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Metropolis - The Weight of the World (and Found Wanting)


First Post
Tonks said:
Feeling the power buried deep within the necklace, Azot called upon Sebek to grant him the power to accomplish his task. Climbing out of the waterway and standing upon the ancient stone path that lined both sides of the canal, he could feel the air around him changing and felt the hair along his arms and neck begin to stand on their own accord. Letting go of the necklace once the air became heavy with the smell of ozone, Azot extended his hand and the darkness of the sewers was shattered as lightening struck the first mass of bodies.

[sblock] Cast Call Lightening and send it into the barrier. 1/5 bolts expended[/sblock]

Moisture gathered around Azot as he felt the power of Sebek surge from the sewers and into his his arms, causing them to crackle with small jolts of lightning that danced from hand to hand. The first lightning strike slammed into the corpse pillar, causing chunks of flesh to tear loose and rend bone. Strike after strike launched from Azot's hands and into the corpses, each bolt weakening the construction a little more and causing chunks of dead flesh to scorch and fly through the tunnel.

The spell died in Azot's hands as the dwarf watched the putrid cloud of smoke clear, chunks of flesh dislodging and splashing into the sewer. Slowly the corpses slid into the water, weakening the blockage and filling the tunnels with dismembered scorched limbs.

Through the smoke and darkness a huge form loomed in the darkness past the blockage, two crimson eyes larger than Azot's head. The creature's rancid warm breath switly overpowered the stench of decaying flesh, it's enormous reptillian snout pushed though the corpses to approach Azot.


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First Post
Scotley said:
Disgusted and frightened, Jazick struggled to his feet. He moves off cautiously in the wake of the halfling and his macabre band of raw flesh eaters. Whatever they are about it cannot bode well for the good people of Candlestick Lane. Keeping them just in sight Jazick pursues with mounting concern.

The horde lurched down through Candlestick Lane, following the well dressed halfling, half-dancing to the whistle as the Lane opened into Guilding Square. The halfling blew his whistle again and the group began to circle the Square. In its centre the halfling stood and began to gesture wildly through the darkness, crimson energy began to build in his hands, rippling and tearing at the fabric of reality around the creature.

The sleeping horde, covered in blood, bile and partially devoured flesh, began to moan...


First Post
GlassEye said:
A plaintive meow from beyond her shuttered window interupts her thoughts. As she opens the window a large battered tabby cat leaps onto the sill, stretches and then settles himself. "Ay, Thom. That yowling kept me up half the night. I'm surprised no one set the dogs out on you." Thom twitches his broken tail and lifts one paw and begins to lick it. Waves of smug satisfaction lap agains Ymris' mind and she snorts. "Just like a man." Turning for the door she snatches up her possessions. Shrugging her pack onto her shoulders, grasping her staff, she steps out of the room...

The storm continued outside, spilling foul water into the streets and causing a foul stench to hang in the air. Dozens of homeless people huddled within the doorways and alleyways, trying to avoid the freezing wind that blew through the streets. Thom hissed at a puddle near the doorway, hiding behind Ymris and warbling a strange meow.

Metropolis suffered at the hands of the storm, but for Ymris it seemed like everywhere there was suffering, hatred, and fear. Her journey from Three Stone Green had only taken her into the next suburb, into a place people called The Labyrinth, a maze of alleyways and tiny streets where hundreds of people huddled in the streets, starving and freezing to death.

A flash of lightning overhead was followed by a rumbling of thunder, the dark clouds overhead revealing that the storm would not end soon. Rain poured heavier from the skies, flooding the streets and running into the storm drains nearby. Several rats crawled from the cracks of the streets and rat for cover, one of them catching Thom's eye, and in a moment the both of them were gone, scurring into a tiny hole beneath a old glassblower's shop.


First Post
Komodo said:
Corbin gasps. "That thing's gonna attack them!" he says softly. He sucks a breath of air in through his teeth, then pushes himself up. He pokes his head out of concealment. Nobody was getting eaten tonight in his neighborhood. "Get off the ground!" calls Corbin to the group, extending a small hand to the fin. "There's a...uh...land shark coming right for you! Get to higher ground!"

[sblock]Soldiers Listen check (DC 7) +20 - Success
Soldiers Intelligence check (DC 5) +11 - Success[/sblock]

The soldiers looked up, bringing their crossbows to bear on Corbin's position. The tearing at the earth brings a realization to the group as they look upon the fin that plowed through the streets towards them and the warning from Corbin allows them to run for cover.

