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[LPF] Don't Let It Go!


[sblock=GM Note]I think we typically reset daily powers upon finishing the resting cycle for simplicity. So that would be the next morning. At that point, the fatigue roll would already have taken place so whatever buffs/preps from the day/night before would be used as the Fort Save covers the entire night, not the first minute of the day. ;)

But instead of roll-playing this, I prefer you start thinking in terms of role-playing and worry about the mechanics after. Of course using a tent, making shelter, sharing bedrolls, cutting open the tauntaun to sleep inside, spells, etc… all help and maybe the Fort SV may not even be necessary. But if you don’t tell me how you all are dealing with this and pitch your bed roll straight into the snow, you will likely be having to make a Fort SV.[/sblock]

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Charity, Human Female
Picking a point to head off the road, Charity scouts around a bit with the others, finally settling on a spot to make camp. In a nearly comical moment, she proceeds to pull a sizable tent out of her bag, the tent poles clearly longer than would reasonably be possible without the use of some sort of enchantment. Clearing a spot in the snow, she begins the task of pitching the tent. "I'm not sure how to handle this, there isn't enough space in my tent for everyone. For the most part, it's got space for two. I also have a couple of heavy blankets. I guess," the woman pauses, looking the group over, "Francis seems to have some sort of tent, there, on the pig. Anyone else? Unless there is another tent, that means trying to find shelter for either Yosepuhus or Aishe."

Heaving a deep sigh, green eyes scan the area. "We can try to build some sort of lean-to for one. Coming up with branches to form the structure doesn't seem impossible, but it would probably require the use of blankets to construct. Another option is to have two of us in my tent and the third with head and shoulders inside, and blankets piled on top outside. I don't know. Just ideas.

"Oh, and although I'm still a little unsure about having a campfire, if we do so, I can make one magically, so there is no worries about having to gather wood for that. It will last up to 8 hours. Ideally, I'd like to avoid too much running around trying to forage, find firewood, etcetera."
With that, Charity falls quiet and gets back to work.

After a few moments, Charity looks back at the group, then at the tent. "Or, we just have myself, Aishe and Yosephus all on separate watches. Then the tent will be big enough for everyone sleeping at any given time. Either way, I need to get this tent up."

[sblock=Stuff]I'm not sure what specific actions to use the survival roll on, so I just made a general one:

General survival roll for night in the snowy foothills: 1D20+1 = [14]+1 = 15

Two notes:
(1) Charity's 'blankets' are the same cost and weight as the one listed as a winter blanket in Core. Ultimate equipment, where I bought from, doesn't make the distinction but I think they are the same thing: 3 pound heavy blankets.
(2) As for the campfire, Charity is referring to her Campfire Bead. She just hasn't pulled it out, yet.[/sblock]

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 39/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 6/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: Lucerne Hammer
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]
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[section]Francis John, IV - Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of All Halflings

Francis agrees with Charity. "I do indeed have a tent for meself. The pig sleeps outside of my tent. The prince of all halflings isn't above taking a watch, either. I could also magically help with a fire, if need be. If we aren't hunting, rations it is? Whatever you guys think best, really. Charity, I dub thee group decision-maker extraordinaire. Once we get set, I can tell a proper story before bed."


[sblock=OOC]I guess I wasn't looking for specific modifiers, but if they would be applied if we did stuff.... sorry. That's all cool about the spells/ability reset question. If it reset before the Fort save I would use the luck, but that's ok that it doesn't.[/sblock]

Character Sheet

HP: 26/26

AC: 17 Flat:15 Touch:13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
Fear: +2 Bardic/Sonic/Language: +4

Initiative: +2

Shortbow: +5 1d4-1
: +3 1d4-1

Acrobatics: +2
Bluff: +21
Handle Animal: +7
K. Local: +8
K. Nobility: +6
Perception: +5
Survival: -2

Adaptable Luck: 0/3
Arrows: 20/20
Bardic Performance: 14/16

Level 1: 3/5
Level 2: 2/3

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock][/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

Aishe trudged along with the others, struggling a little in the deepening snow but able to keep up with some effort. Several times along the way, she shook her head and pulled at her earlobes, plainly beginning to hear the ambient noise once more but still unable to really make out her friends' words unless she looked directly at their mouths as they spoke. Finally, she grinned sheepishly. "So, how loudly have I been speaking?"

She pitched in willingly to help set up shelter for everyone, indicating her approval of the plan to rotate through the tent when off watch.

When Yosephus called on the power of his God to heal their remaining wounds, the slip of a girl stretched luxuriously in her winter clothes and nodded her thanks.


Hello, all! I think I covered everything there that I'd missed. I should be able to keep up better now; we're still not finished unpacking, and we've got a garage sale to set up for the weekend, but we're settling in to a better routine.

Survival Check: 10, Fortitude Check: 20 (Forgot to add 5 for her cold weather clothing)
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 47/47
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +10
CMB: +07 CMD: 20
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


Charity, Human Female
After Francis mentions how much Charity is organizing, the Cortesian guard merely shrugs. "Things need to get done, and I'm not bashful about suggesting possible courses of action. Neither Yosephus nor Aishe seem to gab the way I do, so that's bound to happen." She hammers a stake into the ground, testing to see it's been firmly planted, then moves on to the next. "Nobody in my family is very bashful, though. It's the way we are."

