Man on the Run OOC Thread


Action Points

So how should we handle the use of action points? I have some ideas:

- I think that you can state universal situations (if I roll below 5, if I get DC 15 or below, etc.)
- Maybe you can post again after you see your roll (this might bog things down a bit).
- Roll the d20 and AP die/dice together, and choose to use or not use the AP.

Any other ideas?

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So is the guy who's playing Troba going to show up to the game? He hasn't posted to the IC thread yet. I need to know if I'm going to be NPCing a character or if I need to recruit other people or what.

Mathew Lankard

First Post
Animus said:
You know, I assumed that you were chumming around, and you might protect the person you were sitting wiht. If I assumed to much, I can take that action back...

That in fact, is exactly what I was thinking. :) I assumed after the battle we would all introduce ourselves.


The man with the probe
Not everyone even checked into this thread, so maybe he's unaware.

I'd probably recruit one more though, particularly when it might be easy to introduce him (Perhaps he's in a sack on these bandit's horses outside).


First Post
I e-mailed him, and hopefully he is going to start playing. He's new to this whole PBP thing, and I am trying to help him get into it as he just moved to a far-away strange land, and knows few people there to play with.


First Post
Are you still looking for another player?

If so, I've got a vague idea-- a wizard aimed at Alchemist Savant in Magic of Eberron (and, if there's any chance you'd specifically allow it, the Master Alchemist* from Magic of Faerun).

* a 10-level class that eventually lets the character make potions of up to 9th-level spells, and increases number of potions brewed/day; full spellcasting progression


sukael said:
Are you still looking for another player?

If so, I've got a vague idea-- a wizard aimed at Alchemist Savant in Magic of Eberron (and, if there's any chance you'd specifically allow it, the Master Alchemist* from Magic of Faerun).

* a 10-level class that eventually lets the character make potions of up to 9th-level spells, and increases number of potions brewed/day; full spellcasting progression

I have no problem with you playing in this game too :). The two games will never merge anyway.

Question about Master Alchemist, how much to the potions cost?


First Post
Animus said:
I have no problem with you playing in this game too :). The two games will never merge anyway.

Question about Master Alchemist, how much to the potions cost?

50 gp x spell level x caster level. Basically, the normal formula x2.

EDIT: Er, that's for any potions of 4th level and up.


sukael said:
50 gp x spell level x caster level. Basically, the normal formula x2.

EDIT: Er, that's for any potions of 4th level and up.

So they compensate letting higher level potions in by doubling the price? I have to browse Magic of Faerun again sometime, but it doesn't sound too bad. Go for it :).


The man with the probe
Animus[U said:
Player Roster:[/U]
ByteRynn (shifter druid, char approved)
Byte8199 (shifter scout, char approved)
Bront (kalasahtar psion/rogue, char approved)
Mathew Lankard (elf archer, char approved)
Andor (human artificer, char approved)
I think we need a side of beef. Without Byte8199 (If he doesn't show up and ends up droping), out big melee guys are the Druid and Artifacer, which, while are sufficient, I think they have better things to do.

With a part Psion, An Artifacer, and Druid, we're not short on casting. The Rogue and Archer are good for range, and it looks like a Melee scout, but probably not quite a toe to toe one (particularly with a glave).

BTW, Troba Oakbrother: What's with the Mage Hand at will? Is that left over from another sheet? Also, you should have one more weapon group, as the Rogue gets 2 plus Basic, and a Scout is similar.

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