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First Post
I'd love to play!
A Human Ranger Sounds good but if you rather I'll play a fighter, depends on if you are using MotW, (not sure) if not I could play a fighter. Like I said.

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First Post
So someone needs to step up and run a 3E Core Rules only (PH, MM, DMG) game with no ups or extras? Starting at first level? Maybe in a homebrewed world that's been around since the seventies? Perhaps veering away from the MM when it comes to adding some interesting monsters?

Very interesting, Mark. I'd really like to know more about the world. How many players will you need?

Ashrem Bayle

No elves huh? darn, ok

I got dibs on the human rogue!

So can you tell us a little about the world Mark?
Starting money?

Just to clarify, I'm not against the use of supplements. I think the class books can be pretty helpful so long as they are approved by the DM.

I was just against the future/sci-fi/magitek/underwater...etc. type games.
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turtle said:
I'll happily play wizard, thief, cleric or fighter...

When the other three people give their preferences I'll take the leftover...

If wizard then NG gnome or LN human

If rogue then N human or NG gnome

if cleric then LN or LG human or dwarf

if fighter then LN human

Okie dokie. Since you started the thread, and called out for the game, we'll count you in! Let's see what other folks ask to play. :)


Lichtenhart said:
I would like to join if it doesn't become too demanding. No problem with classes races or alignment, i'd take what's left.
May I? Pleeeeeease! ;)

What would too demanding be? :) I'm thinking about posting roughly once every day or two. turtle already has dibs on "what's left" so you'd have to make a choice from what is there that hasn't been taken. ;) I think Human Rogue has been chosen. :D

Lichtenhart said:

Very interesting, Mark. I'd really like to know more about the world. How many players will you need?

Once I've got the four players, and they've chosen their characters, I'll take a little time to put together some background of what they know of the world. I wouldn't call it "low-magic" because I'd like to stay within the D&D3E norms of progression so let's call it "magic-rare". You won't find piles of things lying around but things exist and are available. That's usually the type of thing people wish to know first without getting into specifics that would be determined by what character they are playing. Feel free to ask more questions before joining. Still interested? :D

Mark said:
I'd like to have four players...

Gotta read my posts, my friend. Gotta read my posts... :)

Jack Haggerty

First Post
Is this the same world you started using over on the old frpworlds messageboard, Mark?

Sounds like fun. If I didn't have so much on my plate already, I'd make a character for you... Though I might anyway. ;)

It looks like you have a fighter...
And someone who'll take what's left over...
And someone who wants to play, but doesn't know what...


I'm thinking about it.


GWolf said:
I'd love to play!
A Human Ranger Sounds good but if you rather I'll play a fighter, depends on if you are using MotW, (not sure) if not I could play a fighter. Like I said.

Mark said:
3E Core Rules only (PH, MM, DMG) game with no ups or extras?

I'd advise having most of them the main class since the alternate classes can be limiting in smaller groups, but it is up to you.

Gotta read my posts, buddy. ;) No MotW being used here. In truth, it hasn't come in the mail just yet, and I'd need some time to read through it anyway, so I'm not using any of the classs books. Wouldn't seem right to use the class books without using all of them, IMO. Anyhoo, turtle wanted a "normal" game, so that's more or less what we're going to strive for. :D

Regarding what folks choose to play, it doesn't depend on what I'd rather you do, just on what you want but I've given you fair warning... :D

Shall I count you in as a Human Ranger or a Human Fighter? Up to you, dude!


Ashrem Bayle said:
No elves huh? darn, ok

I got dibs on the human rogue!

So can you tell us a little about the world Mark?
Starting money?

Just to clarify, I'm not against the use of supplements. I think the class books can be pretty helpful so long as they are approved by the DM.

I was just against the future/sci-fi/magitek/underwater...etc. type games.

We've got our Rogue! (...could be a half-elf, if you like, but as I said..."human-centric kingdom" ...so playing a non-human might have it's racial modifier advantages but socially you'd be in a minority group. Up to you, though.) :)

Starting wealth will be max at first level per your class.

I hear ya on the supplements, but as I more recently posted (since your post) we're sticking with the Core books. I won't be using them in a game until I've had the chance to review all five class books and determine what might fit a game started at that time. I'm also a stickler about staying with the rules I used when a game is started so I won't be adding those into this one later in the game. Sorry. :(

As far as the other types of games, I've nothing against those either, though I don't run those types of games regularly. There is water in my setting, though, so if the characters go "under water" that's where the game will go... ;)


Jack Haggerty said:
Is this the same world you started using over on the old frpworlds messageboard, Mark?

Sounds like fun. If I didn't have so much on my plate already, I'd make a character for you... Though I might anyway. ;)

It looks like you have a fighter...
And someone who'll take what's left over...
And someone who wants to play, but doesn't know what...


I'm thinking about it.

Howdy Jack! :) Same setting, yup.

Looks like we might be full now. Hang on a minute, though, since I don't have full confirmation.

turtle is in as the fourth player with whichever character type doesn't get chosen by the other three.

Lichtenhart might be playing, but he asked about the type of game and we'll have to give him a chance to accept or decline based on the info I added for him.

GWolf has the "Fighter-type", I believe.

Ashrem Bayle has the Rogue (race not yet definitely determined).

Shall I keep you on the list as first alternate if once of these fine people turns down the spot or drops out of the game due to unforeseen conflicts cropping up?

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