• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Midnight: Shadow of the Gods


Another link of interest:


This is the D20 System Reference Document. Basically it's the system stripped down without any AD&D flavor text. It's not exactly great reading, but if you want an overview of the system or any part of it, it's useful. Note that the Magic system is somewhat different in Midnight so that's the section that's most likely to be of the least use though things like spell effects and the spells themselves will be more or less the same.

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First Post
Some logistics questions:

What happens if a decision is needed from one of the players, and that player isn't checking the forum? In other words, what happens when things get bogged down? Is there some sort of time limit for each player to post a response?

How quickly (or slowly) do scenes run? I'm talking non-combat sorts of scenes here, since obviously combat is its own special beast.

I've never done play-by-post games, so this is all new to me. :)


Good questions!

This is the first time doing a Play By Post for me too, so I can't say for sure. However, I plan to do the following:

1. Relatively strict adherence to whatever schedule is decided upon. As said, I anticipate this being no more than 2 'story' decision points per week. I will endeavor to have the decision points occur on set evenings (for instance, Friday and Tuesday - chosen at random for the purposes of this discussion; I'll probably poll people soon when they'd prefer the decision points to be if they have a strong preference). People will have two days to provide their input. If after those 2 days (so for instance, Monday and Friday), they haven't responded, I'll make a decision for their character based on what I've seen so far. In general that probably means they'll go along with whatever the majority has decided and it'll be assumed that they didn't have much of a reaction one way or another. If it's a decision that could be swayed by a character's IC knowledge, I will take over the character as an NPC for the purposes of that decision point, attempting to keep the character true to how it was played up to that point. An important point to note here is that if you have information you want to keep secret, you should tell me this, otherwise I could very well spill the beans on it if the knowledge could be useful to the party in some fashion. (This will be repeated in a more formal 'How we will do things' post before we get started).

2. Combat will be done differently. People will be expected to give me a brief summary of how their character generally will approach combat. Something as simple as: "Hide first, shoot arrows second, attack with axe third, run away if I've taken more than 50% damage." If combat occurs it will initially be treated as a normal 'story' decision point (ie, I'll endeavor to have it occur on one of the two normal days). I'll describe the initial situation, people work up a basic plan of attack (or defense, or running away) and give me as detailed instructions as they want for their character, and then I'll start running through the combat.

If I run into a situation that can't easily be resolved by the instructions given, I'll describe the combat up to that point and ask for new instructions (from the entire group, or individuals depending on the situation). This might happen before the usual 'decision point' date (ie, the first combat decision point comes on a Friday... all instructions are received before Monday so I start running the combat Sunday night... run into a situation I can't resolve and ask someone for a decision... they will have until Thursday night to respond since that's the deadline for the 2nd decision point of the week. If they respond earlier, I'll continue to resolve matters immediately, otherwise there will be a bit of a bog down.) I'm hoping combat won't bog down often, and if it does I may have to come up with something else.

Combat also might very well be partially interactive. The default will be the mode I described just now, but I may tell people that I will be running the combat on a given night. If anyone says they will be online at that time, I'll provide a round by round description and people can respond within a reasonable time (15 minutes). If there's no response I'll continue with the next round and so on until the combat is over or until I've reached a point I need more input from people on.


As far as how long it'll take for regular scenes to run... I'm really not sure. Basically we've got two types of scenes:

1. Decision points: As described above. This may be when an NPC asks for help for instance (finding a lost child as an example). Let's say this occurred on Friday.

2. General roleplay scenes: Let's say that it takes til Monday for the group to all weigh in and choose to explore the nearby woods for the child, splitting up into two groups of three, telling me approximately how careful each person is going to be in searching, etc. Preferably the discussion is roleplayed via the forum. I'll hopefully have a 'summary' post of what the group chose to do, and the surroundings as you search. Until Tuesday night (decision point night) each group can roleplay amongst themselves (discussing history, the last fight, concerns about a party member or NPC, whatever). Note that I may well use something in this 'against you' (for instance, if your character raises their voice when reacting to a comment they don't like.. it might make a Listen check harder... please roleplay as your character would however :) ).

Then on Tuesday night, based on what the group said they were going to do Monday night, I'll give the next decision point. One group hears a twig snap off to the side, and then the sound of running feet... And we'll need another decision...

This is very much going to be a 'feel as we go' deal. I want to keep the story moving and I'd like to have each mini-scene resolved in a week's time if possible.


And finally, as I believe I mentioned in passing at one point, I hope to once in awhile have 'crank it up a notch' evenings where the whole group is online for at least an hour or two. Probably what I'll do is each week, send out an e-mail asking if one of a few different evenings would work for such a get together. If the whole group can do so on one night, then I'll announce it and we'll either be more detailed in a scene than normal or/and get through a couple of scenes. If someone who committed to the evening cancels or doesn't show, they become an NPC for the evening. :)


First Post
One more question. Regarding side roleplay between players:

How would you like that to occur? In this thread? Via e-mail? Are you going to want transcripts/logs of those side scenes?


If it's "private RP", ie, two characters decide to share information over a campfire, whatever, that no one else would see or hear, then any forum you like is acceptable. I don't _need_ the transcripts, but I won't mind having them. If important information is passed then I need at least a summary so I can effectively use the information as necessary if I'm NPCing a character for any length of time, etc.

That said, I'd like pretty much all roleplay to use this forum unless it's something that really shouldn't be known by the other players. We can come up with conventions to indicate when something is 'group' or 'private' roleplay on the forum.

I'll give two examples:

1. Two characters are discussing their fears that a third character might betray them. That should probably be via a private method of your choice. It might also be something I'd at least like a report on, if not the transcripts, just so I can react properly should I have to take one of the characters over as an NPC for a scene or two.

2. Two characters are chatting about childhood experiences while riding with the other PCs and a larger group on there way somewhere. This is the kind of thing I'd like to see done right here (well, in the IC thread when it's created). It allows another character not actually involved yet in a conversation or roleplay to join in. I would include even things like teaching someone a skill, a side hunting expedition, etc.

Basically, my opinion is we're all adults (more or less), and OOC knowledge of things probably won't be an issue. If we split up the group (for instance, two groups of PCs split up to search the woods, I'd keep that on here, but maybe have everything written with the 'spoiler' button (hides information unless someone hits the button)). That way, if one group hears a rustling and themselves go quiet, the other group won't start wandering in their direction due to OOC knowledge. Not that I think it would be a problem with this group, but it'll be an option if people want to maintain suspense, etc..

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