Finally the tent is looking to be in place, which is good because night is falling. Charity suspends a small glowing stone above her head for light as she finishes her part of making camp. When Aishe finally speaks up, she shakes her head, "Nothing extraordinarily loud, but I did notice it was above your usual. I hadn't thought much about it, to be honest, but that magic stone really made quite a pop, didn't it? Anyway, work stuff--if you and Yosephus want to get some sleep I can take first watch. You all got your own bedrolls? I don't mind if you want to pull my spare blankets over top to keep warm, but I'd like to keep my bedroll to myself." The ginger chuckles a bit uncomfortably, adding, "I know. Weird. People tell me that all the time."

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 39/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 6/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: Lucerne Hammer
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


[section]Francis John, IV - Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of All Halflings

"Sweet Charity, I am also a bit of a chatterbox myself, believe it or not. I've gotten myself into trouble more than once that way.... Luckily I've talked my way each time, so far at least." He gestures for them to hand him their rations. "I've been know to work a little bit of the old halfling magic on these poor excuses of fine dining." He waves his hand over all of the rations. "What say we do a bit of lamb chops with a drizzle of honeyed-pecan sauce, eh?" He hands the portions back after the incantation is complete.

Once dinner is finished, he unpacks his pig, giving a him a bit of feed too. "Eat your food Bacon! You might be dinner one night, ya hear?" He chuckles a bit to himself as he sets up his small tent. "I suppose I'll be in my tent for the night if you don't need me on watch. Goodnight my friends, let no adventure find us this night!" Once inside, he keeps all of his clothing and armor on, snuggling under his blanket too.


[sblock=OOC]Ready for bed if everyone is too![/sblock]

[sblock=Rolls]FJIV and Bacon Fortitude Rolls if need be: 1D20+1 = [4]+1 = 5
1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21

Character Sheet

HP: 26/26

AC: 17 Flat:15 Touch:13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
Fear: +2 Bardic/Sonic/Language: +4

Initiative: +2

Shortbow: +5 1d4-1
: +3 1d4-1

Acrobatics: +2
Bluff: +21
Handle Animal: +7
K. Local: +8
K. Nobility: +6
Perception: +5
Survival: -2

Adaptable Luck: 0/3
Arrows: 20/20
Bardic Performance: 14/16

Level 1: 3/5
Level 2: 2/3

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock][/sblock]
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Yosephus helped the halfling set up his tent and he asked Charity, "If you're going to be on on watch, can I sleep in your tent?"

Then, he turned to Francis before he went to sleep and suggested, "I have a spell scroll that keeps you warm for 24 hours. Do you think you or Bacon will need it?"

The cleric asked Aishe, "Do you need it, Aishe? Or Charity, do you want it?"

He also added, "I have eight of them, so when you're cold, you can always ask me."

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=OOC]Nothin [/sblock][sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 39/39
CMB: +5 CMD: 17

Fort: +6 Reflex: +5 Will: +10
Perception: +5 Sense Motive: +10
Initiative: +2

Channel Energy: 3/5
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic
1st Level: Bless, Doom, Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Sound Burst, Barkskin (Domain)
3rd Level: Scorching Ray, Silence, Cure Serious Wounds (Domain)
Rebuke Death: 7/7
Deflection Aura: 1/1
Daylight SLA: 1/1

Weapon in Hand: Shield (LH)[/sblock]


[section]Francis John, IV - Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of All Halflings

Francis smiles at the cleric. "Why thank you kind sir! I do appreciate your offer for me and the pig, but let's not use them quite yet. Perhaps we can see how the night goes, and take it from there. But again, my deepest gratitude." Francis yawns as he goes into his tent for the night. He points to Bacon. "Be a good pig now, you worthless collection of pork loin."


Character Sheet

HP: 26/26

AC: 17 Flat:15 Touch:13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
Fear: +2 Bardic/Sonic/Language: +4

Initiative: +2

Shortbow: +5 1d4-1
: +3 1d4-1

Acrobatics: +2
Bluff: +21
Handle Animal: +7
K. Local: +8
K. Nobility: +6
Perception: +5
Survival: -2

Adaptable Luck: 0/3
Arrows: 20/20
Bardic Performance: 14/16

Level 1: 3/5
Level 2: 2/3

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock][/sblock]


Charity, Human Female
"Not to worry, Yosepuhs," Charity begins, finally having gotten her tent up. "Although it was a roundabout way of saying it, yes, feel free to take a spot in the tent. We can sleep all our people not on watch in tents at any given time, so there is no reason to leave anyone out in the elements. As for magic to ward off the cold, let's see how you all are feeling once bedded down with the bedrolls and extra blankets."

Pacing around, the young guard surveys her environment. "I'll be waking Aishe first, I suppose. Then Yosephus will have the pre-dawn shift. That all sound alright?" With that, Charity pulls a couple heavy blankets out and sets them in the tent for Aishe and Yosephus to use while she stands watch.

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 6/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: Lucerne Hammer
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


[section]Francis John, IV - Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of All Halflings

Francis almost forgot to tuck in the pig! He heads back out of his tent and fetches a blanket for Bacon. "Don't be shy in waking me up for anything. Good night!" The halfling goes down for the night.


Character Sheet

HP: 26/26

AC: 17 Flat:15 Touch:13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
Fear: +2 Bardic/Sonic/Language: +4

Initiative: +2

Shortbow: +5 1d4-1
Shortsword: +3 1d4-1

Acrobatics: +2
Bluff: +21
Handle Animal: +7
K. Local: +8
K. Nobility: +6
Perception: +5
Survival: -2

Adaptable Luck: 0/3
Arrows: 20/20
Bardic Performance: 14/16

Level 1: 3/5
Level 2: 2/3

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock][/sblock]

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