Making your own power cards


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I still check in here and there to see if anything in the basic card set needs adjusting, but it was a monumental effort to get that in place and it suits my needs (which don't extend past the core books). Others have made amazing contributions to the set (which was the point of doing them in PPT) but it makes sense the community is heavily involved with UCS since the highest cost in producing cards is typing in all of the information.

I have different design needs and continue to use and love my set and hope others find a use in them too. But I am humbled by the generosity of community. The work preparing cards is staggering and everyone involved has been incredibly gracious.

But yeah, I'm kind of around if you have questions. I wish I had more time to participate, but I don't anymore. :/
Grandpa, I'm a big fan of your cards. Do you have any plans to update them with the Jan '09 errata from Wizards?

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I just found that "SOURCE" is part of the "Card Editable" section of the Hirahito Simple Template so that if you turn off Card Edit, it goes away. I don't mind the racial and class etc fields going away, but SOURCE isn't found anywhere else on the card and that bugs me. Could you add (when you find time) the SOURCE somewhere in the regular card space? (Outside the Edit Fields)


First Post
I just found that "SOURCE" is part of the "Card Editable" section of the Hirahito Simple Template so that if you turn off Card Edit, it goes away. I don't mind the racial and class etc fields going away, but SOURCE isn't found anywhere else on the card and that bugs me. Could you add (when you find time) the SOURCE somewhere in the regular card space? (Outside the Edit Fields)

The Source field is meant to be part of your search criteria in that it shows up on the card field list on the right hand side of MSE.

If your MSE is being naughty and not showing it, you can select it by hitting CARDS -> Show Fields (or something similar, I don't have MSE in front of me), and then selecting the Source field as one of the shown fields.

The nice thing about this is that it becomes one of the filterable and sortable fields on the right, which means you can, if you desire, sort by source and see all of the AV cards at the top of your list.

As far as adding the Source field to the card, you are more than welcome to copy my template and add it to your own version. I, personally, don't see a need or want for it on the card.

-- Hirahito


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OK Thanks, I'll do just that (copy and add).

It's valuable because I like to know where things come from. It helps me to keep things straight.


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How does it work?

I enjoy using the power cards everyone is creating. I have been on this thread off and on for the last couple of months. I am not a computer programmer, but would like to know a little more about the creation of the card sets (on the programming side). I have downloaded MSE and have used it to create cards that weren't in a set yet to use for LFR and home campaigns. However I was hoping to be able to adjust the sets so they were by class, feat, race, etc... instead of by book. That way, when a player in my group wanted to view the Fighter powers of 3rd level, they could just pull up the Fighter set and sort by level. Or if they want the Cleric info they just pull up the Cleric set. And they wouldn't have to page through all the classes. Or look through several different sets trying to find all the fighter powers. If someone would be willing to just point me in the right direction or give me a quick overview of it, I would appreciate it. I know this requires more updates, but would make using the sets much easier and more efficient.

Thanks for all the work you guys are doing. Please contact me if you need help, even typing in information, I'm more than willing to help out. Especially since I have been getting so much out of these cards myself. I have also been using the power sets as a kind of compendium because I don't have internet access at home.



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If you right click on the right side of the page in the UCS you can sort out the decks as you wish, and the top on the list if you left click it also sorts the deck as well:

But here is another suggestion. you can cut the deck up to make a deck for fighters, wizards, magic items, and so forth.

As far as not having internet connection, thats easy, download what you need onto a disk and then onto your home computer.
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As someone who has been following this thread since Ander00's original set (and I've been using his template almost predominantly) I'm more than thrilled to have quietly watched the community working on the UCS project. I've even learned a thing or two about tweaking some of the settings in the template folders to make the cards do a little more of the specific things I wanted to do with them.

It was worth my while to download the new UCS base template and then proceeded to get the updated Ander build that Thindaraeil put together, mostly because everyone has been keeping up with the current-game powers and classes. I put my previous tweaks in to customize it the way I liked and off I went.

As I've been looking through the new UCS 0.4 set, I realized it's much too big for me to load and run with. Too much miscellaneous information cards that I might never intend to use. So I set about breaking down the main set into chewable pieces. Each class has its own set; the paragon paths are a set; the epic destinies are a set; each armor type is a set. You get the picture.

This brought up a concern for me, as the set of cards gets updated and moves forward. It's currently being posted as a full set, including all new updates. Is there anywhere that specifically lists the additions to the set in the update? Is it possible to ask for a set of only the updates, so I can add to what I have? With the set already above 5000 cards, it's a daunting task to think of having to compare all the sub-sets with each newly updated mega-set to find out what's missing.

Just a questioning thought...

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