Malibu Stacey has a new hat!

So who doesn't like 4e? Is it bad because they're taking away our books and dice and making us play on computers?

Or because they're trying to sell the same stuff all over again, for the 4th time. That would be the Malibu Stacey answer, from a Simpson's episode about the owners of said toy brand sticking it to loyal consumers like Smithers by churning out lousy repetitive merchandise to the fawning masses who buy anything new as long as it says "Malibu Stacey" on it.

Perhaps, like Lisa, I should see what Malibu Stacey's original creator is doing, and check out C&C? :\

Or is there really nothing to be grumpy about? That seems unlikely. :(

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That would be a problem if it was just "a new hat". It looks like the changes will be more dramatic than that. If it wasn't I might have converted. Because it is, I'll just stick with 3.5E.

I'm A Banana

Or is there really nothing to be grumpy about? That seems unlikely.

You've been grabbed by the grumbles, mister!

Eh, so the world turns upside down for a minute or two. I'm looking forward to repeating this ritual again when 5e comes out and people cry about how they're making it too much like everything they didn't grow up on that kids these days do.


First Post
haakon1 said:
So who doesn't like 4e? Is it bad because they're taking away our books and dice and making us play on computers?

Or because they're trying to sell the same stuff all over again, for the 4th time. That would be the Malibu Stacey answer, from a Simpson's episode about the owners of said toy brand sticking it to loyal consumers like Smithers by churning out lousy repetitive merchandise to the fawning masses who buy anything new as long as it says "Malibu Stacey" on it.

Perhaps, like Lisa, I should see what Malibu Stacey's original creator is doing, and check out C&C? :\

Or is there really nothing to be grumpy about? That seems unlikely. :(

But it’s got a NEW hat!!!!!!!


First Post
Kamikaze Midget said:
I'm looking forward to repeating this ritual again when 5e comes out
Don't forget 4.5E your going right to 5E, skipping the final version of 4E which we will all spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to properly beta test for them.

I'm A Banana

D&D will never be a game that is finished.

Freakin' EVER.

If they ever come out with a Final Edition, I would probably stab a hobo in surprise.

And that hobo wouldn't bee prepared, either!


First Post
I think it will be different enough that no one will consider it just a repackaging of the same old product. I think the reason that it will be different enough is so you can't covert material between settings and have to buy all new stuff.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
KingCrab said:
I think it will be different enough that no one will consider it just a repackaging of the same old product. I think the reason that it will be different enough is so you can't covert material between settings and have to buy all new stuff.
3.5 has gone from a system with lots of warts to the perfect infallible system no one would ever want to revise remarkably quickly.


haakon1 said:
Is it bad because they're taking away our books and dice

Nope. We all know that we can choose which edition to play, and we know that at some point the game will get an upgrade to a new edition.

and making us play on computers?

I know for me this is a minor issue that does irritate me. One point of an RPG is the social aspect of sitting around a table with a holf dozen other people interacting in person. Thats a key component of RPG's IMO and stripping that away to make it a "computer game" is the wrong way to go.

Or because they're trying to sell the same stuff all over again, for the 4th time. That would be the Malibu Stacey answer, from a Simpson's episode about the owners of said toy brand sticking it to loyal consumers like Smithers by churning out lousy repetitive merchandise to the fawning masses who buy anything new as long as it says "Malibu Stacey" on it.

Thats hammer hitting the nail as far as I am concerned. We don't need a new edition yet. 1st ed survived for 10-12 years before 2nd edition. 2nd lasted ten years and 3rd lasted about 3 before the 3.5 upgrade. D&D doesn't need an update again just yet - even one 8 or 9 months away.

It has been mentioned on other threads that non-D&D games get new editions every few years, but they don't make the changes that seems to happen between D&D editions. Apparently 4th ed will be different enough that it won't be all that compatible with 3.X and thats another problem if it be true.

Malibu Stacy has a new hat, wardrobe, house and car. :uhoh:


haakon1 said:
So who doesn't like 4e? Is it bad because they're taking away our books and dice and making us play on computers?

Or is there really nothing to be grumpy about? That seems unlikely. :(

I am far from excited about this new edition. It looks like yet more minis idiotic adventures pre-packaged with only fights with even more stupid monsters, no backstory and no DM freedom.

As for all their online stuff, they can ............. (self-censored).

I'll doubtless have a look at it, but buying more than the PHB is far from a won bet for me.

I'll consider about possibly changing my mind when they bring back a PAPER edition of DRAGON and DUNGEON.

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