Diving into a ruined building, the men cry out to eat other in panic as an explosion of dirt sprays the area. A creature leaps from the dirt, its fish-like mouth covered with rows of razorsharp teeth biting down on a soldier's leg, causing blood to spray across it's mighty torso. There is a tearing noise and the creature's fin thrashes in the air, taking the monster back down into the earth once more, leaving a screaming man behind...


First Post
Bront said:
Jasmine flutters her eyelashes sweetly, "No pay, no way," she says.

She bends over and blows him a kiss, using his awkward gait and slow reactions to swing around and knock him again.

[sblock=OOC]Feign (Move action) Bluff +9 vs his Sense Motive. -4 to do non-lethal damage (Included) Dagger +1, +5, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2. If Feign worked, he's denied his dex bonus, and add sneak of 2d6. [/sblock]

[sblock]Bluff check (DC 9) +14 - Success
Jasmine's attack roll (Ham - AC 7) +9 - Hit
Jasmine's damage roll - 9pts subdual (22/?)[/sblock]

Ham turns to stare at Jasmine, but she has gone. From behind him Jasmine's pommel comes down hard on the back of the fat man's head with a sickening crunch, toppling him across the table and sending him into unconsciousness...


First Post
Phoenix said:
Moisture gathered around Azot as he felt the power of Sebek surge from the sewers and into his his arms, causing them to crackle with small jolts of lightning that danced from hand to hand. The first lightning strike slammed into the corpse pillar, causing chunks of flesh to tear loose and rend bone. Strike after strike launched from Azot's hands and into the corpses, each bolt weakening the construction a little more and causing chunks of dead flesh to scorch and fly through the tunnel.

The spell died in Azot's hands as the dwarf watched the putrid cloud of smoke clear, chunks of flesh dislodging and splashing into the sewer. Slowly the corpses slid into the water, weakening the blockage and filling the tunnels with dismembered scorched limbs.

Through the smoke and darkness a huge form loomed in the darkness past the blockage, two crimson eyes larger than Azot's head. The creature's rancid warm breath switly overpowered the stench of decaying flesh, it's enormous reptillian snout pushed though the corpses to approach Azot.


For a quarter of a century Azot had waited for this moment, the day when he would stand before Sebek to be judged fit or unfit to continue to serve. As the twin crimson orbs drew nearer, Azot managed the strength to take a step closer to the edge of the walkway, his eyes ignoring the huge chunks of blasted corpses that were floating around him.

It had been five years since the last time Azot had forced his vocal cords to produce any noise other than a grunt or an exclamation of pain, but his god had spoken and he would not be silent any longer.



The man with the probe
Jasmine kicks the man lightly to make sure he's out before she heads back behind the bar. She helps herself to any loose change before she declairs "Alright you all. Take what booze you can and get out. Now!"

Jasmine will attempt to help when she can with the ensuing onrush by handing out bottles to random people, knowing soon they'll be out on the street, and too drunk to care who was fighting in the bar.

[sblock=OOC]Diplomacy to get this moving, hopefully quickly and with as little ruckas as possable. She has... plans for Ham.[/sblock]


First Post
Phoenix said:
The soldiers looked up, bringing their crossbows to bear on Corbin's position. The tearing at the earth brings a realization to the group as they look upon the fin that plowed through the streets towards them and the warning from Corbin allows them to run for cover.

Diving into a ruined building, the men cry out to eat other in panic as an explosion of dirt sprays the area. A creature leaps from the dirt, its fish-like mouth covered with rows of razorsharp teeth biting down on a soldier's leg, causing blood to spray across it's mighty torso. There is a tearing noise and the creature's fin thrashes in the air, taking the monster back down into the earth once more, leaving a screaming man behind...

OOC: About how far away are the soldiers?


First Post
Bront said:
Jasmine kicks the man lightly to make sure he's out before she heads back behind the bar. She helps herself to any loose change before she declairs "Alright you all. Take what booze you can and get out. Now!"

Jasmine will attempt to help when she can with the ensuing onrush by handing out bottles to random people, knowing soon they'll be out on the street, and too drunk to care who was fighting in the bar.

[sblock=OOC]Diplomacy to get this moving, hopefully quickly and with as little ruckas as possable. She has... plans for Ham.[/sblock]

Barely looking at the beaten bartender, the drunks surge out of their chairs without the need to be told twice, grabbing bottles and kegs madly, even drunkenly punching each other, before staggering out into the corridor.

Minutes later the place was empty and Jasmine was staring at the huge man that lay across the table he had been serving across, his huge lungs heaving for air but still out cold. Outside the drunks staggered away, leaving Jasmine to her work.

Voidrunner's Codex

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