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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size

Satin Knights

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New wounds open up on one of the rats, and then the source appears, as Ru has managed to get to the other side of their line.
[sblock=Combat Still mid Round 3] @Cyclopean need actions from Tirgas and Topaz
Yea! Scott's fine. Take your time.
..11/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 1
...0/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 2 Staggered
-12/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 3 DEAD
.11/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 4
-13/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 5 DEAD and in 2 pieces

12/20 ~ AC 18 ~ Ru ~ hit from flanking
7/12 ~ AC 16 ~ Robert failed save, hit target
..9/9..~ AC 16 ~ Tirgas
9/19 ~ AC 16 ~ Topaz Needs a DC 11 Fort save
..7/7.. ~ AC 11 ~Dame Sienna Morrogrim ~ drank potion and moved
..3/3..~ AC 16 ~ Olkoi
14/14 ~ AC 16 ~Charitymissed
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First Post
Olkoi flutters frantically, high at the ceiling and back from the fight, but staying in reach of Dame Morrogrim. She keeps to the shadows and crags of the cavern, doing her best not to be seen. If she sees anything, she immediately reports to Dame Morrogrim.

Stealth: 1d20+14=28
Perception: 1d20+5=6


First Post
Tirgas yells "appreciate it, Ru!" as the man comes to aid Topaz. Stepping behind the rat, he finally manages to land a blow with his pick. Topaz is less fortunate, and seems pained by her wound.

Tirgas hits for three damage: 1d20+3=22, 1d6+1=6

Topaz, however, both misses and contracts filth fever. Do the effects of that begin immediately? And will Tirgas be able to speed her recovery/cure the disease through heal checks?
Topaz Fort Save: 1d20+4=5
Topaz Attack: 1d20+3=6

[sblock=Mini Stats]http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Tirgas_the_Hermit_(Cyclopean)
AC: 16* (15 flat-footed, 11* touch)
HP: 9/9
CMB: +2 CMD: 13†
Fort: +3‡ Reflex: +1‡ Will: +5‡
Perception: +8
Initiative: +1

Current Weapon in Hand: Heavy Pick (+1, 1d6+1, crit x4)
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Spells Prepared (Cantrips): Create Water, Know Direction, Read Magic
Spells Prepared (1st): Cure Light Wounds x2 (Both used)

* +4 Dodge AC vs. giants
† +4 vs. trip and bull rush
‡ +2 vs. spells, poison, and spell-like abilities

AC: 16 (12 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 19/19
CMB: +3 (+7 to Grapple) CMD: 16 (Immune to Trip)
Fort: +4 Reflex: +6 Will: +1
Perception: +1 (Scent)
Initiative: +3

Tricks: Attack, Come, Down, Track

Natural Weapons: Bite +3 (1d3+2, grab)
Current Conditions in Effect: None[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
The tide of battle are starting to turn. Being annoyed by the multitude of minor cuts, the second rat turns on Ru in a last gasp attack. Instead of biting Ru's leg, the rat manages to bite the end of his sword. Slicing his tongue must have been the last straw, as the rat falls unconscious and slides off the blade. Topaz's foe manages to get close enough with his bite, but cannot pierce the skin. Robert's opponent finds nothing but shoe leather.

[sblock=Combat Round 4 ~ Everybody is up]Luckily, Filth Fever has an onset of 1-3 days, so you will have plenty of time to go to a temple and get the disease cured before it does damage.
..11/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 1 Bite attack on Topaz (1d20+3=15) misses
...-1/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 2 Fort save (1d20+5=19) made it, bite attack Ru (1d20+3-2=2) critical fumble and falls over unconscious
-12/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 3 DEAD
.11/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 4 bite attack on Robert (1d20+3=9) missed
-13/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 5 DEAD and in 2 pieces

12/20 ~ AC 18 ~ Ru ~
7/12 ~ AC 16 ~Robert failed save ~
..9/9..~ AC 16 ~ Tirgas
9/19 ~ AC 16 ~ Topaz failed save ~
..7/7.. ~ AC 11 ~Dame Sienna Morrogrim ~
..3/3..~ AC 16 ~ Olkoi
14/14 ~ AC 16 ~Charity


First Post
"Nothing to it," Ru answers to Tirgas' thanks.

"I don't usually like phrases like 'taste my blade,'" Ru says as the rat slides to the ground. "Much too cliche. But I suppose sometimes even the cliches are appropriate.

