Lost Eberron 4E Style: Combat over, Level up!


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Between his current allies blocking the way and the stream slowing any movement, Xandren decides the best course of action is to attempt to finish off the bug Lorn blasted. Moving into a good position, the warforged then charges the wounded bug, carving the creature in two with his fullblade.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move action - Move to AF9.

Standard action - Charge against B1, ending movement in AE7.

Basic Attack (Charge) (1d20 8 1=19, 1d12 4=13)

Hits AC 19 for 13 damage. Marking B1.[/sblock]

[sblock=Xandren's Info]Xandren- "Male" Warforged Fighter 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC:17, Fort:16, Reflex:12, Will:13 -- Speed:5
HP:23/30, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Footwork Lure
Reaping Strike

Covering Attack
Warforged Resolve

Comeback Strike

Full character sheet[/sblock]

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First Post
BURN! roars Thormir, in pain, as the bug sucking blood from his arm is writhed in flames of retribution.

[sblock=actions]minor:curse b2; standard:hellish rebuke on b2:25 vs Ref, 16 dmg + 9 more dmg if Thormir suffer any dmg till his next round. Thormir draws an OA from the bug itself from using a ranged power. Then he escapes the grab:20[/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Thormir Brassbeard, Dwarf Warlock 1
Init:-1 Speed:5 Insight:16 Perception:11, low-light vision
AC:14 For:15 Ref:13 Will:12
Hp:29/32 Surge:8 Surges/d:11/11
SW:1/1 AP:1/1 Item Power:1/1
Basic attack(ranged): eldritch blast +5 vs Ref,1d10+5 dmg, rng10
Basic/opportunity attack(melee): warhammer +2 vs AC, 1d10+1 dmg
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Hellish Rebuke
Diabolic Grasp
Flames of Phlegetos[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Hellish Rebuke]Strictly speaking, the OA will take place before the Hellish Rebuke lands (if it hits at all), so a successful OA will not trigger the HR extra damage. The ongoing blood-sucking damage Thormir is taking would do the trick next time he suffers that, of course.

I happen to have an infernal warlock. : ) [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=garyh]you're right I was thinking of tactics and got distracted, the OA is no good in that regard. oh well...
It seems I could at least escape the grab,but unfortunately no shifting on difficult terrain. Hopefully the stirge hits Thormir again, otherwise it would have been better if he'd stayed grabbed...[/sblock]
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First Post
Xandren moves toward the thunder blasted bug. As he gets closer, he sees two of the four wings the creature has are fractured and broken from the wave of thunder. Not hesitating any longer than he does to get into position, he charges the hovering bug and swings fully, sending two pieces of the creature out into the jungle and black smear on the edge of his blade.

BURN! roars Thormir, slightly sputtering, the stream was up to his chest and water was in the air with the dwarf flailing about, trying to get free. As he calls on his infernal power, the bug bites down a little harder. Then the dwarf completes his incantation in fiery retribution and the creature blackens and smokes. In response to the bug's attack, vines burst from the water, wrapping around the insect's body, and flinging it off the dwarf.

The beetle steps closer to the dwarf, mandibles clicking with hunger. The creature clamps down on Thormir's shoulder going through his armor, but the pain is no match for the dread that the warlock feels when he thinks of being roasted by the creature's liquid fire. As the creature mandibles drip blood, a fury ignites in the warlock, and infernal fire burns the bug again, but this time the fire consumes it, and pieces of it's exoskeleton flows downstream into the ocean.

Initiative: Round 3
Lorn: 24-Acted
Archer: 22-Acted
Xandren: 20-Acted
Thormir: 19-Acted
Bugs: 14-Acted
Beetle: 8-Acted
Hesh: 7
Stellan: 5

Lorn: 17/23, HS: 7/7(5) AP: 0
Xandren: 23/30, HS: 11/11(7) AP: 1
Thormir: 18/32 , HS: 11/11(8) AP: 1
Hesh: 20/26, HS: 7/9(6) AP: 1
Stellan: 30/30, HS: 10/10(7) AP: 1
Archer: -23 Hidden? Bloodied
B1: -dead
B2: -19 bloodied, slowed, cannot shift until end of Stellan's next turn


