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Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


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Folks, Alex is working on re-wording the Core Rules themselves to make them a little more user friendly. If you want to help, hop over to the Core Rules Revised page and either leave a comment, or edit them directly.

If it comes out better than the current wording, I'll drop them into the Core Rules themselves. Try to keep them as short as possible though. Microlite20 ain't verbose.

Remember, it's changing the wording to improve the clarity we want, not changing the rules themselves. Just so you know :)

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.....also, we're adding in examples to show how the rules are used. If you have any good examples, or want something clarifying, please let me know and I'll add them in.



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An issue came up with my players, so I thought I would throw it up here and see what sticks.

I recently posted some stones with runes on them (can see them here: http://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/showthread.php?t=729&page=3). Anyway, players asked if they could decipher them, I decided this was a Knowledge check, so then one asked, couldn't it be communication? Well, I think it is Knowledge, BUT that raises the question, what do you guys use the Communication skill for? My first guess is Bard type skills and entertaining sort of things. Thought about bluff, but wouldn't that fall more under Subterfuge.

What do you guys think?


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snikle said:
An issue came up with my players, so I thought I would throw it up here and see what sticks.

I recently posted some stones with runes on them (can see them here: http://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/showthread.php?t=729&page=3). Anyway, players asked if they could decipher them, I decided this was a Knowledge check, so then one asked, couldn't it be communication? Well, I think it is Knowledge, BUT that raises the question, what do you guys use the Communication skill for? My first guess is Bard type skills and entertaining sort of things. Thought about bluff, but wouldn't that fall more under Subterfuge.

What do you guys think?

Both apply. :)


German Translation PDF (Deutsche Übersetzung)

I've worked on the German translation, and decided that I needed a PDF to print out and hand out to potential players. And that PDF really needed some sort of weapons and armour table. So I used Sadrik's suggestions and added two very small tables. Using two columns and small fonts, I was able to put it all on one page excl. License. This is based on the wiki page but was post-processed in Open-Office.


  • M20 Grundregeln.pdf
    40.1 KB · Views: 199


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snikle said:
I recently posted some stones with runes on them (can see them here: http://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/showthread.php?t=729&page=3). Anyway, players asked if they could decipher them, I decided this was a Knowledge check, so then one asked, couldn't it be communication? Well, I think it is Knowledge, BUT that raises the question, what do you guys use the Communication skill for? My first guess is Bard type skills and entertaining sort of things. Thought about bluff, but wouldn't that fall more under Subterfuge.

As per the Skills Use examples, Communication would be used for situations where you'd use the following d20 skills:

Appraise, Bluff (though Sub would work too), Diplomacy, Forgery (ditto for sub), Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate (sometimes), Perform, Profession (usually), Ride and Sense Motive

As Microltie20 is more of a freeform system, the skills are purposely not hard-and-fast, so there's considerable overlap in what applies when. That's why I recommend just winging it in game based upon the player's declared actions.

As regards the runes, you're both right. For the nearest d20 skill - Decipher Script - I suggested know+MIND or com+MIND. I'd allow them to use whichever skill is highest. Take the rune stones to a Mage and they'll use their Knowledge. Take them to a Cleric and they'll try to gain an understanding of the text using Communication. That's assuming both are of equal level, or course :)


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Thanks! Had not seen the skill use examples, great stuff! Had I been gaming normally (rather than a PbP), I would have judged it a know+MIND probably. PbP is kinda of nice in that respect.


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Hi! This is my first post on the forums and after finding this throughly entertaining thread and great rules I feel compelled to thank everyone (especially Greywulf of course!) for bringing me back to DnD. And proper DnD (not the 3.5 bad haircut version) too! :D

I'm mainly a fanatsy and historical wargamer and painter but I have a great affection for roleplaying games as they came first for me. Basic DnD in particular as the Red box was the first rpg I purchased.

All of my roleplaying experiences up until that point were completely paperless and sans dice. All actions in the game were roleplayed and I must admit I miss that type of game as it left more to the imagination and there was less of a materialistic/consumerist/betterment element to the game. As I got older and I was playing rpgs with a wider group of people (all my roleplaying had been with one or two close friends until this point), the DnD system became the great equaliser. Everyone 'got' the DnD concept and as with any set of rules (as per their function), DnD was a functional framework for belting the :):):):):) out of kobolds.

Well, the years have rolled on, the games played and abandoned and after a very lengthy hiatus, I'm back to beating the crap out of Kobolds - and it's all thanks to you guys :D

I printed out the rules and the kobold temple scenario and ran a game for a friend on the weekend. We had an absolute blast! It's really refreshing to go from playing a visceral, rules heavy, Napoleonic miniatures wargame to a rules-lite abstract contest of the imagination.

My friend (who incidentally has never played a rpg before but who is familiar with the concepts of fantasy) decided he wanted to be a woodsman who has a supernatural affinity with animals and a pet wolf.

I decided to use the stats for a wolf from the list of animals in the print out and made him take a mind + communication test against a variable DC every time he gave the wolf a command.

I quickly read over the adventure notes and explained the background to the player. As background, I explained that his character was passing through a nearby settlement on the southern borders of the realm's frontier when he had received a summons from the sheriff of the local lands.

The sheriff turned out to be a farmer who had been appointed administrator of the land in the absence of the local lord who had been seconded (along with his guardsmen) to the war in the west. The lord had left his lands seven years prior to the adventure and by that time, the Kobolds had become such an irritant that there had been numerous attempts at mustering a competent local militia with the help of passing swords for hire at the helm. All of these attempts had failed to dislodge the Kobolds from their ancestral lands and their guerrilla fighting had forced many to abandon the area in search of more prosperous (and guarded) environs. By the time the player's character turns up on the scene, the village has had enough. They decide to employ the character on the basis that he is an experienced woodsman whereas in the past, others had failed to navigate the dense woods and had succumbed to it's inherent traps. The towns people are in such desperation that they offer the character a princely sum of 15gp per Kobold head (as per the adventure notes)!

I'll summarise how the rest went when I get a chance some time tomorrow....


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That's great, and thanks for the compliments and kind words :cool:

I'm itching to find out how the woodsman fared going through the Temple. My party survived it pretty well (except for that Darned Unescapable Spiked Pit Trap), and never wanted to see another kobold for as long as they lived. Which is good.

We should finish off our Modern scenario this week, then it's back into fantasyland for them. I'm going to run them through a scenario straight from Dungeon without conversion, preparation or apology, just to see what happens.

Please, please, post up notes about the rest of the adventure!

EDIT: I've posted up a page of instructions showing how to fold the pocketbooks here: http://wiki.greywulf.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/Macropedia/HowToFold. Just so you know :)
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I've added a small article about the Microlite Campaign to the Macropedia. Basically, how to build a campaign world with minimum effort using stock adventures. Hope it's food for thought, and suitably old school :) All obvious stuff, really, but nice and zen.

In other news: gaming tonight, hoping to finish off Chicken Royale.

I'm preparing for the Big New Campaign, which is likely to be Ptolus, using stock D&D. I'm going to drop the World Serpent Inn in there too, and a portal into the World's Largest Dungeon as well. That should keep the game going for /years/........... :D

I'm going to keep on using Microlite20 for one-shots too, so expect more House Rules and articles as time passes. Thanks for all your input guys!

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