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[LPF] Don't Let It Go!


Yosephus took a sip of his drink, and listened to the woman. It was useful information.

The cleric nodded, and said, "Hmm, I think the queen should stop the winter somehow. We came to visit and it was too hard to come to the harbor."

Yosephus let Devlin do the talking, and continued to drink.

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +11
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock][sblock=OOC Note]
- LMiller[/sblock]

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

Hmmm. Keeping foreigners from forcing goods and trade, or keeping any outside aid and interference from disrupting her reign? Aishe keeps her thoughts firmly behind her teeth as she continues in her role of secretary/aide to Devlin. She partakes delicately of her food and drink and keeps her eyes and ears open.


[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Taking 10 on Disguise Checks (for a 27).[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 38/38
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +07
CMB: +06 CMD: 19
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


~ Day 19, mid-afternoon: Ashore Yarendel ~


The blonde innkeeper looked wary at the topics you were bringing up. She answered carefully, "So far local business is okay. Our island kingdom has always been fine without foreigners coming here."

"I have not met the Queen to know how she feels, but with her parents lost at seas some years back she mostly stayed in the castle. She was probably a lonely girl... except for her sister."

"That was until she became of age this summer and was officially crowned. There were a number of dignitaries and important merchants from other lands here during that time. Immediately after was when winter came."

"They say she is protecting us..."
There was hesitation in the woman's voice. Perhaps she was not sure if it was true or wondering if it should be talked about openly.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Charity:   42/42 HP remaining;
Yosephus:  26/26 HP remaining;
Devlin:    26/26 HP remaining;
->Pony:    13/13 HP remaining;
Jaelle:    38/38 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
   Charity:  Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 0/6, Chan Erg 0/7, Spells 1st 0/1
   Yosephus: Chan Erg 0/6,  Reb Death 0/6, Resist Tch 0/6, Incorrupt 0/1, Spells 1st 0/4, 2nd 0/3
   Devlin:   Bombs 0/7, Mutagen 0/1, Extracts 1st 0/4
   Jaelle:   None
Conditions in effect: None


Charity, Human Female
"Oh, it's good to hear you're doing well," Charity begins. "I'm sorry for my misgivings to the contrary. I understand the feeling of losing parents in such a way. My elder sister virtually raised me after--I actually still live with her. It's amazing how such a situation draws family together." She smiles weakly, the twinge of pain in her words obvious; her normally clear alto voice faltering just a bit towards the end.

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


First Post

Devlin nods his head as the innkeeper speaks. "I can understand the loss of parents keeping her in seclusion. It is enough to make any young child go into despair if they don't have someone there to help pull them out of it." Devlin takes a sip of his drink and smiles Charity's way as well."Do you think that she may have felt the land was threatened due to one of the dignitaries that came to the land for the celebrations. It seems like a rather odd coincidence that after such an event this abnormal winter would begin. I am also curious as to how she is doing such a thing. It would take a sorcerous of some great power to effect a land in such a way as this."

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5

Bombs: 7/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: Cure Light Wound. 3:___ 4:____
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items: None

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)


Yosephus nodded a couple of times, listening carefully to the woman. "I feel sorry for the Queen. I understand that she had a hard time, and was lonely. That is sad."

The cleric was quiet for a few moments, looking at the others. The he spoke up again.

"Was one of the dignitaries suspicious?" Yosephus asked. he really wondered why the Queen would do that and run off, so he kept thinking about it.

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +11
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock][sblock=OOC Note]---
- LMiller[/sblock]


~ Day 19, mid-afternoon: Ashore Yarendel ~


The woman shook her head at Devlin’s and Yosephus’s questions, “I cannot say about the dignitaries. I had not heard that anyone was arrested. Many of the foreigners were escorted to their ships and seen off.”

“I have heard that a few nobles were banished for protesting or having suspicious ties to the foreign merchants. Some say folk like you are only here to take advantage of us with unfair trade agreements.”

She shrugged, “All I know about magic is that it can do wondrous things. I only run a tavern.”

Looking around, Aishe noticed that a few patrons were leaving the tavern. They had looked in your direction a few times before the got up from their tables a few yards away.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Charity:   42/42 HP remaining;
Yosephus:  26/26 HP remaining;
Devlin:    26/26 HP remaining;
->Pony:    13/13 HP remaining;
Jaelle:    38/38 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
   Charity:  Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 0/6, Chan Erg 0/7, Spells 1st 0/1
   Yosephus: Chan Erg 0/6,  Reb Death 0/6, Resist Tch 0/6, Incorrupt 0/1, Spells 1st 0/4, 2nd 0/3
   Devlin:   Bombs 0/7, Mutagen 0/1, Extracts 1st 0/4
   Jaelle:   None
Conditions in effect: None


First Post

"Most interesting," Devlin says as he takes a quick drink and bite of food. Nodding his head he looks back to the innkeeper," You are correct that magic can be a most wondrous thing, but it can also be very dangerous if not used properly. And I will admit that many would seek to spread their influence with unfair trade agreements and such, especially if they were some fo the larger kingdoms looking to have more influence over the land." Devlin smiles at that,"My dwarven family and friends generally look for nothing more than to trade though to be honest. They love nothing more than seeing their goods spread throughout the world and their wondrous artistic works sen by all, but a little coin for their trouble is always nice as well. As for us, we are but a few merchants. No tricky trade agreements for us that is for sure."

Devlin continues to take a couple of bites of food here and there,"so, kind innkeeper I am curious about this queen of yours. She sounds like a most amazing woman to be able to command such great magics and rule over a kingdom."

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5

Bombs: 7/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: Cure Light Wound. 3:___ 4:____
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items: None

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)


Charity, Human Female
Green eyes watching both Devlin and the innkeeper, at least in part, Charity nods and hmmms at the right times, finally adding, "I don't know much about magic either, but it comes in all different levels of power, extent of effect, and general flavor, all according to how created it. I can only assume an island-wide effect is powerful, indeed." Her eyes drift elsewhere as she looks across the main room, constantly in search of potential threats.

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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