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[LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size, pt 2


First Post
[sblock=rolls]Initiative: 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=47911

perception: 1D20+5 = [14]+5 = 19http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=47912

[sblock=Alec Mini Stats]
[/FONT[URL="http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Alec_Morgan"][url]http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Alec_Morgan[/URL]]Alec Morgan[/URL]
AC: 14 (11 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +4 CMD: 15

Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +5 Acrobatics, Climb: +4Swim: +5
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Spells remaining: Bomber's eye, dex mutagen
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none


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Combat Round 2: The Triclinium

...Imma rat, jus a rat...

The bolt grazes the oversize rodent's shoulder, causing it to squeal in pain but not collapse. Red eyes focus on your group...

(same map)

[sblock=Round 2]
Party has initiative, so the rat is still flatfooted. Take actions in any order you like. Remember to account for special movement squares, such as those with the platters or couches. (See previous post.) Also watch where others move if you're not first to act, so you don't move on top of them.

Rat: AC=14, FF=11, DamageTaken=1


First Post
That... is a very large rodent. Alec, never one to waste an opportunity to roast an enemy without roasting an ally, dropped his torch, sprang ahead of his comrades and lobbed a bomb at the rat, scorching the vermin's nasty, nasty hide.

[sblock]Move to D4, throw a bomb
Rolls:attack: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=47915

damage: 1D6 = [5] = 5http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=47916

[sblock=Alec Mini Stats]
[/FONT[URL="http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Alec_Morgan"][url]http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Alec_Morgan[/URL]]Alec Morgan[/URL]
AC: 14 (11 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +4 CMD: 15

Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +5 Acrobatics, Climb: +4Swim: +5
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: dex mutagen
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Spells remaining: Bomber's eye, dex mutagen
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: Antiplague, 1/3 bombs


In the Triclinium

A loud explosion goes off, sending rat, platter, and remnants of fruit, cheese and bread flying in all directions. It echoes two or three times, quieter each time, until it cannot be heard any further. Anyone unsure of whether other rats may have heard soon hear confirming evidence of rodent activity, from squealing to distant scuffling noises, coming from the stairway exiting the Rotunda to the west.

Meanwhile, the rat lays unconscious against the back wall. With significant explosive damage to the chest, bleeding from the mouth and labored breathing, it's easy to conclude he is not long for the world.

This gives you a moment to see the room itself, the largest open area of any you have seen in this underground structure. Frescos depicting the sort of dinner arrangements a wealthy member of Venza might expect adorn the walls, with diners laying on the couches, 3 to a couch, eating from platters and buffets. Two figures are presented most prominently, one elder male and one elder female. You're not sure if this dining style is practiced any more, but it is surely restricted only to the very wealthy.

The only exit to the Triclinium is the Rotunda, to the north.
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First Post

"Who do you suppose set out those platters? These rats are rather large but I would not expect them to bring dishes with them to eat their food from. Anyway just curious."
Thinking out loud as turns to look behind them as he hears the sounds of more rats within the mausoleum. A shiver runs down his spine as he imagines swarms of rats. And then he remembers those at the DWI complaining of the trouble they had with swarms of bats and a new nervousness comes over him. "Well where to now? 1 down and 99 rats on the wall or something like that."

[sblock]Cruendithas will watch behind the group and if the others move he will maintain his position behind Hawk.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]
Initiative +1
AC: 20 (with shield/ Flat:19, Touch: 12)
HP: 10 current: 10
CMB: -1 / CMD: 10 Fort: +1 / Ref: +3 / Will: +3
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: buckler and torch in off hand with main hand ready to cast a spell.

Spell Like Abilities: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals

0 Lvl Spells:
Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand

1st Lvl Spells: 3/3 per day
Cure Light Wounds, Grease



[sblock=Cruendithas Religion check]
Since Cruendithas is specifically thinking about this, he can KN: Religion, DC 10, for potentially useful information.


First Post
Wahyu lowered his crossbow and shook his head, "This was not what I meant to happen. I intended to return with information so that we could devise a plan before taking action; After all, they say that with proper knowledge, 10 men can do easily what 100 might not. It worked out well this time, though I'm afraid now that our presence is known, we can't use that tactic again."


First Post
Hearing Wahyu's statement of his intentions to scout and report back to the group Cruendithas feels a bit guilty in his involvement. "Yes. I suppose we should have waited, its just that after the snake incident... Well anyway I am sorry."

[sblock=kn religion check]Kn religion check 1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]
Initiative +1
AC: 16 (with shield/ Flat:15, Touch: 12)
HP: 10 current: 10
CMB: -1 / CMD: 10 Fort: +1 / Ref: +3 / Will: +3
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Buckler and torch in off hand

Spell Like Abilities: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals

0 Lvl Spells:
Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand

1st Lvl Spells: 3/3 per day
Cure Light Wounds, Grease



Having a dining hall in a crypt is indicative of the practice of leaving food for your ancestors. If this is true, the most likely source of the food is the Moretti family. From what you've seen of the fresco images so far, you would estimate this practice to be a variant of common Venzan religious observance, possibly due to the age of the place. It's not certain.


Guest 11456

Hawk, Little Halfling with a Big Sword

"We need to get moving."

[sblock=Hawk Mini Stats]Hawk
AC: 19 (15 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +2 CMD: 16

Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +4

Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword(2-handed)
Current Conditions in Effect: -1 CON
Rage Rounds remaining Today: 3/6[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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