Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col nods, and scruitinizes each member of the crew he can currently see. "The fiend Tyranthraxus do be crafty, he be. The Flamed One do like to divide and conquor. Hee, hee, I recall the story of how he got that clan of the Wee Folk to boil each other alive just to see who would survive. Oh, that must a been a sight to see." The old man gafaws a moment until his coughs himself out. He looks at the crewman. "No one been twitchy, have they? Given you cross looks? A little sweatier than norm, be they?"

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(Kalen Bluff check: 13+5+2(Aid from Col)=20)
(Thugs Sense Motive check: 13-1=12)

Big-Nose looks perplexed as he struggles to follow Kalen's speech. His companions, however, start nervously eyeing one another, especially as Col pours it on.

Squint-Eyes finally calls back down, "All right, then...if'n the 'Arbormaster sent yas, it must be important. We'll be lettin' you come up."

To Big-Nose, he continues, "Lugo, best be fetchin' Mister Vark."

Big-Nose shakes his head fiercely. "Oh, no, I ain't goin' down after 'im! You know what he disturbin' 'im."

Squint-Eyes leans in close. "You'll get 'im and you'll get 'im right now, else I'll be tellin' 'im all about how you learned we got a cursed ring on board, but you didn' do nothin' to help!"

Big-Nose mutters, "All right, then..." and slinks away, looking none too happy with his assignment.

The third thug, No-Teeth, lowers a rope ladder to the rowboat, to assist those below in climbing aboard. "Jush you two...yer men haffa shtay inna boat!" He waves Kalen and Col on board.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship, Chongo and Damash surface, hoping their companions' efforts will serve to allow them onto the Blue Nixie unnoticed. They grab ahold of two of the thick ropes which tie the ship to the harbor's float, and begin to pull themselves upward.

(Chongo Climb Check: 8+7-1(Armor Check)=14, Success!)
(Damash Climb Check: 11+2-3(Armor Check)=10, Success...Barely!)

Chongo is a natural on the ropes, and pulls himself hand over hand up the side of the Nixie, his great biceps flexed with the effort. Damash is not nearly so fluid, but he too manages the climb succesfully. At one point, his hand almost slips on the wet rope, but thankfully, his grip holds. The pair slip over the side of the rail, and duck behind a life boat, hoping to remain unseen.

(OOC: I uploaded a shot of the Blue Nixie, so you have an idea of how she looks.)
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Damash's heart was pounding in his chest as he fought to calm himself after the near fall on the ropes. Leaning into the shadows of the life boat, Damash tried to calm his breathing and keep still.

Malvoisin said:
The third thug, No-Teeth, lowers a rope ladder to the rowboat, to assist those below in climbing aboard. "Jush you two...yer men haffa shtay inna boat!" He waves Kalen and Col on board.

His lips moving with a silent prayer of thanks for their good fortune so far, Damash waited and strained his ears to hear the creaking of the rope ladder and the boarding of the others.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Malvoisin said:
The third thug, No-Teeth, lowers a rope ladder to the rowboat, to assist those below in climbing aboard. "Jush you two...yer men haffa shtay inna boat!" He waves Kalen and Col on board.
Col climbs the rope as someone who used to have familiarity with such things, but is long out of practice. His longspear gets in the way a bit, but he manages somehow. Once aboard, he beings roaming the top deck, tending towards the middle and a way from the edges near the water. He knew people feel off of ships all the time, and did not fancy taking a dip in the filth of Sasserine's sewage tainted water.

Col peers about, acting as if he was looking for something---not a big stretch. He knew they'd be looking for something not on the deck. Maybe in the fo'c's'le? But the thugs were not going to let them through. Kalen better have a a plan. Fascinate them via some hypnotic words? Charm this Vark? Col waited for a cue and kept his eyes open.


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stonegod said:
Col climbs the rope as someone who used to have familiarity with such things, but is long out of practice. His longspear gets in the way a bit, but he manages somehow. Once aboard, he beings roaming the top deck, tending towards the middle and a way from the edges near the water. He knew people feel off of ships all the time, and did not fancy taking a dip in the filth of Sasserine's sewage tainted water.

Col peers about, acting as if he was looking for something---not a big stretch. He knew they'd be looking for something not on the deck. Maybe in the fo'c's'le? But the thugs were not going to let them through. Kalen better have a a plan. Fascinate them via some hypnotic words? Charm this Vark? Col waited for a cue and kept his eyes open.
As Col begins to roam, Squint-Eyes growls at him, "Hey, you stay right here! Mister Vark'll be up in a moment ta talk to ya! So don't be wanderin' around!"


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Chongo crouches next to his companion behind the lifeboat. Slowly, almost agonizingly slowly, he gestures at Damash, indicating that, if trouble were to break out, that they should go opposite directions around the lifeboat.


First Post
Anar stands in the rowboat and stretches. He was not at all happy at being told to stay put. Tapping his hand against the hilt of his rapier, the blonde man studies the Blue Nixie, looking for alternate routes to board the craft, besides the proferred ladder. Still, he stands ready to climb up in a hurry should his companions require aid.


"Our two men are used to grappling those possessed, we brought them for more than rowing but as you wish for now. However, I will then need you and you to be ready to immediately grab and pin whoever of your comrades Mr. Tobison identifies as possessed, it will be a matter of life and death depending on your quick reactions. You will be saving their lives and your own but you must act on the spot without hesitation. If possessed your companions will be filled with fiendish strength and you must immediately bring them low, knocking them unconcscious if necessary. When the fiend's ruse is revealed he will start spouting blasphemies and curses and he must be contained so that Mr. Tobison and I can deal with them. In fact I would say you should both grab a belaying pin just in case. Now tell me, how many men are aboard, and has anybody found a ring among the cargo yet?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Malvoisin said:
As Col begins to roam, Squint-Eyes growls at him, "Hey, you stay right here! Mister Vark'll be up in a moment ta talk to ya! So don't be wanderin' around!"
Col cast a baleful eye at Squint, and holds his ground, hopefully away from the ships edge.

Voadam said:
"When the fiend's ruse is revealed he will start spouting blasphemies and curses and he must be contained so that Mr. Tobison and I can deal with them. In fact I would say you should both grab a belaying pin just in case. Now tell me, how many men are aboard, and has anybody found a ring among the cargo yet?"
Col looks at the assembled crew a moment. "Anybody find'n it would be most to be fiend touched, though those even near it could be as well. These two don't appeared to be touched; not act'n all secretive and bossy yet. Lets do be hop'n" He says, gesturing at the two thugs Kalen addressed.

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