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Pathfinder 1E [Magic Skull Games] Pyro class builds from the Grimoire Viperian


This thread is for posting Pyro class builds from Magic Skull Games' Grimoire Viperian.

I'd love to see others' builds and ideas, so feel free to post 'em!


The first suggested build is the Igniter pyro. The Igniter build focuses on maximizing the pyro's mainstay power, the ability to potentially ignite opponents, and two-weapon fighting. More often than not, this is going to be the standard build for most pyro characters or NPCs.

Race: Human, for bonus feat to kick start TWF, stat boost and extra skill points.

Starting Stats:
(15pt standard point buy)
STR 14, DEX 17, CON 12, INT 11, WIS 10, CHA 10.

Basic starting gear: studded leather, shortsword (piercing), handaxe (slashing), (12) torches (bludgeoning + fire and possible igniting), (2) alchemist’s fire, light crossbow, 20 bolts


All pyros have a fair number of skill points to play with. The most important for the igniter are:

  • Craft (Alchemy) for alchemist's fire and all the other handy alchemy items. This build has no Int bonus, but since it's a class skill it will get a little boost.
  • Perception is just plain good for anyone, and all the better for the pyro since its a class skill
  • Stealth for scouting (with your torch doused but at the ready for a quick ignite) and for escaping
  • Escape Artist is nice for this high Dex, low Str build
  • Ride just for the mobility and leveraging the build's high Dex, and for making fast getaways
  • Bluff is not a fantastic choice for a low Cha build, but since it's a class skill it will get a little boost, and the skill may come in handy for dodging the authority's questions...
  • Knowledge (arcana),(dungeoneering)and {history) can come in handy for the pyro in search of lost tombs, treasure, and general adventuring
  • Use Magic Device will always be handy, though with no Cha bonus, it's iffy


Feats and Ability Choices

Level 1:

Two-Weapon Fighting (shortsword or handaxe in main hand, torch in off-hand)
Weapon Finesse (human bonus)

Level 2:

Igniter talent to improve ignition range

Level 3:

Fire Breather torch attack for an area of effect fire attack
Master of Arson feat to automatically ignite opponents x times per day

Level 4:

ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 18)
Fire Arrows talent for igniting targets from a distance or helping out your archer allies

Level 5:

Penetrating Torch special attack for getting past fire resistance plus a small damage bonus,
Combat Reflexes feat for extra attacks of opportunity and thus more chances to ignite opponents

Level 6:

Improved Torch and Steel talent for early access to the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat

Level 7:

Blazing Torch special attack for greater torch fire damage and imbuing weapons with the flaming quality
Extra Special Torch Attack(Witchlight Torch) feat for inflicting cold damage vs. fire resistant targets

Level 8:

ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 19)
Brimstone Mixture talent for dealing with fire resistant and even fire immune outsiders

Level 9:

Immolation special torch attack for nastier damage over time on ignited targets
Torch Weapon Mastery feat for increased torch bludgeoning damage and critical threat range

Level 10:

Feat (Master Fire Breather) advanced talent not only increases fire breathing damage but gives a 50% chance to ignite with it, and you can now drink the mixture as a free action

Level 11:

Sparking Torch attack for another area of effect fire attack that can ignite targets or can be used to imbue weapons with the shocking quality
Flaming Weapon Master feat for igniting opponents with a flaming main hand weapon and re-rolling its fire damage

Level 12:

ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 20)
Greater Torch and Steel talent for early access to the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat

Level 13:

Thundering Torch attack for imbuing weapons with the thundering quality
Master Immolator feat for even greater ignited fire damage over time

Level 14:

Improved Evasion talent

Level 15:

Blinding Torch Strike attack
Supreme Fire Breather feat

Level 16:

ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 21)
Resiliency or Defensive Roll talent

Level 17:

Pyrotechnic Torch or Warding Torch attack
Supreme Immolator feat

Level 18:

Opportunist or Slippery Mind talent

Level 19:

Special torch attack of your choice
Searing Critical feat

Level 20:

ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 22)
Opportunist or Slippery Mind talent

More builds to come!

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Igniter Build Continued

Greater potential to ignite opponents, both with torch melee attacks and other special abilities.

Early access to the improved and greater two-weapon fighting feats, thanks to pyro torch and steel talents. Only a two-weapon combat style ranger is likely to get these feats sooner than the pyro.

