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M&M: Time of Crisis

Freedom City
Friday, November 14th, 2003

It is a typical late autumn weekday in Freedom City, and a chilly morning gives way to a sunny and mild afternoon. The constant movement of traffic, cacophony of noise, and plethora of smells and tastes all bombard the senses in ways to which residents have grown accustomed. Most of Freedom citizens are busy at work, enjoying a late lunch or studying at school. It's a typical day for the city's superheroes, which they spend thwarting an array of petty thefts, drug deals, gang violence, and assorted other street crimes, to the praise and gratitude of any bystanders at hand. In short, it's about as quiet as things ever get for costumed crime-fighter. It is, of course, quiet times like this when real trouble breaks loose.

Early in the afternoon, normal TV and radio broadcasts are interrupted by special news reports. The Paradise Casino, one of the more recent additions to the Southside's Boardwalk gaming area, is apparently being robbed. Police are unsure whether hostages have been taken, although on a Friday afternoon, the casino was most likely packed. Those heroes not watching the news hear about the situation from talk on the streets. It is also general knowledge that the Freedom League is not in town, nor are the Atom Family and no one knows the location of Next-Gen.

OOC: Okay, my intention here is that you are not currently an official group but that all of you have at least heard of each other or run into one another once or twice.

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Chrome sparkling, a long, black 1975 Lincoln Continental pulls up to the front of the Paradise Casino. The door opens and out struts a figure all the foxy mamas know so well - DR. SMOOTH.

[Freeze Frame] Head to toe, front to back, all decked out in midnight black, yes sir. Start with a teased out 'Fro (pick included, of course), then some chrome shades with black lenses, on down to a soul patch right below those sparklin' pearly whites. Carry on with turtleneck, trenchcoat, flares and gators - all black, jack. The belt buckle is big yin/yang encased in silver. Silver on the knuckles too, all eight, reading DRSM on the right and OOTH on the left. A calling card, if you will. Last comes the cane, three feet of ebony hardwood topped with the head of a silver panther. All in all, a silhouette of pure cool. [/Freeze Frame]

The Doctor approaches the police line and recognizes a familiar face, "Sgt. Grier. Mmm mmm mmm, I could never resist a woman in uniform. What's the 411, gorgeous?" Deftly, he pulls a silver case out of his trenchcoat, pops it open and tosses a cigarette into his mouth. "Care for a smoke?"


First Post
Ghost has become something of a drifter, not having any place to stay. He tried hanging out at the Lantern Hill cemetery but that was depressing, besides Lantern John is not a very talkative person.

With nothing better to do with most of his time Ghost has started hanging around the Promenade, he finds it relaxing to drift invisible through the park watching the people having fun. But today his relaxation is interrupted when he hears of the robbery at the Paradise Casino from a radio a couple is listening to. Flying high into the air it takes him only a few minutes to arrive at the casino, he quickly notices the police has cordoned the area off from the bystanders. He also notices a familiar vehicle, a large black Lincoln Continental. He quickly locate the tall gentleman talking to a police officer, floating down Ghost allows himself to become visible.

“Good day Doctor, I see you have arrive in style as usual.” Ghost says in a soft eerie voice, there is a slight smile on is pale almost transparent face. “Could I be of any assistance?” He asks looking at the police office with his deep piercing eyes as if he could almost see right though her.

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Infernal was simply out walking, after stopping an attempted mugging in a boardwalk alley way, when he sees the police helicopters and cars whiz by, quickly followed by the news crews.
"Hmm. Wonder what's going on."
He takes off running, his rocky legs pounding down the street towards the action. As he approaches, he notices Dr. Smooth and Ghost already on the scene, "Hey guys. Nice to see you again. What's going on?"
They, with the help of some cops, quickly fill Infernal in on what's happening.
"Sounds like we may be able to help, huh, guys?"

OOC: Toric, as a reminder, I'll be away on business from Sunday until August 9th. I don't know if I'll have net access or not, so feel free to play Infernal if you need to move the story along.
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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Sabrina Starr's penthouse apartment thrums with the pulsing beat of Yellowman, the reggae singer's vaguely menacing voice chanting in nearly incomprehensible Jamaican patois, filling the sunken living room, rolling off of the art deco furnishings. Jimmy Preston, employee of Ms. Starr, rushes in from another room and snatches up the cordless.

After two rings, a rich, melodious voice says, "Talk to me."

"Jimmy here. Trouble in Paradise. The casino, that is."

"Cute, Jimmy," the woman says. "I'm on my way. Make sure the press knows."

"Way ahead of you, Sabrina. Calls already made. Over and out."

Sabrina Starr grinned as she pocketed her cell. Jimmy has too much fun with this super-hero schtick. Waving to a group of teenagers who just recognized her, Sabrina slips her jet black and emerald green high gloss helmet back on her head, and then revves the engine of her Harley Sportster. Thunder rumbles from the finely-tuned machine, and Sabrina races away toward the Paradise Casino.


The Harley Sportster, for visual reference.

The roar of rushing air, the roar of the motorcycle, the roar of adrenaline as it begins to pump through Sabrina's body. This is living.

Traffic grows more congested the closer she gets to the casino, but the bike maneuvers easily enough between the vehicles, even if it does mean bouncing up onto a sidewalk or two. People start to point. Sabrina is easy to recognize, even with the helmet on.

She wears a tight patent leather one-piece, black with yellow trim. Bold script across her back announces: Diva. The vanity plates on the Harley say the same. Once Sabrina is within sight of the casino, seeing the police, ambulances, and news crews, she glides to a stop just long enough to stow the helmet and check her hair.

Time to look good for the cameras. Sabrina rolls forward, slowly, gracefully, the Harley's engine announcing her arrival. Smile flashing at the TV camera, she presses two fingers to her lips and then raises them to her fans. Peace!

