Mirashi Iso is defeated by Shard!

"Silly, but effective it seems...to be effective you do not strike at a warriors mind or body, but the heart...or so the green goblin told me." Sylf smiles, "Point Shard."

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"But like a beautiful isle that I can never reach, the beauty of paradise haunts me. Therefore, I must guard my heart against that beauty so that it doth not injure me from within. And when the pain is too much, I lash out above the ocean with the whip of my words shouted on the wind. Only then does the pain of longing fade for a time."

Striking out with her pent up pain, Shard shows Mirashi how much it hurts to think about going to heaven without him someday...

The whip strikes above the ocean; guards against the beauty of the isle!


First Post
"And how much does it hurt to watch as the evil takes over, and does THIS!?"

The scythe demolishes the city; waves away the onslaught of the shell!

"I can do nothing but watch when this happens, knowing that the actions of my Kith bring me closer to damnation, though I cannot control it, it is still a part of me."

"Nice, nice...now lets see, if the whip would be striking above the ocean, it certainly would protect the isle, while the reaper could devestate a city with death...although the latter is nice I like the first more...point Shard!"

1 flag Mirashi, 2 flags Shard


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Shard's 2nd hand:

<MeowthBot> 1: The thunder swims near the island; parts the chi of the sands!
<MeowthBot> 2: The wolf seeks above the sea; parts the aggression of the tree!
<MeowthBot> 3: The manticore slides upon the shrine; dominates the blood of the wind!
<MeowthBot> 4: The scythe kicks near the ruins; shields against the motion of the crevice!
<MeowthBot> 5: The tiger prances through the well; shields the quickening of the sands!


First Post
<MeowthBot> 1: The west wind tracks above the dungeon; wards off the quickening of the river!
<MeowthBot> 2: The northstar dances on top of the well; averts the foray of the garden!
<MeowthBot> 3: The willow invades the clouds; grasps the slash of the club!
<MeowthBot> 4: The lightning breaks the pillar; scatters the quickening of the bone!
<MeowthBot> 5: The weasel overwhelms the hells; guards against the kick of the cave!


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"Do not call your darker half Kith, my love. For my Kith was the good side of our duality. If you must use one of our names for this evil, call it a Shard of darkness in your soul. Like a monster, it slides through you taking control sometimes I know. It dominates your good intentions as is evidenced by the scent of blood on the wind from those who you have slain...

The manticore slides upon the shrine; dominates the blood of the wind!


First Post
"I certainly won't call it a Shard, as a Shard is what is helping to destroy it. A Shard of light. What should I call it then? My inner weasel?"

The weasel overwhelms the hells; guards against the kick of the cave!


First Post
Seeking the heart of her love Mirashi, Shard attempts to part the aggression of his dark side from the seeker whom she loves...

The wolf seeks above the sea; parts the aggression of the tree!

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