[LPF] Pirate Treasure


Tamarie the Songweaver
Continuing to enjoy her after-dinner snack, Tamarie surveys her would-be compatriots, spending extra time on Wahyu before continuing on. Looking back at Qalabash, she comments, "The talent pool for these sorts of jobs is seems rather small, so it makes sense a lot of us know each other before the job begins."

Picking up a morsel from her plate, Tamarie takes in its scent. Her reaction is a bit one of distaste, but she elects to give it a try, anyway. After a short time, she merely states, "I'm not sure what this is," tapping the small remainder of it on her plate with her fork. "Maybe I need a small accomplice to take care of such things for me, eh, Qalabash?"

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OOC: If anybody wants to do any further shopping before departing, go ahead and do so in the next post. It will be your last chance.

"I have arranged for a ship to leave from one of the private docks outside of town tomorrow. I would not recommend being super early; the crowd likely to be there in the morning can be a bit ... rough ... on strangers. You shouldn't have any problems with my man and his crew though; they will be expecting you. It will take anywhere from two to three days to reach your destination, and the weather looks promising at least for the trip out. When you return, simply let Grog know, and he will be able to contact me. I wish you happy hunting and good weather." With that, the briefing is over, and you separate to make preparations.
Arriving at the dock the next day, you start to understand Sam's warning. It's definitely not entirely on the up and up, being somewhat hidden from both the land and sea. There's a few rough looking folks on the docks moving some crates that eye you a bit warily, and one good size fishing boat moored. Getting on board is easy enough and the crew seems pleasant, though you realize quickly that too many questions would likely make for an uncomfortable trip; the boat looks like a fishing boat on the outside, but is clearly not used just for fishing. The trip out to the "island" is fairly smooth; there are some drizzles, but nothing too nasty. The captain shows you a map of the "island" that is your destination; it's really no more than giant rock and a small beach. The captain have a crew member row you into the beach at dawn in order to prevent excess attention from any monsters that may inhabit the island. From there, he'll wait with the boat on or near the beach until you are ready to leave.
Landing on the beach, you can see why Greybeard would have chosen this spot for a stash. The beach is narrow and difficult for any larger ships to access thanks to the smaller rocks and reefs that have clearly been the doom of multiple ships that are now strewn along the beach. On the "land" side, there is a big giant rock rising up out of the ocean. The dawn is foggy and damp, hiding your immediate actions from the sight of anything that might be here, but also limiting your own ability to see very far up the beach.

OOC: The party is free to post any actions and discussions up to and including initial planning on the beach.

Deuce Traveler

Dunkel did some shopping at the Pearl, trading in some of his old armor for a newer, magical version. He felt quite safer and dapper in the new duds. Not that it stopped him from lighting up a smoke as they disembarked. "Hmph. So this is the site? Looks like a dump to me."


Tamarie the Songweaver
Only slightly early, Tamarie shows up and makes for the boat with her employer's men without any investigation of her environment. She has little to say throughout the journey, and soon the group finds itself on the small island's beach. "Here we are. Even though I didn't know what to expect, this is still... odd... to me." With that said, she scans as far as visibility allows. "The beach seems unlikely, barring specific directions on how to get there. We will want to head to the rockier parts of the island."

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 13 (11 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 22/22
Shawl of Life Keeping: 0 stored HP
CMB: +2 CMD: 14

Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +4
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 7/7
Second Level spells remaining: 4/4
Heavenly Fire remaining: 7/7
Bolts remaining: 20/20

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none
Money: +0gp[/sblock]


First Post
Crue cannot help himself as he arrives a few minutes early for the boat so he can investigate the docks a bit although he does not go too far taking heed of their employers warning of the nature of the docks. He looks about to see the different construction of boats and the people that occupy them. Not looking too long in any direction he scans the area as he finds it interesting before meeting up with the group and boarding their boat. He spends the trip observing finding the crew not very talkative. As they reach their destination and the crew taxis them to the shore he looks about scanning for any clue to the hiding spot. "There must be some landmark to guide the owner back to the stash of treasure but not so obvious to any one else."