Sabrina Starr, the Diva, comes to a stop near Dr. Smooth's Lincoln, boots down the kick stand, and slides to her feet. In heels, she is just over six feet tall, an Amazon and a beauty.

"I'm a brickhouse," she sings softly. "I'm mighty, mighty." Then, louder: "Evening, Doctor, Ghost, Infernal." With a nod and a salute: "Officer."

Edit: Punctuation, spelling, added color.
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Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Studying for mid-term exams coming up next month, Billy Janssen hears about the robbery and possible hostages on the radio Gosh I hope no one is hurt... maybe I could help somehow... no the police are involved... maybe the Freedom League is already there? No the radio would be all over that if they where there... I don't know... I want to do the right thing and help people, but what if they shot at me thinking I am a monster or something? D@mn it I can't hide for the rest of my life... mom and dad always said that with my gifts I could help a lot of people... I have to try...

With that Billy quickly put on the bodysuit that he modified just two nights ago to be his new "costume" (no mask, they are cut off at the elbows and knees, no shoes or glooves)... and then slipped out his apartment’s window. Sticking to the roof tops Syder makes his way to the street across from the Paradise Casino and looks around at the police line wondering if there is a way that he can slip past them and get inside to help the people there… when he stops and odd collection of strangers just outside the line… someone all in black, a transparent ghost looking guy floating next to him, a large man who looks to be make out of smoking and fire bricks ...and ... whoa hold on, is that Sabrina Star?!?! What the heck is going on here? Well some of them look like they might be “different” like him… they must be here to help the people trapped inside… maybe they would let him help them also? With only a moment of hesitation Spyder jumps down to a near by telephone pole and then leaps down not far from the group. When the look at him he is somewhat crouched and looking at his feet… and with a lot of uncertainty in his voice he says “Ah… hi… ah looks like you are ah going to help… and I was going to go in myself but thought maybe I could help or we could team up …or something… ah call me Spyder… ah hi


There's movement in the night. A shadow creeps alongside a wall... a shadow with no source... Through the streets of freedom city it creeps until it stops at the Paradise casino. As riotous flashes of red and blue streak across the streets the shadow suddenly moves foward, transforming into the form of a young girl. Scarlet red hair curls around her shoulders. Blood red eyes meet your gazes.

"I should have figured this would be a party. Are we playing nice together?" You detect a slight british accent in her speech as she whirls around, scoping out the Paradise casino.

"Hostages call for stealth. Ghost, care to take a quick peek inside with me? That is, if it's okay with everyone else. We can find out who or what we're dealing with."

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Spyder says:
“Ah… hi… ah looks like you are ah going to help… and I was going to go in myself but thought maybe I could help or we could team up …or something… ah call me Spyder… ah hi”

"Not an eensy weensy one, either," says Diva. "This is turning into a regular hero convention."

The shadow lady says:
"I should have figured this would be a party. Are we playing nice together?" You detect a slight british accent in her speech as she whirls around, scoping out the Paradise casino.

"Hostages call for stealth. Ghost, care to take a quick peek inside with me? That is, if it's okay with everyone else. We can find out who or what we're dealing with."

"Wouldn't be much of a party if we didn't play nice," Diva replies, flashing her famous smile. "You two got the skills to move in unseen, I say go for it. Of course, the officer here might think otherwise."

Diva nods in the direction of Officer Grier.


Ghost: “Good day Doctor, I see you have arrived in style as usual.”

"Ghost, my man," Dr. Smooth replies with a wide smile, "I may have style, but I got nothin' on you as far as entrances go."

Infernal: "Hey guys. Nice to see you again. What's going on?"
"Sounds like we may be able to help, huh, guys?"

"I'm guessing you don't need a smoke, right?" the doc asks with a smirk. "Can I get a light, then?" he says with a loud, good-natured laugh.

Diva: "I'm a brickhouse, I'm mighty, mighty."
"Evening, Doctor, Ghost, Infernal."

"I certainly got no argument with you on that. Godd@mn!" Dr. Smooth says as his attention is finally drawn completely away from Sgt. Grier. Looking over at Infernal, he says, "Now that's my kinda smokin'..." After taking a long drag on his cigarette, he grins and says, "Hello, Divalicious."

Spyder: "Ah… hi… ah looks like you are ah going to help… and I was going to go in myself but thought maybe I could help or we could team up …or something… ah call me Spyder… ah hi”

"Well, you can start helping by being quiet and listening to the pros, son. Welcome aboard," The doc says, keeping his eyes on Diva.

Eve: "I should have figured this would be a party. Are we playing nice together?"
"Hostages call for stealth. Ghost, care to take a quick peek inside with me? That is, if it's okay with everyone else. We can find out who or what we're dealing with."

"Well, I suppose that's good for a start, baby" he agrees, tipping down his shades to wink at Eve, "You just take care of yourself in there, hear?"

Diva: "You two got the skills to move in unseen, I say go for it. Of course, the officer here might think otherwise."

"By all means, ladies, discuss..." Dr. Smooth says as the three convene, all of their backs to him. "...discuss, discuss, discuss." Pushing his shades back up, the doc smiles to himself and enjoys the view.


First Post
Ghost greets the others, by name and a simple “Good day”, to those he has meet before. He smiles with amusement at the Doctors banter as each of the others arrive. His smile grows as Diva arrives, it seems even a spirit is not immune to her charms.

Eve said:
"Hostages call for stealth. Ghost, care to take a quick peek inside with me? That is, if it's okay with everyone else. We can find out who or what we're dealing with. "

“Of course, it would be my pleasure.” Responds Ghost. “If the officer does not object. Would you like to go in together or enter the building at opposite ends?” he asks Eve.

Voidrunner's Codex

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