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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 4, Pursuit


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As Valurel disarms, the Elven warrior lowers her bow. And the rest of you? Do you disarm as well?

Hearing Mardo's question, the Elven woman replies coldly. That is irrelevant. You will be conducted into the heart of Erethor to provide your knowledge of the group that penetrated our forest to aid in our war effort. Turning to Lodric and Starhl, the Elven warrior states Your Erunsil companion knows of the Whisper and what it means to the Elves of Erethor. If you are compliant, you may yet achieve the truth and proof you seek.

Come now! Quickly! Drop your weapons and follow me. I warn you, shy not from the path I tread lest an arrow find your heart or the Great Forest swallow you.

OOC: Do the rest of the Heroes disarm?

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ooc: Kaela's knife is already at her feet.

The elf maid's word cut Kaela as keenly as a knife. A sharp gasp escape her lips as she falls to her knees, a look of shock and disbelief on her face. It can't be. I know in my heart that she lives. I know it. She shakes her head slowly back and forth.

Valurel looks down at the despondent Kaela and then back at the elf-woman. His face shows a mix of contempt for his captors and sorrow for the words they have used to crush his hopes and those of his companions. He briefly considers charging the elf and letting her fire an arrow through his heart but instead bends down and offers his arm to Kaela, helping her to her feet and allowing her to lean on him. He opens his mouth to speak again to their captor but closes it quickly, deciding that he would be better off keeping quiet. After all, was she really much different than he himself was? Losing the ability to trust was common in a world ruled by Shadow. Valurel starts forward, continuing to support Kaela as long as she needs it.


"My weapon will be kept in its scabbard, but I am not leaving it here," says Starhl. He sees what the elf says. If the elf is agreeable otherwise he will agree to follow him.


Herger listens to the elf and is visibly hurt when she speaks of Aislinn's supposed fate. He looks at the elf, trying to discern if she tells the truth, but finally dismisses what she said. He is ready to turn and go back the way he came, when the others begin to turn in their weapons. He would surely choose to die by fighting the evil that stalks the land instead of trusting this elf by giving up his weapon to be only slaughtered later.

Once he sees his friends begin to bend to her wishes though, Herger has no choice. He will stay with them, even if only to die protecting them from whatever their fate may be as prisoners. He watches Kaela fall and Valurel stoop to help her. Their band has been broken with this news. Their hope in the girl has now been vanquished if this fae speaks the truth.

The giant relinquishes his huge axe with a large thud. He then begins to move in the direction of the others, continuing to watch the elf with untrusting eyes. "She has not fallen. She remains alive. That girl is stronger than any person I have met. Rest assured my friends, the Hope is still with us. We will find her and she will prove to be a valued ally in the fight against the dark one. We have witnessed a battle, centuries old, whose outcome was reversed due to this girl. I believe that it will take more than an old sniveling traitor to destroy her and what she represents."


"Elves of the Erethor, I think the points of your arrows have driven a wedge between two groups who should otherwise be allies. In the time I have been with this group here, we have worked diligently against those who serve the Shadow, and in my time I've been one of the best friends that a resistance fighter could have."

As he speaks, Mardo walks calmly around, gathering the weapons that the group had offered, carrying them in an obviously non-threatening way. "Why just two weeks ago, an erensil and two humans on the run from the authorities back in Erenland came to me with a very modest sack of goods they wished to trade for weapons. They left with two longswords once owned by legates and a suit of halfling-made leathers thanks to the generous efforts of yours truely. I hate passing up a chance to profit, but I hate it when those who can fight against the Shadow are unarmed even more."

Holding a bundle of heavy weapons Mardo stands between the party and the elves, "So you see, it pains me to see myself and my friends here forced to relenquish weapons by those who have the most to gain from us being armed and ready to defend you and your kind. But if this helps your war efforts, we will do all we can. If it allows us knowledge of the fate of the girl we seek, we will comply readily. And if we can get going as soon as possible, we would appreciate it."

Gesturing toward the weapons in his arms, "As a matter of fact, I would be happy to carry these on my cart if that is helpful. Regardless, we need to know that once we've met your superiors and helped your war effort we will have them returned, as I am sure your superiors are wise enough to recognize friends when they see them."

OOC: Diplomacy to make it clear and trustworthy that Mardo's allegience is with the elves and those who resist Isrador: +16

Diplomacy to come across as a trustworthy, non-violent trader who is trying to make an honest deal here (our compliance and efforts to help them for our weapons being sort-of kept but not at the ready): +16

Diplomacy unrelated to the two above circumstances: +12


First Post
The Elven woman stands quietly while Herger denies the news she has given them. I only know what the Whisper tells me, Giant. As great as she may have been, she is dead now. The Elven warrior retreats from the glade. Come! It is dangerous to be here at night! Gracefully climbing the uneven ground along the bluff, the Elven woman turns to Starhl and Mardo. Your fate is as you decide it.