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Not liking the fact that the cursed golin'dar was out of sight, Hesh took a quick look before focusing on the rest of the battle. He waded out into the water and then took his flail in hand, carelessly throwing his weight into a swing that uselessly hits water. Little One! Why don't you try hitting it now that I've watered it down for you![sblock=Goblin]Golin'dar: Ancient name for goblins.[/sblock][Minor: Perception check: 11. Move to Z10. :melee: Brash Assault B2: AC 8. Regardless of the miss, it still can attack Hesh with CA and Thormir can use a basic attack with CA against it if it does.][sblock=Hesh]Hesh Sul'taskh—Male Hobgoblin Bravura Warlord 1
Initiative: +5, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19, Fort: 16, Reflex: 13, Will: 16 — Speed: 5
HP: 20/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge: 6, Surges left: 6/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Used
Powers -
Brash Assault
Furious Smash

Luring Focus
Fearless Rescue
Inspiring Word x 2
Hobgoblin Resilience

Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
Lorn slogged though the wet mud and stream, circling behind Thormir. Emerging back on dry sand he caught the large beetle between Hesh and himself. With a shout he unleashed another rumbling wave of thunder over the huge insects.


Move to X12. Flank the beetle with Hesh if he hasn't gotten himself killed. :) Gain CA against said beetle.

Thunderwave: Int vs. Fort. (Target Order: FB, B2) (1d20+5+2=20, 1d20+5=8) Area: W-Y, 9-11
Thunder Damage (1d6+5=6)

I reckon I probably hit the beetle and missed the bug so push the beetle to X10 so Thormir can fight without getting chomped on.

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]It may be because I have been drinking(I know this affects my dming skills:lol:), but this is how I think things work: Thormir is grabbed by the stirge. Thormir begins his turn. He takes the ongoing 5 damage from the stirge. Thormir decides to use hellish rebuke(on the stirge), doing so is a ranged attack and provokes an OA which is an immediate interrupt. The stirge hits and damages Thormir, which means nothing happens because Thormir hasn't actually started using hellish rebuke. Once the stirge has done it's damage, Thormir uses hellish rebuke, hurts it and Stellan's marking power takes place, moving the stirge off Thormir. If the stirge attacks Thormir again next round, then yes it will take an extra 9 damage otherwise no. If I am incorrect in my thoughts let me know. This is my first time DMing 4E and I still haven't had the pleasure of playing in a 4E game in RL, so my knowledge of rules may be off because I don't get to play much.[/sblock]

Hesh looks around, trying to find the hidden archer. The only thing he seees is the sand blowing in the wind, and the only things he hears is the rushing of the stream past him. The hobgoblin swings his double flail in a upward motion at the bug attached to Thormir's bicep. Unfortunately, the other end strikes prematurely at the surface of the stream sending a spray of water into his face and sending his blow way wide. The mistake leaves the hobgoblin open to attack from the bug, but the bug hovers in the air, not attacking the confident leader.

Stellan closes the distance, vines writhing in the mud, ready to strike at both the beetle and the bug. He swings his battleaxe in a flurry of strikes. The first bounces off the beetle's carapace. The second connects, cracking the outer shell. Bubbling red goo seeps from the crack.

Lorn half swims half walks through the stream, coming up on the other side. He unleashes another wave of thunder on the insects. The bug flaps it's wings quicky and manages to stay in one place, as it's body vibrates slightly from the sound, sending a weird humming noise throught their area. The beetle though is not so lucky as it is caught in the blast and tumbles through the sand, coming to a stop again on it's feet.

After Lorn's spell is complete, he feels an abrupt pain his shoulder. Turning around he sees a crossbow bolt sticking out and a brief form is seen on top of the nearby ship, before disappearing once again.

Initiative: Round 3
Lorn: 24-Acted
Archer: 22-Acted
Xandren: 20
Thormir: 19
Bugs: 14
Beetle: 8
Hesh: 7
Stellan: 5

Lorn: 9/23, HS: 7/7(5) AP: 0
Xandren: 23/30, HS: 11/11(7) AP: 1
Thormir: 18/32 , HS: 11/11(8) AP: 1
Hesh: 20/26, HS: 7/9(6) AP: 1
Stellan: 30/30, HS: 10/10(7) AP: 1
Archer: -23 Hidden? Bloodied, last seen at P12
B1: -dead
B2: -19 bloodied
FB: -10


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First Post
OOC:you are right about the OA, but wasn't Thormir damaged from the Fire Beetle? Maybe I read it wrong, otherwise, hellish rebuke seconday damage applies, because it takes place whenever the warlock takes dmg before the end of his next turn, from any source.

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