High Dex means better initiative, Reflex saves, armor class, stealth checks and DC to extinguish flames, and more attacks of opportunity (thanks to Combat Reflexes)

The heavy focus on two-weapon fighting and abilities that ignite targets requires a lot of feats, talents and special torch attacks. This means the pyro has less options to take other handy pyro abilities (such as blinding torch strike and other special torch attacks, special pyro feats like searing burns and cunning torch and steel, and pyro talents like resiliency, defensive roll, improved evasion, etc.), or the pyro must wait longer to take them.


ROGUE: Consider taking levels of rogue for sneak attack and additional weapon proficiencies. This class is probably the best choice for a multi-class pyro who wants to do more damage and leverage the pyro’s extra flanking bonus and bonus to hit targets denied their Dexterity combined with sneak attacks. The large skill point pool with access to Disable Device and other rogue staples, plus the additional talents is also hard to beat.

BARBARIAN: Consider a few levels of barbarian for rage, medium armor and martial weapon proficiency plus fast movement.

RANGER: Levels of ranger will add armor and weapon proficiencies, plus favored enemies and combat style feats, though I think levels of rogue or barbarian would be more effective.

FIGHTER: Levels of fighter could be used to create an interesting build with all the bonus feats, armor and weapon proficiencies.

INQUISITOR: Levels of inquisitor can make a flavorful character, and with the Inquisitor’s Fire feat you have a character reminiscent of the fiery Spanish Inquisition or torch-bearing monster hunter with the added ability to transform pyro fire damage into holy damage, plus a boost to daily judgment uses. An inquisitor/pyro also has a large pool of skill points, and the inquisitor bane ability combined with torch attacks can be fun. This multi-class combo fits thematically with the Fire and Arson domains, especially for pyro villains.

CLERIC/ORACLE: Cleric/pyro and oracle of fire/pyro also make for an interesting character or villain theme, and can use the Divine Fire feat to transform pyro fire damage into holy damage. This feat also allows stacking of half your pyro levels with cleric or oracle levels to determine domain and mystery powers.



First of all, kudos to c873788 and other forum posters for their helpful tripper’s guides and advice, which factored in the design of this build:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2m7y5&page=1?A-Guide-for-Trip-Builds-in-Pat hfinder

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kj_ppmS2m5Z4MNaSzW48rH9wTE72HihX_7s52u5 gsbs/edit?hl=en&pli=1

This build is designed to create a versatile pyro that is fun to play. In all honesty, this build will by no means produce a character that is going to compete with the very best disarmer/tripper builds in the game (other classes are better suited for it), but it gives a decent shot at pulling off the maneuvers against most foes. If you’re looking for a truly uber, maximized disarmer/tripper, you should try a different class such as fighter or barbarian. I haven’t yet tinkered with a multi-class fighter/pyro or barbarian/pyro disarmer/tripper build – they might provide some advantages or cool alternatives.

The pyro Disarmer/Tripper build takes the standard pyro and adds hooked axe (UC) exotic weapon proficiency plus several disarm and trip feats. It makes use of the disarm maneuver + the pyro’s enhanced Catch Off-Guard bonus feat + pyro blinding torch strikes to disable opponents. Trips can be added to the mix for even more dastardly fun. A blinded and disarmed or tripped opponent is in serious trouble.

The build leverages pyro talents for easy access to the Combat Expertise feat (required for Improved Disarm and Improved Trip), and the pyro Weapon Focus talent to make it easier to hit in general also to boost CMB.



The build requires Dexterity 15 for Two-Weapon Fighting at level 1, unless you wait for level 2 and get it for free via the pyro Torch and Steel talent.
Requires Intelligence 13 for Combat Expertise, the prerequisite feat for Improved Disarm and Improved Trip feats. However, the intelligence bonus will make the pyro more of a skill monkey, which is a good thing.
Requires a decent Strength for CMB since BAB is low, though this is somewhat mitigated by the CMB bonuses provided by improved trip/disarm (+2) and weapons with the trip/disarm feature (+2).
Disarm/Trip Weapon + Torch: The build requires a weapon with both the trip and disarm qualities to be used in the main-hand. I chose a hooked axe (exotic weapon), but a flail or scorpion whip could also be used. A torch is used in the off-hand to make use of the pyro’s class abilities.


Decent to good at disarming and tripping average CMD targets
Unarmed opponents are vulnerable to the pyro’s blinding torch strike
Pyro torch fire damage and possible ignition abilities from torch used as off-hand weapon
OK two-weapon fighting
Hooked axe is both a disarm and trip weapon with decent damage, x3 crit multiplier, and can be used as the main hand weapon with the two-weapon fighting style.
Good Strength means better damage and higher CMB for pulling off disarm and trip maneuvers.
Pyro class talents provide free access to Combat Expertise (prerequisite for Improved Trip and Disarm feats) and Weapon Focus.

