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[LPF] Expansion

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Kalius takes a step back so that he can take another swing at the leader of the Thugs attempting to once and for all bring him to his knees. meanwhile Veniarus places a hand upon Kalius while muttering a spell under his breath. As he does so Kalius' wounds knit themselves closed and he seems to recover some vigor.

OOC: the d12 roll is Kalius' damage roll

[sblock=Veniarus Mini Stats]Veniarus Tollar (DalkonCledwin)
Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 15 (13 Flat-footed, 12 Touch)
Hit Points: 9 // Current: 9
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Fort: +1 Ref: +2 Will: +2

Current Weapon: Light Crossbow, Loaded

Summon Monster: 7/7 Remaining
Spells Per Day: Infinite Cantrips Remaining; 0/2 First Level Remaining
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Guidance, Message
First Level Spells: Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor[/sblock][sblock=Kalius Mini Stats]Kalius (Eidolon)
Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 18 (16 Flat-Footed, 12 Touch)
Hit Points: 11 // Current: 10
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +0

Current Weapon: Lucerne Hammer
Secondary Attack: Bite (1d6+3)[/sblock]
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OOC: I think Del has it backwards. Kalius has to step back to his master to be able to attack. I was actually counting on that so Ariel doesn't pay the -4 penalty for firing into melee.


First Post
OOC: okay corrected my post, having Kalius take a 5' step back to the space just in front of Veniarus. Then having Ven heal Kalius. This should give Ariel the ability to fire her magic.


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Saktouk Bekloric, half-orc monk

She calls up to the monk above her, "Any chance you can catch the one that fled out the window?"

Saktouk nods at Ariel's request. "Sure'n I can try," he offers up. He makes the leap between crates without missing a step, then starts down the rope…

OOC: Nat 20 on the Acrobatics check, which is sad since I think he'd have auto-succeeded anything other than a 1. :)

If the rogue is still on the rope, I'll probably have Saktouk make another shuriken attack. If not, I'll throw the climb check in here, too. Not sure about range modifiers, so holding off making an attack roll. Base attack w/ shuriken is +2, 1d4+4 damage.

Acrobatics (Long Jump) Check (1d20+7=27)

Climb check, rope descent (1d20+9=14)

[sblock=mini stats]Saktouk Bekloric
Initiative: +2
Perception: +6
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 13 Current: 13
CMB: +4 CMD: 19 Fort: +4 (+6 vs poison & drugs, +8 vs alcohol)
Reflex: +5 Will: +5

Conditions in Effect: none

Current Weapon in Hand: unarmed
Shuriken: 19/20 Remaining

Elemental Fist: 1/1 remaining[/sblock]


Saktouk is able to get down to the ground and see movement around the corner where he saw the bandit launch himself out the window.

OOC: It will take two move actions for Saktouk to get over to the rope and down.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Oh, no you don't.

Audra leaves Megan to deal with the playing dead fellow on the floor, turning on heel and making a run for the one attempting escape. She smiles to herself as she remembers the front door being locked and braces for full speed impact.

OOC: Will roll a STR check here. Not really a grapple to start, but I assume the mechanics will kick in if she can take him down


First Post
Megan nimbly jumps over the "dead" thug, drawing her dog slicers in the process. "If you try anything funny, I will kill you."

With that, she moves to reinforce Ariel & Kalius, ending her movement in front of the windows (B3) to cut off any potential escape route.
OOC: Is it me or is En displaying everything all funny? It used to be all black but now is in this weird off-white color...


First Post
OOC: You might have accidentally hit the change background display button down at the bottom of the screen. One of the different backgrounds is indeed an off-white color background.

Voidrunner's Codex

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