Despite the horrific news the Elven woman has visited on the Heroes, the strength of their own bonds of comradeship support them as they struggle after the Elf. Leaning on each other for support, the Heroes move into the Fey forest. The scene is surreal and at times unworldly. The massive cedar, oak, maple, elm and homewood trees seem to sway of their own accord at their approach, their leaves rustling ever so slightly despite the lack of wind. Where undergrowth seems impassable, small trails appear, twisting and winding, often obscuring Heroes from those directly in front or behind them. Above, motes of light filter through the green canopy, lighting on grassy glades or stone escarpments, brilliantly colored butterflies and flowers. At times, out of the corner of their eyes, the Heroes spy figures walking next to their path: Elven hunters seen briefly, gone in an instant. Apparently, the Elven female had not lied about the other Caransil with her.

As the gloom of night begins to descend on Erethor, the Heroes pass through a cleverly hidden rock ravine that climbs a low hill at the base of a rocky bluff. Ghostly, sad singing drifts to the Heroes' ears from up the hill. Passing up the hill, the heroes come upon a small, stony glade. In the glade at the base of the cliff is the broken trunk of a gigantic oak, its moss-covered remains standing almost thirty feet tall and a similar amount in diameter. Much of the bark on the trunk has peeled away and its top edges are serrated from the violent break it must have experienced when its trunk split. The upper portions of the tree are now gone, although thick gnarled roots lie exposed above the stone and grass glade. Soft, gentle light emanating from small glass globes mounted on poles fixed in the ground illuminates the interior of the dead oak and the grassy glade. Caransil warriors can be seen exiting and entering the base of the broken trunk by a shadowy crack in a small lee at its foot. Several other Caransil lie on the roots relaxing, but sit up at the Heroes approach. Several Caransil emerge from shadowy crevices in the overlooking cliff at the group’s approach and exchange words in with the Elven female warrior. Well met, Luthorien. Runners have been sent and we should have word in the morning. The Elven woman nods and turns to the Heroes. This is Caransil patrol rest point. Our force is not large, but the glade is defensable against Shadow. Follow.

The heroes are conducted between two enormous roots of the broken oak trunk, and down a small grassy gradient to the adjoining apex of the two roots. Four Caransil guards are set to watch the heroes, while others bring the Heroes food: a nourishing potato stew and apple bake. I am Luthorien, Caransil warrior and defender of Erethor. Eat, rest, and regain your strength. No threat will come to you tonight. Runners have been sent to alert others more knowledgable than myself about your arrival and your interest in the group that entered the Darkening Wood. Good rest. With that Luthorien departs, leaving the Heroes with thier own thoughts and the gentle, sad singing of Caransil Elves.

As night descends, stars can be seen in the cloud breaks above. The summer heat also cools with night. Fatigue, sadness, and a desire to rest washes over the Heroes. Despite being prisoners, here is a chance, finally, after miles of pursuit, to rest.

The Heroes are jolted back into reality with Cyz's frantic voice. Starhl? Starhl! Where are Starhl and the Gnome?! Starhl and Mardo are nowhere to be seen.

Starhl feels reassured with Bjorn's Faith, the heavy weight of the ancient sword hanging on his back. Nearby, Mardo wheels his cart, carrying the Heroes allotment of heavy weapons. The pair follow the Heroes into Erethor, walking the twisting, uneven paths as rapidly as they can. The paths wind wickedly through the forest, the pair losing sight of each other and the other Heroes at times. Pushing through the undergrowth, the pair find themselves emerging at opposite points from the forest into the same glade where they had met the Elven warrior. As proof, below them further down the hill, the ashen wasteland extends to the East. Their companions and the Elven woman are nowhere to be seen. Passing again into the forest, the trail winds up the bluff and along its side, but eventually reemerges back into the glade. Further trials also find the trail loops through the forest and reemerges back into the glade. Each time, the Heroes note that the landmarks along the trail are different, as if the trail itself was shifting in the forest.

Desperate and tired, the pair watches as dusk settles on the land. To the south, the crimson Burning Line hovers on the horizon, shedding a blood red light over the tops of the trees and ash plain to the East. Both Heroes can only wonder what horrors lurk the edge of Erethor at night. Willing to risk the trail once again, the Heroes start to push forward but halt at the sight ahead of them. A massive furred head breaks through the underbrush ahead, its passage silent on massive padded feet. A wolf! But no wolf like Starhl or Mardo have seen before. Almost four feet at the shoulder, this wolf is a king of the species, a lupine like that that once stalked Aryth at its birth. A low growl escapes its chest, as its lips curl back to reveal wicked fangs.
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The fact that for the first time in months Kaela is completely safe from the Shadow and its minions doesn't even register in the young woman's mind. Still torn between feelings of deep grief and staunch disbelief, she sits wearily and sips sparingly from a waterskin. The food is most welcome after long days on the road, but her eyes stay downcast as she eats.

Then Cyz's voice breaks through the quiet like shattering glass. Unsure of what to do, she stands and looks for the nearest elf to inquire about the two missing heroes.


Starhl draws his sword carefully. He tries to calm the beast down. "Me. Wolf friend. Not hurt." he says, signaling to Mardo not to attack the beast.

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