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Malice of the Medusa (pt-1) [Manzanita judging]


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Viktor responded to the others as they arrived at the location, having listened before speaking.

"I'm fine either way, but I'll need to pick up food if we need to take a longer trek..."

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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=ooc] Survival check = 20 Thanks to Reis the party does not need to expend any rations on their trip to the hospice. But Errandir you may want to by some rations incase the roll isn't so lucky next time.
O.k. ready to continue? [/sblock]

The party arrives at the gates of the hospice where they are let in without any trouble from the cloistered clerics living there. They are shown to a well in the small courtyard and told they may sit, drink, and refresh from their trip.

A short moment later an older cleric in a plain brown robe but with a colored vestment around his shoulders comes into the courtyard from the grounds only building. "I am Brother Darile, how may we help you?" he asks in a soothing voice.


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Reis rises and greets the cleric courteously before moving on to the matter at hand.

"Brother Darile, we are looking for a man by the name of... Aedan, I believe it was. We were told he is staying at the hospice here, and that he may be in danger. Can you help us?"


Thy wounds are healed!
"Aedan? Why do you want him? I told those others he is not here but they did not believe me." The cleric starts to look a little scared glancing at the groups weapons. "He left in the night nearly four days ago, we are not hiding him but you Detirman Trade Company people still do not believe us."

Appearing agitated the cleric folds his arms before him, clearly he has had this conversation before.

Walking Dad

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"My name is Midias and I'm a follower of Hyrag. I promise that no harm come from me to Aedan. But he has informations I need to destroy the evil that festers all around us!"
Midias says to the priest.


AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 10/10, F +4,R+1,W+4
0 Level: Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Command


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Reis nods in agreement with Midias, but still looks troubled by Brother Darile's earlier statement.

"You've been approached by agents of the Detirman Trade Company about Aedan before? If you don't mind my asking, how long ago was that? And what happened?"


First Post
Viktor didn't speak, as it seemed the others were covering the line of questioning, leaving the boy free to observe the surroundings.

Gonna roll a spot and Sense Motive check on the Cleric, see if Viktor learns anything from quiet observation.
Spot: 1d20=13
Sense Motive: 1d20=9

I doubt Viktor learns much from this, lol.[/sblock]


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Dane merely crosses his arms, and waits for answers. He doesn't like being associated with the Trade Company, but it seemed to be a poor choice to correct the man now.


Thy wounds are healed!
The cleric sighs and looks to the sky, "It is getting dark please come with me." he says turning to lead the group to the three story building on the grounds. They enter the almost cathedral like structure and are escorted to a small room off the front hall. Brother Darile gestures to some wooden chairs that are against the wall. "Please, sit I think we may be in for a long talk," he says taking a hard chair for himself.

"Now I do not know why but I believe you are not from the Detirman Trade Company, or at least that all of you are here to truly find Aedan." He smiles at Midias and points to the markings of Hyrag about his person. "And I will trust the words of a priest of Hyrag. So you wish to know what happened the last time that company sent men here?" he asks Reis.

"Let me tell you it was not pleasent, they are brutes, thugs, and the worst kind of bullies. I am sorry let me start at the begining it may be easier to tell you what happened. Some months ago Aedan came to the here for healing he was gravely hurt and had burns to his entire body, even the bottom of his feet which left bloody prints as he walked. He said to us he was attacked but no more before going into a coma. We nursed the young man back to health and were pleased when he awoke and could once again talk better than a mumble. He told us how when on a job for the Detirman Trade Company he and his men were attacked by a snake woman and barely made it out of the Sairundan. Later I learned that those men who did escape were being killed one by one and always the same way, burned alive. Aedan said that the whole group including himself had gone into hiding when the attacks started, and that no one knew where they were but members of Detirman, so when they started to die that meant there must be someone inside giving this attacker the information. He begged us not to tell any member of the company he was here. But it was already to late for that, memebers of the company were here the same night that Aedan was and they came every now and then the months he lay in a coma. Aedan said they must be watchng him and that if he left whoever was telling the murderer they would know when he left. So he stayed and asked us not to let any Detirman Trade Company people near him and we obeyed his wishes in this. I was five days ago that a group of company men came to our gate. They demanded to see Aedan saying if we did not let them see and talk to him they would torch us out of the hospice. With help from the temple we were able to send them away, but the next day Aedan was gone and the company men were back. We told them he was not here anymore but they said it was a lie that he did not leave. They started searching without our permission and damaged some of our benches and took some goods from the kitchens. So I am sorry I hope you wish to help Aedan, but he is not here no matter what those Detirman Trade Company people say." Brother Darile sits and looks to you as if he will answer any questions you might have.


First Post
Reis sits quietly for a moment, absorbing the cleric's story. He then turns to his companions thoughtfully.

"Well, it seems to me that we have fulfilled our contract to the best of our ability. We were told to retrieve Aedan from the hospice - and we are in the hospice, and Aedan is not. That is hardly our fault. But since the man clearly does not want to be found, I do not think we should pursue him."

Having finished with his line of reasoning, Reis pauses, and then concludes. "To put it flatly, after what we've heard, I have no desire to be further involved with this Detirman company. It seems to me that we can do the most good by reporting back what we have found and leaving the whole matter alone."

Voidrunner's Codex

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