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Manifest Destiny -- GAME thread (Chapter One: The Man who Would Not Hang)


SCENE- Still an overhead shot. From HONG gently flows a torrent of wavering, multicolored energy, setting bits of the BEAR's fur aflame. At this, the BEAR stops, and sits on his haunches.

SCENE- Camera PANS around the group, as FATHER MCKINNEY shouts at the fleeing townsfolk, NICHOLAS walks cat-like behind the BEAR, PIERRE readies a few arrows onto his bow, and ELIAS seems to be confused about what's going on (read the first post a little more closely :D ).

SCENE- Camera CUTS to the original frame between SANTIAGO and the BEAR. The BEAR now sits on his haunches, his flesh searing and smoking, and the riflemen have all but expended their ammunition. A quiet stillness falls over the scene.

BEAR: "Jesus, eh? Vell. I vill go look for this Jesus, and see what he has to say about it."

SCENE- Camera PANS back, following the BEAR as he gently saunters off from the gallows, through the deserted main drag of Spark. Camera PANS to look upon the gallows, bloodied, with our players standing about them. One RIFLEMAN leans on his gun.

SCENE- Camera CUTS to mid-range frame of our players, focused on SANTIAGO and the RIFLEMAN (the one who spoke before).

RIFLEMAN: "Goddamn Catholics, all forgivin' and forgettin' -- you know he'll be back, don't ya? We ain't sparein' no rod, next time."

OOC- This is working out so good. :D Don't forget that you guys have, Player Free Will(TM), so don't go looking for me to railroad you. You act, and I'll make this world act around you. Any suggestions and stuff should rock the OOC thread. Oh yeah, and everyone take 100xp for being good posters.

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Santiago De La Rosa calmly turns to the rifleman and says "Jesus will be the one to punish him for his transgressions. If he comes back we will be waiting for him. If not he is someone elses problem Si?" He looks at the people and smiles and waves at the few who acknowledge him. "And is is no true that no one was harmed from his leaving? Is that not the true victory here. Be mindful of your transgressions against your fellow man. There are those who can see the sins for what they have made a Man."

With that said the lanky spaniard sheaths his blade and wanders over to the others in his Posse. "Well done mi amigos."
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First Post
Nicholas sheathed his sword and hopped down from the gallows.

So a man who can walk away from the gallows is free, eh? I'll have to remember that. Could come in handy someday.

"Well done yourself, Santiago. Your considerable eloquence never fails to amaze me. Perhaps there is something to be said for the religious life after all."

He pulled a flask from his hip pocket and took a swig.

"Then again, perhaps it was Hong's timely use of some hellfire that swayed his opinion."

He raised his flask in Hong's direction as a salute.

"Xei-xei dà ge, <thank you, Sir> for that. As for myself, I am content to know that the danger is past, and we may now enjoy the fruits of our labors. Shall we repair to a suitable hostelry?"
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First Post
Father McKinney - Human Bard4

morrolan said:
He raised his flask in Hong's direction as a salute.

"Xei-xei dà ge, <thank you, Sir> for that. As for myself, I am content to know that the danger is past, and we may now enjoy the fruits of our labors. Shall we repair to a suitable hostelry?"

Father McKinney moves over to clasp Hang on the shoulder, "My fine lads, I take umbrage to calling our fine Chinaman's magics as hellfire. No, that were the Good Lord's Own Boot to the Arse, it were. Regardless of how he channeled the Lord's might, the end result was the same. The poor, misbegotten beastman has left to find Jesus, and we are left witht he loathsome task of bringing righteousness to this city's forgotten children."

The good father turns and gestures toward a distant building, "Good men, last night I found as wicked a den of debauchery as one can find in this town. Women of low character and high skirts, men ingesting all manner of foul concoctions to dull thier wits, and even heathen music and dancing."

With a mischievious glint to his eyes, "It seems to me that as men of fine character, it falls to us to properly 'investigate' this den of inequity in order to gauge it's negative impact on this fine community."


Shaking his head, Elais watches the Bear walk away.

"I hope displays like that aren't common around these parts." He scowls after the Bear, and sheathes his sword. "Still, if you keep converting folk like that, then maybe we don't need to worry to much.

"And Father, you are a man after my own heart. With such decadence around us, we would be neglecting our obligations as gentlemen to not.., investigate, as you say." He winks at the priest, and casually turns to make for the nearest bar, his manner concealing the real fear he still felt about witnessing the transformation.
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As the Bear makes his way out of the gallows, Hong Wen gives a slight, half bow in the russian's direction, in respect to his endurance, putting away his pistol in the same motion. Straightening himself up, he says no words, simply nodding to the rest. It was impossible for the pious of the west to comprehend his Eastern mysticism, as it challenged their beliefs, but as long as it was mistaken for a good thing and didn't cause him trouble then Hong Wen wouldn't mind.

He simply follows the rest over to the bar.


SCENE- Interior shot of a saloon. A man is hunched at a piano, working it's keys to produce a lively tune, and several women make their way through a sea of tables, drinks on their arms. Most of the patrons let out an audable gasp as SANTIAGO and CO. enter, as they are mostly huddled close together, talking of the BEAR. The bartender looks over, whiskey bottle in hand.

BARTENDER: "Hm. Guess that Russian bastard skipped town?"

SCENE- Camera CUTS to shot from the balcony, with the party framed in the saloon doorway. The crowd slowly goes silent, right up to the piano player.

BARTENDER: "Jus' don't happen everyday, y'know."


First Post
As he enters the bar with his compainions, Pierre notes the silence and then the comment from the bartender.Walking up to the bar,Skipped town you say?....No looks to me as though he needed to find himself a place where he could be accepted. Although if you'd like perhaps you could bring him back, him being a bastard and all...or you could just get me a whiskey and let the bear-man live his life in peace.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Santiago starts at Pierre's comment. "He has gone off to contemplate his soul in the eyes of God and his divine wrath in Jesus Christos. He will be cleansed in the eyes of the lord. I'll take a burbon please." The holy warrior scans the room and looks at everyone with the eyes of grace. (Detect Evil)


SCENE- Camera CUTS to frame behind the bartender as PIERRE speaks, PIERRE framed in shot.

SCENE- Camera CUTS to shot at the end of the bar, with SANTIAGO and CO. in frame, including the bartender. The bartender absently slides PIERRE a whiskey and SANTIAGO a burbon as he speaks.

BARTENDER: "Well -- I sure am glad we've got such kind-hearted, sword-carryin' folk in my saloon here. Next time I sees a bear, I'll give 'em an amen or two."

SCENE- Camera CUTS to SANTIAGO's point-of-view. Under his breath he mutters a prayer, as the room takes a golden tinge in his eyes. Most of the patrons have both an angel and a devil on their shoulder, sitting contentedly and giving SANTIAGO a wave. A few simply have an angel.

Voidrunner's Codex

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