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Mac Users Identify Yourselves!


Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to this thread, what with the boards being up and down and all...

Galastro said:
A good start would be to decide if we gonna use this thread for Mac-computers or RPG-related stuff. Maybe both?

We all uses Mac and we all are interested in RPG. Thats for sure.

My vote is for both, for sure ;) :D

Galastro said:
For instance:
I think it would be great to get some input where you can find Mac-RPG stuff, such as CrystalBall.

Absolutely. We've already had some great suggestions in the thread already, I would love to see more. If anyone reading the thread is using a program that hasn't already been mentioned, speak up. And if you've got further comments about ones that have been covered add those in as well. Sharing the knowledge is what it is all about.

Galastro said:
Maybe we all should write a presentation what kind of RPG games/genre we play?

Well, that could take me quite a while. I've been gaming longer than I've been Mac-ing :p But currently I'm only playing d20, as can be evidenced by the games linked in my sig. My only gaming outlets right now are the Play-By-Post games here at ENWorld. Not that I'm complaining. Has anyone used their Mac for other kinds of online gaming?

Galastro said:
What do you think of that?


I think those are great ideas, thanks Galastro! Hopefully your suggestions will generate some feedback in the thread. Let's keep talking :D


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scholz said:
One more Mac-User in the mix.

BTW: The Durham Apple Store is a dangerous place. Too much fun stuff to try and buy.

Welcome scholz!

I intend to stop by the Durham Apple Store Friday night on my way to the beach. My Dad lives in Parkwood and we're dropping the family dog off to stay with him for the weekend. Since the Apple Store is right there... I've got no money to spend, so I'm hoping I'll be safe.


Aeolius said:
When I was in my senior year at Greensboro Day School, the year was 1984 and the computer lab was filled with Apple IIe computers. The professor gave us a list of six projects to program in BASIC. I presented him with a seventh. I wrote a program that created two armies of 200,000 each, which then battled to the death using 1e AD&D rules. Later that year, when I was in college in Florida, I had way too much to drink and rewrote W.A.R., tricking AppleSoft BASIC into using quadruple subscripts. The next morning I awoke with a hangover, streamlined program code, and no idea how I did it.

oh...I got an "A-" on the project ;)


I attended Forsyth Country Day School for a short while (my Mom was a teacher and a librarian there for many years), and graduated from North Forsyth High School in Winston-Salem in 1986. My wife and both went to UNCG as undergrads too and met working together at the Record Exchange in Winston-Salem. Small world, eh?



I haven't used many RPG programs for my Mac, other than my custom excel file. I've tried CrystalBall, but I haven't spent too much time with it.

I did hear that the next major version of eTools is supposed to be Mac compatible (my guess would be OSX only). Still don't know if I'll buy it, but it will be nice having that option.

Of course, they'll probably charge twice as much for the Mac version. :)

I think we should get Morrus to set up a Mac page on ENWorld for links to Mac RPG programs, news, etc. One of us could be in charge of keeping it current. Might be nice to have a page to go to when Mac programs, etc. are needed.


First Post
I am a long time PC user (formerly amiga back in the day) but I am *maybe* considering a mac laptop if a faster G4 or G5 is released by early next year. I am a .net windows developer so I use a PC at work and at home. I'm considering switching over to (or I should say also using) a mac at home just for a change, and I have to admit, because I love the design. Unfortunately, macs are woefully overpriced so thats a big barrier for me.


uv23, I can't speak so much to the laptops, but I know as far as the high-end PowerMacs, there have been many articles and such showing that they are actually priced in line with PCs. It's just that they're high-end, but if you got a PC with comparable components, they would be as expensive, and sometimes more so. MacWorld ran something about it, and I know others have.

For their laptops..excuse me, powerbooks, I don't know if that holds. But the high-end G4s are very high end. You could always get an iBook. Much cheaper, much slower (probably not what you want). I've heard it could be a while before G5 powerbooks hit the market, but the G4s are really nice.


First Post
Well I'm certainly not going to start a debate over price vs power, don't want to drag the thread down in any way, but the reality is that a high powered mac costs about twice as much as an equivalent PC, regardless of what any articles say. Thats not conjecture, thats me actually pricing them out. Now I understand that a lot of perceived value comes from the fact that macs are sexy and such and I can understand that to an extent (I'm considering buying one after all) but it is still hard to justify. Even my fgirlfriend, who is as pro-mac as it gets, agrees with me on the price vs power issue. The fact that I'm in the market for a laptop/powerbook makes the matter worse, as I'm not willing to compromise on power. Anyways, we'll see what happens over the next few months. Rumors are flying around about new powerbooks or powerbook updates to be released at the mac expo in paris (Tuesday I believe). I spend a lot of time these days at macrumors.com ;)


Ah, come on! I want a good debate! :D

I will agree that the high-end PowerBooks are anything but cheap. But man, are they ever beautiful, powerful machines.

I hear conflicting rumors about G5 PowerBooks. I've heard the chip still runs too hot for a portable. But who knows. I'm hoping they pull it off soon. Someday I hope to buy a new PowerMac. I've had a G4/800 for over a year now. Still runs great, but I'll never be satisfied... :)


uv23 said:
Well I'm certainly not going to start a debate over price vs power, don't want to drag the thread down in any way, but...

Welcome uv23!

I agree that we shouldn't get into any platform/price/power debates here, there are plenty of other places on the web to get into that sort of thing (I know because I've gotten into several debates myself :D). That's why I made that specific request in the first post of this thread.

As a group, let's make the little back and forth of the last couple of posts the first and last of it, okay? As for Mac advice, questions, suggestions - have at it.

Whether or not you decide to get a Mac, uv23, feel free to join in the discussion here. Since you are not a Mac user per se yet, I didn't add you to the roll call, but if you would like me to, just say so.



First Post
mirthcard said:
Welcome uv23!
Whether or not you decide to get a Mac, uv23, feel free to join in the discussion here. Since you are not a Mac user per se yet, I didn't add you to the roll call, but if you would like me to, just say so.

I'll let you know just as soon as the upgraded 15" powerbooks are released (Jobs willing). ;)

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