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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 4, Pursuit


"Unhand him!" shouts Starhl. He swings the sword at the creature, attempting to slice its neck.

Atk: +10 Greatsword +1 (Bjorn's Faith) +10 2d6+7 19-20/x2

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Groaning in pain, Valurel steps back away from the creature, and pulls out the small mirror from beneath the folds of his dirty clothing. Looking into it, he calls on its ability to make him stronger, not knowing what to expect. He then tucks the mirror back into his shirt and prepares to renew his attack on the beast.

OOC: 5' step away from the creature, use the mirror covenant item to increase Strength by 2 to 18 and put the mirror back inside his shirt. Might as well get some use out of this little gift! :)


After grabbing ahold of the loosed sling, Mardo takes off at a run, keeping well out of reach of the beast and the fray.

Mardo's going to Run around to the side of the battle where the girl is located, with the big rock. He knocks a rock in the sling on the way. He's doing his best to Hide from the beast, though at a run it's tough. While on his way he's going to attempt to be as non-threatening toward the girl as he can be - his sling is bundled up in one hand, ready to loose, but not obviously so. Once he gets about 15-20 ft. from the girl, and further away than this from the beast (within 50 ft. as best as he can manage), he's going to speak to her. With a base speed of 20, his Run is only 80 feet, so it could take 2 rounds to get there. The beast is his Dodge opponent until otherwise noted. Sense Motive on the girl as Mardo gets close, please. He wants to get a feeling for her level of sanity after seeing her village leveled and eaten.
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Kaela, anxious to help her friends, lashes out with the fury born from desperation.

ooc:Cast Acid Arrow. Ranged Touch +6, 2d4 damage this round, 2d4 damage next round. I'm kinda short on options to hinder this guy or harm him. I could do Grease maybe? Sorry about my delay in posting, busy week.


First Post
Valurel rolls from the beast, drawing the mirror as he does so. A quick glance into the mirror initially unnerves the Snow Elf, the ghostly Dorn woman hovering behind his haggard visage. Quickly the spectral woman disappears to be replaced by a vision of himself as a stalwart figure of light in a world of Shadow. New strength courses through the Elf's limbs as Valurel launches once more at the fell creature, once claw raking at its distended abdomen and drawing blood.

OOC: Using this ability is equivalent to a move action (manipulate an item).

Lodric keeps his distance from the deadly beast, seeking to strike when the beast least expects it. Seeing an opening, Lodric strikes at the new wound opened by Valurel. Lodric grunts in satisfaction as his fist impacts on the creature, the huge beast grunting in return. Beady red eyes focus on Lodric with murderous intent.

Starhl aims a deadly blow at the creature's neck. The beast twists awkwardly to avoid the heavy slice, having a new respect for Starhl's sharp sting. Starhl's blade whistles through the hot air, narrowly missing the creature.

Mardo short legs carry him careening down the steep slope to the battle below. Paying close attention to the woman, Mardo can see she is obviously of Sarcosan descent, her raven black hair tumbling over her olive-skinned face, her brown, almond shaped eyes wide in anticipation of battle. Tall for a Sarcosan woman, her body is lithe and strong, a warrior among her people. Her short dress is of Erenlander make, a garment that clashes with her southern appearance. Seeing the gnome approach, even at a distance with a seemingly friendly manner, she raises the stone higher and backs away from the battle, her eyes wide and full of distrust.

Herger's chest swells with new energy, unyielding stamina. Cruising down the steep slope, Herger joins the battle with a crash of metal on bone as his heavy axe cleaves the beast from shoulder to sternum. The creature gurgles as it drops in the dry grass, spewing blood and gore on the hot dust of the plains. The wounds the Heroes had inflicted on the creature previous to Herger's arrival had been grievous, and yet the creature had seemed to hardly notice. As Herger gulps in huge lungfuls of air, his skin runs cold despite the heat in the air, as the creature's wounds begin to knit together rapidly. What foul creature could accomplish such a feat? In an instant, the Heroes knew what they faced. A troll of Shadow.

OOC: Using the spike to cast the spell is a standard action. Since you stated you would have cast this previously, and I never indicated Herger had to run to meet the creature, I decided to rule that the spell was cast prior.

Kaela begins her spell, only to cut short her summoning of Aryth's magic. Herger had dropped the foul beast. All should be well, right?

OOC: Herger and the others dropped the creature before the spell was cast. What will Kaela do?

Thornir Alekeg

Starhl, could you do us a favor and remove the head of this thing. Hopefully that will slow down its healing until we can do something more permanent.

ooc: There was smoke that led us here. Is the village above still burning? If so, I suggest we toss the corpse into a burning building.


Herger Turns to look at Lodric. Permanent? Yes.... "We could burn this beast. Fire is about the only thing that I can think of which would be permanent. The town is still smoldering, so the plume of smoke shouldn't be out of the ordinary...." He waits for the others thoughts.

Once the decision is made, he will return to the village to find anything left that can be used as fuel for the fire and then bring it back to where the troll lays. Unless they think he could drag the thing to the village to burn it there....


Mardo stays still and unmoving once he notices the woman's hostility. His attention darts back and forth from her to the combat, and notices the deadly gash from the axe of the huge human, and the satisfying crash of the monster as it smacks the dirt.

"She looks to be in good health!" Mardo exclaims to the rest of his new friends. He pushes his wadded-up sling into the front of his jacket but doesn't lower his guard as he smiles to the Sarcosan woman. With his open palms held out so she can see that they hold nothing, he says to her as calmly as possible, "My dear, we are glad that you are safe. We mean you no harm at all - we hope that we have helped in some small fashion."

Hearing the others talk of how to destroy the body, Mardo looks back to the girl with her stone held high, and considers her experience here today. Turning his attention back to his allies, Mardo says in a loud voice, "Friend elf, friend Dorn, move away from the stunned beast and give it some room. This woman deserves to deal the final blows before you burn the remains."

OOC: Diplomacy +12

Valurel stares at the gnome for a moment before shrugging and moving away from the beast as asked. He turns his attention to scanning the surrounding area, still alert for trouble. He feared that the smoke from this village would bring other trouble down on them before long and he didn't intend to be surprised by it.


Kaela breathes a deep sigh of relief as the creature falls, Herger's strength of arms enough to overcome its vile regeneration.

Rushing to reach the survivor, she wipes the wetness from her face unsuccessfully as she approaches. Reaching out to the woman with both hands, she moves as to embrace her, her face still streaming with the tears born of frustration at being able to do nothing to prevent the massacre she had seen.

"I'm so sorry..." Her words trail off into sobs as she opens her arms to hug the fierce woman. "I'm so sorry..."

ooc: Diplomacy +12 as well. I'm really putting Kaela at risk here, so I hope this works out! I have a horrible image of my girl on the ground staring at a makeshift knife in her gut. :\

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