Qalabash plucked the unwanted tidbit from Tamarie’s plate and popped it into his mouth. He chewed and chewed and chewed, finally swallowing the rubbery bit. ”Squid,” he said confidently.


The seedy dock doesn’t seem to phase Qalabash. He’s been in worse places but it doesn’t inspire confidence in the honesty of their employer. He follows orders, avoids sticking his nose in other people’s business, and doesn’t cause trouble.


On the beach Qalabash stands and gazes about as his companions make their comments on the stark nature of the island and their plan. ”Quite right,” he mutters, though it isn’t certain whether he is responding to Dunkel, Tamarie, or Cruendithas. ”So, ah, what are we supposed to do here?” Clearly he has missed something in the instruction given them by Slick Sam.

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Qalabash Baram[/size] Human Staff Magus 4
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 15
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +6; +8 Trip CMD: 17; 19 vs. Trip Fort: +6 Ref: +4 Will: +3

In Hand: quarterstaff
Conditions: none
Spells Prepared:
  • 2nd level (DC 15): Frigid Touch, Mirror Image
  • 1st level (DC 14): Blade Lash, Grease, Long Arm, Shocking Grasp
  • Orisons: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Root
Concentration +7
Arcane Pool: 5/5 (+1 enhancement for 1 min.)

[size=+1]The Spotted Beast[/size], cat familiar
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 16 (14 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 16
HP: 19 Current: 19
CMB: +? CMD: ? Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +5

In Hand: n/a
Conditions: none


First Post
"Well, it should be said that any place on this island could be a valid host to an ill-gotten horde. After all, I know that if I were to do the same, I would put it in a place that no one would think to look." Wahyu removed his hood, comfortable that they were out of the way of most prying eyes, and glanced about.

"My name is Wahyu, Oracle of Her Lady of Sorrows. My apologies that I've failed to effectively introduce myself before now, I was rather indisposed and finishing some business of my own."

He bowed to those he had not yet made acquaintance of, while patting the dagger stashed across the small of his back. He straightened himself, "Now, who has those documents that our employer mentioned? I would very much like to review them in case we missed some details."

[sblock= Wahyu's Mini Stats]Wahyu
AC: 19 (17 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 44/44
CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +7
Perception: +8, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger (+6, 1d3+1, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: -
Spells Remaining (1st): 8/8
Spells Remaining (2nd): 6/6
Spells Remaining (3rd): 4/4

Used Items:
Abilities Used:


OOC: You don't have the documents. The captain of the ship had a map of the island, but otherwise Sam kept all of them in his possession. Based on the geography of the island, you're guessing there is probably a cave entrance into that big giant rock that makes up 90% of the island. The wrecks may hold some items of value, but any permanently placed stash is going to be inside the rock.


Exploring the beach is easy enough. It's only a few hundred yards long and varies from 15 to 45 feet wide. There are a handful of shipwrecks on the beach, mostly smaller fishing vessels, but one or two larger vessels used in the shipping industry; a quick search of the wrecks yields about a dozen crates of varying commodites, enough functional gear to outfit a small fishing vessel, and the names of half a dozen ships that the Port Authority in Venza will likely give out rewards for information on their fates. By now, it's mid morning, and the fog is starting to clear. You can see a bit of an outcropping well up the rock, from which emerge three female humanoid creatures who start to sing as they descend down to you.

[sblock=Knowledge (Nature) DC 12]Harpies, though how they ended up out here, you're not quite sure. They must like fish and kelp, because that's the only source of food available out here.[/sblock]

OOC: Everyone needs to make a DC 16 Will save or be captivated by the singing. Those who make the save can take a single action before we go into initiative.


First Post
Wahyu's ears twitched as he heard the song, and he craned his neck to see the source, muttering, "What in Her Comfort is that?"
[sblock=OOC]Will: 1D20+7 = [6]+7 = 13 Failure[/sblock]
[sblock= Wahyu's Mini Stats]Wahyu
AC: 19 (17 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 44/44
CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +7
Perception: +8, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger (+6, 1d3+1, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: -
Spells Remaining (1st): 8/8
Spells Remaining (2nd): 6/6
Spells Remaining (3rd): 4/4

Used Items:
Abilities Used:

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