(Monday) History in Your Game (Barbarians)


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Borrowing from here- http://www.nonzero.org/chap10.htm "Historians use "barbarian" more loosely: Barbarians are peoples with a culture less advanced than their neighbors', and perhaps with a tendency to violently exploit their neighbors' advancement."

Sounds about right to me. The intro there covers the fact that the barbarians almost never write the history. :)


This site- http://www.wizardrealm.com/barbarians/history.html offers a view only on North European barbarians, but has a pretty good overview. Right down to village drawings for your campaign.

"A Civilized Barbarian and a Barbarous Roman", Tow letters from Sidonius Apollinaris about these folks- http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/sidonius2.html

"Barbarian or nomad?" http://members.tripod.com/~whitebard/nomads.htm Mostly geared towards SCA folks, but very interesting.

"Sons of Norway" offers a cool look into Viking life. Games, religion and even measurements to cheat your players with- http://www.vikingage.com/vac/hugin.html

Here we have another great page by the BBC, the BBC rocks. This one covers wepaons and warfare amongst the vikings- http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/vikings/weapons_01.shtml

A big Viking database- http://viking.hgo.se/Files/VikHeri/Viking_Age/default.html

Viking treasures from the Met- http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/vikg/hd_vikg.htm

Cool stuff from a Celtic chieftains grave- http://home.bawue.de/~wmwerner/hochdorf/h_fund1d.html

A timeline of European barbarian invasions...in case you are making a history- http://barbarians.netfirms.com/

An economicist looks at the barbarian invasions, 3rd to 5th centuries. Some neat text, but this guy needs help with the graphics- http://www2.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/barbarians.htm


History and chronology- http://www.coldsiberia.org/webdoc3.htm

A mongol glossary, just to add some vocab to your game- http://members.tripod.com/~whitebard/terms.htm

Mongol physicallity- http://www.coldsiberia.org/webdoc5.htm

Mongol loot- http://www.kz/usr/ale/eng/tab1.html

The Mongols were closer to the earth than you, Nyah!- http://www.coldsiberia.org/webdoc7.htm

And they were spiritual- http://www.coldsiberia.org/webdoc8.htm

Have fun, Game well.

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Ideas for next week?

I am thinking about one on al the earliest airships.

I have been wanting to run a "Zeppelins and Zhivago" campaign for a while...


5ever, or until 2024
MonsterMash said:
Of course the original meaning was just non-Greek speakers, which would be most of us.

Very useful, thanks Mark.

It was later expanded to exclude the latin speakers (though I am sure many Greeks disagreed). And from the teachings of Aristotle, it was well understood that barbarians where inferior in a number of ways.

Japanese has a similar word, gaijan, used very much in the same way. Of course, in the US we just say "foriegner" :uhoh:

Edit: given what week it is I shouldn't leave out gentile

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