - Cabin Fever - May 8, 2008

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Hand of Evil

Aaron2 said:
Hehe. That actually makes alot more sense than any of my theories. Of course, I didn't think the island could be moved so easily.
Move it in one of the following...



Hand of Evil said:
Move it in one of the following...

One or more maybe. I think the next season will open with the island moving forward to 2007 (or whenever the flash-forwards finish). That way, the show will be completely caught up and the audience won't know the future like they do now. They can get Jack back on the island without having to time progress all the other castaways.

It would be funny. The beach people will be asking Jack, "what are you doing back so soon. Did you forget something" and he'll be saying "thank god I'm finally back!"
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First Post
All I can say is that the writer's strike is the best thing that ever happened to Lost. I can only imagine what this season would have been like if the writers were given more episodes to dither around in. :\

I wonder what's up with Lost having some of the most obnoxious characters on television. That Krispy Kreme guy (WeverTF his name is) needs to die. Quick. It was quite frustrating having to yell at the TV to "just shoot him, you dumb:):):)!".

No clue what's going to happen thanks to the supernatural element coming to the forefront in a major way.

Neat to see the unaging guy and that he has a major role in all these things, and not just "some guy" who managed to convince Ben to wipe a whole lot of people out...


First Post
Arnwyn said:
All I can say is that the writer's strike is the best thing that ever happened to Lost. I can only imagine what this season would have been like if the writers were given more episodes to dither around in. :\
Amen! Less has definitely been more in this case.

Good to Locke zinging Ben for a change.

Notice that we were in a largely flashback-free zone.

Claire acted like she was thoroughly stoned.

Hugo splits a candy bar with Ben even after finding out he's an accomplice to mass murder. "Cause that's just how he rolls.


First Post
Did anyone notice that when psychopathic army dude pulled out that folder after stealing the ship's captain's key, the cover of the folder had the Dharma symbol on it?

That guy needs to die slowly and painfully.



Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I've been the biggest fan of Lost, for the longest time. Even during it's worst string of episodes, I've been a defender.

But now...Lost is losing me. It's still not answering questions, still raising new questions every episode, still not making plot progress in significant ways. I don't care about new questions raised, because at this point I've been shown time and again that it makes no difference, they won't be answered. Move the island? Sure whatever...it will have no significance, because nothing seems to have significance in the show anymore other than raising a new plot point to take your focus off the last unanswered one.

John Crichton

First Post
As usual, very entertaining ep.

I like how they are answering some questions that have been lingering since season one: Jack's dad and the further tying together of the survivors like Lock/Claire basically being sent/drawn to the island.

I'm still enjoying the interplay between Ben and all the survivors. He continues to be an excellent foil for all of them and no, you can't just kill him. A good villain is one that you love to hate.

I'm also impressed on how they keep adding characters to the show and it doesn't seem to bog down. For something so character driven it is a credit to the writers. The main source of entertainment that I get from Lost has always been the characters and their reactions to the situations they are in. The mysteries of the show are just a device. I don't need to have them all solved or spelled out for me. Just enough of them to advance the plot.


Mistwell said:
But now...Lost is losing me. It's still not answering questions, still raising new questions every episode, still not making plot progress in significant ways. I don't care about new questions raised, because at this point I've been shown time and again that it makes no difference, they won't be answered. Move the island? Sure whatever...it will have no significance, because nothing seems to have significance in the show anymore other than raising a new plot point to take your focus off the last unanswered one.
Lost is reminding me more and more of Alias. I watched every episode of that show and they didn't resolve 20% of the outstanding questions.

Why doesn't Locke ever ask Ben about the button in the hatch? He was obsessed with that button like a month ago and now doesn't even care. Nobody does. And who the heck would want to like on a hot sandy beach when there is a nice hatch with electricity and running water just sitting there unoccupied? Heck, I'd rather live in the cave. BTW-Who were those dead bodies in the caves back in S1?


Claire's out of character behavior bothers me. It's like they didn't know what to do with her after Charlie's death and tried to get her out of the way of the other characters.

And moving the island.. oh great. The payoff better be good!

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