[LPF] The Forge of Fury, Pt1


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Looking back at the Half-Orc, Fae'shiel says; "Pardon me Iago. But that isn't entirely accurate. We have part of the translations. Your papers are only translated up to a point, and I have yet to receive any translation at all regarding this bracelet." She then looks at the Dwarf somewhat insulted and says "I speak Common, Elven, the Language of the Inner Sea Region, Celestial, Orcish, Goblin, and I can read Lesser Runic. Whatever language these texts are in however is something that is unknown to me. I am inclined to believe it is an ancient dialect of Dwarven, which should be similar to Lesser Runic if I am not mistaken, but I can't figure out in what way they are similar. As for me not being a student of academia, that is simply not true. I have studied the Arcane Arts and other branches of Academia for at least 100 years."

OOC: Is this sufficient small talk for you guys?

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Noticing a slight rise in tensions, Anna steps forward from the back of the group, next to Fae'shiel.

Placing her hand on the elf's shoulder, Anna quickly says:

"Pardon my interruption. Master Gildennebbin, came to you because we need the assistance of a loremaster to give us context and fill in the gaps of what ISN'T contained in these translations. I realize you are undoubtedly a busy man, but it appears to me that if we are on to something here, we could be on the verge of a discovery that would prove to be very exciting and important to our present day knowledge of dwarven lore."

Pausing for a moment, she continues: "We chose to come to you for aid because we thought it possible that you might be personally interested in what we are seeking."

Her piece being said, Anna takes a small step back again, just behind and to the side of Fae'shiel and Iago.

OOC: Taking 10 on a diplomacy check, for a total of 26



The dwarf is oblivious to the elven woman's ruffled feathers over being mistaken for a warrior instead of a scholar. After all the languages she mentioned, he is still not very impressed.

The half-orc's mention of a name from lore piques his interest and the red-headed human is quite charming and he cannot help but smile.

He nods and gestures for you all to come in,
"Well, come on in. Take your shoes... hmm, maybe you better leave them on. Some of you probably have smelly feet."

He leads the way to the next door a few feet behind him and motions to a place in the dead-end hallway just past his interior door, "Leave your weapons out here, please."

"I think I have some manuscripts about the legendary weapons maker in here somewhere... just over there... no, back in the... hmmm, oh, I know. They are over there," his voice trails off as he moves inside his apartment and out of view.


Iago nods to Anna, acknowledging her assistance, and steps inside and begins despositing his sizable collection of weapons in the space indicated. He waits patiently as the lorekeeper wanders off, then looks over as the sword speaks, obviously startled.

"You speak?" asks the half-orc. Then his thoughts catch up with the situation. "Wait, you were crafted by Durgeddin -- Can you tell us anything about him?" His attention is abruptly split between the absent loremaster and the talking sword.


Thy wounds are healed!
Markas follows in behind the others wondering as he does about what or what not this dwarf may know. His ears perk up just as the sword speaks and he's glad to see the half-orc heard it too.

"Thought I was hearing things." he says from the doorway. "I'm also not sure I trust leaving all our weapons behind unguarded. I could stay behind just in case."


First Post
Fae'shiel looks curiously at the Sword which up till now had been in it's Sheath. She Withdraws it from the Sheath surprised that it had spoken so openly to the rest of the assembled members of this group. The Blade, appears as a blackish hew, with a dark red hamon line on it. It has a silver cross-guard and a black hilt. The pommel of the sword is shaped in what appears to be the head of some sort of Dragonic entity. Once the blade is withdrawn from the Sheath, the sword begins explaining what it knows of the Dwarf known as Durgeddin.

"I know very little of the one who forged me. The Dwarf was not who imbued me with Intelligence after all. That was given to me by an Elven Archmage many long years ago. However I have been used by Elves and Dwarves alike as a weapon of War for a long long time."

With that said, the sword falls silent once again, opting to let what was said be. Fae'shiel for her part shrugs and re-sheaths the sword. She then turns to the others and says "I think it is fair to say that this sword is just as interested in finding out about Durgeddin as the rest of us are."

Artur Hawkwing

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Marcus is shrugging his quiver from his back, standing patiently in the queue to place it into the indicated spot, when the sword's voice is heard. He stops moving and eyes Lady Fae'shiel and her weapon as she draws it and it gives what knowledge it might possess. The Human's comment brings a nervous nod from the Ranger as he, now somewhat reluctantly, places the quiver into the designated area.

"I'm afraid that wouldn't do. You have your hammer, and it's mark, that you wish to inquire of. As I am only here to accompany and assist Lady Fae'shiel, I am willing to remain near, if it'll make you feel better. It makes the most sense that it be someone not directly involved in the questioning."


Thy wounds are healed!
Markas nods to the half-elf. "Thank you." he says as he then starts to pull his few weapons out of their sheathes.

"I wonder if I should take the hammer to show him?" he asks no one in-particular. "No, if I need it I'll come back for it."


Anna looks startled at the sword's sudden interruption, but quickly composes herself.

Having no weapons to leave at the door, she stands in the doorframe waiting patiently for the group to decide who is leaving or keeping what.

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