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Manifest Destiny -- GAME thread (Chapter One: The Man who Would Not Hang)


SCENE- Camera PANS slowly down toward the small town of Spark, in a desert of the American West. The sun is slowly setting behind soft blue mountains in the distance. As the camera PANS closer, Spark is revealed to be a typical Western town -- several one or two storey wooden buildings, with labels like Saloon and General Store. Of more importance, however, is the gallows set up in the town square, with a rather mismash crowd around it. Several wagons are pulled close, and armed men stand below the gallows, rifles pointed at the man upon it.

VOICEOVER- "This was the third time, for the Russian Bear..."

SCENE- Camera CUTS to the gallows, with the RUSSIAN BEAR in frame. He is a tall man, though not quite bear-like in physique, being rather guant and drawn. Long, shaggy brown hair hangs in his face and he bears a full beard. The BEAR is dressed in shoddy, dirty rags, and has blood matting the hair on his face. Beside him, braving to stand on the gallows, is FATHER SEAMUS MCKINNEY, barking verse from a worn and tattered copy of the Holy Bible, in a thick Irish accent.

VOICEOVER- "..it's as if that rope just wasn't enough to crush the life out of the man. Even if he were a man, for that nickname, Bear, had come with a mighty reputation..."

SCENE- Camera CUTS to shot of SANTIAGO DE LA ROSA standing before NICHOLAS AMBROSE CARLYLE IV, HONG WEN, and PIERRE BLACKWOLF near the outskirts of Spark. SANTIAGO gestures toward the town, at it's church in particular, while speaking gently, as the three others nod intermittantly and several other travellers pass by. The RUSSIAN BEAR leaps into the foreground, running past several incoming wagons, and tips one over in a furious display of strength. Camera CUTS to shot from the RUSSIAN BEAR's point of view, looking up SANTIAGO's blade, as SANTIAGO shakes his head slowly, with NICHOLAS, HONG, and PIERRE in the background.

VOICEOVER-"...and not without a fair quantity of the red stuff."

SCENE- Camera CUTS to interior shot of a saloon. The BEAR slowly advances on ELIAS CORREA as he backs away, longsword to bear, keeping the point between the BEAR and himself. Several patrons shout and gestulate, as the BEAR simply swats several of them out of the way, flecks of blood leaping from their face. Scene FADES TO BLACK as ELIAS leaps atop the bar, running it's length.

VOICEOVER- "So this was attempt number three. The folks of Spark were getting a mite worried, at this point, since he could outrun a horse and probably eat one alive. It just seemed like an ole' shoot and bury job, well, until...

SCENE- Camera CUTS to shot from behind the BEAR, as ears begin to sprout from his head, growing fur. In the background stand FATHER MCKINNEY, nearest the frame, with NICHOLAS, HONG, SANTIAGO, ELIAS, and PIERRE at the base of the gallows, each of their faces showing at least a degree of fright. Camera CUTS to shot from the side of the gallows, as the BEAR rips down from the gallows, standing on all fores and appearing to be the most ferocious, bloodied bear alive. The riflemen around the gallows begin cracking shots, reloading desperately, as the people of Spark begin to flee in terror.

VOICEOVER- "I guess one'd be wise to heed some of those real ferocious misnomers, after all."
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Argent Silvermage

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The shock on Santiago’s handsome face fades and he draws his Saber. “Gringo. This is the last of your escapes. No?” The holy warrior of Jesus rushes to block the way between the bear and the innocent people of Spark. Santiago’s long black hair blows in the wind and dust and his spurs chime in delight almost as if they want to see more bloodshed. Glints of light reflect off the breastplate hidden under his pampas poncho. Santiago knew his place, divert its attention until the rest could take down the beast. Not since the Monastery had His life been so rewarding.


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"Gou zao de." < "This can't be happening.." >

This bastard was going down harder than... well, a very hard thing. Nick checked his astonishment, and threw back his duster with a flourish. Drawing his sword in a sweeping arc, he grinned a little as he heard the harmonic ring as it left the scabbard.

Seeing Santiago move to intercept, Nick began to duck and weave, attempting to suprise the bear from behind.

"If this don't impress the ladies then I'm a Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng!" < Frog-humping sob>

OOC: Nick will draw and move in to flank the bear opposite Santiago, tumbling if neccessary.
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SCENE- Camera CUTS to close frame of SANTIAGO and the BEAR. There issues a throat rattling low growl from the beast, and he gently climbs down from the gallows, ignoring the stairs thanks to five foot strides. The wood of them creaks and barks under the BEAR's weight. A slow dust rises -- upturned from the screaming townsfolk as they rushed away, leaving only a few riflemen to deal with this beast. Well, a few riflemen, and a few irregulars in Spark, as well.

