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Mini Storage- How do you do it?


A few years ago I won a few large e-bay auctions on metal minis. I suddenly had to find a way to store an extra 200+ figures. I looked around and opted for a cheap solution...

I found a large plastic tackle box that actually holds 4 of the smaller closeable plastic trays. IIRC, it cost me about $20 at Wal-mart. I lined each of those trays with some old foam I had laying around. Without the foam, the metal minis were chipping in transport, but with the foam, they don't tend to chip very much. I actually use a 5th plastic tray also lined with foam to hold a few more minis which I carry in my duffle bag with my books. Of the 5 trays, they are roughly divided into these categories: Large monsters, Medium/Small monsters, Females, Male NPCs, Male PCs. I also have a plastic toolbox filled with several others that aren't in the greatest shape.

For my plastic minis, I have two other plastic storage trays. I don't need the foam lining there since they don't chip. I've managed to cram all but the large figures from 16 boxes of harbinger, 14 boxes of dragoneye and 6 boxes of archfiends into those trays. I have them mostly seperated by race or type with sizeable areas for elves, orcs, dwarves, undead, etc. The large minis go into a top compartment of my large tacklebox used for the metal minis. I haven't gotten any Giants of Legend packs, but I'm sure I will. Not sure how I'll store the Huge sized figures yet.

And I have another couple dozen metal figurines I'm in the process of painting. Not sure where those are going either. Like many figurine collectors, I suffer from too many minis & not enough time...

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BelenUmeria said:
How do you store your miniatures? Right now I use compartment sewing cases, but they seem to small. Wondering how the other half lives. :)

I have raved about this product on other threads, so forgive me for being repetitive. I bought a gamer's satchel from Charon Products that was inexpensive and very durable. It sounds very similar to the bag Vrecknidj was describing: it has three large pockets that are big enough to hold three or four gaming books and comes with a zippered nylon box that holds minis in foam padding. It also has several smaller pockets of various types to hold things like pencils, erasers, loose change, whatever and mine came with a solar-powered calculator. When I bought mine, it was only $25, but I think the price has gone up since. Best gaming investment I've ever made. :)


First Post
Well I started with one multi storage tackle box then two.
Then when I hit about 500 plus minis I put one of each on display on my gaming shelves and threw the rest in a big box that I can dig thru as needed.
I still keep some in the tackle boxes mostly groups though (gang of orcs, kobolds) that sort of thing.


First Post
I keep my plastic figures in the original booster boxes, but sorted and labeled by warband and faction. Then the whole thing goes in a large canvas trader joe's bag. It's worked well for me so far, although I may have to figure something else out when I start getting Giants of Legend stuff.

My metal figures have been going in one of the Games Workshop black hard-sided cases, but I have been very unhappy with it. The foam they use seems to scratch the figures, and the fact that it's designed to be carried vertically with the handle on top, but opened horizontally, means that the figures are constantly being flipped around as I move the case, and often don't even stay in their compartments. I also have a small cardboard box with foam inserts that came with some computer product that I use for figures that are too big to fit.

I'd like to change to a better storage system when I have money. I keep seeing the Army Transport at my FLGS and being tempted by it. Has anyone used this product and knows how good it is?


First Post
I use double layered Doskil pistol cases for most of my figures, and a single layered pistol case for figures that I don't want the players to see (until it is too late!).

A friend of mine uses a rifle case for his Warhammer 40,000 army.

The Auld Grump, who owns no D&D plastic minis at all.

Mystery Man

First Post
Wish I could remember the brand name but at Wal Mart in the fishing section there are these tackle boxes that come if various sizes with drawers and different sized separators. You'll know them when you see them.


First Post
I've got a sewing box full of bits, a cheap plastic cabinet for sprues and semi finished projects that have been abbandoned for various reasons (mostly because they were put in there to clear up space and were forgotten). My most used minis have a GW mini case, which is a great way to safely carry 25mm minis around (if a bit expensive, fortunatly I bought my cases before GW started their massive price hikes).


in the boxes they come in.

i lay 4 empties on the bottom of the case, then stack 12 boxes on top of them. each box is labeled with whats in it "orcs" "elves" "soldiers" etc.

Darth K'Trava

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hellibrarian said:
I use one of those workbench screw/nail/small part organizer sets of drawers. Not the exact model shown in the pic, but one with 18 drawers in it, the size of the drawers in the bottom corners. Most figs fit easily standing up, but a few of the bigger figs have to lay flat (I've lined those drawers with headliner from my local fabric store). That's not what I transport them in, just what they "live" in at my house. We play at my house most of the time so they are very handy.

I've seen a guy use that for Starfleet Battles minis.

I use a Rubbermaid-style plastic box with snap-on lid for all my minis. They're all just "thrown in there". The few metal minis I have and ones I've used specifically for characters are in a compartamentalized storage box for crafts. Both boxes I got at Dollar Tree for $1 each!
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