Requires Intelligence 13 for Combat Expertise. However, the intelligence bonus will make the pyro more of a skill monkey, which is a good thing.
Feat heavy build.
Lower Dex means this pyro must pump up Dex instead of Strength at level 4 and 8 in order to take improved two-weapon fighting at level 8 (via the improved torch and steel talent), and will not be eligible for greater two-weapon fighting until level 16 (requiring additional Dex bumps in order to take the greater torch and steel talent).
It’s hard for a disarmer/tripper build to succeed at these maneuvers at higher levels when many opponents have high CMDs. At high levels, the disarmer/tripper pyro is going to be challenged to pull off its maneuvers without bonuses to hit from magic weapons or buffs like the True Strike and Heroism spells. If you’re going to play a high level campaign and want a great disarmer/tripper, you should probably choose a different class. On the other hand, for a typical campaign running from levels 1-10, this build can be fun.
You can only attempt to trip opponents who are no more than one size category larger than you, so against really big targets you would need regular access to size-enlarging magic such as Enlarge Person spells and potions. This is true for any tripping build, regardless of class.


Disarm the target with main weapon, then use the pyro’s enhanced catch-off guard ability with a torch attack for a better chance to hit and an extra 1d4 damage, since your opponent is unarmed and considered flat-footed/denied Dex bonus vs. the pyro’s torch attacks. You can follow up with a blinding torch strike provided your opponent is still flat-footed/denied their Dex bonus, or follow up with a trip attempt. Remember that any penalties to a creature's AC also apply to its CMD.

Trip with main weapon, then attack prone target with torch for a better chance to hit (does not work as well with whip because whip provokes attack of opportunity). Plus, when the target stands up on its turn, you can make an attack of opportunity to disarm them. They may also have to spend an action drawing a new weapon or picking up their fallen weapon.



You should definitely invest in some magic weapons to help with disarm and trip maneuvers, since you can apply the weapon's enhancement bonus, weapon-specific attack bonuses such as Weapon Focus, and so on to your Combat Maneuver roll. Magic items that provide True Strike are great for this. Also seek out and Strength-enhancing and heroism magic items to boost your CMB. The good news is any pyro, regardless of build, is going to benefit from having this stuff.

Note: Another point that should be considered for any pyro build is the use of poison, coated on the pyro’s main-hand weapon. A disarmed or tripped opponent is going to be easier to hit for the pyro thanks to Catch Off-Guard and may provoke more attacks of opportunities, thus better chances to land a poisoned attack.


The Build:
Race: Human for +2 stat bonus and extra feat
Starting Stats: (15pt standard point buy)
STR 16 (14 +2 human bonus, 5pts)
DEX 15 (7pts)
CON 12 (2pts)
INT 13 (3pts)
WIS 10 (0 pts)
CHA 8 (-2 pts)

Feats and chosen abilities:

