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[LPF] Tower of Power


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Oddly enough, the smell is not so bad as you approach the tower's base, which suggests that it's something on or near the roof that's the issue. Which is not to say that the basement air is fresh; it's actually rather stale and moldy. This is perhaps not surprising given that the tower has been shut off from fresh air for hundred of years.

You enter into the eastern quarter of the tower, which is an octagonal room about thirty feet across. Enough sunlight streams into the room that you can see clearly as you pick your way across the loose rubble. On the northwest and southwest sides of the room, doors lead into the northern and southern portions of the tower, respectively.

GM: Will need a Survival roll and a Perception roll from everyone. If you have a rank in K:Dungeoneering, you can roll that in addition to the other two.

I'm reading the current marching order as Dane-Aeron-Samad-Paskell. If you'd like to change that, let me know.

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[Sblock=OOC] Survival is first roll: 1d20 + 0 = 18, Perception is second roll: 1d20 + 0 = 20. Let me know if I did it wrong since this is my first time posting rolls.[/Sblock]

The smell of that foul odor had lessened to a degree, something which surprised Aeron as he entered into the ruined dwarven tower, but Aeron was nonetheless thankful for even that small reprieve. Finally inside, Aeron cautiously swept his gaze throughout the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary or threatening to himself...and the group Aeron reminded himself with an afterthought. This working together thing takes may take more time than Aeron thought. Thankfully, nothing seemed ready to jump out just yet, but Aeron felt that won't be the case for much longer. The only thing that caught Aeron's eye were the two doors, somewhat across from one another, that presented the problem of which path to follow. Further investigation should hopefully discover how to proceed.
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First Post
The wide, open dunes of his youth, and the rolling plains surrounding the tower were a stark contrast to this place, and he didn't especially like this cramped situation. He gagged. The air was none-to-pleasant, especially to a desert native, where dry, fresh air was always in plentiful supply. But, merciful god, it didn't stink anymore, for which Samad was thankful. His eyes slowly adjusted to the lighting, which he focused on the surrounding area.

[sblock=OOC]Survival: 1d20+4=8, Perception: 1d20+6=23
He also casts Detect Magic[/sblock]

[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]

Samad Salil
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 9/9
CMB: +1 CMD: 14
Fort: +0 Reflex: +5 Will: +2
Perception: +6, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Scimitar (+1, 1d6+1, 18-20 x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse
Spells Remaining (1st): 3/3

Used Items:


First Post
Slogging through the darkness with torch in-hand and his other gently gripping the pommel of his blade, Dane peered around cautiously in the hazardous landscape of the ruined tower, less accustomed himself to having to actually make do in the shadows. There was no sign of Baggio from what he could make out; either a very good or a very bad sign. Either way, it didn't seem like he was here... but something was quite amiss. Even without heightened senses, the young human could tell something wasn't quite right -- indeed, in particular regards it was with the foul stench they'd been bombarded with! Of all things, the former farmers' son turned adventurer had thought it would be even more pungent inside, yet it almost seemed to vanish (or at least noticeably lessen) as he sniffed around, getting a good whiff of the stagnant, forgotten air that had been trapped inside for who knew how long before actually noticing it.

The stench was coming from the loftier heights of the dwarven ruins? Though Dane supposed it explained why the wind carried it down to Mallack's farm so surreptitiously. The stench would have been hard pressed to make its way out from underground even after the unveiling of the entryway inside.

"Looks like whatever's causing this stink is coming from up there," Dane motioned, miming towards the ceiling momentarily with his free hand before covering his mouth to stifle a gag-inducing cough. "Keep your eyes open. Hopefully that earthquake didn't level the stairs, and we won't have to climb our way up."

[sblock=OOC]Dane's Perception Check +1: 1d20+1[3,1] = (4)
Dane's Survival Check +1: 1d20+1[10,1] = (11)[/sblock]

[sblock=Dane's Mini Stats]


Dane Mazelo
AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 16/16
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +1
Initiative: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Gauntlet (+4, 1d3+1, 20x2); Torch
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse

Used Items:


First Post
Paskell follows the rest of the party into the tower happily finding that the smell is more tolerable when he was just about to enter it. Cautious about any surprises that might happen he takes a quick look around.

Perception: 20
Survival: 5

[sblock=Paskell's Mini Stats]

AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 8/8
CMB: +0 CMD: 14
Fort: 0 Reflex: +6 Will: -1
Perception: +5
Initiative: +4
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Used Items:


First Post
Aeron points out a set of footprints in the dust, a humanoid wearing boots - Baggio's footprints most likely. They head through the southwest door.

The tiefling's investigations are brought up short by a chittering, clicking sound coming from the northwest door.


