(monday) history in your game


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animals- and a bit on naming.

critters first then-

Medieval bestiary- a little somehting on every animal that may come up. a FANTASTIC site- http://bestiary.ca/index.html

animals standing trial, this should be one your p.c.'s haven't dealt with- http://www.hedweb.com/animal-trials.html

cool art showing fantastic critters from the middle ages- http://www.kb.nl/kb/manuscripts/highlights/25FF_uk.html

more period art with critters- http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/best/hd_best.htm

and more! animals in illuminations- http://www.retrokat.com/medieval/ilan.htm

characters just got land? give them this guide to husbandry (more farming in general than animal breeding)- http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/350palladius-husbandry.html

a BUNCH period articles on fishing. particularly pay attention to "treatyse of fishing with an angle"- http://www.retrokat.com/medieval/ilan.htm

Then, how about some stuff on naming and naming conventions?

mediaval names archive, a huge collection fo authentic names form various eras and sites, surnames, bynames and given names- http://www.panix.com/~mittle/names/

a bit on bynames- http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/bynames/

have fun, game well :)

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