• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(monday) history in your game


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today: average stuff. household goods, church things, stuff your average peasant would see or have in their house-

we will start with medieval pottery, for obvious reasons :D - http://www.medievalpottery.uk7.net/

and move directly to womens fashions, circa william the conqueror- http://womenshistory.about.com/library/etext/bl_cf_ee.htm?once=true&

a bit on soap- http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/tekpages/soap.html

and a nice bit on rat traps, look into these more, emdieval folks were ingenious about these things- http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/tekpages/rattraps.html

an "average house" site, with some cool animation- http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~longhurs/house/index.htm

a packable, mobile bed- http://www.simplesolutions.fsnet.co.uk/agbgal.htm

and some less fancy beds- http://www.kentwebnet.com/specialist-beds/medieval/

lots of stuff on furniture (probably too fancy for your avg dirt farmer)- http://www.greydragon.org/furniture.html

shoes!- http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/shoe/SHOEHOME.HTM

furnishings form a nice house- http://www.exeter.gov.uk/timetrail/07_middleages/housing.asp

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I love these "colour" bits -- gives me all sorts of ideas and helps me prime the pump of our groups artists-in-residence! :D

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