[LPF] Ties that Bind

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra nods to Fulgrim, her eyes going to this spot or that in the pile, as if afraid she would see Alecks' head sitting atop the pile, glaring back at her accusingly. She shakes herself from her waking nightmare and turns to the Dwarf as he sets about searching.

By all means, carry the axe in respect. If I can do anything to help you, just let me know.

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First Post
Eanos finds himself at a loss when he sees the pile of bodies, and spends much of the time his fellows use to search simply trying to wrap his mind around the spectacle.

As Fulgrim and Audra return with their findings, the inquisitor is still struggling. He tries to put his skills to use in identifying some of the magical items, but can't seem to keep his mind from wandering back to the pile of bodies and bones.

[sblock=ooc]Weekends have become increasingly difficult for me on the posting front, so apologies to folks for holdups. Especially when I roll so poorly on my return. ;)

Perception; Spellcraft (1d20+11=13, 1d20+4=11)[/sblock]
[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 25
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: None

In Hand:Composite Longbow +1

Arrows: 31/33
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 27/50 remaining (second wand full)

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 1/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (1/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock]


Drevezh'korol keeps an eye out but with the raptors dead he doesn't really expect anything else threatening to be around. He's been surprised before so he stands guard.

Elenka swings down off her horse and moves over to where Eanos has started looking at the items that Audra and Fulgrim have found. When he finishes with them, if he hasn't figured out what the items are Elenka will give it a try of her own.

"I'm sorry, Fulgrim. Were they friends of yours?

Ah, yes, this is a nice axe. Let's see if I can understand its magics..."

[sblock=OOC]Following the list of axe, potion, potion, potion Elenka attempts Spellcraft to identify after casting detect magic & read magic to decipher the writing on the scroll: Spellcraft: 1d20+9=22, 1d20+9=22, 1d20+9=28, 1d20+9=20[/sblock]

• • • Elenka Danyllova • • •__• • Drevezh'Korol • •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 3/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: [/sblock]


First Post
Audra surprises Fulgrim with her knowledge of dwarven burial rituals. The two bodies are moved deeper underneath the overhang, which tapers to form a natural wedge. Fulgrim etches a crude version of their clan crest on a large topstone. As he works, Audra backtracks and cuts two claws from the deinonychus' bodies to be buried with the dwarves, so that they can keep a close watch on their enemies even in death. Preparations made, the group covers the bodies with a large enough mound of stones to keep any potential scavengers away.

Elenka is successful at identifying all of the found items. Fulgrim isn't surprised to learn that the Greataxe is magically enhanced: from its artfully lethal appearance, it had seemed to be built to do its work well.

Burial taken care of, and adrenaline from their recent combat fully diffused at this point, the group continues their trek through Neddle Woods, following the ley line in a slight southwesterly direction.

[sblock=OOC]Items are:
- +1 Greataxe
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
- 2 Potions of Mage Armor
- Scroll of Glitterdust[/sblock]


Living most of her life in the foothills of the Seithr mountains has taught Elenka a respect for dwarven ways. She helps in whatever fashion she can with the dwarven burial. Afterwards, she informs her companions of what she found out about the items along with the following advice:

"Fulgrim, you are the one most likely to stand between us and danger. You should also carry the healing draught. Audra could make best use of the potions of armor, I think, though I am more than happy to keep you in magical armor throughout the day. Can you make use of the scroll, Eanos?"

• • • Elenka Danyllova • • •__• • Drevezh'Korol • •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 3/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: [/sblock]


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos, knowing little of the ways of dwarves, does his best to aid when asked, but otherwise stays out of the way, silent prayers to his Lady of Secrets his primary contribution to the proceedings.

He looks heavenward a moment, questioning, as Elenka asks about the scroll, then shakes his head.

"Seems that's not a secret my Lady thinks I should know," he says, though he seems unperturbed by the fact. "If you can use it, still helps the lot of us though, yes?" he adds with a small smile.