"But enough of that. You need to feel a little hurt for all those bites on my friend's snake,"
Ru says, turning his attention to the rat between him and Topaz and chuckling a bit at something he chooses not to share. His blades flash out again, and while one flies high, it drives the rat into a solid slash of its flank with the other.

[sblock=ooc]Enough with these damage rolls. Blech. Well, a hit and a miss is better than two misses in any event. 6 damage to ratty:

Flanking TWF Wakizashi attack; Damage w/ Dirty Fighter; Sneak attack damage vs. R1 (1d20+5=12, 1d6+1=4, 1d6=5, 1d20+5=19, 1d6+1=4, 1d6=2)[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 12/20

Initiative: +4
Perception: +5 Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +1 CMD: 15 Fort: +8/+3 Reflex: +8 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)
Bold save above reflects bonus from antiplague

Wakizashi: +5, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +3/+3, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +5, 1d6
Shuriken: +5, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank)

Conditions: Sunrod light source (belt)
Antiplague: +5 fort vs. disease for 1 hour

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 0/3
Shuriken: 10/10
Giant Wasp Poison: 0/1

USED: Antiplague
Giant Wasp Poison


Good to hear you're recovering. Welcome back.

=== Charity, Human Female ===

Sidestepping to get a better angle of attack, Charity slashes down on the rat, her glaive cutting downward just to the left of Tirgas' animal friend. The quick polearm snap, along with the multitude of opponents, overwhelms the rat and the blade strikes true.

Charity steps to Q1. I wasn't sure if this counted as a flank (and Q0 looks only quasi playable), since the line between the centers of Ru and Charity would trace right through the corner of rat 1. The roll was still a hit without the +2, but knowing whether that position will count as flanking would be good.
Attack = 16 (if flank doesn't count) or 18 (if flank counts), Damage = 6

Round 4: Normal, flanking attack on ROUS 4: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18
1D10+3 = [3]+3 = 6

And just great, I linked the roll to 'Anonymous' instead of 'Charity' on the die roller. Do I have to roll over? I'm not sure the etiquette on this.

[sblock=Tirgas' Attack]
SK, the wounded marker made it onto ROUS 4, but his HP didn't change. Thought I'd mention that in case it got overlooked.

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 14/14
CMB: +3 CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +3
Perception: +6
Initiative: +1

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive
Current Conditions in Effect: Torch lit
Spells Remaining (1st): 0

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First Post
Dame Morrogrim slinks up behind Charity and peers over her shoulder with a look that shoots daggers from her eyes.

"Kill that one...KILL IT NOW!"

OOC: Five foor step to P2, Cast Evil Eye (-2 to AC, Will DC 15 to limit it to 1 round) on R4

Olkoi maintains her distance and keeps a look out for more attackers.

Perception: 1d20+5=25


First Post
Attack on Rat 4: 1D20+6 = [1]+6 = 7
2D6+6 = [2, 3]+6 = 11

come on... i don't want to play anymore, the dice just hate me.... Thats like the 8th time i roll a '1'

.... i am standing over here giving moral support, i guess...


"Why can't you just die already" Robert shouts in frustration as the nimble rat dodges his attack.

[sblock=Mini Stats]

Robert Kronbark
AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 7/12
CMB: +5 CMD: 18
Fort: +3 Reflex: +4 Will: +2
Perception: +6
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=Satin Knights]
I see you are in combat, so the obvious choice here is to let you finish it, at the very least.[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
Ru and Charity combine their attacks to down the rat that had been harassing the snake. The last rat standing is wavers a bit in its resolve, but is still fighting on.
[sblock=Still round 4, Tirgas up]Yes, I missed marking the damage. Thanks.
Aura: Please don't use Black or White for text. 95% of players are using the Legacy skin, so black text disappears. The other 5% would have white text disappear for them. The "Automatic" color is the neutral gray that is best to use for action text.
,..-1/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 1 unconscious
...-1/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 2 unconscious
.-12/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 3 DEAD
...5/11 ~ AC 16-2 ~ ROUS 4 Will save (1d20+1=20) success only 1 round penalties
-13/11 ~ AC 16 ~ ROUS 5 DEAD and in 2 pieces

12/20 ~ AC 18 ~ Ru ~
7/12 ~ AC 16 ~Robert failed save ~
..9/9..~ AC 16 ~ Tirgas
9/19 ~ AC 16 ~ Topaz failed save ~
..7/7.. ~ AC 11 ~ Dame Sienna Morrogrim ~
..3/3..~ AC 16 ~ Olkoi
14/14 ~ AC 16 ~Charity

Voidrunner's Codex

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