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Mike Schley's MASSIVE Forgotten Realms Map From SCAG!

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."
The print version ($10-$54, depending on size) is here, and the digital version ($10) is here.



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Trying to read through all this. Wow. This keeps coming up: Discussing trends in an industry is part of being involved in a hobby. Criticizing trends that one finds troubling or harmful is not just reasonable, it is important and necessary. It creates discussion that, if it is valid, spreads and can even (yes, really) bring about change.

This forum has a tendency to dismiss any such criticism with "then shut up and don't buy it." It is never beneficial to shut down controversial opinions that way. If you do, then the comments section is irrelevant - it could just be replaced with a 'like' icon.

Thank-you. I have ran into this problem many times on these forums when I bring up an opposing view point. I do have an issue with the way the map was handled. It's obviously not a popular comment here. Mike's map looks amazing. He does beyond stellar work (I bought his City of Greyhawk 3.5 map.) Got it printed off at my local Office Max for $20. So total it cost me $30. To get the map I need for the new Forgotten Realms book, it's going to cost around $80! ($40 for the book, $10 for the digital pack, and $30 to print it off at size 24x36 at the same Office Max.) In comparison, The Inner Sea World Guide is $50. You get the book with a pretty detailed, (I'll admit, not complete) description of every area of The Inner Sea region. There is also a gorgeous, high-quality, map attached to the back. It's beautiful.

A couple years ago, Paizo explained on their website the reason they had to increase the prices on their Adventure Path books from 19.99 to 24.99. (printing costs, ink costs, etc.) They were open and honest, and explained that instead of cutting back on quality, they decided to increase the cost. Their honesty was understood and accepted by the Paizo community. The Adventure Paths continue to be a hot seller for them.

Everyone here likes to rip on Paizo quite a bit. Yet WoTC adopted many of the practices that have made Pathfinder successful. $50 for the core books, (Pathfinder's Core Rulebook is $50, but it's a PHB and DMG in one book,) having Wizkids make the minis, open play-test, emphasis on story, etc. What is so wrong with using map packs like Paizo? They let Sovereign Press release the Tasselhoff Map Pouches for 3.5 Dragonlance. This would work great for this new Forgotten Realms book.

Sadly, with the way WoTC is trickling out products these days ..... I will have to buy this Sword Coast book, (because I no longer have time to write my own campaign,) and will have to get Mike's Digital Map and have Office Max print it in the size I want, (because the size I want, I can't afford $136 for it.)

And what is really crushing to me, is that I prefer Greyhawk, but since FR is all that matters, and it's all that is available .... because of my limited prep time ..... I'm going to have to buy it, and WoTC is going to take it as it's what I want.

I agree with you, there should just be a like button.

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So I have the forgotten realms map from my gray box set from the 80s. Is this useful for the current realms? Or is there a lot of stuff that older map is missing?

Never really played the realms so I do not know.
I've got those maps too. You could still use them easily enough. There might be a few extra details here and there but nothing major. In fact, I'd say that this new 5e map of the Realms has been deliberately made to more closely resemble the original AD&D maps than the 3e and 4e maps do. (4e's is the most dramatically different, but the Sundering event was meant to "restore" it back to how it had been before.)


I've got those maps too. You could still use them easily enough. There might be a few extra details here and there but nothing major. In fact, I'd say that this new 5e map of the Realms has been deliberately made to more closely resemble the original AD&D maps than the 3e and 4e maps do. (4e's is the most dramatically different, but the Sundering event was meant to "restore" it back to how it had been before.)

Good to know. Thanks.

How much time has passed from the original boxed set to the present time? Are the Crystal Shard characters still around? Was the Crystal Shard concurrent with the events of the Bloodstone Pass series (H1-4)?


The map looks really nice. I'll likely pick one up.

As for WotC's decision regarding the map...I certainly don't think it's above criticism. Would I have liked a poster map folded and tucked into the back cover of my SCAG? Sure. But do I "need" it, the way many here are saying it is "needed"? No, not at all.

Up to now, I've simply been using the fold out poster from my 3E FR Guide for my Faerun needs. And my campaign is running just fine. I've also found plenty of resources online that are very helpful.

I know people want official material and all...and I can certainly understand that to an extent....but in the absence of the official new material, there is still plenty of published material about the Realms and other settings. And if you can't find published material for what you are looking for....then you may just have to suck it up and use the old imagination.

Mike's maps are really nice. I'll likely get this one in some format because I'd like to have it. I in no way feel like it is essential and I will struggle to run games without it.

So I can understand a level of criticism about WotC's decision to handle the maps this way. But I think that it'd be nice if a thread that seems designed to spotlight a nice piece of art made it more than the second comment before people started complaining. Literally two comments in and the complaints started.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Trying to read through all this. Wow. This keeps coming up: Discussing trends in an industry is part of being involved in a hobby. Criticizing trends that one finds troubling or harmful is not just reasonable, it is important and necessary. It creates discussion that, if it is valid, spreads and can even (yes, really) bring about change.

This forum has a tendency to dismiss any such criticism with "then shut up and don't buy it." It is never beneficial to shut down controversial opinions that way. If you do, then the comments section is irrelevant - it could just be replaced with a 'like' icon.

It all depends on whether your tone makes you sound like a spoiled entitled jerk, or a considerate rational observer. The forum tends to dismiss the former and welcome the later.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Thank-you. I have ran into this problem many times on these forums when I bring up an opposing view point.

Disagreement with your views should not be viewed as a problem. We're all as free to disagree with your view as you are to disagree with ours.

Everyone here likes to rip on Paizo quite a bit.

This is where I dismiss your views. No we don't. The overwhelming vast majority of this board likes Paizo just fine. You generalizing the entire message board like that makes it seem like you have no idea what this forum is like. You're making false assumptions, painting with a broad brush, and exhibiting no sense of knowledge or experience with the people you're generalizing about.

I agree with you, there should just be a like button.

There is. It's the "Give XP for this post" button on the bottom left of each message. But, people liking something is no more or less important than people disliking something. Not sure why you think the purpose of the message board is only criticism.


How much time has passed from the original boxed set to the present time? Are the Crystal Shard characters still around? Was the Crystal Shard concurrent with the events of the Bloodstone Pass series (H1-4)?
The 1e grey box started in 1357 DR. 5e's era starts around 1489 DR. (4e introduced a 100-year time gap.)

Drizzt is still alive, and his friends were all recently brought back to life. Bruenor even makes a brief appearance in Out of the Abyss as king of the newly refounded Gauntlgrym.

Not sure about the Bloodstone Pass series.


Is the Moonsea region on the digital map / PDF deal? I am organizing the Expeditions and an updated map with Phlan, Mulmaster, Hillsfar etc would be tremendous!

Edit: I see some of the Moonsea far off to the right there, but wondering if the cities and areas needed for Expeditions adventures (above) are included or not depending on where those cities are in the 5e world.
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