• Level 1: exotic weapon proficiency (hooked axe - UC) feat, two-weapon fighting feat (human bonus). At levels 1-2 the pyro is not going to be doing much disarming or tripping without the Improved Disarm/Trip feats, and relies on two-weapon fighting with hooked axe and torch and standard pyro abilities.
• Level 2: pyro talent: combat trick (combat expertise feat)
• Level 3: special torch attack: blinding torch strike, improved disarm feat. The pyro can now make use of his disarm + catch off-guard combo.
CMB is now +9 for disarming (BAB +2, Str +3, improved disarm +2, hooked axe +2. This is enough to provide a good to even chance of success vs. many CR 3 opponents. Also remember that many things that give you a bonus to hit also add to your CMB, such as magic weapon bonuses from a +1 hooked axe, a bless spell, heroism spell, true strike, charging, etc. Also remember that any penalties to a creature's AC also apply to its CMD.)
• Level 4: ability increase (+1 Dex = 16), pyro talent: igniter
• Level 5: special torch attack: blazing torch, improved trip feat.
CMB is now +10 for disarming/tripping (BAB +3, Str +3, improved disarm/trip +2, hooked axe +2)
• Level 6: pyro talent: weapon focus (hooked axe)
CMB is now +12 for disarming/tripping (BAB +4, Str +3, improved disarm/trip +2, hooked axe +2, weapon focus +1). At this level, the chance of success is probably about 45% vs. most typical CR 6 monsters, or greater with a magic hooked axe, some Strength-enhancing and/or heroism magic.
• Level 7: special torch attack: penetrating torch, combat reflexes feat
• Level 8: ability increase (+1 Dex = 17), pyro talent: (improved torch and steel)
CMB is now +14 for disarming/tripping (BAB +6, Str +3, improved disarm/trip +2, hooked axe +2, weapon focus +1). This is a fairly low disarm/trip CMB when compared to the most uber tripping builds using other classes, but it gives a decent shot against foes with average to low CMDs. Against some of the CR 8 monsters with high CMDs it will probably succeed 25% of the time.
• Level 9: special torch attack: immolation, greater trip feat
• Level 10: pyro advanced talent: extra special torch attack feat (fire breather)
• Level 11: special torch attack: witchlight torch, break guard (UC) feat
• Level 12: ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 18), pyro talent: brimstone mixture, opportunist, improved evasion, resiliency, defensive roll, or slippery mind
• Level 13: special torch attack: thundering torch, disarming strike (APG) feat
• Level 14: pyro talent: brimstone mixture, opportunist, improved evasion, resiliency, defensive roll, or slippery mind
• Level 15: special torch attack: pyrotechnic torch, torch weapon mastery feat
• Level 16: ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 19), pyro talent: greater torch and steel
• Level 17: special torch attack: warding torch, master immolator feat
• Level 18: pyro talent: brimstone mixture, opportunist, improved evasion, resiliency, defensive roll, or slippery mind
• Level 19: special torch attack: smoking torch, searing critical feat
• Level 20: ability increase (+1 Dex = Dex 22), pyro talent: brimstone mixture, opportunist, improved evasion, resiliency, defensive roll, or slippery mind


Multi-Class Options:

Fighter is a nice multi-class choice for the bonus feats and full BAB, plus armor and weapon proficiencies.

Barbarian is a good choice with its full BAB, rage, Beast Totem tree and Strength Surge rage power, though the lack of bonus feats hurts.

Alchemist works thanks to its synergizing Intelligence score and Stength-boosting mutagens. There are also several alchemist extracts to boost disarming and tripping, such as enlarge person and bull’s strength.

Monk/pyro is another odd combo, but monks can use their monk level in place of BAB for calculating CMB bonuses.

Battle oracle/pyro is also odd, but its Maneuver Mastery revelation can be used to aid tripping or disarming (you have to pick one), and eventually grants bonus Improved Disarm or Trip feats. The Weapon Mastery revelation will also give you Weapon Focus for free. Alternately, you could take the Fire Mystery and the Divine Fire pyro feat which allows the oracle to convert pyro fire damage to holy damage, but none of that helps with disarming and tripping…



The pure Disarmer pyro build is nearly identical to the Disarmer/Tripper build, but focuses on disarm and doesn’t pursue tripping.

The only difference between the Disarmer/Tripper build and the pure Disarmer build is that instead of taking Improved Trip at level 5, Greater Trip at level 9, and Torch Weapon Mastery at level 15, the pure Disarmer takes Torch Weapon Mastery at level 5, Greater Disarm at level 9 and Master Fire Breather at level 15.
This means the pure Disarmer will not only be better at disarming, he will do more damage with his torch at earlier levels. He’ll also do more fire breather damage at higher levels. However, he’s less versatile than the Disarmer/Tripper, since he no longer has trip feats.

Like the Disarmer/Tripper build, the pure Disarmer build will by no means produce a character that is going to compete with the very best disarmer builds in the game (other classes are better suited for it), but it is still fun.



Disarm + Catch Off-Guard:
Disarm the target with main weapon, then use the pyro’s enhanced Catch Off-Guard ability with a torch attack for a better chance to hit and an extra 1d4 damage, since your opponent is unarmed and considered flat-footed/denied Dex bonus vs. the pyro’s torch attacks thanks to catch off-guard.

Next round you can go for a blinding torch strike provided your opponent is still flat-footed/denied their Dex bonus.

Break Guard:

Make use of the Break Guard (UC) feat, which gives you a free extra attack as a swift action with your torch off-hand weapon after disarming a target with your hooked axe main weapon. Not only do you get the bonus attack, but it's one more chance to ignite the target.

Disarming Strike:

At higher levels, Disarming Strike (APG) is available, letting you attempt a disarm on a critical hit.

And of course you still get to use many of the standard pyro tactics of good two-weapon fighting ability and igniting opponents!
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