[sblock=ooc]Looks like Glitterdust isn't on the Inquisitor list, but as Eanos says, doesn't matter who blinds the baddies; it still helps all of us. :) [/sblock]
[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 25
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: None

In Hand:Composite Longbow +1

Arrows: 31/33
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 27/50 remaining (second wand full)

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 1/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (1/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock]


"Dey were from de Deepvaults clan, same stronghold I was from." Fulgrim replies to Elenka.

"Thank ye Audra fer helpin' give dese a proper rest. I am sure their clan would be most appreciative of your knowledge ta put them at rest." Fulgrim continues.

Fulgrim nods at Elenka as she reveals the power of the weapon. "I thought it seemed a fine weapon. I will wield it until we find the clan it fell from. May it serve us well."

Fulgrim takes a few moments to secure his older great axe to his pack, tying several loops of strap from his backpack to secure it so as not to bounce around much during movement. He places the new great axe into the rigging he used for his former axe.

He stoops to his knee one more time near the burial ground, says some words under his breath and then stands, returning to his horse. Clambering back up onto the saddle he signals he is ready to travel on as the group departs.


First Post
The rest of the travel through Neddle Wood is graciously uneventful. Nothing but the tweeting of birds and the occasional passing of a woodland creature breaks the unusually still wood. The group eats well: Audra catches trout in a small stream one day, and Eanos bags a small doe. It's one of the most enjoyable legs of their journey thus far.

The passing of a few days finds the group arriving at Feywood, the city of elves, as the sun sets. The quintet catches sight of a gleaming white tower through sporadic breaks in the tree cover during their approach. By the time they arrive, they're weary from their travel, and everyone agrees to find some rooms at the nearest inn and resume their search for signs of Alecks in the morning.

Audra tosses and turns in her bed for some time, unable to fall asleep. At this point, it has been many weeks on the road, with only a few first-hand accounts of Alecks. And those had been left well behind, in Warden's Watch. Were they on the right path? Had they made the right decision in following the ley line? It's hard to feel certain with so little to go on. She would have almost preferred to find a sign of him amongst the dinosaur's victims, if only to have physical proof of his existence.

Finally, Audra slips off to sleep. Her dreams are of the especially-vivid sort: images of her past and present journey, and some unplaceable, perhaps of journeys to come. From the jumble of visions emerges a few prominent ones: a ramshackle cabin in the woods, a dragon, a ley line stretching across immeasurable distances, and a gleaming white tower, that of Feywood. Audra awakes with a start, waking her roommate as well. Both her and Elenka catch sight of a faint glow coming from her piled clothes. The two women catch eyes: the card.

Audra hurries over and removes the gnome's card, occasionally forgotten, but always in the back of her mind. Uncovered, its glow casts its luminescence liberally throughout the room. As Audra and Elenka watch, the interlocked chains on the card encircle, emerge from the card's surface, and form into three-dimensional images. These shimmer, fade, then re-convene in a wholly different form: a young man, slightly older than Audra, with the same disheveled, red hair. Alecks.

The perspective recedes, quickly, then the image rapidly fades and the card returns to normal. But before it does, both women catch sight of an unmistakable landmark in the background: Feywood's white tower.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra's reaction to waking up so loudly and abruptly turns the monk's face almost the color of her hair. She tries to assemble some kind of explanation to give to Elenka when the glow from her own backpack catcher her eye. Her eyebrows go up and she gives a quick glance at Elenka before getting out of her bed and moving at a quick but silent pace to the pile of clothing and gear. From it's pocket on the side of her pack, she pulls the card out, not even aware if Elenka approaches or not, as she is engrossed in the vision the card shows her. Belatedly her hand raises to reach out to where the hologram of Alecks had been on the card's surface. She sees the tower but it doesn't register in her mind for a second. When it does she speaks in almost a whisper.

"He was here. He followed the line to this point at least. That building. That looked just like the tower here."

She sits, eyes transfixed on the card, still for the moment unaware of the room around her.

"I have to see that tower, find that exact spot."

She sits here like an idiot, stark naked with the chain card in her hand, for the moment, the only thing mattering to her is that Alecks was alive and reached Feywood alive.

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