First Post
At the sound of the strange chittering, Aeron abruptly ceased from relaying his findings to the group. Instead, he gazed warily at the northwestern door where the sounds emanated. Even if this was Aeron's first official adventure, he had enough sense to recognize a danger if ever he met one. Whatever made those sounds was probably not too keen to entertain unwelcome company. Without taking his eyes away from the northwestern door and keeping his sword held before him, Aeron spoke in a hushed and almost muffled voice to his companions. "I take it I'm not the only one to be hearing things?" Although he was reasonably sure that the noise was authentic, Aeron felt the need to ask in order to confirm it wasn't just excited nerves and an overly-active imagination. While he enjoyed the mask of stoicism, Aeron was well aware his real world experience was miniscule and couldn't calm the wave of rising tension that struggled beneath his placid and professional demeanor.

[sblock=Aeron's Mini Stats]

View attachment 56109
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 9/9
CMB: +1 CMD: 15
Fort: 3 Reflex: +4 Will: +2
Perception: +0
Initiative: +4
Current Weapon in Hand: Scimitar (+1, 1d6+1, 18-20 x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Darkvision
Spells Remaining (1st): 2/2

Used Items:


First Post
Stopping his own investigation at the murmurs of Aeron, Dane looked around, quiet as the grave. He didn't hear a single peep -- not even a wayward creak of stone from the dangerously unstable tower and its foul-smelling innards.

"Hearing things?" Dane repeated like a parrot, an eyebrow arched quizzically. Again, he stopped and surveyed the room to no avail, as unaware of the chittering as he'd been but a few moments earlier. Looking around to gauge his colleagues' reactions, the clearly deaf human just shook his head before adding "I don't hear anything."

[sblock=Dane's Mini Stats]


Dane Mazelo
AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 16/16
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +1
Initiative: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Gauntlet (+4, 1d3+1, 20x2); Torch
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse

Used Items:


First Post
"From behind the northwestern door," Aeron nods at the door while clutching his scimitar in a tighter grip. "Chittering and clicking sounds. I doubt its friendly," Aeron whispers with a calm voice that masked his inner turmoil. "Should we check it out? Or try to the other door? Personally, don't want something behind us that could block us from the exit, or creep up behind us as we go forward."

[sblock=Aeron's Mini Stats]

View attachment 56109
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 9/9
CMB: +1 CMD: 15
Fort: 3 Reflex: +4 Will: +2
Perception: +0
Initiative: +4
Current Weapon in Hand: Scimitar (+1, 1d6+1, 18-20 x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Darkvision
Spells Remaining (1st): 2/2

Used Items:


First Post
"You're sure, Aeron?" the young warrior inquired, still skeptical about the unheard noise.

Biting his lip in thought, Dane looked towards the door warily. He stood deathly still, listening for any sort of signal to illicit Aeron's claim. Again, Dane heard nothing. Perhaps it truly was nothing -- it could have been nerves from the dank and eerie dwellings, or an overactive imagination. Perhaps it was a wayward pebble that had piqued the tiefling's more acute senses, or a rogue rat whom had begun its scavenging anew and mistaken for something more ominous.

Then again, what if it was something?

Aeron made a point about keeping their rear guarded. The thought of someone -- or something -- stalking them from behind left a foul humor within Dane as he turned back from the door to those assembled. They had to be cautious if they wanted to get to the bottom of this stink, find their missing agent, and still come out of this mess alive. After a moment of silence as Dane weighed their options, he finally conceded, giving Aeron an affirmative nod. He was right: they needed to check it out, if just to be safe.

"Mrnh... alright," Dane whispered, maneuvering his way towards the northwestern entryway before drawing his own weapon, positioning his torch carefully as he prepared to give the door the boot. "Paskell, Samad; see if you can get on the sides of the door. If Aeron's right and there is something in here, we need to be ready for it. Aeron, right behind me."

Taking a deep breath, Dane adjusted his grip on his trusty sword as he steeled himself to breach the portal deeper into the ruined tower. Cortessa willing, the fumes from the stench was just playing tricks on Aeron's mind and Fallson's story of gremlins was just a tall tale. Guess they'd all find out soon enough...

[sblock=Dane's Mini Stats]


Dane Mazelo
AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 16/16
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +1
Initiative: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortsword (+3, 1d6+3, 20x2); Torch
Current Conditions in Effect: Piranha Strike, Weapon Finesse

Used Items:

[sblock=OOC]Dane'll move to the front of the Northwestern Door and prepare to kick it in when everyone's ready, or ceasing to if someone objects. He'll ready a Standard Action to attack if something does make itself known as a hostile whilst utilizing Piranha Strike (-1 Attack, +2 Damage) to maximize damage. Those mechanical changes have been implemented in his statblock.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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