SCENE- Several riflemen of mixed attire reload desperately. Camera PANS around one, ending up with SANTIAGO and the BEAR in the background. He spits, ramming a loading pole down the barrel of his unadorned weapon.

RIFLEMAN: Goddammit! What, you think a sword and some plate are gonna stop a shapeshifting bear? I don't care how many Jesuses you've got on your side -- Jesus ain't got no claws!

SCENE- Camera CUTS to a behind-the-hip shot of NICHOLAS as he takes slow, measured steps around the back of the BEAR. His duster floats in and out of frame. The gallows he walks on jumps a bit as the BEAR walks fully off them, relieving them of his weight.

SCENE- Camera CUTS to overhead shot of SANTIAGO, the BEAR, and NICHOLAS. Rifle shots crack and flash from the sides of the frame, creating tiny blossoms of blood on the BEAR's sides -- but largely go ignored. The sun dips behind the mountains, casting the scene in darkness, save for the lights gently pouring from storefront windows.

OOC - Attack or whatever you'd like. I've got initative deterined and stuff -- for everyone. I also made a post in the OOC thread about how combat should go. Lemmie know, over there, if you dig this screenplay style! :D

Hong Wen sighs at the lack of patience his friend's both share, as they really don't know what they're up against. Some might call it bravery, but he considers it foolishness. It does not matter however, as the battle had already begun before they made their way, and it was not a battle that he would dare to miss.

Both sides of his black cloak flash backwards to reveal open palms, each emanating a strand of multicolored light that literally snakes it's way towards the Bear. Before his cloak falls back to the ground, a pistol is already in the chinese elf's hand, the wielder ready to use it if necessary.

(OOC-Standard action-Magic Missile, Move Equiv Action-Draw a pistol)


Elias runs along the bar, trying to keep ahead of the seemingly insane man behind him. This wasn't the first time someone had tried to kill Elias, but at least with those he knew the reason why they wanted him in the ground. The guy just seemed mad with the world, and ready to smash anything he didn't like.

Which is me, for now. Oh happy day... He thinks grimly, taking his knife from its sheath under his cloak. He stands ready, one hand still behind his back, waiting for the man to close the distance between them and meet Lefty's sharp suprise.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Santiago grins showing a gold tooth. "Hombre' We have no problem with you. American law say once a man walk away from the gallows he a free man in the eyes of God. Pure and Innocent. Now if you just walk away and find Jesus in your heart there will be peace for everyone today. Si?"
His diplomacy skills are noteworthy but even Santiago De La Rosa knows this will not be easy.
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Nicholas stood quiet on the gallows, overlooking the Bear and Santiago. The young conquistador was laying the ol' Jesus line down again. Now maybe Bear was a praying man, and maybe not. Nicholas didn't hold much hope in that regard. But whatever he was, bear or man, Nick would wager a dime to a dollar that the hairy bastard had a liver.

He saw Santiaogo ready himself, even as he tried to talk Bear down. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Hong preparing his sorceries. Nick was ready too. And what the hell, if he didn't make it through, there was always a bottle of Nurse McCready's to nurse him back to health.

As soon as combat starts, Nick will tumble off the gallows onto Bear's back and sneak attack from behind with his rapier. Declare dodge against Bear, natch.
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Steadying himself from the shock of seeing this man changing into a large bear, Pierre moves quickly to the side of the gallows, readying his treasured bow for action. Noting the Spaniard trying to talk the man-beast down, he says a quick word to the Great Spirit in hopes of this mans success in calming this raging inferno he sees in the bears eyes. But in case his friend is threatened, perhaps an arrow or 2 will help change the beasts mind of the true threat.

OOC: Rapid shot if changling continues to approach Santiago, hold shot if Bear turns and runs.

Yep like the style, and the start.


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Father Seamus McKinney

"And 'lo, know yee sinners that by repentance ever this most grievious of scoundrels can be embraced into the Good Lord's Loving Embr..."

Father McKinney's oration is crassly interupted by Bear's sudden metamorphosis. Thrown from the gallows by the force of the beast's exertions, the good priest lands on his back and swiftly skuttles away. He rises to his feet while crossing himself, "Sweet Mary, Mother, and Jospeh."

I think it's safe to say that this situation requires a drink. After a fortifying shot from his blessed hip glass, Father McKinney cries out, "Good People, have faith in the Lord God to protect you from this foul demon. Know that he gave you legs for this very circumstance. Use them if you value this physical shell. But be yee strong of heart, help those valiant souls who are trying to send this hell beast back to the fiery pits below!"

The good father continues to stand back a bit and cheer the crowd on. He seems more focused on getting noncombatants to leave, but doesn't miss a chance to shout encouragement at those directly battling the beast.

<Inspire Courage while moving about and trying to shoo people who're frozen in fear off.>

Voidrunner's Codex

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